the ULTIMATE notion tour | how i organize my ENTIRE life using notion!

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hi everybody welcome to another video if you're new here my name is Aaliyah I'm a 21-year-old postgrad full-time content creator up it's very nice to meet you on Bas sh North Carolina I make lifestyle Vlogs Beauty videos advice any fun stuff like that I'mma do for you but if you're already like you're not new here you know the dealio hey cousin it's so nice to see you again I'm glad you can make it to another upload today I'm going to be showing you my 2024 notion tour SL templates I've been getting a lot of requests for this video over the past couple weeks months even I've been postgrad for almost a year now and noan is still a very very very heavy part in my productivity in my everyday life notion is a free productivity app that you can use on desktop as a app or just on Safari or Google Chrome it's completely customizable completely free I started using notion as a student I fear notion as a student was probably one of the best ways to use it so if you need some template ideas I'll link those down below for you no problem I personally just feel like notion is such a good tool because it personally helps me keep up with things in my life that I just sometimes feel like I can't get a grasp on or just too big for me to conceptualize in my notes or in my head it's a place where pretty much brain dump anything that comes to mind and I need updates on I can share with my team these things or I could just have some things to myself which you guys will be seeing um in this notion tour without further Ado let's go ahead and get into the notion tour this is my notion homepage as you can see we have this kind of green earthy theme going on my homepage is my prettiest page in my opinion I have my homepage LED with the quote that says you get what you work for not what you wish for on this left side I'm starting with this affirmation database that one of my good friends in AOA actually sent me have a list of affirmations that changes every single day so today's affirmation is I am appreciated and valued exactly as I am and then under that I have my big three sections for what I use notion for planning personal and work underneath planning we have a weekly and yearly spread and then under the personal we have Finance reading travel my dream journal recipes and meal planning and then underneath there we have a work section for Content creation and my social media client portal now there's also a section under here that says currently reading and this just a part of my reading section right here so I don't want to mention it but it does show me what I'm currently reading and I'm currently reading the new Naturals by Gabriel bump it's a contemporary literary fiction if you wanted to know what I've been into and I have this really cute divider down here on my laptop this actually stretches all the way across here so your points of views do change based on your screen size keep that into mind when you're planning your stuff out I have my to do this week's section this very good addition to the notion page I am not a daily planner person it's just too micromanaging for me and I don't really like it but to start off this section I have a what you're looking for is not out there it is in you I change this quote every week and I was like to change it with the quote that I like to hear or see every day for the week cuz I look at this literally every single day have the goal for the week is to complete tasks no matter how long it takes because I tend to get frustrated in myself if I feel like I'm not moving as fast as I should or doing the amount of things I should be doing below that I have my days as you can see I have Monday through Friday because I don't plan to do anything on the weekends anything that's like kind of spill over from Monday through Friday I'll do on the weekends if I absolutely have to but that's pretty rare so that's why I only have Monday through Friday that is my personal work week under each weekday I have a theme for the day based on what I have to do I'll usually map out what I have to do for the week and then drag each task to underneath these little arrows as you can see Monday was a rest day I kept my to-dos very minimal because this weekend was just a little bit draining for me so that's why I gave myself a little rest day now usually I do not have all four categories under one day but on Thursday I have a lot to do Friday of course I have to edit to upload Tod do because it's a housekeeping day so it's just really just polishing up on the week I also have a brain dub section that has the thing that says to do but when so it's a list of things that I know I have to do this week that's just there for if I ever feel like I have any free time and I could do things with myself my favorite thing about this though is that this little button that says new week right here you hit this button this is the raw version of my weekly to-do so every day has it to film to edit to upload and to-do section and then based on what I have to do I will either delete uh some of these bolded sections but each one has a checklist underneath I love the conciseness of this it's so easy and then of course add my go for the week and refresh my quote every week when I can and my favorite thing about this is that I can't stand deleting stuff uh so no matter what I have this little archive down here I can bring it to the archive and it goes on this archive page with all the previous weeks that I had so I can track what I've been doing there's a few like previous Pages such as yearly 2023 2023 quarterly there's some pages I wasn't ready to let go of moving on under that of course I have another quote cuz one thing about me baby I love a quote to go fast go alone but to go far go together cuz I often forget I can do the most that I want to do if I'm just by myself but I actually want to get somewhere