How I level up my edits using Envato

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imagine you put in a ton of effort editing a client's video you send off the invoice and not only do you get paid but you also get a $700 tip nothing beats that feeling so in today's video I'm going to show you how I work to impress my clients and make them generous with their tips and how you can do it too without a lot of extra effort this is regardless of what level you're at in fact if you're a beginner I a for this video to take you to a whole another level hey man you got time to edit a 3-minute documentary style video on the ancient pyramids of daa yeah I got time sick I'm going to send you an AI generated script and some images you can work with looking forward to seeing what you produce here we go right so I want to knock this guy's socks off and bring more creative flare to this project than he could ever Envision because first let me show you what happened when I didn't overd deliver on my projects and I just put in the bare minimum effort you know just treated it as a paycheck and now let me show you what happened when I did overd deliver and put in as much effort as I possibly could it was a very exciting day when that happened you see my philosophy with every client project or even video that I upload to this channel is to just put in the best possible work that I can and never expect a tip I just want to make sure that the client is getting exactly what they need and more and if you do that consistently from the start of your relationship with your clients you're going to build a very good long-term relationship that can lead to bigger opportunities including tips and at the very least if that relationship with the client doesn't work out you'll still have a great body of work that you can use to attract new clients so this client has given me a script that I have to record a voiceover for and a few images not much but basically what you get given when you work on Fiverr so how do I take these two basic building blocks and transform them into something impressive so the first step in overd delivering is transforming that basic script into the best possible voiceover I can achieve in the heart of the ancient Egyptian desert rise colossal structures that have baffled historians Architects and conspiracy theorists for centuries I then look at the script thinking about what visual assets I could use in each section and so with a few ideas in my head I still need a lot of help to bring this project to life and that's where my secret helper comes in you see if I was to be placed in a dark room with no tools and asked to create something from scratch it would be basically impossible I always find creativity comes from some kind of inspiration and although I'm optimistic your creativity is still limited by the tools that you have at your disposal I can't build a skyscraper unless I have all the bricks metal and glass to do so and so relating back to this project I have all these images but apart from simple pans and zooms I don't really know what to do with them so with the goal of bringing these images to life life I went on a search for assets that could help me do just that I went on to video hiive which is in B's One-Stop shop for video assets and browsed their After Effects templates looking for something I could use to easily spice up my images within seconds I came across something that blew me away a tool that would help me turn this flat image into this without having to slave away for hours on end and something that I could use again and again with this client ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to my new favorite tool for remaining images volumax 3D this after effects template is perfect for my goal will save me a ton of time and delivers some impressive results and Nado has a ton of assets just like this for all of these programs but now let me show you how I created this effect I started by watching through the tutorials that were included in the Product download which were super helpful then I opened up the project file for Landscapes because this one template can make multiple different types of images look 3D so with the project open I just double click on the photo button and dragged in my first landscape image into that composition so after we add in the image we go back to the main composition and click on this setup button from there on each of these different layers you create a mask for near objects far objects and close objects and this is going to create a depth map which is basically like a black and white image that gives information to After Effects telling us how far or how close an object is within that image and these depth maps look pretty cool and basically it's what this template is going to use to create that 3D illusion so now once we have that depth map created and we click off the x-ray mode when we come back into our main composition we can now adjust the controls and get some really cool animations PS if you need to adjust the scale and the slider maxes out but your image is still too small you can just drag this number now this after effects file might look a little bit weird and overwhelming to you when you first open it up but it is super easy to animate just drag out this work area to the desired duration that you want your animation to be set your cursor to the beginning of the time adjust the scale position getting it right for the first frame then move your cursor to the end of that work area and adjust these properties to get a really cool animation for me most of the time I just went with a simple zoom in with maybe a horizontal or vertical adjust the Parallax is also really really cool but it's a little bit slower to render so I only did this on a few Clips but boy when I did it was sick but this template doesn't stop there because we can get even fancier by setting up our images first so if we take these images and jump into Photoshop we can cut out the subject in the photo so for instance this guy or this object then I use generator field to make a clean background now when I open up the volumea smart project file I can double click on the photo add in my subject then I can go back to the main composition double click on background and then add in this background image that's all filled out and now we have an option to add a really cool parallx effect especially with that horizontal and vertical adjust you might just need to play around with the scales here to make them line up but when you do this looks really cool but this template continues to blow my mind because you can also add in flares dust and particle overlays that are all customizable with just a few clicks and just with this one template which I can use on multiple projects with the same client or on the same YouTube channel I've elevated all of these images from being just something really boring and flat to something with life and energy so the key is finding unique and interesting ways to elevate your visuals within the videos and your CL cents are going to absolutely love it oh and I'll also show you how to create this title screen with the volumax template and another title template a little bit