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[Music] what's up everybody cryptic here with your daily GTA 5 roleplay live streams videos and more and today for you guys I've got an absolute Banger for you guys today we're gonna be going over my roleplay map basically the one that you guys see on stream and in all the videos I want to show you guys around the map show you what I have added and pretty much just kind of a bit of a walk through what's going on here remember if you guys go on to enjoy today's video be sure to leave a like And subscribe if you're new without further Ado let's get straight into today's video the first things first I'd like to go over the police station so I decided to use the Mission Row police station specifically because it has a reset interior that is high resolution and already there the only thing I have to do is glitch inside which is pretty easy with the take flight signs it also has working jail cells in the uh basement area so kind of perfect rather than making my own PD somewhere or you know right now as you guys can tell um there's nothing in the parking lot and there's no like fancy entrance which I usually have if you guys have seen any of my past videos I always make some fancy entrance to the the parking lot of the police station but this time not the case I actually as nice as it looks it takes up a lot of props and memory limit and it's pretty much overall just not really needed and since a lot of people like to kind of congregate over at the PlayStation I can get pretty laggy as it is so figure I'd just leave all that stuff out moving on to the inside of the police station what I'd like to show you guys is once we get in here by the way as you can sell pretty seamless and easy we got the office which works everything in here is fully functional you can go up and down and whatnot but uh what I like is secret entrance to the Armory which isn't all that super fancy but once you get in here and realize that this is kind of what keeps it away from everything so that people can't just obviously run up grab gear like because it used to be up there before um just above those garage doors people would just run up a ramp and pretty much steal gear so now we have it under the map which makes it a lot easier as you guys can tell we got some uh carbine combat pistol they got flashlights of course because uh you know Peter sometimes you're doing stuff at night or Clearing Houses um a night stick another flashlight a taser and some body armor uh the fuel can if you're wondering what that's for because this seems pretty random is to actually repair the cop cars um so if you guys do decide to favorite my map um the reason for that is laced vehicles that are set to be allowed to respawn can just be lit on fire and they won't explode they'll just respawn so let you guys know yeah that's those that's pretty much everything in the future I'll definitely maybe add something to the entrance here something I'm probably thinking of is in one of my old role play maps what we had at the uh front here in front of the parking spots was he's like well I'm actually at the max problem right now I can always clear stuff out but there was these stunt barriers that I would put all the way around the curb because people like to park their cars on the sidewalk here and it got pretty cluttered and obviously when you keep them from doing that with those kind of hard to just want to leave your vehicle in the middle of the street knowing it'll just block traffic so it actually did stop quite a lot of that but I'll have to do that in the future so on the next thing is the gun store so you guys are also wondering there's green markers above certain areas certain locations like over here and over the police station and some hospitals and whatnot those are marking green zones green zones there's no kill areas basically uh you can come here and it's no matter what safe people should not be killing you here um but anyway moving on to the inside of ammunition we now use strictly the SMG is received now the reason for that is because pistols are something you can actually shoot out of your car with and we've been getting a huge problem with like drive-bys just random drive-bys like people going and pretty much just already having people for no reason and I figured the only solution to that is give them only a gun that they can shoot if they're not you know if they're on foot so that was kind of the best solution for that that's the best of both worlds I did keep the damage the same because there's really no point in making it harder to kill um so other than that that's pretty much just the gun store nothing too fancy uh the way I did get the guns inside though is through a glitch where basically just get any vehicle that can fit in the doors it might honestly this car might even be able to do it if you set it exactly like this just back out place it and it'll manually open the doors delete the car go to a pickup find a spot that it fits like for example I put one there zoom out and once you're far enough it'll allow you to actually place it inside the interior which is pretty cool and actually it makes it a much more immersive gun store that's why I put the ammunition side in I don't have a dealership which a lot of you guys probably think super weird but there's actually a pretty good reason for that the reason I don't have a dealership is because Sims like to fight over cars and I don't mean just argue over cars I mean they'll kill each other just to get a car that someone else has [Music] um which is crazy so yeah occasionally I add some secret cards to the map for people to find but overall I don't just add dealership Vehicles it's usually just a problem I 99 of the time I do have Benny's over here in case someone wants to work here and just kind of do some scenes there is a pipe wrench and a Jerry can to repair your cars up to you guys there's a jackal racing sign that I put here and it actually can't be taken out no matter what I do stuck here forever moving on to the next thing we got Franklin's house down here which you can actually go inside of using the BMX and I know it's kind of weird and kind of Jank but on Console we are pretty limited so I mean hey it works right so gotta do what you gotta do um that's not the only location that can do that I can actually take right now the beauty of the BMX is to get into Interiors is simply what you do is you go to the BMX if I can find it and uh you can find any location that was used in story mode that has a openable door like an interior that's been kind of like preset so if you come