How to budget! + get out of debt! (The SIMPLE WAY)

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hey everybody its Jordan page from fun cheap or free calm and budget bootcamp calm welcome to the I am bomb summit hopefully you guys have had a great time hopefully you've listened to some great speakers or maybe I'm your first speaker in which case buckle up it's gonna be alright I'm so glad to be here speaking to you I'm a mom I've got five kids I just so happen to have them within six years they're about 18 months apart so if you see premature greys and dark circles you know why but that's really why I'm here speaking to you today because I love that this is a conference for moms how often do we get the opportunity to learn from each other and to feel uplifted and to learn that you can and should do such amazing things while doing what's most important which is being a mom at the same time so today I'm gonna teach you guys about the Simplot hood oh my word simplest budgeting method or technique whatever you want to call it that you will ever do in your life ever I don't know if you've ever heard of me or not so let me give you a little background I'm a blogger I blog it fun cheap or free calm and I started blogging back probably like 2011 and at that time I initially started this little blog because I wanted to post all of the fun cheap or free things that there were to do in and around Utah because at the time my husband and I were going through our FD or our financial disaster so as we called it and at that time it was it was rough it was hard we basically went from two incomes to one when my husband decided to quit his job and start a business he'd had a dream for a long time and the timing just felt right you know so that was rough and then I supported our family for a year but I really wasn't making that much money he was just kind of an interim job as during that year we decided to get pregnant and start her family so then the ultimate goal was for me to be a stay-at-home mom and to stay home and raise our kids so at some point we kind of ended up going from like two incomes to one guide it down to like zero because my husband's business took a few years to take off if any of you are self-employed or have entrepreneur husbands or if you're an entrepreneur yourself mmm you know that could be a little rough in that time when you know we decided to dump all of our money wipe out our savings accounts and put it into a property which was essentially like an investment property we were gonna live in it for a few years and it was gonna be this great thing and we put all of our money into building it and it didn't work out we basically had to choose between the home and the business we chose the business and we had to walk away from the home so let me let me recap here we're newlyweds I'm pregnant and then in this story I have a newborn we went from two incomes to one income very abruptly and then from one income to pretty much zero income as my husband's income limped along for many years and we had zero in savings because of a real estate investment that did not work out all right are you stressed out for me maybe you can relate to any of that I started vlogging because we got out of debt really fast we kind of lived off of credit cards a couple of months it was hard and kind of scary and within really a short amount of time we'd wrapped up about $15,000 of debt most of that on credit cards and we had an SUV that we couldn't really afford because you know when you get married you gotta get a big kit car right so we made all sorts of great decisions well we buckled down and I'll tell you exactly how in a second but we were able to pay off all of that debt all of it $15,000 of credit card debt and then another just under $11,000 car loan that we couldn't afford we paid all of that off in one year while only making about $31,000 we didn't win the lottery we didn't have a giant tax refund nobody gave us money we didn't get a bonus at work none of that we just got scrappy and we worked really hard I was so excited about this it was going so well and it was really like life-changing for us I decided to blog about all of the fun she for free things that we were doing in Utah because during this time we had no money but there were so many fun things to do it was like this whole new world opened up to us as we discovered that you don't have to spend money at all or at least you don't have to spend a lot of money to have this great life and do a lot of fun things right so I started blogging about it and it just felt a little shallow to me and no one was really there were like five readers and three of them were my mom and her sisters it didn't have a lot of soul let's just say a lot of heart and there were all these other coupon blogs out there and so I thought to myself I can't oh I'm just not cut out for this I'm not cut out for blogging and maybe I should just go back to doing the mom thing I'll just tell my friends how great it is to get out of debt quickly and stuff but I didn't give up my husband gave me a pep talk and he said to me he's like Jordan why would you start a blog and talk about everything that everybody else is already talking about like why don't you just talk about what you feel like is important and what you feel like really made a difference for us so I kept the blog name fun cheaper free but really ever since that point I started blogging