What I got for my birthday 2022 | Tamara Kalinic

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[Music] hello my lovelies and welcome to another video this is my well one of my favorite videos to film however it's usually sad because we have like an ongoing joke in my family i love my birthday so much probably more than any other member of my family including stefan maybe stephanie is the only person that loves birthdays as much as i do but i really love my birthdays and we always joke on the like the day after it's not my birthday that i'm always very sad which was yesterday so yesterday was day after my birthday and uh i wanted to actually show you some of the incredible gifts that i received from my birthday just because i think you will see them throughout next few videos next few days everything is going on and i think it's pretty important because you'll be asking me like wait a second when did this happen you know what i mean so what's going on with my hair and makeup i have a lot of makeup like much more i don't know if you can tell much more than i usually do it's because i was just filming something and this is the result but yeah i have to do this video now because actually tomorrow morning at 6 50 i'm taking the flights to my cash for my friend brian's birthday and i am going after that to dubai and then probably to qatar etc so it's going to be like a very busy period ahead and i just did not want to proceed everything without filming this so yeah this is me a 33 year old me and i just wanted to say that i had the most incredible birthday party on the 16th of march at night i rented out a restaurant in milan and had around 30 40 friends who came uh for the party it was honestly honestly honestly so beautiful i had people come from serbia i had senior and cara do an incredible surprise for me i will insert the clip if i can find because they both told me that they cannot make it and i was like of course you can't be like you know it's absolutely fine i'm gonna see caro anyway tomorrow yes and i am planning on seeing senior very very soon too we obviously love each other very much and when i saw them i was just honestly i couldn't believe it i could not believe it at all so it was a very very special birthday i'll insert some pictures so that you guys can see and kind of like be part of it as well i like posted so many stories of cake candles my boyfriend organized a big which is like kind of my favorite cake which was like vanilla milfoil with strawberries it was so delicious it's the first refined sugar that i had in two and a half months and uh it had a big boarding pass on it which said my name and it says from paris to milan so that's a little bit about the birthday itself but now i know you all want to see what i got and i have to say i got super spoiled this year i posted a story of my boyfriend bringing me the cake in bed in the morning and me blowing the cakes and all of you wanted to know what's in the orange box so keep watching if you want to see first things first something that i've already shown you in the stories and actually really wanted this is the prada triangle bag oh god i love this i'm actually packing it to come to marrakech with me because i think this kind of bag is super useful as one like crossbody it comes in many different colors so far i think i've seen it in black green i think purple obviously yellow and it's just like a really soft and comfy prada bag which kind of looks like the re-edition models but this is the triangle shape and i really really love it i cannot wait i'm gonna pack it right after i finish filming this video which is another reason why i wanted to film this right away i really love it and i think yellow is perfect color for me because i have like a yellow actually brother cropped up shorts i have a lot of like yellow things for summer and i'm so excited for spring summer so this is like ah i'm so conscious of the way i speak because this morning i had my accent coaching like i'm learning to speak more clearly more clearly because i have like i've always had the jaw problem and the palette problem since i was born and i i've been going to speech therapist like as early as seven but i try to like you know finally perfect the way i speak so that it's easier on my facial muscles because i tend to um when i sleep especially i tend to grind because i use so many muscles on my face so yeah i'm feeling like conscious now that i'm speaking more anyway if you guys know me you know that my me time is very important to me and my friends know that very well one of the most important well two most important things for me when i'm at home are bathrobe and slippers and i wonder if this is something to do with like the way my mother is because my mom's always had like the most beautiful bathrooms at home and i don't know it's something that i remember from being a child my parents worked a lot and when i would see my mom come home i would tell her to put a bathrobe on even if she would come for just five minutes to pick something up and she would always tell me it used to break her heart because she knew that i'm trying to tell her to stay like when she puts the bathrobe on i knew that she's staying at home she's not like just coming in and leaving again so when i was very very young i would tell her when she would just pop by home i just started like please put the bathrobe on please put the bathroom on and she told me that it would like break her heart but anyway bathrobe of dreams is this one from me home and it's coming from a special friend i honestly i'm going to a