5 Easy Tips For Losing Weight | Tamara Kalinic

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[Music] Helena loves and welcome to another video today's one is going to be sort of like a different format which is why we are starting in what wardrobe I guess I actually wanted to discuss a topic that so many of you have asked me I did a little kind of question on my Instagram stories asking you what would you like to see more and what would you like to see it less on my channel and I mean I would say that 99% of you guys said that you want to see hulls try on outfits like different kind of dressing styling different pieces of clothing there kind of like everybody has and I'm definitely gonna do that i-i've been always doing that so that will not be lacking from my channel but I have noticed that there was one video that kind of seems to be repeating over and over and over again and the video is one that I'm filming right now which you have already seen the title so I guess I don't you have to introduce it but anyway the point is that today I am filming a video about how I maintained the weight and sort of like five tips on maintaining and losing weight during quarantine think these five tips are really easy common sense nothing like Donnie there is no need add blah blah blah those kind of difficult ones that I personally don't like when I see online and never used to like them but I believe that they really can help change your body change your habits and can help you like either reduce your weight or maintain a healthy weight during the times when it's kind of hard actually to maintain weight so I'll tell you a little bit of a story background first of all so you guys know that I have filmed a few of the kind of like weight related videos like healthy lifestyle I would call them more if anything they got a lot of questions they got a lot of attention you guys wanted to know more about my body about my development maintenance etc etc and I have discussed this before but I kind of wanted to implement few other things because never in my life how I told that I would be in a situation where I am less active for me my lifestyle is very if I walk a lot every single day I walk at least 10 kilometers I go everywhere that I can my foot this is like a kind of workout that really does help maintain a healthy lifestyle and they say that walking is actually the best possible workout for your heart and for your body and for burning calories so this all of sudden when lockdown started it was completely taken away from my life because not only that I didn't have you know like walk to the post office or walk here or like a go from meeting to meeting I all of sudden had to force myself to burn calories because before it was just so much easier than it is now and it does not kind of somehow fit in my philosophy I believe another thing is that in my house I also have a person that is kind of like more endangered when it comes to Coronas situation so we have very strict measures with leaving the house and I'm basically not leaving the house at all except to sunbathe in my garden as what you can see out on some bit my face and the shade difference but the point is that in today's video I really wanted to share with you how I managed to maintain my weight and lose weight during the quarantine I lost around 2 kilos during the last almost 3 months of being at home so I'll show you my body right now and I'm not really gonna show you my body I'm just gonna show you my body in clothes you know what I mean so I guess we wear swimsuits in here okay so here is my current body situation as you can see I'm kinda like my waist I guess is remaining pretty much the same I would say as it was I feel like the weight was like I lost a little bit of weight there and a little bit of waste in my legs I don't know if you can tell but this is the current situation and was it hard to maintain it during like the time of not walking it was hard but I kind of developed five hacks on how to maintain and lose weight during the contine so let's start to number one okay so number one thing and something that I have actually briefly touched upon before is healthy sleeping pattern so during the lockdown like phases of all kinds and since the since the quarantine has started I have noticed on Instagram a lot of people saying that they go to bed and like 4:00 a.m. that way the day wake up at like 2:00 p.m. that their sleeping pattern is completely messed up because there's lack of responsibilities there's also like laugh cough sleeping pattern which should be how it kind of was before the lockdown right because a we're gonna struggle going back into it and be kind of swapping day for night is very unhealthy so I have spoken about this before and for a human body to be able to metabolize your fats and to metabolize all the nutrients as well it's important to have enough sleep I'd say at least eight hours per night would be essential if you want to be burning fat and burning calories and our liver I don't know if you knew this but works during night it's one organ that actually works during your sleeping time so if you're sleeping like 3-4 hours or you're sleeping less than normally or you're kind of swapping day for night it's just not good because during the day light you're never gonna sleep as well as you are going to sleep during the night hours you're not supposed to be spending your whole day in bed watching Netflix and then forcing yourself to pull sleeeeep I'd like three four yeah so this is one very very important thing and I have spoken about it so much so if you have swapped night for day and you're sleeping like you're sleeping pattern is different you might be struggling in burning fat and you might be actually depositing fat cells around those stubborn areas which is going to be a disaster when the quarantine is over because it will be harder to shadows so I suggest if you're guilty of this set up your alarm for tomorrow for 7:00 a.m. get up yes you will be tired throughout the whole day but then the next day you will go to bed earlier and it will be so much easier to get back into the rhythm it's so important because you guys for a healthy body healthy brain function and for a healthy fat metabolism it's so important to sleep well you guys know I've been using the app I guess like so many questions about this app but I