in my life I need to work with and network with other people this is a new addition to my homepage this is my meal planning section this is related to the meal planning right here but this basically just tells me what I'm going to be eating for the week I just like to have this on my front page cuz I see my front page the most then scrolling down we have this Beast I mean absolute Beast of a database this is my content calendar database so I'm going to show you my full content calendar just cuz all this is old so in this content calendar I have it broken up into over long form short form and filming schedule I may like to look at it either in the long form short form or filming schedule just things just cuz the overview gets so fluttered up and it's just a whole mess it looks so crazy since we're going into a new month I of course focus on that one but as you can see it looks very different from what it used to cuz I just recently condensed it down with different icons and just things like that of course on my filming schedule it tells me when I would need to film what and it's just very convenient we'll go over that more as I go into the content creation section of this video which probably going to be the biggest part of the video cuz it's the most in depth and I'm going to open up my weekly page I really don't use this page I use my homepage the most as you can see I literally haven't updated this since the 12th I'm going to fix that I'm sorry on the left side we have my priorities followed up with my goals for the week my priority since December has been to get my car inspected and my oil change but it's been a priority since December and it's still not done so as you can see I don't really want to do that on I have my goals for the week and a goal for every week of mine is to post YouTube videos two of them to be exact and right now it's just been a real big focus of mine getting out of February and going into March so if you see me posting more often call me to it and tell me good job I need some satisfaction below that I also have the same affirmation thing down below and then the same layout that I showed you on my homepage as you can see so now we're in my yearly page this page is a little bit more personal cuz one thing I love to do is plan if I wasn't in social media I would love to be a social media marketer or just social media assistant because one thing I absolutely love to do is to plan planning for the new year is one of my favorite activities so I personally just love to sit down and create this new yearly page that I have going on here and this page starts out with a reflection of 2023 specifically my achievements and feelings that I like during 2023 and I feel like if you just can't move forward until you look back and I feel like that's a really big Mantra or just practice that I've always been taught down below we have my word for 2024 which is intention I have the pronunciation part of speech it is instead of having a full quarterly goals uh page like I had in 2023 which you saw I have these little four broken down Pages now each of these pages are exactly the same so I'm only going to show you q1 but if you go into my quarterly goals it's broken down into monthly goals top three priorities and the end of quarter review it's not the end of q1 yet so I cannot fill this out to the end of March but I will show you my monthly goals uh spread it just shows the month my top three prior priorities for January weekly planning section I'm not going to lie it might go away just because I feel like it's too many things that I have to update so this might go away but if this was the case in order to get to a goal I would put the weekly priority in order to get to that goal and then things that I would do to maintain or slre a new goal um I have a month in review and January was a pretty good month so I have things that I reflect on I go over things that I liked learned lacked and longed for but since it's coming to the end of February I'm also going to fill this out for February and if you want to see they are exactly the same every single month if anything the icon just changes and priorities change like it's the same thing every single page so that's why I only want to show you one these are some of my goals for the year but they are not limited to these three goals on my top personal I have find two new hobbies I enjoy learn 25 new recipes and read 24 books and then of course next to each goal I have the quarter that I want to achieve this by it's always nice to strive for things because I don't mind doing mindless work but I prefer when my work has a direction and I kind of know where I want it to go that's why I personally love goals not for like a personal development thing I mean that's good too but it's good to have a direction on where I want to go with some things and then below that I also have more or just completely all my 2024 goals and they are divided up into personal or professional what quarter I want to do them by and then the date that I achieve them and then the status of them so these are all my goals for the here and then yeah it's just really nice to have an overview of the yearly and what's going on get into my personal section I'm going to go ahead and get finances out the way because I hate talking about finances this is my finance sheet I have a very non-traditional job which means very non-traditional way of doing money it don't matter how much money is coming in if the proper money is not going out for mortgages and bills baby somebody's getting tore up and it's going to be me so to start this page off I'm going to talk about this database right here this is my finance and charges database well of course before there's a quote I'm sorry I skipped it the money I will spend will always be replaced by by more this is an abundant lifestyle I'm living abundantly all the money that I spend will replace by more double triple quadruple down here we have my finances and