down to here I think it's over here there's the uh the torture chamber Trevor used uh during that one story mode Mission and remember if it's over here though yeah it's over here this place right here if you come over here and see this door right here if I place this BMX bike this and set it to respawn and zoom out here you go kind of blue for a second if you can hit it right just like that um you'll see the BMX it's half and half in the door so the door won't be open like this in an actual session and online this is just because I'm in Creator which if you load it from story mode to online it different not sure why um so anyway um can't walk through right now but there we go you can actually enter this entire interior which has a lot of audio going on on my end from what I can hear so just right off the bat that's something you guys can use yeah just that's pretty much how you guys can get into Interiors it's super easy it doesn't require a lot of BMX um you can use police bikes or like motorcycles which is up to you guys if you want I don't personally like those because they like to tip over and when they go to respawn in the door they don't usually respond sometimes or they don't let you out kind of annoying so this is BMX is a lot easier also moving on again this is another location that I have that people would like to come to over here from apartment buildings and um just some little details everywhere like some broken down cars um I got the spend scenario over here with some benches you guys can access through here got some rocks over here just to make it a little bit more immersive got a switchblade which by the way only spawns once it's uh spawn settings it's just so that it makes it feel a little bit more unique when someone does have it however if that person dies they kind of lose it forever so at least until we started another RP but that would be that um yeah so let's bring that's pretty much this area uh I do like it a lot it actually turned out pretty good um people seem to like it a lot it's pretty awesome I like those archways though these archways that I put down it looks pretty they can really like change up location quite a bit especially with some trees a little bit of symmetry pretty good let me know in the comments what you guys think all right so moving on to Grove streets The Grove Street was uh somewhere that I actually bruised up quite a lot maybe even a little too much if I'm being completely honest because there's quite a lot going on actually at the cul-de-sac down there um so obviously just some trees because it looks nicer it adds just uniqueness to the map but not only that I added some extra little kind of props here and there just to change it up just to make it look different and honestly it looks a lot more lively I'm being honest there's a couple broken cars there was actually a lot more than that but I took them out because they were kind of in the way and useless but um I added a couch there which by the way I don't know if you guys know this you can go on these couches if you press R1 if you're on the PlayStation you can actually go behind like in cover and it looks like you're sitting on it so you're making apartments or houses just a little tip for you um I added these kind of like rusted broken down stacked up vehicles from the arena props that they just added recently which pretty cool figured I'd add those just extra detail I'm hoping they add palm trees at some point though there's also cherry blossom trees that they have up in Vinewood really love to see those as well one day future update I would definitely have a street with cherry blossoms all through it oh and then I almost completely forgot but there's an actual house you guys can enter over here it's just a simple take flight sign and a prop block that's tilted a little bit when you rotate them it kind of pushes you in the direction of it yeah let's put some cash on it body armor if you need to kind of maybe I don't know refill in some body armor then of course just to get off about the edge and we'll responding outside because I'm in the Creator if the actual Creator menu thing it won't just spawn me outside it'll put me back in this camera but yeah pretty much that super easy well that's gross street now I used to put Berry cans throughout the entire map Embark these gas stations here which I mean works but it's honestly to each their own I might add them again just because it looks nice because when you're actually in game when you're in the RP you don't see all these these props you don't see it you don't see any of these however you do see these you see these pickups and stuff and honestly you've seen a Jared can at every gas station is pretty cool so it's a lot like 5am so a reminder about this baseball bat over here I added a baseball bat that only responds once at the at the diamond because why not it's a baseball diamond should have a baseball bat it was a little more immersive can't play baseball but you know it's pretty cool I added all these BMXs since I already had BMXs being used for to like enter interiors and stuff I figured I'd add them over here or players to actually use to ride around on um you guys seem to like it a lot which is awesome that's exactly what I was looking for I also added a few more over here right over here if you guys like that as well so hospitals are as you can tell green zones there's one on this side and there's one on this side just to remind people um you guys do spawn or hospitals when you die um just like most actual like RP servers on PC and everything everything like that so the thing that I did was I spread them out across multiple hospitals the thing is I don't like seeing everybody spawn at the same Hospital because it can get pretty boring so I just moved them um as you guys can tell I put some over here I got some over here and I actually put some over here as well there's three hospitals it's so that when you die in RP and respawn you don't just heal it feels a little more Dynamic not just like a static of a experience you don't just spawn at the same hospital every single time you actually change locations kind of switch it up a bit um and then of course um one of the like biggest parts of the RP server that I have here is um the prison system which I'm super proud of that finding that out was just huge for the community um you know anti-griefers and everything I did add this green here just to kind of spruce up the prison it looked pretty bland so I just thought I'd add this because it looks pretty nice I'm being honest um I also added this area with a soccer ball just for prisoner