got recommended this app for my friend Ksenia add-ons I love her so much so clever and always has the best recommendations I've been using the sleep cycle for over a year now this is by the way not sponsored I always say there's like nothing in this video sponsored so I might be talking about some things that they seem they are but they're not been using this out for over a year now and it's just like really really great for waking up because it wakes you up in the right kind of time that you really need to wake up so it kind of doesn't wake you up from that beautiful deep sleep but it wakes you up when you are closest to waking up anyway which makes you get out of the bed very very easily so for me this app really changed everything I try to get up early in the morning get the Sun now it's like the time to wake up early because the Sun comes out so early so it's not like winter months when it's just like you wake up and you still dark outside and there's no really need to get out of the bed if you know what I mean so that's my tip number one go back to healthy sleeping and get at least eight hours a night it's so essential the moment that I did this because there was a point when I was not really sleeping well the moment that I implemented the sleep cycle and started learning to bed at 10:00 and waking up actually very early such as like 5 or 6 a.m. I actually just started losing weight it was really busy but for me this happened and I think going too bad my mom always says that every hour before midnight counts as two so I trust my mother now I promise I'm not really gonna touch on it healthy because that's so common sense nobody needs to be told to eat healthy but I'm giving you a hack that always always helps me how to eat healthy there's like two really important things when it comes to this food is really related to so many things are mood - how many calories we use every day food is like connected to so much stuff to our health - cravings but for me it's very simple I open chocalate bar and I don't stop until there's nothing left it's very difficult for me to eat one little like square or I don't know like I have to eat the whole thing if I open it I have to eat the whole thing and this is a big problem so I make sure that I don't have any of those bad foods in my house at the beginning of quarantine I saw a lot again on social media that people are buying like ice cream biscuits crates of wine foods that you know are so high in calories that they normally don't really eat but they were buying enjoying the lockdown and for me it doesn't make sense because a you're using less calories during this time and B you don't really need those foods I understand that a lot of people do compensate the mood for the food so basically you're kind of feeling bored at home bored in the house in the house bored and you also feel that you know it's like a little bit sad that we're not able to go and see the people that we want to see and do the stuff that we normally want to do and your trip to Hawaii was canceled and you know what I mean like it is kinda sad right but that is not a reason to kind of try and eat unhealthy foods because you will only be further unhappy if you are gaining weight while sitting at home and you know it's not gonna help you feel any better or at least doesn't help me so what I made sure is that I got rid of old unhealthy foods from the fridge not all unhealthy foods like you know but all the super excess sweet there's no buying ice creams not eating biscuits chocolates any of the unhealthy stuff if I really really crave sweets I would have a fruit yogurt and I kind of tried to really really plan ahead my food shopping so that I do not actually buy the stuff that will get me in trouble so I do also the food shopping when I'm full I obviously order online because I'm not living the house that really helped me you know it helped me control what I eat when I twenty five times a day open fridge the chances are a lot smaller that I'm gonna eat something unhealthy if there's nothing unhealthy in there you know I'm gonna eat a mango which by the way I bought like a full crate off because I love mangos I'm gonna eat like I don't know blueberries raspberries I have a watermelon in my fridge so when I am craving a dessert I'm gonna have a fruit and when I'm craving something salty I had a full fridge of actual vegetables I do have pasta and cheese when I feel like it because I mean I'm not a prisoner to anything I just sabotage the really unhealthy food so that was my rule number one I emptied the pantry of like everything that I didn't want you know in the first place I kind of just said that is it I gave a lot of the sweets cookies biscuits chocolates to the children around me and they were very happy about it my hack number three is not drinking enough water now if I'm guilty of one of the things from this list I'm guilty of not drinking enough water and I know that I'm not drinking enough when I start getting like hydration headaches water is so important like I cannot even stress this enough and it's so boring to drink water so I don't even really know how to convince you to do it but you're just gonna have to because water is actually rinsing your body from all the toxins that are slowing down your metabolism so the more wood you drink the faster your metabolism will be and the point is not to have two litres of water all at once and you're like I'm done with my two litre water a day because then it just goes through your body it flushes it you like go to toilet you're done with that water I and that's not the point the point is to drink two liters at least of water throughout the day so that you are regularly hydrating yourself you know you don't go and pour five liters of water on your grass once a week you need to do it throughout the day every day throughout the week and so on and so on and that's the trick the trick is really to have a jug of water on your work table on your makeup table on your bed nightstand everywhere you can have some water and start drinking you throughout the day it really helps and if you like me anything that water is so boring then maybe add a little bit of like lemon ginger a little bit of orange to it it does really help give it taste my favorite favorite favorite is to add some mint leaves I love anything some mint leaves and a little