charges database this is basically a database that I created in order to see how much money I give out a month for my Necessities that I absolutely is non-negotiable so for example my necessary expenses include things such as my house payments such as my mortgage my Wi-Fi my electric my gas my HOA fees my mortgage is not $2,500 a month it actually recently dropped but I pay extra because it takes the amount of money that's within my home loan that I got from the bank you can watch my six-month home update if you want more information and be nosy about my bills below is just my subscriptions these are just kind of things that I need to keep track of how much I'm spending I have it to where it shows me the sum of these numbers at the bottom and of course I also have the due date of each one some of these aren't accurate anymore so I think I might actually take this out I'm not sure and then below my BS expenses such as the tools that I use to make videos or just payments I made making on equipment these are all at the bottom cuzz these are very expensive they're more than my subscriptions obviously I pay $524 181 a month in YouTube tools and business expenses which is crazy but I digress I do it cuz I love it and then to the right I have my 2024 financial goals and one of them is to create and stick to an actual budget which I actually did on this page another one of my goals is to save 50k I love having money in my savings account I love when they pay me interest because I am just a such a good bank holder like she's so good to say saving money I usually get money back on this and then below here we have this gorgeous picture gorgeous gorgeous photo but below that whenever I have extra money that I actually want to spend on myself I have a list of things that I want slash need to buy here I have the item how much it costs and then if you open the page it's a link to the item this also helps with my impulse buying because one thing about me I'm just a girl at the end of the day and I've been trying to get in the habit of not buying things as soon as I see that I like them because I need to let things marinate before I actually buy them and think do I actually want this so this is my 2024 reading dashboard of course a quote a reader lives A Thousand Lives before he dies the man who never reads only lives once by George RR Martin thank you George don't know who you are but I appreciate you for saying that cuz you're so real starting with the left side I have this month's reads February was a very short month I don't know why I aim to read five books in February I am not a booktuber I'm not a book talk person I'm just a girl who likes to read in her free time these are the books that I want to read for the months this is my monthly TBR and then below here I have my 2024 reading goals and then in the middle I have my current read section and in this section it tells you things such as the title the author the status and of course if you're currently reading it'll be under your current read current page uh total Pages how much I have done my dates that I read it my star rating if I dnf it if it's a part of my goal for the year if it's a part of a series it'll be here and then the genres that it falls under will be here as well on the right side I have my reading milk I'm just going to show you one of these all these mini Pages fall on under the same page starting off this is my library this is not done are not all the books that I own but it's a good amount of books that I have bought in the past couple months SL the past couple weeks they are all here with their title author status dates read current page that I'm on total Pages percent done if it's a part of a goal star rating if idef it genres and if it's a part of a series if something is being currently read it'll be on that first page under current reads but right now I'm only currently reading the new Naturals cuz I can't read two books at a time cuz I'm not psycho so moving down below we have my TBR basically has the title author if it's a part of this month if you click this it ends up on your TBR on the left side of the previous page like I said before and how I acquired it whether it's a physical audio ebook library or a gifted book from somebody which is really cute then I have the month to read it and one thing I don't like about this is that you have to like let's say it's February I don't like the fact that I have to check that it's this month like I kind of wish it did it by itself but that's just me being lazy this is my series tracker in here I have three different Series right now the ninth house inheritance Games and hunger games series authors the status broken up into not started in progress completed or dnf series type if it's a duology Trilogy or saga and then the genre that it falls under the books that fall within the series and these books are pulled from the library above so that's very convenient so whenever you say you're reading a book it'll you know change into an in progress sign with that and then below here it has my yearly uh reading goal this page is completely broken that you're looking at so I think I'm just going to delete it but it's supposed to autogenerate these answers for you so you have like a really cool thing to look back on for the year as you can see it's using a relation feature which is really cool which I showcase better in my travel page which I'll show you later I don't really know like what the issue is so I just leave it alone there's my reading page very intricate very nice the one thing I don't really like about is how often I have to go back and repeat myself with information such as how many times I'd have to put certain books into the database for it to function I don't really like repeating myself but I think the template overall is really nice I just have to get used to repeating myself 10,000 times cuz one thing I love is easy things in otion and it's not that easy to go in oce and repeat