spa right after this and i mean as soon as i'm back home i'm gonna like moisturize and put this on because i cannot cannot cannot wait honestly this for me and also for my new home i cannot wait wait wait to use this and because one of my big 2022 goals is to have more me time more time for myself and not just time that i use for like work and developing the businesses developing businesses and developing things that are for my future family for my current family like you know like always trying to do many many things too many things if you ask me and one of the big goals for 2022 is to focus also on my mental health uh because i think i've been doing very well like with balancing everything and now i want to focus more on my wellness so i don't drink enough water you all know that so i also got this stunning bottle with a crystal inside i don't know if you can tell i had to assemble it it's called glace or glasses luxury spiritual i definitely don't drink enough water and i think this will help me it's not plastic it's glass i think it looks so luxurious and when i finally move in our new apartment which is in six weeks time i am going to have this on my working desk and it's going to remind me to drink more water and it looks so beautiful plus it has this little pouch that you hold like this i love it love it love it love it so i've just told you that i'm going to the spot right after i'm going to the bulgari hotel i got from my friend 15 minutes massage i can not wait so i'm going to build a hotel as you can see and i really really need it i need to remember actually to bring this i really need it because i have a lot of back attention so i've been going to the gym back again after the fashion month and i'm working a lot on my back muscles and on my arm muscles i mean can you tell some progress like i think i really can you know i'm working on my posture i'm not doing really much abs or legs or glutes i'm only working on the posture but i have a lot of work to do because i had again as a child many issues clearly i had to go to like physiotherapy all the time because i'm very elastic and flexible but i don't have enough like firmness so i need to work on it and it's a big mission of mine also for 2022 but because i'm working out more i especially like here pain and in my back in the center of the back and i got even scared that like you know with and everything's hard to like test million times but anyway things are developing something that i think for sure you have noticed because i've been very you know is a new bracelet now i will show you a closer look of this because it's so freaking stunning that it should be illegal now i don't know if you can tell but on my arm i have a new vancleaf bracelet and this is a dark mother of pearl with the diamond so it's like a mother of pearl diamonds mother of pearl diamonds etc i'll show you a closer look of this bracelet it's something that's been on my wishlist for a very long time and something that i like very very very much i think it's so beautiful and so special will i wear it also with my malachites together why not but i don't want to have like like an arm full of jewelry you know i wanted to have maybe i'll take this off i don't know i need to figure this out so this is something that i got and i love oh i wanted it was so long and i'm so happy i love it very much i will link it below so you guys can check it out i was very very surprised and i i always get some jewelry from my boyfriend i would say on my birthday and also for christmas it's kind of like he always tells me like listen i don't want to get you like fashiony stuff because you get so many of these things yourself for yourself like he does get me a few things here and there like a bag or like a special piece but it's very rare we're more like getting um he's more into getting me jewelry so at midnight he gave me a gift and i think i'm gonna try and make him to film also later maybe tonight and we insert it now where he explains his kind of story behind this gift before we go to bed just because i'm going to marrakesh in the morning i promised my audience that you will say what um is kind of the meaning of the ring that you gave me the meaning being so beautiful is is the pre proposal what does that mean that's not what you told me is it a pre-proposal no no that's all he told me well to be honest i think it means like we are not married but it means that for me we are even if we're not because that ring is the fed you know is what usually they gave when you get married no it's not no no it's like an eternity ring i think i don't know anything about rings i don't know anything it's never been my interest i just know that it's exactly right and you also are my beautiful diamond so i just wanted to buy i thought you told me is this story ongoingly changing because you told me that this is a promise ring which means it is a promise we will spend the rest of our lives together [Music] no do it okay but yeah it is kind of that you know it means i want to be with you forever this is a long time yeah i mean it is a long time but that's what i want i love you anyway it gets me like emotional talk about this because it was such a beautiful moment and it's so beautiful to me every every day that i look at it on my hand it is a diamond ring with like i don't know like a lot of marquis stones linked together and he called it naivete riviera ring or something like that i'm not sure and it's very very beautiful it's very sparkly i don't know if you can tell but i will show you a close-up of that as well so actually i've taken