later on it is sick but there's a more pressing issue because I still need to fill in a lot of my video with visuals and that's where the next tool comes in so my plan is to fill in these gaps with stock photos videos video templates and overlays and all of them need to have a license because this is for a client so to keep the budget in check because I've already spent a lot of money on this video I need a onstop Sol solution and for me over the past year that has been invado elements for a monthly or yearly subscription you get access to unlimited downloads licenses for everything and access to a bunch of really cool assets that you can use on both your own channel and your client projects so the way I approach filling out the visuals is to have my script next to me and then search through invad elements looking for assets that fill in those sections of the script now to keep this process organized as I move through these assets I also create a collection and this is like a folder with in your inviter elements account and I just add any asset I think could be useful to the project to this collection and I just make a new collection for each project I work on and so with some stock videos and a few photos added in the video is slightly more fleshed out but I haven't overd delivered yet because this is just the beginning so let's now Elevate the emotional impact by adding in this ancient Egyptian song to score everything I went for an ethereal mysterious Vibe followed by an xfiles type song to close out the video and I'm really looking looking at the tone of the script and what it's talking about to inform the song Choice here but how do we match that James Johnny Johnny Harris documentary style transforming stock footage like this into this one word and a way that I absolutely love to enhance visuals within my videos overlays like look at how just a few extra assets added on top of footage can transform it from this into this so because for this project I kind of wanted a found footage kind of look with some texture added to the screen I began my search by looking for film grain overlays these will quickly help provide that weathered footage look I found one which covers the entire screen which will work great for images and videos but I also found this other overlay with a border around it which will give the footage an even older style look just change the Blendon the screen and there you go and another way to enhance all of this is to First add a black and white filter in premere Pro which just sells the effect that much more and also go and find a stock photo of some grain or some noisy texture set the blend mode to screen and put it on top of your footage or images if they look too clean you can see here with this photo it looks a bit too modern a bit too smooth but if I add this texture on top of it set the blend mode to screen or overlay it looks way more like old weathered footage but what I love doing even more than that is adding elements within the scenes to truly Elevate them and tell a story for instance like this energy beam that's coming out of the pyramid it was really easy to add in again I just went on invid elements searched up energy beam overlays found this pack downloaded it dragged it into After Effects master out the bottom so it matched up with the pyramid feathered that a little bit and then all that was left to do was track this to the 3D movement of the pyramid that we did in the volume ax template so how do you do that first get your overlay image or object into position on one of the frames then convert it to a 3D layer by clicking this button and now if we look at this composition you can see that all of these layers are parented to the null 3D layer which means we can also parent out overlays or objects to to have the same movement tracked through as long as they're 3D objects and if you want text in your scene you can also do that too alternatively if you want something to stay in a fixed position and it's within the background you can also just go to the background layer in that composition and add your overlay to that before you do any of the animation so that means when you come back to the main composition do that animation it's all going to be in the same spot this technique came in handy when I had this scene with the spaceship that was in the foreground it was cut out from the image So within the 3D composition it's closer to the camera so with the overlay in there you could see that it would kind of drag across the screen it wouldn't stay in the same spot but if I put it on the background it stays stationary which is exactly what I wanted now continuing on with overlays there was one scene where I wanted to have the pyramids disappear and have the words mystery appear behind them and I kind of wanted some sand to blow through as they were disappearing now my original plan was to just get a sand overlay that's blowing on put some text behind there but then I found this title and overlays pack which is perfect for my needs I just downloaded it changed the color of the smoke to be a Sandy color and then swapped out the font for a custom one that I downloaded from invado elements that gave me an Egyptian Vibe I'm playing this back I am super happy with how it turned out and speaking of title screens when I showed this one to my girlfriend she said it looked like a title screen from a Netflix show or a motion picture and I got to tell you a secret it took less than 5 minutes to make so let me show you how I did it so my idea was to have a title where it comes in from dust to form the title in a hallway that was zooming out so searching for dust titles I stumbled across this one on page two which honestly looked better than I envisioned so I pivoted and picked that instead I swapped out the font with the Tho one that I downloaded earlier and I still had this really cool metallic finish from the template this is why these are so powerful and so fast to use I rendered that out and put it to the side now onto this hallway effect so remember when I said that the volumax template could handle different types of images well this one is one of the coolest you can take any image of a hallway or a room and make it look like you're going into it or coming out of it as though you're actually walking through it it is freakishly cool again you just place your image into the photo composition and then in the setup this time what we're going to do is take this wireframe and match it up with the room so you adjust the back you adjust the side walls the ground planes and the roof and then angle it so it fits your image once you do that you can adjust the target which is essentially the end of the hallway and then adjust the zoom in or out of that hallway using this red box and you just animate it like the other files before where you drag your playhead to the point you want adjust the box and you'll have either zoom in or zoom out it is one of my favorite things out of this template so with that now also rended out I combined it with the title screen set that to a screen blend mode and I have this really cool title screen effect done within a couple of minutes but even with all of this there's still some less