yourself 10,000 times we have my travel page as you can see we have the creation of Adam picture up here fun fact I have this tattooed on my right rib on top of this page we have a upcoming trip section so it'll show you the days that you are going to be gone my quick action on this page is new travel plan and under that we have navigation such as trips countes cities bucket list travel Journal expenses to-dos resources and packing list and documents also this country's VIs visited is not accurate I'm only C of the countries that I'd been to after I turned 18 way more than two countries in my life not falling under the stupid American stereotype so let's say I have some new travel plans okay let's say I'm going to Kingston Jamaica it is in the country of Jamaica the city I would have to add Kingston because it's a new city that I'm going to as you can see it gets added in the city's database that I just showed you status expected so that means it's coming up so if we open up this page we have navigation for this this trip exclusively such as travel information task for the trip my packing list my expenses for the trip travel resources documents travel journal and placees experiences this is for more of something you do while you're on the trip this is things that you use usually before or after your trip and this is the stuff to do to prep slash update potentially during your trip depending on what you're doing on set trip task is related to this task that I just clicked on it's just a bigger view of it so I'm just going to show you the smaller view cuz it makes the most sense so let's say I have to pack my bags grab passport um check travel advisory and then you say what category each of these task fall under the priority of each task it's so easy to have all these task lists for certain trips and I just like the organization aspect and then below here we have a travel Journal this is a nice way if somebody asks you like oh how was your trip to such and such you don't have to pull up your photos app and look at all that fishness your 50k photos like I have it says the City Country you went the date that this took place so if I'm going the 5ifth let's say it's happened the 6th if this was a highlight of your trip you would favor it come up here with like photos just things that you did place I visited on this trip it's very simple places food experiences so things that you basically did the rating you give it and it's just it's very nice and convenient to have for tracking what you did on certain trips if we go up here with a travel information regarding flights accommodations to from and all that packing list is excellent these things you can also categorize as Kingston packing list items here so you also have a very specific packing list for Kingston without having 5,000 lists in your notes this something I've been trying to do y'all know I own a house I have bills so these are planned expenses versus actual expenses that I did spend spend on the trip what type of expense it is so I would say this is transportation and then the date that I took my trip I take business trips sometimes this very nice to have when it comes to taxes or just having companies reimburse me going back to this page we have travel resources just a bunch of websites that I like to use so Trip Advisor yell then important documents I don't have anything in here but a universal document I don't know what it would be but there's a page for and I'm not going to delete it cuz I don't want to mess this up so there's that then like I said I have my travel journal and place and experiences page P so this is pretty much all the information I might need for a trip in one page you create a new trip um it'll show you all your trips that you ever been on I've been trying to include photos of each trip that I've been on that is one of my favorites that I got from the trip see I only have Montego Bay and Aruba because I suck at taking photos up and coming it has expected it has the ones you have coming up completed it will be here and then just the databas is pretty boring kind of just a wish list of things that I want to do period I don't really touch this cuz it's more like a bucket list type of thing so that's completely empty but if you wanted to fill it out you can check off if you did the city it's in the rating what trip it's a part of if it's going to be a part of a future trip places food experiences like I said I haven't really used this yet then you have the travel Journal like I said from Kingston again the resources right now I have no travel updates uh except one that I'm going to Cancun I did not make this I stole it not going to touch it cuz I don't want to mess it up here on the right you can see that we have a to-do list so for example if I need my to-do list for Kingston it'll show up right here and I would usually filter out my packing list and my to-do list per trip based on the trip I have coming up and I really like this homepage because because if you're in a bad reception area my notion usually still loads up so I like having this as a front page like on my phone or let's say like my iPad having this type of information such as resources or just like things that I have to pack cuz I'm in a bad spot at the store just like things that I have to do cuz the trip is coming up and it's just a really convenient thing to have we'll be linking this template down below because it's so good this is a really bad call it template but this just my dream journal I haven't written in here in a while but I do have dreams I need to take from my notes not going to do that right now cuz sometimes they're really Federal whenever I have a dream and I wake up and I remember it automatically I will just jot it down and I'll start off with like the date just what happened in the dream now we're going to go into my recipe section this is going to be deleted but this is just all the recipes that I know/ want to learn I haven't updated this in a