about the stuff that's really hard to talk about fighting about money debt when your paycheck just isn't enough the struggle between being a spender and knowing that you need to save or pay off debt and finding the balance there all these things that get really tricky including how much to pay for a babysitter and how much to pay for grocery shopping which apparently next to a woman's weight and age is like don't ask those questions right so I started blogging about those things and when you know it just took off really where I am now a couple years later is I still am just a mom I'm not a financial planner I am NOT an accountant in fact I've never taken a personal accounting class don't hang up I promise I have good tips that will help regardless what I am is I'm a mom I'm a wife I'm a woman who loves Target and Costco and Disneyland and I love shoes I have a lot of them I've got a big home and a big family and I like to travel and do all these things but I need to do them on a budget and do them while being frugal and I've been able to marry the two and create this incredible life for myself and my family that has just far exceeded any expectation I could have ever set ever and along the way in my blog I started sharing these tips with people I've been on the Today Show I've been on Rachael Ray's several times Good Morning America Inside Edition I've been on radio shows I've been in magazines it's been really neat because I think there are so many amazing finance experts out there they really are and they teach such good things but once in a while you kind of just need a girlfriend you kind of just need a girlfriend that struggles with it as much as you do that really has been in the trenches and everyday has to make a conscious effort to work hard and keep at it that it doesn't come super naturally I'm not great at math it's not like I love budgeting it's not like I have this great interest in numbers never had but we are the same because we want to live a great life and we have an income that we have to do it within it's expanded now and I have a youtube channel I hope you go check it out and most importantly I have a budgeting program called budget bootcamp comm PS if you use the code I am mom you can get 15% off it's been really humbling there have been hundreds of thousands of families whose lives have been changed so what I'm gonna do today is I'm going to sit down and I'm just gonna talk to you as a girlfriend mom to mom and I'm gonna give you some of my best tips it's gonna be maybe a little bit of drinking from a fire hose because I have a lot to cover in a short amount of time but my goal is to just give you a few principles and tips that have been my most popular or most viral tips or have helped the most people and then you can take them and do with them what you'd wish and maybe adapt them to your own situation your own lifestyle and help it to kick-start the life that you've always dreamed of and that you know deep down as possible you just don't know how to get there without being said let's just the very first thing I want to teach you about and lucky for you I brought my handy-dandy anyone watch Blue's Clues whiteboard okay the very first principle I'm going to teach you today in terms of whipping your wallet into shape and kick-starting your budget in a really simple way is to help you know how much you should be spending so that's really kind of the big question it's like everybody's got different incomes everybody lives in a different part of the world everybody has a different living situation so how can I say your budget should be this amount of dollars your budget should be this so I'm gonna teach you a rule or a calculation or a principle or whatever you want to call it so that wherever you are in your life whether it's feast or whether it's famine or somewhere in between we've been everywhere at this point that you know at the end of the day my children are breaking things in the other room I can hear what your budget should be or what you should be living off of and I call this principle it's pretty easy nunna the 70% rule oh that's right this is so simple when you get paid you should be living off of no more than 70% of that so 70% of your take-home income is for spending or less let me say that boy this whiteboard things sorry my handwriting is really bad my husband and I have this lifelong goal to be 40% or less of what we bring home I don't know if we'll ever get there okay close though I have to say so basically no matter what your paycheck is what gets deposited into your account seventy percent is what you should be living off of this can be tricky I have a friend who she's single she makes great money at her job and one day she called me she's like Jordan oh my gosh this is so frustrating I make good money she's she's a nurse at the time she was making like eighty thousand dollars but I'm in debt I have this balance on my credit card that I cannot pay off and at the end of the month I have no money left where is the money gone i sat on the phone with her for quite a while helped her cruncher numbers and figure it out come to find out she was living as if she was making $80,000 but she told that she was making $80,000 but guess what she wasn't maybe that's what her tax statement says maybe that's what her job offer says but at the end of the day what was being deposited into her account after taxes and withholdings and insurances