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all right y'all buckle up your seat belts because I am going to tell you guys how I paid off five thousand dollars of debt that I was in credit cards medical bills bills in collections what else anyway I could owe a company money I would owe them money and so I'm going to tell you all about how I buckled down and I paid up five thousand dollars of debt in three months I believe it took me two to three months which if you think about it three months is only six paychecks if you get paid bi-weekly maybe seven if there's a five week but in six paydays how I paid off $5,000 so get excited I am and I'm so happy to share with you I think a lot of you guys aren't gonna like what I have to say and you're not gonna want to hear it and you're gonna be like yeah yeah that's great for you but that's not me but I'm gonna say this with anything in life if you want to achieve a goal you are not going to achieve it overnight by sitting on your butt and doing nothing whether that is paying off debt whether that is losing weight whether that is growing out your hair it takes time it takes patience and you are going to fail through it and that's okay we family slip up all the time we are human we are not gods okay we're not we're human so therefore did I get it right away no just like weight loss did I lose weight I did and then I gained it back and now I have to reevaluate myself reinvent myself and work towards that goal again and that was the same with paying off debt so what I did is I wrote down on a piece of paper every single bill I owe every single one Capital One credit card Kohl's credit card buckle credit card PayPal I owed money to my sorority I wrote how much I owed in dues to my sorority different medical bills I went to the hospital emergency room last summer and I'm still paying those bills off finally praise God I'm almost done I was able to get on a payment plan for that so there was that there were what else did I have to pay I remember just looking at it and being so defeated and saying $5,500 and I was like I don't know how I'm gonna pay all this so the first thing I did which a lot of people might agree with me a lot of people might not but this is not work for me I went to the Lord in prayer I put all of what I had out there to God I said yeah I don't know how I'm gonna do this I don't have a job I'm in school at the time I was in school I still paid rent so I put on my debt on one side and all of my monthly like bills that I had to pay on a monthly basis my phone bill my car insurance my gas my food my friend my utilities any Starbucks money and like I put out how much money I spend on a monthly basis versus all my bills just working off of YouTube alone and working for my parents taking the kids to school and picking them up and with that I was like I've got to get a job so I did get a job at Starbucks which I didn't stay up very long because I ended up leaving for a different job and leaving that job for the job I mean now then they've been out seven months but he's got but so anyways I went to the Lord in prayer and I said God obviously there's no way I can do this there's no way I can physically humanly possible pay all of this debt by all of their due dates and I had things I don't have things in collection well I didn't have a few in collections actually that I'm going into collections but I just remember saying I'm so discouraged like and I just remember sitting in silence waiting for God to tell me something because I read says you said and God tells you something God did not speak to me in that moment and I was like alright so I don't know what I'm gonna do but I knew I had to do something and so that's when I went out and I got a job and I started working at that job absolutely hated it I was making about $9 an hour and that was to help pay my monthly bills still and I just remember like being sue burr discouraged and then I thought to myself I've got to get a higher paying job there's just no way so I was honest like on the haunts on the search to look for a higher paying job I found one and that's when I literally started to buckle down intensely I'm telling you I would go to Starbucks every day before I cut up Starbucks completely I would buy a lot of unnecessary makeup items or clothing that stopped altogether and maybe had six outfits six outfits like if you put it all together that I could wear to work I worked five days a week I would have one extra one and I would wash the others and I would come to work every single day in the same outfits in the same clothes luckily I could space them out far enough that they know they've seen the outfit but they don't remember what Dave worn it but I just remember thinking like I didn't have money to buy work clothes and then um things pop up for jobs all the time you get a job that you need to go get your work card you need to get a health card you need to get certified for this that the other and I just remember thinking like I don't have money and now I have to get more money out there to get this job and that I mean it was hard it was very hard but anything extra I would not do my friend said I want to go eat out I said sorry I'm eating pasta at home because this box of pasta was $0.99 and I'm gonna have ramen for $0.50 so I'm gonna have this I'm gonna have that where I would come to my parents house and I eat out that anything I could do to save money and then I started saving on gas because I wasn't always going to hang out all the time I would just go to work go home go to work go home go to work go home sometimes come to my parents house sometimes go to the gym but even