while I have the category if I've tried at the rating the link if there's a link to the recipe notes such as the time ingredients you need and instructions for the meal and you can also divide this up into breakfast items lunch and dinner items drinks snacks or just all of them this is going to become a part of the meal planning page which we about to get into which I recently started using a couple days ago and I absolutely love it this took a while to set up and I'm still setting it up absolutely worth it once it is set up so as you can see we have four navigation sections over here recipes Pantry grocery list and complete list in the middle we have the grocery list for the week of course it is empty right now then on the right we have a what I'm eating this week and then down below we have all the recipes my meals for the week is separated by day of the week and the meals you can tag based on the recipes uh that you have added down below then however many calories I don't really care about this uh so I don't really have that put in there so in this list you are supposed to put uh the item that you have or don't have and you either check if you need to buy it or if it's in the pantry the category that it falls in frequency in which you need to buy it and then the recipes that you make with said item so for example if I scroll down down down down down I can use eggs to make my farmhouse a breakfast bagel so I would add that then this week it shows the day that I'll would be using said ingredients there're are weekly occurrence and they're not check to be in the pantry they will automatically come up for the groceries for the week because I need them every single week and when I check them off they will disappear that's pretty much the premise of my meal planning list and I think it's just really cool how intricate it is but I also really love this uh meal planning thing that I have right here and I could just figure out what I want for breakfast lunch or dinner or snacks right here and just really map it out instead of trying to write it all down and it's really cool because if you don't have one of the ingredients to make one of these things which is listed in the page it'll actually come up in this grocery list I'm going to go ahead and talk about the biggest template that I have in notion which is my content creation template this is my ride and die notion template every version of myself that is required for this job is in this template off the bat I have this month's goals it's definitely important that I have some goals set up for this job cuz if I don't nobody will and I'll be just roaming endlessly on the internet with no longevity and just no direction of where I want to go and and I'm not ready to live that type of Life most of these are mainly maintaining goals so for example 4K AdSense Revenue engagement uh click-through rate so for example some of these are just maintaining stuff but I still like to see what am I aiming to maintain and gain throughout this month that I want to have to do with like social media so that's what that's for then to the right I have a upcoming deal section because one thing about me in Q2 and Q3 oh i' be booked so that's when this is mostly filled out this is a new feature on my content creation template down below we have the mey part of the page so this involves my navigation just kind of information I need to keep to myself or information that is for me to see which is why it's in the middle and then my right hand side since it's so short I'll start with the right we have my links and tools and of course a quote a creative life is an amplified life and then below here I have a quick to-do which is in a synced block I forgot to mention this but a synced block is basically a block that you can drop things into and if you copy and paste the same block on several Pages the same edits will be made across every single page that is within the sync block so for example my weekly to-do lists are just like things to do everything always updates in that no matter where it is whether it's on my weekly or my homepage it'll be updated cuz of within a sync block that's what that red line around it was sometimes I don't want to see them half the time so I just keep them folded up I have all my Social Links in case I need to copy and paste it for an ambassador program if I'm applying for it this is the quickest way to do so and my most used tools for my job is canva creative Market magic links and epidemic sound canva I use for my thumbnails which a lot of people ask me creative Market is where I get a lot of my fonts and Graphics if I don't make them from scratch in canva magic links is how I do my affiliate marketing and then epidemic sound is where I get all my sound effects and music if you ever want to know these types of things I always link my stuff down below or SL when I can whether it's my affiliate links or a link to sign up for epidemic sound everything is disclosed this is not an ad I do get commission if you use some of my links down below actually majority of the time but it's not sponsored I just get Commission in the middle I have my posting schedule I'm trying to aim to two videos a week because I was doing really good with that last fall my idea YouTube schedule is Wednesdays and Sundays I'm trying to move to 10:00 a.m. right now I post at 600 p.m. it just feels really late so let me know if 600 p.m. a little bit late eastern time not any other time um and then I post short firm content on Tuesday Thursdays and Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. around 10:00 a.m. maybe even 11:00 but I am really good at posting my shorts on time I have an on the back burner section in this section I'll have like things that aren't really as important that I want to do but I still want them to get done when it's in progress I can drag it over to in progress cuz this is actually in progress right now then when it's complete it'll just be incomplete and then