How I lost Weight and Maintained It | Tamara Kalinic

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[Music] hello my lovelies and welcome to a new video today's topic was so highly requested and at first I was not sure if I wanted to film and talk about this but then my friends and you guys were so persistent asking me to talk about this topic that I just could not resist before I start talking about how to get rid of those few like stubborn pounds that we gained during the Christmas period I just wanted to say that if you do suffer with an eating disorder or these type of videos so trigger you please exit now because I'm a pharmacist and I wouldn't like anybody to get any negative effects from this video I want you all all to be healthy and happy and more than anything else to be happy in your skin because I think that's the most important thing like no matter how much you weigh or how you look it's important to find happiness in your own skin and to accept yourself as you are you know like to change whatever you want in case you want to change that so today I wanted to talk to you about a few things if you are not new to my channel then you definitely know that in 2018 I lost 20 pounds I lost around 9 kilos I think that's 20 pounds I hope so I lost 9 kilos and now I'm going to let you know how I've spoken about it briefly before and I've explained my methods but there's one thing that I haven't really spoken about and all of my friends who I have told this trick and tip have told me tomorrow you have to tell all of your like YouTube audience you just have to you just have to you just have to sew around last summer I did an interview for a Serbian media platform and I have explained all of my kind of like details on this like routine and most audience was like really impressed with it and people were saying that it really helped them many many feedback said that I got were like wow you like changed my life you change my health you changed my energy levels etc so I told like you know what why would I deprive my international audience of these tips and tricks and I just really wanted to share that with you so I lost the weight in 2018 and throughout 2008 and maintained at all I wait exactly the same throughout a year I was not gaining weight who do normally people say once you lose weight you will gain it back but keep in mind that I lost weight over the period of a year so it was not rushed it was not fast it was not unhealthy and I planned on keeping it away so I managed to maintain it which they say is much harder than actually losing it I maintain it throughout in 2019 and then the festive period came and as every year I just you know that relax it's like holiday time I'm more at home unless active just enjoy time with my friends and I ate so many sweets which I tend not to do anymore by it so many sweets that I did gain a few pounds which I by now got rid of and I will tell you a little bit about that so the problem with what I do and gaining few pounds over the Christmas period of the holidays New Year's whatever you want to call it is that already in like third week of January I'm back to work on back at Fashion Week sometimes even second week of January I'm back at Fashion Week's doing like Milan Men's Fashion Week or Paris Men's Fashion Week followed by Auto tour this year followed by a Copenhagen Fashion Week followed by New York London Milan Paris Fashion Week's and for all of those I'm heavily photographed have to be on the street wearing samples like you know certain looks that I'm styling and showing my personal style if you gain quite a bit of weight it can be quite tough you don't feel good in your skin well certainly like I wouldn't feel great in my skin if I'm on the streets being photographed and I know that I'm not looking my best so for me it's very important to get back to that original weight quite early in January and I'm gonna talk to you about a few of my best tips and tricks first very important thing is getting a routine when you're traveling and we're constantly on the road when you're doing stuff it's so hard to get into a routine so I'm gonna be going to Paris then to Copenhagen then to New York now actually in between that I'm gonna be going to France that New York that London and Milan and Paris etc etc etc and it's really hard to get in routine when you don't have like a living routine when you don't have a kitchen when you don't have your own bed and bed especially important because thing number one that I'm going to talk to you about is sleep I think as a pharmacist but also from my experience the sleep is the most important thing and this is a very easy one you can like nail this one very easy all you need to do is go to bed before midnight a relatively young person I guess you still call young nowadays and I love going to bed after midnight I love going to bed around 1 o'clock I go to put it like 11:30 and then I watch netflix until 12:30 and then I would fall asleep around 1:00 and that's just bad it's bad because your liver is metabolizing fats while you sleep liver only works while you sleep while all of your other organs are sort of like I guess you can call it resting if you've done allow your liver that healthy sleep which is before midnight it's more likely to work a little bit inefficiently and the less you sleep the more likely you are to gain sort of fat yeah also the less you sleep the more likely you are to be a bit more stressed that way you are more likely to excrete a certain stress hormone called cortisol which is known to also pile facts around your waist and stomach area besides that the less you sleep the more likely you are to be hungry throughout the day because you're running on less energy and your body is thinking ok I need energy I should intake more food so you're taking more food and mostly carbohydrates because that's what you're craving when you sleep less so first thank you sleep and how you're gonna nail this one is because it's very easy so if you if you struggle to go to bed early this is what we gonna do tomorrow morning you're gonna wake up at 5 o'clock it's very early it's unnecessary but you're gonna do that tomorrow so tomorrow you're gonna wake up at 5 o'clock I'm gonna set up that alarm get up at 5 and by the time it's like 9:00 you will be exhausted you will be so tired that you will be going to bed at 9:00 or 10:00 and you can thank me later for that I know it's like very obvious and some people say like no I cannot wake up at like 5:00 it's impossible you just have to like make the decision you have to make a contract with yourself you have to promise go and tell all of your housemates tomorrow waking up at 5:00 go and tell your mom or your friend or somebody call me tomorrow at 5:00 to make sure that I'm up I need to be up