10 High Paying Side Hustles You Can Start Today (2019)

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what is up beautiful people we are back with some more money-making advice for your millennial in debt fix today I'm giving you ten side hustles that you can start right now I just wanted my first home and funds are a little low now I'm not saving as much as I can and I really hate when budget people and all these are people like Oh save this amount of money if I'm not making that amount of money sis how am I gonna save it I have to pay bills I got a whole mortgage to pay so that's not what this videos going to be about this video is also not going to talk about surveys that pay you five cents for an hour of your life it's also not going to talk about a lot of things that are easily accessible and found on the internet like Airbnb renting out your space we know we know that society so I personally don't want people in my home these 10 tips are these 10 side hustles will hopefully be things that you haven't heard of before and you can get into and most of them make a good amount of money per hour to help you bring some extra income so let's get started right away so the first the first side hustle that I recommend is going to be a conglomerate just so this doesn't take up the nine other spots these are the delivery services where you essentially bring something to someone and get paid to do so so that would be your eats your door - your post mates right the three main big ones that we know but also shipped a friend of my work for shipped for like two weeks or a week and as McAfee hated it because what his life took over but what shipped is essentially you go to the grocery store and you pick up whatever was requested by the person who requested it and you deliver it to their home and you can do it before work after work on the weekends when you're off whatever so uber eats door - post mates GrubHub right our basics but also you want to check in to the back inside that so that you can start today is using the app or the website call its up work what I like about up working with a little different about up work than like its counterparts like TaskRabbit or handy up work you put your skill or your whatever you're really good at to work you can have a team that works with you so community plumbing be web development can be virtually sustained it could be painting it could be all these different tasks and things that you are capable of doing you set your price you set the days are available to work and you you go to work and you make some extra money I you do have to do a background check on up work I think it's a 45 dollar background check that you pay for yourself once that background check clears which it will as long as you don't have any like phenol phenol teeth any fraud or violent penalties against you you should be fine the third side hustles that you can do is Amazon flex weird flex uh animals like I just heard up about like a few days ago and I'm really really really think about doing it just cuz I need the money I was on selects is available initially was available only a couple of states now it's available in a lot more cities in the US I think that port of up to fifty so you just want to check to see if it's available in your city I know it's in San Francisco I know it's in Boston I know it's in New York for sure but I'm not really sure exactly where it is and what Amazon flex is because you take a package and you deliver it from Amazon to a home it's kind of like you're the prime deliver or the same day deliver you are backed by Amazon so people will trust you it's fairly safe you do have to also do a background check with Amazon flex all right the fourth side hustle that you can start today you can do from home you can make your money is on fiber a lot of people sleep on fiber I don't know why I was making about three to four hundred dollars a month on fiber when I first got on there and working as a virtual assistant and a social media manager the reason I stopped using fiber is because my life just got really really busy and didn't have the time to act we sit and do good work for the clients that I had so you want to make a really good profile you want to set your own prices what your skills are Fiverr usually is for digital skills where as opposed to up work it's more manual things that you can do and web development as well but Fiverr is more of the ecumene virtual assistant I can draw you something I could do artwork I could do graphic design those are the things if that's your thing that you know you're really good at fibers might be a better route for you to take and you can have different like variants prices like you can be a basic virtual assistant for like five dollars an hour or you can be like a super duper whatever for $50 an hour so you set your own prices and you get that money get this bread number five I haven't tried it my brother has tried it in the past it's called Carver Ty's Carver type yeah I think I said that right so what Carver ties is they wrap your car or they put like an advertisement on your car it comes off it doesn't damage your car at all you just might like a little tacky ish I guess if that bothers you and they pay you weekly to just drive around live your normal life and just have the advertisement on your car so if you're looking for some quick money you have a car you don't really care that it has advertisements looking like a NASCAR car then Carver tides is a really good way to make some quick money you can make like I've seen people say they make $750 a month driving living their lives with this carpet Iseman so I think I might do that cuz I don't care what my car looks like to be honest alright number six which I found show show show so interesting and I'm like going to look into it further once I finish recording this video but I know enough to give you the information it's called take lessons and because I'm a teacher the teacher in me loves this whatever you're good at whatever you know how to do and it doesn't have to be like I know math or I know how to color no is anything you can think of so you can be as creative as you want because there will be people out there that want to know how to do what it is you can do and you connect with people through this app through this website and you teach them the skills so let's say I'm really good at stacking pencils I don't know all right I would teach someone how to stack pencils for like 15 an hour or something like that number seven is also really dope especially if you live in a really major metropolitan big city where you get like a lot of tourists if you live in Nebraska this might not work for you but shout out to you if you're watching me from Nebraska hey now uh it's called show around and this one's a little hard because you don't make your schedule a hundred percent because you really just have to like see when people need you and if you're available you would do it and you charge whatever rate you want to charge just show people around your city right so I live in New York I am imagining that like there would be tons of tours and people that want to be showing around and I think it's dope to do in the summer maybe not so much the winter cuz New York is cold but it's gonna be a really cool thing that I want to try in the summer especially if you're a people person you wanna expand your network you want to meet people show around is the side gig for queue number eight is going to be another conglomerate cuz I don't want to waste your time and I want to give you as many ideas as possible Rover and sitter city the reason I put them together I am NOT babysitting anybody's children that's just not a thing I'm already a teacher I'm doing the best I can in that realm but Rover is for dog walking and dog sitting and sitter City has a similar platform for pets right up it's not just dogs cats and whatever pet that you need to take care of my friend who lives in Brooklyn she is making nine hundred dollars a month hanging around with jobs so if you live in a really a good area that demands it sitter city and Rover are the apps for you to use okay number nine is interesting one that I I kind of like because like I got to Grandma's that I love and they're old and so just like touch my heart a little it's plyo or play oh I'm not sure if I'm saying it correctly and you have to be 18 or older most all of these jobs require you to know them to be to be honest and what you do is you call senior citizens or older people and you remind them to take their medication it is rewarding working aye I think so and so you call them you have to go through a background check also you paid the 45 I think it's 40 $45 that's usually the right and cause for a background check okay and number 10 which I think we've reached number 10 at this point is Amazon home services now Amazon flex is you just delivering packages to people Epsilon home services is very similar to tasks grab it again in handy where you go and you mount a TV or you I don't know paint a house whatever but similar concept you set your rates you set the days that you are available and you get this bread and I hope I'm gonna try not to make this video too long I hope that these ten different ways to make money are things you never heard of or things that you never thought about and I want you to make all the money you can in 2019 because that's what I'm trying to do if you have any other side hustles that you want to share leave them below in the comment box for me or you can catch me on instagram at millennial in debt don't forget to like share and subscribe and always thank you thank you thank you for watching bye
Channel: Millennial in Debt
Views: 211,044
Rating: 4.9062848 out of 5
Keywords: side hustle, side hustles, millennial, millennials, millennial in debt, millennialindebt, trialsntresses, trials n tresses, high paying side hustles, side hustles you can start today, side hustle 2019
Id: G0LY-6Lg-to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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