Canna & Calla Lily Storage + Olive Tree Update! πŸͺ΄πŸ«’πŸ˜ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so last night we got our first hard frost and i totally did not see it coming i thought it was going to happen tonight not last night i thought it was only supposed to get to 34. so i was in no hurry yesterday to move certain things in like i need to move my olive tree in i wanted to get cannas and keller bulbs lifted out of the containers which i didn't do yesterday so hopefully they're okay because that's on the dock for today and we still have so many leaves on trees it was like raining this morning it was beautiful it was raining leaves they were just softly falling you can see the coleus here we had the wicked witch coleus is gorgeous and that finally got taken last night and that's always a bummer to me because it's just such a nice filler plant in this area and you can kind of see it dotted through this landscape through this flower bed um so we'll have to get that pulled out here pretty quick also i had this plectranthus sitting here so sad i didn't even have it planted it's the cerveza and lime they were gorgeous in here you couldn't see the tags or anything because the leaf canopy was so thick but i would have moved these in had i realized it was going to get so cold last night it usually doesn't take me by surprise like it did this year i just wasn't didn't have it together i guess so the first thing i want to do today is get the kalas and cannas lifted oh and it did take the dahlias here to shoot these are the dahlias i started from seed and they were gorgeous yesterday in fact my mom was over and i even told her i'm like look at how beautiful those dahlias are oh shoot i could have moved those to the greenhouse so we'll get those taken care of today as well as the kalas and cannas which don't look as bad because they're kind of under this tree canopy here see the callus they look still pretty pretty good those were already flopped over i've got some callas right here those need to come out of the pot there's the olive tree it looks totally fine so we'll get that moved into the greenhouse ah what else well the butterfly garden is pretty much done at this point yesterday everything looked pretty good in here happened so fast yeah so that's what we're going to be working on i just kind of wanted to walk you through some of the steps like on the callus and cannas they're really similar to storing dahlias actually it's just that the bulbs or rhizomes or whatever you want to call them look different i think what i'm going to do is grab a cart and we're just going to rally all these pots together in the greenhouse because it's still kind of chilly i did make myself a cup of coffee so i'd like to go in to the greenhouse where it's probably a lot warmer the heat is not hooked up yet in fact they actually might be here this afternoon to put the ducting in that's the last step and then we can turn that heater on and do you want to know what plants are amazing these are like these snapdragons here were completely covered in thick white frost this morning and kind of looking puny and they just look great now everything looks good these things look like they did okay last night the marigolds already looked kind of rough when i brought them in that's just an experiment you know what i think i'm going gonna give everything in here just a little bit of a drink uh the violas especially they dry out so fast and they don't look good anyway add being really dry to that and they pretty rough they're pretty rough [Music] all right now i'm going to grab a garden cart and we're going to go gather up all of the calla lily containers the cannas i have some of those as well but they are out back behind the barn the pots are huge so i might just clean them out right there where they're sitting all of the calas are in containers right here on this brick patio those look really good after the frost as well and honestly the supertunias like they don't look awesome but there's still some color full of leaves too i think that's all that's left of the colors that i had in this brown container i'm just going to leave this container out i'm fairly certain that the callous i had in this container rotted early on and then i had coleus in here the albrighto and it kind of grew over the top of this container so i just didn't even worry about it anyway i found two little little bulbs also i think i'm rocking a flat i am rocking a flat tire hmm i gotta get that fixed no wonder it felt hard to pull so [Music] and here they are looking fairly sad a little bit of color left on this one though look at that isn't that beautiful oh they did so well for me this year look at this one yellow these were the be my sunshine was the yellow this one is be my first love and then i have be my heart and i think this is a sunshine one too but i'm not sure oh nope be my prince four different varieties so here's my plan i'm going to trim off the leaves leaving just a little bit like maybe an inch and then i'll dig them up out of the containers and line them up on the table then we'll take a look at what we've got [Music] so here's what we've got they were rooted in hard especially this variety right here and this one here so this is the be my first love really pretty pink look at the size of these they were not this big when i planted them i am just amazed at how well these did these were incredibly hard to get out of the pot and it's crazy to me too how they grow so you can see this is the way they face the stalks are going up this way that's the bottom and the roots come out the top like that isn't that crazy so like when you come back to it in the spring if you you know haven't trimmed all the roots off of them you would think well the roots need to face the bottom so i need to you know go down like this and face it this way but it's the opposite so there's be my heart these were on the small side right here and this was another pot that i think was kept a little too wet and these are the two little guys that came out of that brown pot and these were orange i can't remember the exact