off everything else is the only ring that i'm wearing right now i really really love it i think it's so precious and special and i never want to take it off i really really really love it and it's just so beautiful hearing him say things like that that like it's a ring that actually is a promise ring which means that i don't know it's just very very special and very beautiful for me and maybe it sounds very cheesy right now i'm sorry about that but for me and for him and to know him for now few years time and to know what he's like as a man this means so much to me so it was a very special surprise i have to say beautiful anyway so that was like a big surprise it's so funny because i feel like i have a hair yes it's gone it's from cashmere anyway um when i saw like this little box and i knew it was gonna be a ring i was like he looked at me and he said i would be on my knees but just wait a second what is this what is this so anyway um i was like ah i got something really cool so you guys know how much i love celine at the moment i got quite a few things of celine because i love it you'll see it in my cash i will vlog my microstrip and i got this bag which is my perfect ideal shape you guys know that i love love love this shape this is like a black um celine bag with these straps on the sides and in the front it looks like this and this is a strap i really love it and i can't wait to wear it i would actually even wear it today but it's not going to fit everything that i need but it will be perfect for dubai for marry cash or when you just need a few things in your bag that's it like i said i'm at a moment obsessed with celine and i even bought a pair of sandals which go perfectly with this you will see them as soon as we get to market i got something that i'm so happy about for my new home as you can see it's the wedgewood parabang frame i don't want to open it just because i don't want it to break or get damaged before we get into the new apartment i've just had a sneaker peak and it's basically a frame they're like two frames and i can't wait because i think i'm thinking maybe i could even put in the wall but i think that this is something where i'm going to frame some of the pictures from the birthday and i'm gonna put in a new house and i honestly cannot wait to think about a new house i also got an absolutely stunning candelabra from our architect that's gonna fit perfectly in our new home so i'm already starting to get some stuff for the new home and talking about a new home about a few more things what should i show you fast let's see so first of all you'll know how much i love to have coffee right and for my morning coffee this is so beautiful for my morning coffee i got this versace cup and it's like a perfect shape for me plus with a little plate so that i can get a croissant now actually like my boyfriend sometimes he would like in the mornings if he has a little bit more time before he goes to work he would get me like a little croissant and coffee and this is for my croissant and this is for my coffee and i'm so happy because this is getting packed straight for the new home as well so so so beautiful i love these beautiful colors as well this is the versace rosenthal collection which you guys know because i've shown it actually before in my videos especially around christmas also from the same i'm gonna open this either because it's wrapped so smartly it's a piggy bank so i don't know if this is a metaphorical meaning or this is an actual meaning so that i can save money or that i can actually start like kind of collecting um more and being more responsible i try to lose a message or if it was being more like um you know beautiful decorative piece from my glitchy family well i have few things first off i mean can we discuss this this is i just met myself okay this is a stunning silk bag look at this print oh i love this love this love this inside of this pouch bag which by the way would be perfect also for travel i have in about me time a pair of slippers now this i need also when i'm traveling because you just imagine when you're like on a like i don't know like 13-hour plane flight and then you put on these slippers instead of like putting shoes on every time you get up from your seat and then also basically this is like an implied essentials then we have this which is like an eye mask for the in flight and the best is the in-flight you know you blow it up right you blow it up so it's not even bulky it's like perfect size and it's for the frequent traveler which is me and i might even need it for my flies tomorrow cash it's like three and a half hour flight to marrakech it's so funny when you don't live in london anymore or like when you're not flying from london all the time anymore that like things are a little bit more like i'm not used to it anymore i know exactly how long our flights everywhere in the world from london but not from anywhere else also something beautiful for our new home this is so stunning piece of homework this is a gucci loved can you see this like this is going to be for little tea cookies for the table and i love this symbol here on top i feel like it represents power and force and strength and quality and work and so many different things and this is this beautiful gucci plate can't wait like honestly my patient has been so pushed with waiting for them home but i can finally see we're getting there then also ta-da vulgary something that i never had before from the brand is a stunning incredible cashmere blanket and oh do i love it i love love love love love it it's beautiful and i'm