if I want to delete it for the month I definitely could under there we have a idea brain dump so if I'm ever in the middle of nowhere and I'll just drop these ideas here if I can't for whatever reason get into this content idea section I I need to type it out moving over to the left as you can see we have this gorgeous picture of the statues I have my current brand deal would just be the ones that I'm currently working on underneath here we have a new feature this is a a quick action new video idea I love a button let's say I have a new video idea I click it let's say it's a short form video and since it's a short form the SF will come up with the short form logo that I gave I'll say what platforms I want to post it on it's a short form video I put my Niche whatever it is I'll pick my filming day I will don't really have a live date yet so I'm not going to put that there this will be a community post cuz I have my thing sectioned off by discoverable community and sales post I mainly need to appeal to discoverable in community just because I want people to discover me while also feeding my audience so I usually just pick the video bucket that it falls under this would be a community video but for example a girl talk or like a hygiene shopping video would be discoverable I have a link to my analytics as you can see this database is the YouTube view research it's it short form I can't tag that cuz I don't track my analytics for short form videos and then I have a sponsored by section so if I have a brand that is sponsoring the video I will Mark the brand that is going to go there Step SL deck that I make in canva the link will go here and then if I have any potential brand deal ideas it'll go here here I have title ideas Concepts hashtags and captions descriptions if you saw my content calendar in the beginning I basically had everything split up into Instagram Tik Tok and YouTube short but I thought it' be easier if I Condit everything down to short form which is why it just says all this here now keyword opportunities is basically SEO if you don't know what SEO is it's search engine optimization when you look up video on videos will show up based on how well it ranked SEO wise and how that video might appear to you based on if you click on it and I get this information such as search volume competition overall and notes from the tool vid IQ and since this video doesn't have a film date or a live date it comes right into this content ideas tab under the short form thing so if we scroll down it'll be right here if I have time to do all that information I usually use that but if I don't I will go into this idea brain up and just kind of put the title of the video/ the concept and go about my day I guess we can go ahead and get into the planning section of this in here we have a 2024 list I love having this here just so my team kind of knows how I'm feeling about my personal feedback and some subscriber feedback this is empty because it's in Google forms don't clock me but I like to ask myself the same questions every year about how I feel about my content just to get a feel of how I feel getting into the new year and how we should go about that and then below here I have a 2024 published content that's filtered by month don't have a march in here yet but when I when March is around I will add a March and then it just shows the videos that I posted during the month so we can see if that affects revenue or views or if a month did better than the other we can compare that just in that way this is currently not that filled out because I need to how to spice up my content section uh specifically for YouTube Tik to and Instagram cuz not all platforms can have the same techniques or just Aesthetics and editing ways and I haven't filled this out in a while just because I'm still trying to figure out how would spice up my content per platform I will figure that out later that's my problem not yours I have shot and editing inspiration section if I see a thumbnail I like I'll put it on here or a shot SL editing idea I'll put it in here some editing or just like text that I like how they laid it out the color I usually try to put text and stuff over on the right actual visual shots in the middle SL left side it's kind of messy right now but thumbnails are also here I try to categorize them but they're a little chaotic right now a description of what I like SL what I want to recreate in my own way in these scenarios a lot of my videos are planned you guys watch my my Vlogs now have the time of your life and it's because I actually spend time planning out what I'm doing in the Vlog slash what I want the Vlog to look like aesthetically everything is done with intention I definitely like this cuz sometimes it can feel a little stale as a Creator to just do the same thing over and over and switching up my font color or like the placement of it or just how I use opacity and how things are Blended that's the planning section the behind the scenes section is where it gets teish so we're going to start with the archives so once again pages that I'm just not ready to let go of SL things I want to look back on but these are more creative archives instead of planning archives above that we have the research and feedback section these are my focuses for the month of March I have my priorities listed and the ways that I'm going to maintain slash complete these focuses really nice to have your goal in action step to actually get to these um that's why these are here I'm going to show you the master video list of this because this is basically how I track the behaviors of my subscribers based on my video type so we have a video title the video live link the upload day the pillar which I need to updates cuz it's different from my content creation calendar but that's a different story if the video is sponsored I will put who sponsored it if I premiered it on YouTube if it's a YouTube short to promote it views within 24 hours one week 