variety name of those but they were pretty the be my prince this is another one that did exceptionally well i planted five in the container so i'm guessing one two three four five and then all of these are little ones that developed off of the main well you can see too how they're starting to multiply oh my goodness this is a really good example well maybe this one you can see like distinct plants here not this one you can see see that right there kind of how that's rounded and that one had separate stems and then there's this one here this one here and this one here and then they kind of turn into this and then there's the be my sunshine which three of them looked really good one of them had completely rotted and then one was partially rotted but there were two little babies left where that one was so given the treatment of these plants you know the few of them were watered possibly a little bit too much or smothered by other plants they were really low maintenance and calories aren't something that i have grown a lot of they just really haven't been on my radar but they were so low maintenance and so pretty for the better part of the season that it's something that i'm excited to repeat and to be able to store these hopefully they do really well and i'm going to store them just like i store my dahlias and my gladiolus i'm going to first off cure them for a few days in this crate so they'll just be open in the studio and i'm just going to let them dry up a little bit so that all that excess soil can be kind of cleaned off i'll clean off the stalks and the roots and then they'll go in back in the crate but they'll be packed in burlap and slightly moistened vermiculite like just the tiniest bit of moisture in there because we're so dry and then they'll go in our root cellar they usually need to be kept right at about 50 degrees or so and i'll check on them throughout the winter and hopefully they do really well the glads that i stored which i still need to pack my glads i'll probably pack them all on the same day all of the the kalas and cannas and the glads at the same time they did really really nicely in the root cellar so i keep seeing this weird thing on the beam over here it's totally distracting me i don't know what it is hold on oh it's a wasp nest or a wasp thing whatever i could only see the backside it looked like bubbles so weird man some days when i'm filming videos it's so hard like my eye goes to all the weird stuff so with soil like this has been taxed and you know it's kind of full of roots i'll take this stuff out to the south garden and spread it in flower beds out there or into the cut garden there were no insect issues and there are earthworms in this soil i just set a couple of them on top of this pot and they've already like dug their way back down where'd they go there's one but i ran into a whole bunch of them so this will be great to add back into the garden i'm gonna go track down something to keep these separate though and i think we'll put the cannas depending on how big they are in the same crate so maybe we'll go dig those first and i've got those in a container behind the barn i actually planted up some of them for you in a video earlier on this spring and then i planted some later on um anyway they got big cleopatra is a variety so they bloomed bright yellow and bright red but the foliage while i don't like the really really bright red the foliage was so striking not as striking now as it was a couple days ago but these grew really fast and they were really gorgeous looks like they have spread oh hey dude how you doing you're going to help me oh fun i'm excited you're here we're going to be cutting these back all these leaves that look bad we're going to cut them back and dig out the bulbs what do you think great i really hope that these rhizomes were not affected in the frost the bottom of the plants still look pretty firm so i hope that the leaf canopy saved them but i mean you barely plant these underneath the soil surface so i'm not sure exactly what we're going to find here [Music] as i was cutting these cannas back i was reminded that in this gray container i only planted one rhizome because i was trying to abide by the tag you know and what it said they needed for spacing and such and that plant got so incredibly huge now i planted five rhizomes in this this kind of mustard colored pot it was quite a bit later and they were you know they grew beautifully and they filled up the pot and it probably wouldn't have filled up the pot as good at that point of the season if i would have just put one but look at this i planted the rhizome right here and then i put a ring of drip around it and like the drip is just it's underneath the rhizome that like just spread over there i am amazed by the growth i mean it's just shooting up new growth everywhere and just huge stocks everywhere i'm not even sure how i'm going to get this out of the container i might have to tip the container and slide the whole root ball out and this is what i got out of the first one right here and they definitely spread like this was one right here and there are multiple now shooting up from it a couple off of this one right here so there's the one right there and then there's two on either side that's pretty amazing that's the variety right here okay i think i'm gonna go grab a shovel for this one a bigger shovel [Music] i'm right in the middle of kind of taking apart this massive root ball which i think i'm going to leave mostly intact through the winter because the soil is dry there's really no moisture in it and i think it might store better if i just leave it together and then i'll separate it in the spring but i wanted to show you how these grow so cannas grow and spread by rhizome which are underground roots and this one has a really clear example that has kind of been unearthed here so original rhizome was planted right here in the center and then you can see like this is the original soil surface here this is an underground root or rhizome right there and it's cruising out to the side and then it shoots up a new growth point right here and