and all these other things was really more like 60 and that's a big difference so when I talk about your income or money that goes into your bank account please keep in mind that this is after taxes with Holdings everything else what actually hits your bank account from now on for the rest of your life your ultimate goal is that 70% or less of that money is what you use for your bills your mortgage your medical expenses your spending your travel everything 70% or less quick disclaimer there was a time in our life where that would have been physically impossible our income was too small there's no way that we could physically have lived off of 70% of our already tiny income so keep in mind that if that's your case and you cut out all the expenses that you can and it still can't get within that 70% then there's a point where you your goal then needs to just be to increase your paycheck just like we did there were several years that were really hard and really scrappy and we made next to nothing but we had a long-term plan in mind and that plan was that over time his income would increase so that we could fit nicely in that 7% so there you go there's really your first budget is if you don't know how much your family should or shouldn't be spending 70% of whatever you deposit is a good place to start so where does the other 30 go I'll go over this really quickly because that's not really like my main purpose in this talk but you need to know 20% it's gonna go into savings saving I can't fit the s so we're just gonna go with this Oh 70% is for spending 20% goes into savings what we do and what I recommend is to take that 20% and actually split it in half and put 10% into an emergency savings account that you really hopefully never touch that it's just in case of a dire emergency and the other 10% just goes into like a normal family savings account and that's what you would use you know to save up for a down payment on a car or maybe you need a new bedroom set maybe you want to go on vacation and meet whatever it is and then hopefully the emergency account you never ever ever have to touch again I'm quickly going through this if you go to fun cheap or free calm slash 70 it'll lead you straight to a blog post as a video about this and a lot of details that have really helped break it down we also break it down in major detail at budget boo Capcom but for now I'm just gonna breeze through it okay 70% for spending 20% for savings now the last 10% this is kind of a personal ten percent so I'm gonna leave it blank an art family we tithe 10% of our income we always have and we always will we tithe it to our church so you can do something in terms of donations or something philanthropic or for some people that's what they use for investing maybe they put that toward their 401k or retirement for some people maybe that's what they use to set aside for their children's college education you can really decide for you but I will say this if you have debt if you have lingering debt on credit cards especially pressing debt as I call it that's like really high interest you really need to pay it off quick don't worry about savings don't worry about investing it all needs to go toward the debt till the debt is gone because that debt is only hurting you your savings is gonna do you no good if you've got money on a credit card maybe you got $1,000 into savings just you have a little cushion the rest every dime you can spare go toward the debt until the debts paid off and then come back and work on building up your savings so that was us we paid off $15,000 of credit card debt in one year on $31,000 because every dime we could spare went toward that debt and then after that year when the debt was paid off we didn't go back up to spending all of our money knew we kept exactly as we did spending as little as possible until we built up about three to six months to live off of in there and then we could breathe a little and all of that happened within two years it was so fast the time is gonna pass anyway might as well have a plan put your dollars to work for you right so there you go so that's kind of the first of my three major tips that I'm gonna share with you today the way to start with budgeting is to just know how much wiggle room you have sit down and do the math and unfortunately it kind of stings a little you need to sit down and look at all of your credit card statements or your bank statements or whatever you use to spend money whether it's a debit card cash is a little harder because there's not digital tracking so you're probably gonna have to go back and look at receipts you need to go back and look at how much you've been spending and then you need to do the math and see if that fits within 70% of your take-home income if it doesn't you got to start cutting stuff out until it does so there you go 70% that's the ultimate goal now within that 70% what do you do how much do you spend like how do I know how much I have for vacations or how much I have grocery shopping or whatever else fell next tip I'm gonna share with you is a marriage saving tip maybe you're married maybe you're not I figured most of us will be in a committed relationship at some point or another or we have been realms after all the best thing I can tell you is to divide and conquer think about any successful company that you've ever known why are they successful well they're successful because they have good