How I MASTER Sous Vide BURGERS | Sous Vide Everything

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[Music] welcome back to Sevilla everything you saw the thumbnail you know what's about to go down [Music] burgers are the staple of comfort food my number one favor and the one that actually changed my life is called smash burger it is also one of the easiest burger to make if you've never seen or had one I urge you to check out my googa foods channel where I show you how to make one and let me tell you something if you have a favorite burger that one will change your mind I can guarantee you another great way to have a burger is by making your own blend and using one of my favorite things like dry-aged is just awesome for burgers as you know whenever you do dry-aged you do have some trimming to do those trimmings work out perfect on a burger mixing up fresh meat and dry aged will give you an amazing tasting burger and if you never had that one oh man you are in for a treat but if you want to step up the burger game and go on to the most extreme there is then we're talking about a Wagyu burger Wagyu is the most expensive meat in the world for a reason it has a unique flavor and it just melts in your mouth as you're eating it a lot of people say making a burger out of it it's not worth it I believe if you use the fat from it and make your own blend that is the best of the best and whenever you purchase your Japanese Wagyu a5 steak make sure you leave that trimming aside for an amazing burger that my friends will just be an out-of-body experience and something I can guarantee you you will never forget [Music] but after showing you so many different types of burgers I cooked in the past one thing is still most important of all and that is to cook your burger to perfection and there's only one way that is the most reliable there is and you guessed it that Suvi cooking your burger Suvi will give you a perfect doneness every single time and all you have to do in the end is finish it up and today I'm gonna be doing something I've never done in a bargain and I'm excited to share with you what that is so let's do it and this is today's meat it's a blend of brisket and ribeye but if you don't like grinding your own meat you can always buy 2080 one of the things I like in burgers are bell peppers I usually sautee them with some onions and always add them to my burger but today we're gonna try something different after removing the seeds I cut them into a ring and since they are round they will go perfectly inside of a burger patty I will be nice to have some type of stuffing like a Juicy Lucy and for that I decided to use mozzarella cheese since it's gonna be cooked sous-vide I'm using low moisture mozzarella remember when you're cooking inside of a bag the moisture has no place to go so the low moisture mozzarella is a must then I lay down some parchment paper and start it for me my patty I threw in the meat the bell pepper ring and stuffed it with the cheese to finish it up I put a nice cover on that and molded by hand slowly until was perfectly formed the first one is always a little bit harder because it takes a little practice but when you're doing the second one it just becomes easy the biggest advice I can give you is that do not press your meat too hard in the end you want a hamburger not a meatloaf and having some crevices in the middle of the meat is that key to having a perfect burger now others have to do is to season them I kept the seasoning simple with salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder remember to season all sides including the edges these are thick burgers and not smash burgers so make sure you season it right the next step is to bag them and this might be one of the most important step with Suvi if you use a vacuum chamber and put it on the hardest setting they'll just become meatloaf a lot of people don't like burgers cooked sous-vide because of that reason there are two ways around it you can use a ziplock bags and use the water displacement method to close them that works but it's just not my favorite thing to do what I like to do is use my vacuum chamber and put it in a low that will not compress the meet minutes a lot easier here's an example with this one here I sealed it with a hard satti look how compressed it is and look the way it should be this is what a burger should look like to go with our burgers I'm also making a very simple sauce and I started up with a little bit of mayo ketchup mustard Thousand Island dressing a little bit of hot sauce then I finish it up with Worcestershire sauce mix it well and my sauce was done but now that I have my burgers ready I'm gonna be cooking all of them at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours [Music] they smell incredible that actual stuffing inside of the burger comes through with the smell but like I explained it on the video everybody check it out we have a regular real burger over here and here we have kind of like a meatball it's way too squished you know because everything is a hundred percent compressed I like the little gaps on my burger it just makes our life better especially when you're searing it you know all those rendering fat's getting there mmm it is amazing talking about searing today we're gonna sear them on the grill I know he does not look that good right now for watch this [Music] [Music] alright everybody we have our beautiful burgers what do you think my mom looks fake like I told you exactly they look exactly like an emoji burger they look absolutely perfect now they're special they have something special inside so I'm excited to find out you ready Tyler yeah we're gonna do a cross good crap you wanna see a cross cut mo we're gonna have a cross-section everybody all right let's cut him open let's see what they look like let's go [Music] [Music] there's your cross-section are you happy now mom it looks fantastic I can't wait to try it all right normally I like more you know Smashburger style but this nice and thick and Suvi is just perfect for this scenario i'ma go for it buddy we have more people in the family so we can only this one out cuz everybody wants to try it I should have made more today I should have made a little more there's thick right oh look at that everybody so juicy all right below cheers buddy looks so good what do you think about that starts to tomorrow that sauce is so delicious everybody oh I'm still we haven't here the burger is very juicy and it's medium rare in the middle still a little bit medium-rare and a sauce the sauce is absolutely ridiculous like all the way men are going for another battle they deserve a minute of silence so let me try to describe for you guys it's like the mozzarella aside keep the burger all moist and then it's perfectly medium-rare just the edges seared and thank you guys if you guys can't sear on the grill I know a lot of you guys love cast-iron gives a nice charcoal flavor when you sear it on the grill and Mama is right what happens is when you put the cheese in between you know it keeps the burger very moist and Suvi concentrates the flavor and it keeps everything inside nothing uses out so all that moisture from that cheese is combined to the entire burger and the bell peppers inside still kind of a little bit crunchy yeah okay I was trying to figure out there was a little bit of a crunch in there yeah there's a little crunch on that bell pepper here it was a tomato nose you see there's a little bit of a bell pepper it's a bell pepper and he's still a little crunch not that it's hard it's a nice little crunch soft and crunchy soft and crunchy exactly and the flavor of the bell pepper is just kind of little bit sweet it's very subtle yeah it really adds a little bit as I mentioned to the burger that's why I don't like to put the green peppers because then it will be a little bit too overpowering they're too strong for so I think I agree with you so I prefer to put it they either I just want to like pull it apart you go for it mama enjoy the burgers now this opens a lot of different ideas for us to create different elements stuffing the burger you know like maybe mushrooms inside imagine that more maybe mushrooms and bacon like stuffing and help the doors are open for your creativity everybody this turned out fantastic and I really hope you guys give it a try give it a try guys you will not regret this anyway guys this is the stuffed burger I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you're interested in anything I use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one and if you have any ideas to stuff with something else put it on the comments below because I'd love to make it a second go wow they're gonna get you know what we're gonna give my mother the hat we got a go everybody we'll see you on the next one take care of buddy bye bye oh my what happened you read any more burgers this is like one of the best ones you ever had made in your whole life I know that one is pretty good my mom I can't stop eating I agree with you my mom I enjoyed that burger I will I am see you guys on the next one I got a burger to finish
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 462,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burger, sous vide burger, stuffed burger, how to cook burger, grilling burger, burger recipe, best burger, premium burger, large burger, biggest burger, burger king, mcdonalds, wendy's, white castle, five guys
Id: aHlQnhjEufI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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