2 weeks and 3 weeks this is just how I track y'all's mannerisms and just how you're responding to certain videos in this my team actually has their own set of things that they can react to there's this little section here that they click Untitled and within this they say what works really well what could have been done better noticeable changes thumbnail feedback and notes and suggestions to make a future similar video better very very very helpful to know what they think as on a professional level going into my brand identity and pillar this is really just a way for me to look at my brand in an overview sense to where I know what is going on with myself and what I want to focus on with my videos and my posts no matter where they're posted so for example my brand identity I as myself a few questions such as who is the ideal viewer what's important to me why did I start doing this what makes me so special of course on the right side I have My Vibes and feelings of things that I want my videos to emit or emotions that I want my videos to Emit and then down below I have my brand pillars brand pillars are very important because they make up your brand so as you can see I have five main pillars and all these could fall under the lifestyle pillar but lifestyle is just too broad in my opinion so I had to break them down into things that I could visually see what I could do for each part of these pillars so for example I could talk about all these things listed under the arrow and I like to keep them under arrows cuz it keeps it very clean and concise moving on to sponsorships brand deals and collaps this is another huge database so bear with me start off the page of course with the goal cuz I need things to work too these are just some brands that I want to work with in 2024 if I'm able just some brands that I use on an everyday basis that are actually very organic and authentic to my lifestyle I think would work really well I have this Brands to work with General these are different category SL niches on social media that these Brands would fall in I'm not going to show all of them cuz it's really a lot but there definitely is a hefty amount of things and the these are all Niche titles that I created myself that I feel like could fit into my video and moving on to the right I have my PR list goals this is a recent Edition now we're going to come down here to my full collaboration directory you saw this before so you're going to see it again starting off we have the brand name the dates the platforms that they asked me to post on the status of the brand deal yes it is this serious this is pretty much like the initiation phase this is the in progress SL approvement phase and then this is when it's done this is how much was in the contract I get 80% of this if they paid me the payment plan net 306090 30 business days 60 business days 90 business days after getting an invoice or publishing date that goes interchangeably this is a new edition as you can see cuz all these are from 2020 and 2021 that I did not fill out cuz I'm not going to look back for that the day that they paid me how this relates to the YouTube uh view research if a video is tagged on that research page with a brand that they are sponsored by it'll show up here for example I worked with better help for a video here I've worked with better help a few times on a few videos and this is a long-term deal um so I'd have to tag a like more than one video here so that's why that's like that and then the content itself and this is within the content calendar database which is what we're about to get into so moving on this is my organized chaos podcast age because I thought about starting a podcast the name would definitely be organized chaos but I'm not exactly in the development phases of some of this information for example the episode database girl what episode are we talking about Guest database what I have guessed I don't know my social media never started it resources don't need to look I really just use it for this brain dump page on this page I will drop Concepts or title ideas to podcast episodes that I would love to chat about why is Gen Z so afraid of pregnancy Tik Tok is ruining influencers non-s sponse bag 2010's culture will and can't be replicated just a bunch of unserious things that I could talk about for hours that I cannot talk about in videos cuz like I said I will Yap for hours we're going to fully dive into the content calendar you guys saw a small part of this before and when I showed you the new ideas type of thing but as you can see I used to have it broken up into uh the platform in the logo that I was posting on but it had to go cuz look how chaotic this is it just looks a mess so now um I have it broken down into short form and long form slash on the long form side everything is still the same as when I showed you before would just create an analytics page if it was sponsored include all that type of stuff the thing for long form content is very different when it comes to the bottom I still have my title ideas my concept but down here I will go through and look up similar videos to get some ideas on what I should and shouldn't be doing for thumbnails and then I also have plot points into to do slash things that I want to mention within the video I wanted to show you up here there's also a status for these videos so when it's not an idea idea really means I just came up with like the general idea outlining means it's still like the preliminary steps of the video being done in progress really means filming I just don't like the word filming right now cuz I just use it so much so I usually just say in progress of the videos kind of being filmed cuz sometimes it takes me a really long time to film some videos and then sometimes I'm SC scripting some videos so I don't want to have filming and scripting so I just say in progress now if editing if it's exported SL submitted to editor or brand CU just because something is exported