people on their teams that are working hard and good at what they do well so do you think in those successful companies that they have two chief marketing officers CMOS or two CFOs or even two vice presidents or two CEOs no no no why why doesn't our government have two presidents isn't more of a good thing even better no why think about that for a second the reason is because there is such thing as too much of a good thing if we had two presidents of the United States we would probably be in a constant say a civil war why because you know what people are born differently and they're wired differently and even though at these companies or government whatever they sit in a meeting and they come up with a plan together and they're all on the same team fighting for the same goal if you stick two people in a room together ready go there's gonna be fighting and there's gonna be conflict because you have different ways of doing things and you have different skills and and plus if there's all these people working on the exact same thing who else is working on all the other stuff there will be things left behind the balls that are dropped and just wouldn't work and it doesn't work that's why any successful company does not have five CMOS and five CEOs and five vice presidents or two or whatever everybody sits down at a board meeting they set goals together they're all working for the same team and then they divide up responsibilities and they say ready break and then if it's not working if somebody is not fulfilling their duties they shuffle them to a new position or figure out what's going on so I want to ask you a question do you fight about money at home yeah I know you do if you think you don't know you might be lying everybody has differing views or opinions if you want to stop fighting about money treat your money more like a business than like a marriage and here's how to do that it's so simple you sit down you can kind of do this at the same time as you're figuring out your 70% rule again you need to get all your bank statements I say for the last three months because you need an average cuz you may have like a bad month or you may have a good month or a weird month or whatever three months it takes a while just go to dinner at a restaurant you're less likely to fight and cry and yell at each other at a restaurant go to a restaurant with your laptop's print out your bank statements whatever and go through and look at everything everything you spent money on for the last three months you can take a pink highlighter you can take a blue one bobbin and I literally did this and go through a lie online what'd you spend money on and divide who is responsible for that budget and that's spending that doesn't mean I'm in charge of groceries okay for as long as I live you can never step in a grocery store and you have no input on the meals it doesn't matter what I spend that's that's not for you to know that's for me no no no no again remember we all meet together we all set company goals we talk about things we share progress and stuff it's more just that we are responsible for managing and heading up that budget and being the one to really take charge of it so that it doesn't get dropped while they're doing their responsibilities too so then what happens is you end up having a here we go here's me a big curly eyelashes here's my husband Bubba he's pretty cute there's our husband and wife list basically you sit there and you do what makes sense all right let's think about what makes sense so I'm a stay-at-home mom yeah I blog and I do stuff there really I'm with the kids like all day so I'm with the kids I'm in the car a lot I'm driving around I am driving them to all their activities I am taking them to the doctor I'm the one going to any form of store you know so this is kind of what I do day to day so doesn't it make sense I would kind of be in charge of those budgets right so what the kids sure like I'm taking them to piano taking them to birthday parties so yeah I'm gonna be in charge of the budget for the birthday presents and the and paying the piano teacher and finding and paying the babysitter's and I'm in the car so I'm the one running the errands you know going to the post office and worrying about all that stuff I am taking the kids to the doctor so I'm the one paying the medical bills oh let's spell store right about I'm the one doing the cooking really in the meal planning so I should be the one going to the grocery store and managing not it just makes sense does that mean I make all the decisions does that mean I get to just plow Bubba over anytime I want no but that sticker so then there's Bubba what does he do so he works he's at the computer all day he tries to do anything he can on apps or on his phone he also really loves cars and knows a lot more about cars than I do he is really into investments the small dry erase board and all the things having to do with that okay stuff like that cake so here's in a Larry chicken scratchy kind of wait what our list looked like because he's at a computer he's the one managing our bank accounts he's the one handling things with our attorney and I'm setting up our wills our living wills things like that he's the one that does the research finding the best credit cards for us to use or the best insurance cuz that's all stuff you can do online he handles anything having to do with the cars because I know next to nothing