at 5:00 and then start working what you will also notice that in the mornings you will be so productive it will be so amazing you can even go to the gym that's the best way to start 20 20 I find those first hours between five and nine to be very used so sometimes I would get up at 6 or 7 7 I call a line like that I'm getting up to 5 will really really work and you will be so tired by 10 you will change your rhythm and yes I agree sometimes it is difficult if you have like social life and you go for dinner and you stay a little bit later however I personally believe that you can you know still stay a few days a little bit later and you kind of like get adjusted to that just like you do every day for you know like when you have to get up earlier when you have to get up but you have to stay up later I have been using also an app this is not sponsored by the way this is like a genuine nothing is sponsoring this video this is a genuine advice it's called sleep cycle I've been using it for a year and a half definitely since 2018 I saw my friend Cassini using it and then I started using it and it's really great because it monitors your sleep and what it does it wakes you up in the most gentle way so in the morning when my phone goes off at 5:00 I'm not stressed to wake up I wake up in the most natural way because it monitors my sleep and it wakes me up in the best time for my body to wake up but also has certain like fall asleep methods such as like rain I like to listen to one cold arraign on the car bro it's very soothing for me and I love sleeping while it's raining outside so I'm now going to talk to you about my tip numero dos tip number two is intermittent fasting and this is the one that I was very hesitant if I should are I should not talk to you about because it can be in a way triggering or it can be difficult for some of you people sometimes I understand it but what it means is that you are every other day or two days a week or a few days a week or every day eating for eight hours in a day and not eating for sixteen hours in a day now this doesn't work for me always because very often I would be on trips I have like breakfast lunch dinner with a brand or I would have breakfast lunch dinner meetings and I absolutely enjoy when I go on holiday is I'm not like fasting I'm trying to be very like eating whatever I want during the holidays I was eating whatever I wanted whatever my heart desire that was really enjoying life because that's really need to do you need to enjoy it life as well but intermittent fasting has massive massive benefits on her body because while you are not eating and you're not in taking any calories or food you're that justice system is not working and your other tissues and organs and the rest of your body can repair the cells tissues organs are repairing so for example like the digestive system takes very long time to process food so if you eat lost it like let's say five or six you're still digesting sometimes you know it's ten eleven by the time that the food goes through your old system so you need to give several hours in this way you're giving your body at least like ten hours to recover without the adjusting anything but imagine if you're eating up until midnight and then you get up and you're eating from like eight o'clock we were literally giving you like body two or three hours to repair the tissues repair the cells etc so it's very simple how I do it personally is that I eat between 10 and 6 and the rest of the day I do not eat if I don't eat after 6 by the time I go to bed which is like 10 I feel great I don't feel too full I don't feel hungry and great in the morning they get up very early and I will have a tea or hot water with lemon or I would have coffee which is not the best but I like it that way I will kind of slowly start getting my body into the you know that prepared food but I would only eat at 10:00 and I'm absolutely fine within my body is used to that system but I've never felt more energized and never felt better I've never felt more mindful about food about what I ain't taking my body and I'm very careful about like you know thinking that my body needs to take time to repair it's very funny because I told my friends can we laugh about this and she was like I don't know like I'm I tried whatever and the most incredible thing about this is that you lose a lot of weight around your waist area and around the part where you like you don't get bloated you're not getting bloated anymore you lose weight around ways to lose weight those kind of like unhealthy parts of the body you don't lose the like good way to lose the bad weight when I told my friend Camille about it she told me that this is something that is also spoken about it like Bible and Quran in different religions because this is something that has been known like people have known about this for centuries it's something that is very very well known to help your body to recover your mind and your body from constantly digesting food in modern times so for me this is like a massive one and this is something that helps me I wake up with like a very flat stomach and after doing this for three days I already started noticing like pounds going down so for me this is kind of like how to quickly get rid of the weight that you've gained during Christmas it's like a very quick way because your body like starts metabolizing faster but also it's not like difficult it's not so difficult during the eight hours I would eat pretty much anything that I want and like the rest of the day I felt really really great and not hungry which is also very important maybe I will feel hungry or difficult in the first few days because if you eat all the time your body's like use to it so it will be like it will be packaged but not hungry so that's very important to mention and for me this is a very quick way to shed those pounds that I gained during Christmas this is what really helped and this is what called me back to my flat stomach back on track the thing that I would say is vitamin intake for me this is so important I guys like I mean this is again not sponsor like I don't know I have to say this all that but the amount of these that you will find like everywhere it's crazy actually when I'm hungry or if I'm feeling a little bit like you know I didn't you know like I need to take more food and it's I don't know past my eating time I would drink abraca these are suitable for diabetics so they do not have sugar but it tastes orangey and they're full of vitamin B which is absolutely great let's see what else they have they're not suitable for pregnant women that I know but they have between b1 b2 niacin vitamin b6 folic acid b12 biotene tonight I pass it with me see magnesium and think so it's big complex plus vitamin C pantothenic acid