doesn't mean it is uploaded yeah I'll usually say exported if I exported like a Tik Tok or something and just like it's done like it's exported but that doesn't mean it's uploaded and am I complete I've uploaded scheduled and posted cuz scheduled and posted is two different things and I really added the uploaded thing because I post all my Tik toks through my Tik Tok app and as of right now you cannot schedule Tik toks through the app so I have it uploaded especially for my short form that's really what that's for notion recently came out with a new feature which is the notion calendar and if you have a calendar database you can open it and just hit open calendar you do have to have the app downloaded it will open up the calendar that you have and you could sync this with your Google calendar so you can officially sync your Google calendar with your notion calendar and I personally love this because it just creates creating my weekly schedule so much more seamless and since I do content creation full-time it'll show me what days I'm supposed to be posting what in the light blue cuz it has all my Google Calendar um things up here as well as the notion things that I have down here I also have a filming schedule section just now integrating this really into my notion because it is very very very new I recently added this cuz I wanted to have a filming schedule for my team to see what I'm filming when this is also within the information that you saw on the bump out on the right side so I have a film date and a live date and I'm doing a lot of pre-filming because I have a home thing that I want to do and there's a lot going on behind the scenes so I like to have everything pre-filmed and ready to go trying to figure out a way for this to be integrated within my notion calendar so if you know how to integrate filming activity versus um so like say you have something due on the 25th but you want to complete it on the 21st and you have it separated like mine if there's any way that you know how to fix that or just like have it show up on the notion Calendar please let me know help a girl out but yeah guys that is pretty much it for my entire 2024 notion tour and I would never end a video as extensive and detail as this without any tips because if you're seeing this and be like oh I want to get as organized as this like I need to get into that I'm going to give you some of my top three tips for getting started with notion my first tip for you I have a mix of free templates and paid templates and no matter what you do you do not have to cough up money if you don't have to I know a lot of you are colge students like I said before and some of you just don't want to spend no money cial is $9 for regular siiz box I would not blame you if you want to spend no money on an ocean template there's a ton of free ones on Etsy YouTube you really just have to find which ones work for you it's free it should be free if you want it to be free and there's a way for it to be free by just not coughing up no cash next tip I have for you as you can see I have really simple templates and really complex templates because I use mine for mainly work but I also have some personal things such as meal planning and hobbies that I want to keep up with some are more complicated than others but I will say the more you microm Mage stuff the more it could feel overwhelming so I would definitely say start simple and build up later there are a bunch of new additions to content calendars and how I manage things that have been added over the years that I've had this template which is over probably 3 4 years now adding stuff instead of trying to do everything everything at wants is absolutely the best way to go if you feel like you have to dump all your ideas within one notion I honestly don't blame you it's such a good tool the more trackers the more complicated it gets when it comes to tracking everything and micromanaging everything it's a huge task and it's very exhausting so starting small and building up your ways of tracking stuff in notion is going to be your best friend and technically my last tip try not to feel overwhelmed when you first get it you literally open it and it creates a blank page literally terrifying I know honestly your best friend is going to be watching you videos like this going on Pinterest getting inspiration for things you could or couldn't use what's going to work and what's not going to work for you just Aesthetics and visuals and everything you could find Under the Sun just playing and really developing it over time is going to be your best friend so with that being said that's it for today's video you all I'm sorry if it was kind of lengthy I really wanted to go really in detail to show you what I use for my everyday life and planning my life uh and the aspects that I wish to plan I hope you all enjoyed today's video if you do please give it a huge thumbs up and if you're new Please Subscribe I would love to have you here there are new videos here every technically Wednesday and Sunday you saw that already I hope you guys enjoyed today's video can't wait to see you on the next one and with that being said hope you have an amazing morning evening or night wherever you on the world and I will see you on the next video bye [Music] everybody
Channel: aliyah simone
Views: 10,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliyah simone, aliyah simonee, aaliyah simone, aliyah simone new video, azlia williams, charlotte north carolina, notion aliyah simone, how to use notion for beginners, how i organize my life with notion, productivity, new year new notion, my notion life tour, notion tour 2024, notion tutorial, how to use notion, notion, notion tour, how i organize my life - best notion tour, how i organize my life notion tour, how i stay organised & productive | notion tour, how i use notion
Id: FXD_T0v7yME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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