I would be on the phone with him at the mechanic shop anyway asking him all the questions let's just cut out that issue and just get Bubba over there right now just like any good company I recommend having regular meetings we we used to call them weekly weigh-ins and every Sunday we would sit down and we go over not saying hey how did you do this week on your budget how did you do on this why did you spend this no no no no no no just like in a board meeting you basically stand up and present to the group how you did where you're at how things are going for you and then it really avoids conflict and fighting and finger-pointing that's really when you can kind of touch base set goals together and see where you're at with things so you're working for the same team you've got the same common goals you're just dividing and conquering instead of stepping all over each other's toes and getting in each other's business and fighting all the time so now the last thing I'm going to teach you today is now you know how much you should be spending as a family now you know your personal responsibilities as a mom because you've gone through those we are going to focus on your responsibilities and how to budget for those this is the fun part I promise [Music] right now I I want you to think about your responsibilities or what you feel like they could because I know you probably haven't divided and conquered yet since we just met that's okay you'll get there so just think about it what do you feel like your responsibilities would be and what do you feel like your regular spending would be okay now I want you to remove from that list anything that has to do with bills utilities and things that could be set up on auto pay that are regular like piano lessons dance lessons maybe day care preschool tuition any form of bill utility something that could be set up on auto pay and then also things that are repairs or emergencies like even medical bills or car repairs things like that I really want you to focus for a second on the things you spend money on day to day this would be things like groceries like taking my kids to a play place for lunch baby shower gifts or birthday gifts clothes or decor for my home going to the movies or going out to eat things like that that are kind of the regular day to day or week to week spending more often than not they're optional not necessarily like utilities or bills or medical expenses so that is what I want you to focus on for a minute I am assuming that for most of you watching that you most likely are the one that does the grocery shopping and the cooking in your house maybe not but I assume that most of you are so I'm going to talk to the majority here for a minute this isn't you I'll show you how to adapt in a minute picture the cash envelope system did you guys ever heard of that you have several envelopes like maybe five or even ten and each envelope has cash in it and those envelopes are specific things like a grocery envelope maybe an eating out envelope maybe a hair cutting envelope or a clothing envelope I don't even know dry-cleaning envelope and I've tried this before I love the organization of it and I love that and that you know how much you have for each budget but at the end of the day for most of us it works great for some but for most of us it's too much to manage it's too much shuffling around if I run out money and my clothing envelope I'll just open up other envelopes and pull money out of it anyway it's like why am i carrying around a million envelopes which path the time I would lose one of them would drop out of my wallet and there goes the money and and then I don't know where any of the money's gone I don't know what I've spent it on it was just kind of a mess it didn't work for me so I came up with my own envelope system and wouldn't you know it's gone by roll so many times it has worked for hundreds of thousands of people all around the globe and it is so simple I promise you it is the simplest budgeting method you will ever do in your life so I'm going to show you how to do it and hopefully it'll work for you as well all you need is one envelope one we are going to pretend that this is a white envelope this video you're going with this dry erase board this works with cash it also works with card what I decided is instead of having ten different budgets to budget all my little daily or weekly expenses which by the way my spending changes from week to week one week I may need soccer cleats and one week I may need a throw pillow for my couch it's like whoo I don't know what budget does that come out of and we're gonna make it simple I want you to get an envelope I want you to divide it right in half boom and you are only good to focus on two budgets - you may have other budgets for your family like a travel budget whatever but this remember is just fewer responsibilities and your day-to-day week-to-week normal spending not bills not utilities not emergencies or repairs and that's something that could be set up on autopay just your normal week to week stuff on one side you're going to give a name to the budget of the thing that you spend the most on for most of you watching it's probably groceries so we're gonna give you a grocery budget and then for everything else you ready for this get excited really simple other two budgets grocery budget and other budget or miscellaneous or everything else or whatever you want to