magnesium and zinc magnesium zinc are great for me because I used to get spasms in my muscle especially when I start working out more also like with allergies I suffer with hay fever since I've been taking these everything was under control I felt much better magnesium and zinc for me are great but so are the between bees for all of your hair for nails and everything else and once you are like in taking more vitamins your body like it's taking you should not absolutely not substitute this with like food with this 100% not let me lemurs and not you will cause like bad you will not have results but what I'm saying is that this really helps with kind of getting all the necessary vitamins when you feel hungry you kind of trick your body at night into thinking like okay I'm getting some really good and one more thing that is very very important is that if you actually do break that fast so you're fasting for 16 hours and then you need to eat you should not be starving yourself once you eat you need to eat a lot you need to eat a lot throughout those eight hours that are you eating because if you do not your body will be excreting hormone which is like a starving hormone and then your body things like okay I'm in a serration Road I'm not receiving enough food it like excretes this hormone which then stores your fat it holds onto your fat because it thinks like I needs to protect the fat I need to hold onto it we cannot let it go it's very very bad for you so basically you need to eat during the eight hours you need to eat and you need to eat a lot constantly eat during the eight hours of your day do not starve yourself do not kind of try and like think that this is like a thing you know you need to eat because your body cannot think that you're starving yourself that's very very important when it comes to workout I am slowly but surely getting back to the gym it's much easier for me actually to work out when I'm traveling because I get up very early and most of the hotels I stayed at they have a gym I don't know what it's like for you but I like working out an empty stomach after which I eat I can talk more about my workouts maybe in another video if you guys are interested in that let me know in the comments below last but not least I know that everything like all of this is easily said that it's not so easy to do and very often it can be one of those things that in theory it sounds like lovely but once you start doing it it's so hard so hard to move yourself to kind of start and say okay I'm gonna do it today not gonna order another like takeaway I'm not gonna have a pizza like massive pizza at nine o'clock or like your stop eating at six and then you're really good and then at eleven you're so hungry you eat like I completely understand that but you have to understand that discipline and self-control are the most important thing in life I think like the best like most important characteristics that you should have I think discipline and self-control for me are so important that's at least how it's raised maybe I'm wrong but that's how my parents taught me to understand how important it is to be self controlled and disciplined it's like a muscle you know discipline is like a muscle the more you work you two the better you will be at it and not just in food you will be more disciplined at work you will be more focused you will be more disciplined with like in relationships in the way you carry yourself you will be more proud of yourself because you will be able to say no to bad things and yes to yourself and to good things which I believe is very important so how I practice discipline I watched a really really good TED talk by Dan Ariely I will try and link it below and it's all about self control and it inspired me so incredibly much like I can't even tell you how much it is for me but it says that like whenever you're like kind of short on some good stuff and you're like getting the saying no to something that you really enjoy you should give yourself like a reward so for example if I make myself go to the gym the way I want to go to the gym is that I have connected gym to something very good so after gym I would have like this protein smoothie that I really love that I make at the gym and also during the workout at the gym I am allowed to watch my favorite TV program or favorite YouTube videos and I'm only allowed to do that while I'm in the gym so that's the way I would make myself go to gym I'm not allowed to watch it at home I'm only allowed to watch it in the gym or for example after I'm done eating at 6:00 I would make sure that my sister and I watch one episode of there currently we were watching the Messiah and we will watch one episode together you know like this is at the beginning how I gave myself something I knew that yeah like you know it's it's kind of hard like at this time for example at night at the beginning but afterwards obviously gets easy but while it was hard at the beginning my treat was that I get to spend time with my sister and we're both sitting in front of the TV and we're watching it and it's like it becomes a routine I think routines alive are extremely important as well and once you have routine it's so much harder to fail it's so much harder to you know like do something that you're not going to be proud of afterwards those were my top tips on how to get a flat stomach after Christmas how to get back to routine how to have your best year be proud of yourself and if you start now this summer you can have the body you're really proud of and trust me like when that happened to me in 2018 when I got my best body ever like and I then maintained it I was just so so so happy so yeah in 2018 actually I said no to sweets and I kinda that's how I started it and then I continued with intermittent fasting but then in 2019 I introduced the sweets back I was just being very moderate about them but I continued with intermittent fasting so for me that's the main thing I recommended it to my mother I recommend it to everybody that I know and for me honestly it's something that I really really believe in it's what gives me a lot of focus what gives me energy it's my top tip for you guys so that's about it I hope you enjoyed this video if you have any other tips and tricks please do share them with me I would really love any kind of advices on this topic and I think this is a community I believe in I trusted that us we can share the best tips and tricks and also other people can benefit from that thank you for watching and I'll see you soon bye guys
Channel: Tamara Kalinic
Views: 134,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tamara kalinic, theglamandglitter, fashon blogger, Tamara
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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