that was not a lot because from where I lived with my roommates at that time to my gym it was too far of a drive to push that and you just have to start basically snowballing and I learned all of this from Dave Ramsey who my parents would be so proud Dave Ramsey is a financial adviser and my mom loves him she's currently paying off all of her debt to be debt-free like including her house and her cars whatever he's got big plan I don't follow it to a tee but I do follow something so you basically snowball your debt so you start paying the little things off first and then you work on the big things but also what you do too is you start by what is do first start paying those and get those to where they need to be and then put off the other things so me I was making small payments on a lot of different bills because a lot of them were do I let myself go and then I slowly just started paying them all off and once you start paying them off you get excited about it and you like already start getting your paychecks ready like I'm gonna do this this and this and something that helped me too was the website every dollar it's owned by Dave Ramsey or he like talks about it or something and you can put all of your bills and you can budget and then I found this love for budgeting and now I'm like psychotic about my budget up until midnight when I get paid every other Friday like I already have the bills stuff to come out and I'm like okay this one we're not good now this one good this one good and it's all about controlling your spending sticking to it and not wavering now like I said did I do that every time no have I still had missed payments because I've been stupid and went to sushi with my friends yes but I've seen my end goal I've seen my credit score go up I've seen myself become more accountable as I as an adult and more responsible as an adult and it's been just amazing to see and so if you are looking to get out of this point in your life where you don't have money you can ask my friends I would get a paycheck and instead of paying my rent with it I would go to Target and spend my rent money and be in these pickles I'd go to forever 21 I got a credit card for emergencies and for gas and the first day I got it I maxed it out completely at forever 21 not knowing that all the interest I was going to be charged and how much I was gonna have to pay back and that was just like a wake-up call for me and my credit score I didn't even think about how it affects you it affects you as you get older it affects you I want to buy a house I want to buy a car these are things that I can't do for a while because I'm still try to build up my score and my history and I've had a credit score for six years now but I know anything about my credit score to the past two years and so I don't know it's been a wild ride but just budgeting and sticking to my budget and cutting out all of the extra fun things I did not have a life but you know what I have now I have financial freedom I have extra money to do a lot of different things I don't feel stressed I don't feel strapped I feel comfortable if I want to go splurge a little I can because I've set that up for myself and so that's my little spiel but that's why I paid off five thousand dollars and three months I took any extra odd job I could get babysitting house-sitting extra hours at work picking up extra shifts whatever I could do because it sucked at the time but now it feels amazing and I think to me going to God and praying about in that moment didn't bring me an overnight answer but different doors and opportunities opened up for me to eventually get into the job I am now where I am making triple what maybe not triple two-and-a-half times what I was making the very first time I worked in this job for seven months that's the longest I've ever worked at a job I love it I feel comfortable every day I go to work I don't hate it I'm not like oh I can't wait till my shifts over I can't wait till I leave I've actually worked at this job before and I got it back but first I was an intern now I actually like I'm on staff and get a payroll as opposed to like it independent contractor check anyways doesn't matter but I love it and that is what you have to work towards and it's not my dream job it's not in my career field that I want whatsoever I'm going to school for nutrition sciences I want to be a nutritionist that helps preteens and teens really get to have a positive relationship with health and that's a whole other story I could talk about that for years but this is some things that'll get me through till I can upgrade it to my next job and upgrade to my next job you just have to keep moving up and keep pushing and never stop applying never stopped looking never stop reinventing yourself this is how I feel and that's my spiel that's how I did it if you have any questions leave me a comment below I'll be more than happy to answer make sure you're following me on Twitter Instagram and snapchat all Cece Don and I will talk to you guys in the next video bye my love's peace and blessings of Allah - baby boy bye
Channel: cicidawn
Views: 324,252
Rating: 4.6128592 out of 5
Keywords: thatssociciyo, cicidawn, cici, dawn lifestyle, daily, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, how to, style, what, to, wear, advice, real talk, girl talk, about, boys, how i paid off my debt quick, paying off debt quickly, $5000 in debt, paying off my debt in three months, raising my credit score quickly, paying off my bills in collections, collections, debt, money saving tips, trick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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