impressive parts of the video and I really want to impress my clients every time in particular there was two parts of the script that referred to the mainstream narrative that the world presented about the pyramids and I I currently just had stock footage in place there which was great don't get me wrong but wasn't impressive so I wanted a quick and easy way to elevate that visual interest and still convey that message so my idea was to use a newspaper template or a book template so I went on to invid elements and searched for newspaper templates under the video templates Tab and within a couple of minutes there was so many options that I found that looked awesome but I landed with this one in particular and then this one all I had to do was go into After Effects change CH out the image adjust the text render out just the one scene that I want from all the different options which is a bunch of and now I added it to the project and it just brought that section of the video to life so much more and then to add some variety I also found this book cover template swapped in the National Geographic cover for the one that they had in there it was so easy to do and now I have the exact shot I need for that section of the video but on top of those sections within the video there was one more section that was really bugging me the ending because you want to end on a bang and have something that is visually impressive and my idea was to start off with this pyramid image that would go down through the ground revealing that hallway that we used with the title card sequence so it had kind of like a poetic finish but it was going to need a little bit of work and a few more assets to really bring this effect to life so I went onto invad grabbed a sand texture masked it out so I had a wavy line that I could blend in with the surface over top of this sort of destroyed chamber that I also added in some 3D wooden planks on top of that as well as some cobweb stock photos set to a screen blend mode I layed all of these on top of each other and parented them to a null object that I could use to control the entire animation but it didn't look great yet that is until I found this one asset that brought it all to life this Rock and Sand falling overlay so it's like moving through the ground causes rumbling which causes these rocks to fall and just sells the whole effect so now we have some really great visuals we're done right nah because what we need now are epic transitions to match so I went on invado and found this transition pack which would allow me to replicate a slide projector transition and then to also add more variety to the transitions I also downloaded a bunch of ink clips and also paint clips that I could use as track mats in Premiere Pro to create these really cool transitions seriously I love this effect tutorial is on its way and with those sweet transitions we're almost there but how do we impress our clients even more by adding even more sensory layers especially sound effects so browsing inv elements once more I grabbed some transitional sounds alien ship effects drones flames and Sparks projector Ambience and even a rumble and rock falling sound effect for this last scene which really brought everything together and with all those sound effects added in we now have a complete project ready to ship off to the client and I'm going to show it to to you right now in the heart of the ancient Egyptian desert rise colossal structures that have baffled historians Architects and conspiracy theorists for centuries the Egyptian pyramids marvels of engineering and Architectural prowess have long been shrouded in mystery some say they are mere tombs for Pharaohs While others believe they hold the keys to Lost civilizations an extra terrestrial connections as we delve into the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids we must question the mainstream narrative could it be that there's more to these enigmatic structures than meets the eye join us as we explore the conspiracy theories that challenge the conventional wisdom surrounding the pyramids the official explanation tells us that the pyramids were built as tombs for Pharaohs but how could a civilization with limited technology construct such massive structures with such precision some theorists propose that advanced ancient Technologies lost to time were utilized were the Egyptians really capable of achieving such Feats without help from a more advanced civilization or even extraterrestrial beings hidden Chambers and undiscovered passageways fuel the imagination of those who believe there's more beneath the Surface rumors persist of secret Chambers containing knowledge that could rewrite history could the pyramids be repositories of ancient wisdom waiting to be unlocked one of the most enduring Mysteries is the alignment of the pyramids with celestial bodies how did the ancient Egyptians possess such Advanced knowledge of astronomy some theorists suggest that the pyramids were designed with a purpose beyond the Earthly serving as markers for extraterrestrial visitors or as energy conduits harnessing the power of the cosmos theories abound about the true purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza could it be a powerful machine generating energy or transmitting signals across space and time some proposed that the pyramid's dimensions encode sacred geometry unlocking the secrets of the universe itself Skeptics dismiss these ideas as fanciful Tales but as we uncover the inconsistencies in the mainstream narrative we must consider the possibility that there are forces at play suppressing the truth about the pyramid's origins and purpose as we conclude our journey into the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids we are left with more questions than answers are we truly alone in the universe or did ancient civilizations hold knowledge that could revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos the mysteries of the pyramids persist challenging us to question the narratives presented to us and to seek the truth hidden beneath the sands of time so that was a lot of fun to edit and I think it turned out really good let me know what you think down in the comments below and although it wasn't a real climb project it's the exact same process that I would go through to really try and level up my video edits to impress my real clients and using those assets and templates from invado really helped me level up this edit so much quicker especially that volumax 3D template that thing was incredible so if you want to check them out yourself I'll have links to everything I used within this video in the description down below peace and remember you're only one video [Music] away
Channel: Validation
Views: 15,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to edit videos, how to edit videos in premiere pro, how to edit videos in after effects, envato, envato elements, validation, how to edit videos for clients, How to get tips from editing clients, how to edit videos for youtube, video editing tutorial, how to edit youtube videos, editing, video editing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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