actually very much into the gray tones and these kind of tones and i'm just gonna like figure out if i'm gonna put this on the couch which we're just ordering or i'm gonna put it on my bed as a little you know like the plastic cupertina for the bed then if you're ready i got a beautiful twilly in like perfect spring colors look at these colors love it this is so beautiful and actually now that i have fringe i think this could be cute here as well it's so funny because i think i wore one like this in my hair last time i was in ravello i'll insert the picture which was in beginning of july or end of june love this one it's so beautiful and i also got a stunning scarf here which is every time i see it i'm like oh my god beautiful colors so let me show you i can't wait also to get myself from storage because i have my scarfs like the pink one uh like the hot pink and orange and red tones one and this one is just a bit more pastely a bit more springy and i think like actually i would love to wear okay are you ready for this jeans i have like these new armor sandals that you will see very soon white shirt from a mess this and my yellow kelly25 obsessed obsessed i cannot wait from you will be able to guess immediately when i say from my friend one of my friends i got a membership to barry's boot camp can you think which friend that could be i think everybody can guess um yes i got a membership to barry's boot camp am i gonna go it's not easy guys but i will attempt i will attempt you know it's not easy but i'll i'll try i'll try i also got a really beautiful suit from armani it's just in the in the suit bag because i have to make it a little bit more in the waist and i'm going to bring it to the palette but it's a beautiful beautiful like it looks like it's a navy suit but because the light is very strong it looks very sparkly but actually it's a stunning classic piece that i'll be able to wear forever i'm very happy about it and something that i know you all have been dying for i mean like i received so many gifts and they've been coming through over a few days so i don't know if i forgot something i know that also my office called me this morning to say that i have few more things waiting for me there so i know that i have a few more things to pick up but something that i know you all wanted to see that i did not expect at all for my birthday just because well for many reasons first of all it was very precious and second of all because actually i you know how it is with ms bags it's not like you know that you can get as many as you want it's very difficult to get them they're very precious very tight and when i saw an orange box i thought it was going to be something from the home especially because it was little so inside of that orange box that you have seen and if you haven't seen it was this mini cali i honestly when i opened it when i opened it guys when i opened it i gasped this is personally the most beautiful mini kelly that i have ever seen um i don't know i have like two other mini kellys and when i saw this one i had the green and black you know when i saw this one even though i have a back in 25 in the same color metal hardware combination when i saw the mini kelly in this color i was like for summer just imagine white dress sandals this evening black dress i immediately wore it for my birthday celebration and i have to tell you that i really do believe this is like the most beautiful bag i have it is so stunning and so unexpected and i think my boyfriend did really well like saying yes to this because an understanding what to ask for you and i don't know what he asked for but this is stunning and i love it very very much so yes overall it was an incredible birthday i felt very loved filled with friends beautiful moments laughter i really feel like i had an incredible day i'm so grateful for everything i'm so grateful most more than anything else i'm grateful for the people that i have in my life my management team because my management team and my boyfriend are the ones who organized everything for the party i just had to show up you know and say like i don't know i don't even know like think of what i have to add that was like my only responsibility i feel so blessed to have them in my life my friends cindy and caro who came to surprise me like it was not convenient at all they had to take like uh two flights to make it to milan because there were no direct fights they surprised me completely i honestly i cannot i feel so in debt to them for the love and kindness that they have extended me for my friends who flew from belgrade who also had to take two flights because there were no direct flights from belgrade to milan and who just came in for one night and left i mean i feel i felt tremendous love and support and i felt so welcome in milan because i celebrated my 30th birthday in belgrade 30 person england 32nd in paris and 33rd in milan and it's incredible that i feel love everywhere i go and i always manage to find incredible people to surround myself with so i'm very grateful very happy and i just wanted to say thank you all so much for the beautiful wishes kindness views likes each and every subscriber out there i appreciate you you know who you are and thank you so much that's it i hope you enjoyed this video and i will see you in my next one bye guys
Channel: Tamara Kalinic
Views: 126,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tamara kalinic, theglamandglitter, fashon blogger, Tamara, vlog, paris
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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