steps I'm gonna do so if you guys are new to the channel you have no idea what I'm talking about with the prison I'll go over that now so what I do is I have modifier sets only two there's the main modifier set which is applied to everybody as soon as you spawn in and there's the crooks modifier set this is the modifier set that is applied to you when you get four kills or five five kills so basically if I have it set so that if you run a player over and kill them with your car it will immediately teleport you to it'll kill you immediately and teleport you to prison because of course we don't want anybody mediuming right so if you I mean honestly if you just drive realistically you're gonna be fine you're not gonna be running players over but it does happen and people also do it deliberately and you reach yourself you know what they're saying that's the prison system much more complicated than that it is technically complicated but it's pretty simple at the same time uh so a little extra detail I added an AK at the top of a Slicker if you guys come over here which you can get into back here via BMX which um by the way is I mean way the heck out here from where the spawns are so if you're really willing to track all the way out to Ace liquor for some black market weapons um it'll definitely be worth it like 100 alrighty so on the out side it doesn't look like a whole lot it just looks like well lucky plucker which it is and it's actually really awesome when you go inside you're gonna be treated to a pretty interesting interior that if I do say so for myself turned out absolutely Stellar I love the tables and the benches um in The Snack Shack things here that uh kind of appeared I don't know these look great like these this just works so well and yes you can actually enter these and you can sell players so it's pretty it's actually pretty awesome it turned out really well it looks great aesthetically it's very pleasing um oh and if you're wondering how to get out it's super easy for some reason this place is a lot different than other Interiors um it's actually this simple you can just walk right out which brings up pretty easy so yeah that's it for Lucky plucker now as well as Franklin's house I also added Michael's house over here which is Mark of the parachute um I'm actually gonna take that parachute out while I'm here and then uh there's a BMX in the front door and there's one in the back door as well and you can explore the entire house as you wish you'd like to go there and live there there's entirely up to you guys not only that but it could have sworn and I I didn't Franklin's mansion apparently I didn't okay well that's simple I can just do this flip a bike around the right direction which is forward back out place it well that's it that's literally all you have to do and it works both ways so uh Michael's house I did it just in case I added two so because his house has two or actually three entrances to it so I actually did that Franklin's only has the actual one legitimate door in story mode he can walk outside of the uh sliding window areas here which typically I'm not sure why this is open right now this is actually not open normally might be a bug but anyway um now Franklin sales completely or at least Mansion is now completely enterable and if you guys want to use ecam the only thing that kind of sucks is the garage doors don't open which is too bad because it'd be cool to store cars but it's all good the rest of it works and honestly that's pretty great I oh the next thing is the pack Standard Bank or Pacific Standard Bank so this is pretty awesome you guys can actually as always just enter like normal and there's an entire interior here of a nice big fancy bank that you guys can rob during RP and I've seen some pretty cool scenes play out here we've had spot roll up we've had you know the whole PD roll up there's people robbing the bank they have hostages high speed chase this is actually pretty insane and a lot of fun so thanks you guys join Link in the description to the server if you are curious that's the maze or the almost called it the maze map the Pacific Standard Bank Mark of the parachute I also believe I added Lester's house no I actually did not so I'm actually kind of surprised I forgot about this but you can also enter Lester's house which is just over here which again is just as easy as adding a BMX to the front door like so backing out placing it and doing it it works flawlessly that's literally all you have to do now if you want so people know where these are you can always just put a parachute down on the roof or something to Market but I really don't bother honestly it's really up to you guys but it is an option you bet we couldn't place down our own icons in the map so that'd be kind of cool if they added that ability in the future um let's see so yeah that's probably pretty much everything except last but not least obviously is the dollar pills which turned out really great actually got all these trees here to make it look a little bit nicer I also put some here and if you guys see the dirt in the ground here to kind of kind of make that look a little bit more realistic I actually use the military sandbag barrier things to a place that reaction are really good it works pretty well you guys go inside dollar pills you'll be greeted to this so the first thing you can see are some plants you know whatever little front desk here somewhere to buy stuff and some help if you need some you know rugs and I'm also substituting tear gas as Vapes which was actually requested from you guys in the Discord um someone said figured a way to add Fates to the server I not 100 sure how I was supposed to do that but probably the best you're gonna get oh there you guys have it that is my role play map I hope you guys enjoyed if you did remember if you guys are new to subscribe drop a like and as important as always turn on notifications because you're going to want to know when I go live because when I do go live that's when I host the RPS and that's when you guys can join so yeah turn on notifications I pretty much stream daily uh yeah that's probably everything peace [Music]
Channel: Cryptic
Views: 21,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best, gta, how, in, make, map, online, roleplay, the, to, how to make a roleplay map in gta ps4, how to make rp map in gta 5 online, ps4, fivem on ps, cryptic, cryptic gta rp, how to join gta 5 roleplpay, how to join a roleplay server, gta 5 roleplay, gta 5 rp
Id: b9icgB7TCzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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