bit of lemon into the water or some ice and during this hot especially when I'm sunbathing I really try to take as much water as possible because I'm spending a lot of time in the Sun if you are drinking so that if you're drinking a lot more alcohol then usually try and stop because alcohol is so full of calories that you will most likely not use during during quarantine it's really really unnecessary calories I appreciate that some people need a glass of wine to relax or something like that but to tell you the truth I have not had a single glass of wine since the beginning of quarantine I maybe had a glass of amaretto or two I don't know for my birthday and then another occasion but honestly I don't know I just find it like to be unnecessary calories at the moment and I I really need to hydrate and alcohol is completely opposite because alcohol is actually the hydrating has the hydrating properties so think about it maybe do not cut it out but like reduce it a little bit that could significantly help in water retention and in weight loss as well the rule number one and the essential bottom line rule is you need to be in taking less calories than what you spend so let's say that your basal metabolism which is metabolism kind of like you know your heart kidney function speaking singing like normal everything you know like what you do throughout the day your basic calorie usage per day is like 600 calories I don't know it depends from body to body depends how much you weigh already it depends on so many different factors but let's say that my basal metabolism is 600 calories and that by going from here to the kitchen to the garden etc I use in a day 500 calories that's you know like 1,100 calories a day right 600 plus 500 and then let's say I can take 1,300 a day I'm not going to be able to lose weight I'm going to be storing the extra calorie so I'll be turning them into the fat into the energy and that's how you gain weight is so simple nobody needs this explained right but the point is you can actually calculate your basal metabolism and you can understand how many calories a day your body needs just to run its operating system like heart kidneys circulation everything like you know this doesn't happen out of nowhere your heart needs energy to work your brain needs energy to work your everything needs that aren't you know like your organs need energy so your organs need certain set amount of calories and then you use certain amount of calories I normally have my Apple watch on every day to kind of try and understand how many calories I use per day you can also have your iPhone with you throughout the day to understand how many steps stairs etc you take the day to kind of understand how many calories you would use then try and have that as a guide to how much you need to intake and if you want to maintain the weight you just need to understand okay every day I with my workout with my basal metabolism and like all the other movement I use up around 1,500 calories so this is how much I need to be intake it's very very simple that will really help you understand how to eat and it will help you understand why you're gaining weight if you can understand why are you gaining weight because even if you eat the healthiest stuff but you're in taking more calories and you're spending you will not be losing weight and if you really want to eat more and you enjoy the foods your wine your dessert whatever then you really need to implement more calorie burn so workout would be something very important I use several different like Zumba classes online like on YouTube I saw that my friend Nikki Skye recommended Melissa would I believe health app is really great as well and I'm planning a blog post in my already be live actually with all the different apps that will help you kind of stay fit stay healthy and do some fun workouts throughout the pandemic so make sure to move if you want to also enjoy in samples at the last but definitely not the least important thing on this list is intermittent fasting you guys know that intermittent fasting is my holy grail book I've spoken about it's like more than two years ago and now I can see that it's taking internet by storm I eat eight hours a day and I don't eat 16 hours a day for me it's very very normal and I listen to my body and I have taken this now to protection you know like know exactly when to stop eating and when to start eating I also know that if I really really want a burger or pasta I then take the fasting period to 18 hours and then I eat only six hours a day or if I'm eating very likely I would switch around it's very important also to vary it to not get into a routine because your body is very smart it gets used to stuff it like understands that you're scheduling things it's so smart that sooner or later I'll be like well I'm gonna resist because I got what you're saying and I got what you're doing and I know you so I'm not gonna be burning fats that's when you need to shock it and not do the fasting for one day and then Nags they don't like an extreme fast and then the next they do like an intermediate one don't let your body understand the pattern don't let your body understand how you're doing this because it's really smart and for me the intermittent fasting help the most with weight around he hurt so like this type of weight that's where the fasting guys like really shredded all the unnecessary fats from the parts of the body such as waist ties and lower back as well as arms actually for my arms are always very slim so that was never a key area for me so with that being said I'm gonna conclude this video I hope you enjoyed it if you have any tips or tricks or other further questions do let me know I do take some supplements such as the metabolism supplement over here I will link below my best metabolism supplements so do check that out and I will also film a what I eat in a day video I am just gonna do it as a separate one so let me know what else you would like to see and I'll make sure to bring it to you thank you so much for watching and I'll see you very very soon bye guys
Channel: Tamara Kalinic
Views: 102,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tamara kalinic, theglamandglitter, fashon blogger, Tamara
Id: MjneOokRSRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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