call it the world is your oyster call it whatever you want that's it we are simplifying and this is all gonna be tracked on one envelope if you are in debt if you have trouble managing a credit card please do this with cash for the rest of you if you really have a hold on your budget and your cash and you don't have debt and you're great with a card awesome use a card you give yourself a budget for each of these categories grocery is fair really simple again we go over this in huge detail on budget bootcamp comm a quick overview as I recommend $100 per person in your family per month starting at $300 per groceries so if you've got four people in your family that's $400 five people in your family $500 per month three people in your family $300 two people in your family $300 and then the real trick is to break it down per week for math sake for this video I'm gonna pretend that I've got two kids and there are four people in my family all you're gonna do is take your envelope and draw a line dividing your month into weeks so let's say there's four weeks in this month remember what my budget is my budget is $400 a month I don't want you to track your grocery budget per month anymore think about going on a diet and tracking calories do you track your calories an entire month at a time no no it hurts your head that's a lot of money to track it's just you need little bites you need little bites that you can chew before moving on to the next one so by breaking your budget down instead of thinking of it by a whole month and having to track it for 30 or 31 days you're only gonna track it for seven for six really so my budget broken down that $400 if you break it down per week is I have $100 per week for groceries some of you might be panicking thinking like whoa whoa whoa whoa how am I only supposed to spend $400 a month for 500 dollars a month on groceries there's no way I will tell you right now it is very very doable I've been teaching this for years Rachael Ray herself feels like that's a very reasonable budget she told me herself it all comes down to spending wisely and it also comes down to planning ahead and cooking things from scratch that's a whole nother story for a different day but I will tell you it is doable if it's absolutely not doable if you live in Northern California or New York or Hawaii obviously food can be quite a bit more expensive there or maybe you have special dietary restrictions whatever it is that's okay just adapt maybe add an extra $25 per person so it's 125 a week but I promise you you only need to focus on this for six or seven days it's so short then your budget totally rolls over so you'll be fine you'll be fine take a breath you can do this just try it try it for three months and if it doesn't work give yourself a little more now what is grocery include that actually includes anything consumable so yes food and drink but also diapers dog food cleaning supplies toilet paper shampoo deodorant things that you consume and use and then go back to the grocery store to buy and replenish do you hate me yet don't hate me I promise it's doable it really is now you have this little envelope yeah all right I know my budget I've got $100 per week for my little family of four and then for other you need to come up with that budget on your own when I was first starting out all we could afford was $50 a week that's really all we could afford so whatever else was my responsibility to track decor for our home maybe getting my nails done or my hair done or shopping for clothes or whatever all of that had to fit within this budget it really just depends on your family and your financial situation of what you can afford I'm gonna make it easy for us math wise and I'm going to say that this family gets $100 a week for everything else so at the end of the day they've got $200 a week and they can spend it on really whatever they want but it's easy and mentally it's nice to divide it up so that every dime you have is not being sucked away into groceries you know what I mean so it's nice to kind of have a little divide there cemento Lee you like know where your boundary is and then you just go about your business as usual I recommend having a wallet where that envelope can either zip or snap right side so it's always there let's say it's the beginning of the week we run to the grocery store let's say you spend $80 at the grocery store so you've got $20 left you should always keep a running total of how much you have left well let's say you totally run out of toilet paper and formula for the baby and that's like something you have to have right so let's say you run at the store and let's say that costs you $25 uh-oh we are in the hole five bucks oh boy what you gonna do now this is the beauty of this simple budgeting technique is first of all you only have to track it a week at a time every week it starts over every week it's beautiful but also it gives you flexibility because you never want to borrow from the net this week but you can always borrow side to side so let's say you just take that $5.00 out of your other budget that's fine you still have 95 dollars for the next six or seven days to handle everything else that you need and if it comes to the weekend and you're running out of money just hang tight it's gonna start it all over again in a couple of days just be sure not to borrow below the line don't borrow from the next week or you will be a debt to yourself forever this is so simple and it works this method alone has gotten people out of tens of thousands of dollars of debt it has saved a lot of family fighting and it's helped people achieve their dreams and their goals because it's taking a big daunting thing like a budget and breaking it down so you only have to look on it 7 days at a time and it's numbers that are very manageable maybe your budget for the week is $500 maybe it's even $1,000 maybe you just are doing really well financially it doesn't really matter what what does matter is the awareness and the decision-making okay let's say that this week we've got a lot of company in town maybe it's Thanksgiving maybe we need a lot of food whatever it is maybe you have nothing in the house maybe there's big K slot sales or maybe I buy a big order of bulk meat on sale whatever and let's say that I spent like a hundred and ninety five dollars on groceries pretty much everything for the week that's okay I hang tight for a couple of days well the next week I've got plenty of food my fridges are busting at the seams because for $200 you should especially for a family of four you should be able to feed your family for at least two weeks on that if you're wise plan your meals in advance cook things from scratch don't waste anything reuse your leftovers all the stuff that I teach at fun cheaper free calm well so the next week I really do not need a hundred dollars for groceries maybe let's say like thirty bucks for maybe some milk or some fresh fruit or veggies or something but that's still that adds seventy dollars over here so I 170 dollars so there you go whatever it is like it gives you the flexibility on the weeks that you don't need a lot of groceries because you spend a lot that week before on groceries that you can use it for and you can plan ahead that way I've got a big birthday party one week maybe I need more for other and then the next week I need more for grocery but that's it now if your main responsibilities the the one that you need the biggest budget for if it's not grocery that's okay name it whatever else for my husband he's actually in charge of all of our entertain our family entertainment sorry date nights going out to movies are out to dinner as a family if we go mini golf or bowling or any of that my husband handles that so for him his would most likely say entertainment because I'm the one doing the grocery shopping remember since I'm doing it he doesn't need to we can work together and plan the meals together but really I'm the one doing that so you can adapt that the coolest part about this is when you have this little envelope when you're at the store or spending money wherever you have to open your wallet anyway right you have to get out your your cash or your your card or whatever so just take out your envelope hand your cash or your card to the cashier grab that pen because you need to sign the little thing anyway when they tell you your total write it down write that in there on the envelope they'll hand you your receipt stick the receipt inside the envelope and then tuck that envelope away and then at the end of the month file that envelope and at the end of the year you've got 12 neat little envelopes with every receipt from everything that you have spent money on for a whole year if you need to go back for returns if you get audited if you need them for tax purposes it's all there it is so simple it works I don't even know what to say it's simple stupid even that that simple envelope and breaking your budget down by week simplifying all your spending just into two little budget for you for you personally not like family spending it all that remember which is what you personally spend money on will make such a huge impact on your family start there if you want more help please go to budget boo capcom it's a really fun online budgeting program i've got 27 videos that are way more exciting than this and i walk you through everything from A to Z from setting goals with your spouse and how to have a communication and conversation about money without fighting on up to how to save up your dream house your dream vacation on whatever income it is that you have we have sections on what to do if your paychecks not enough we have sections on debt we have sections on working from home or or allowance or how not to raise entitled kids everything is in there it's really fun so again use the code I am mom to get 15% off and of course I have years of free content on my blog bunchy for free calm and then YouTube is really fun go subscribe to my youtube channel I've new videos every Thursday I hope this was helpful to you I hope you enjoyed this conference please connect with me on social media I shared tips and tricks and little bits every single day especially on Instagram so I hope you follow me there enjoy this conference connect with me if you have any further questions leave a comment on my Instagram page and I'll get back to you thank you guys fabulous day stop you don't I gotta get back to mom duties bye guys [Music]
Channel: Jordan Page, FunCheapOrFree
Views: 837,083
Rating: 4.900125 out of 5
Keywords: utah, blog, blogger, family, Jordan Page, fun, cheap, free, Fun Cheap Or Free, frugal, budget, money, budgeting, humor, debt, finance, finances, teach, how to, marriage
Id: ulr1HAaF_JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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