you can see all the roots underneath it and then underneath that one look at this another one it's coming this way and it was shooting up benjamin it was shooting up another growth point right here so you can separate it here and you can have your own plant there you separate it here you have a plant here and so on and so forth all the way around this plant so when you started off with one rhizome and you end up with one two three four five six seven 40 50 60 17 18 and then 19 20 21 22 23 24 plants that's pretty good so anyway yeah i'm just gonna put this huge chunk just right in this crate i think benjamin i made a mess look at that i know thankfully they're all the same variety okay so i'm going to take this crate in get all of the callus and i'm just going to let them both sit out for a day or two before we pack them up i think for cannas you have to dig them if you're in a zone eight or lower and cal is if you're a zone seven or lower i could be off a little bit on that but typically in colder climates you either treat them as an annual or you have to dig them like dahlias and store them i'm so glad i got to this before they had to go through another night tonight's supposed to be 25 or 26. [Music] all right bud we're gonna go spread this in the cut flower garden you wanna grab your coat let's roll do this is where the pumpkins and vines grew this year and so we've been dumping leaves in fact we have a layer that's already kind of worked its way down into a mat and then there's some grass clippings and things like that and then soil like this and we're just going to work it all in i think it'll be great and this is where they're gonna hang out in the studio for a day or two there's some dahlias right there that are waiting to be packed up i just threw a tarp down on the floor and we're just using this as kind of a landing space for everything that needs to dry out just a little bit okay so now i'm going to grab the pot mover the dolly and we'll get that olive tree probably put inside this greenhouse here it is and just as a quick look at what other things i have on this patio i've got well this now is just soil there's a little lime punch hydrangea that'll go behind the greenhouse this has a hosta in it but it's such a huge pot we'll probably just leave it right here and just make sure to keep it watered there's nothing in this container right now we've got boxwoods in these containers there's a hooker a japanese maple japanese maple hosta and lamium this is a chicago hearty fig you can see the little figs that it produced but they never really got super huge it was the first year for this one so we'll see what happens i think it's a zone six i actually might move that one into the hartley because that will be a protected area but not heated this year we did hear from hvac it's just a quick update on the hartley and they said even though we aren't ready to trench everything up in preparation to get that all hooked up we can go ahead and put the floor in because that won't make any difference the mini split will actually sit on top of the floor so i'm hoping i don't know if benny's going to be able to get to it this winter or fall or whenever but i'm hoping we can get that done at some point here soon-ish so that i can set things in there and and start using it a little bit although i do plan on putting a christmas tree in there next week dirt floor or not okay moving on we've got some hydrangeas over here there's one here and there's several like three or four right there a hooker there hookera uh yeah and these are all hydrangeas in these pots there's five of them here in the boxwood so the boxwood will keep out here the large pot with the hosta will keep out here but everything else probably we're going to move to more protected spot but this is all i'm going to move today into the greenhouse are you going to ride with it russell i swear he knows exactly what i'm going to be working on next don't you you just know [Music] i'm gonna go [Music] so ah i have olives i have olives oh my goodness you guys i have olives on this tree i didn't even notice there are only four but i have olives i have olives russell look there's one two three four and they're a little squishy i might try one that is so exciting i know those of you who grow can grow olives like outside probably are like but i never dreamed i'd be able to grow olives it's awesome okay here goes nothing oh those not edible that was the worst thing i've ever put in my mouth do you have to like wait for them just to like flavor differently does anybody remember what variety this is i gotta look it up hold on okay guys i just did a little bit of reading on this variety of olive because i've never grown or harvested olives before in my life but it's an arbokena olive which apparently has delectable tasty fruit is what i read but um you have to cure them first that's what makes them tasty so you can like water cure them i i haven't even really read up so much on the curing process but it says uh let's see it says this one boasts one of the highest concentration of oil in its olives so it's really good for making your own from scratch blend of olive oil which is kind of fun it says once they're picked they're ready for the curing process and you know they're ready to be picked when they're brownish purple which is what color they are right now so you can brine cure or water cure them but this process is important to ensure your olives aren't bitter so i learned that the hard way i was just thinking i just grew the worst tasting thing ever so now i got to figure out how to cure these i only have three olives to cure so i might try it either way because you know i've got nothing nothing to lose here anyway i thought that that was interesting and also to water cure your olives you let them sit in a pan of cold water covered for about a week and you change the water twice a day and once the bitterness is gone you're ready to place the olives in a brine so i might take my three olives inside and put them in a cup of water covered for a week changing the water out twice a day just to see what happens okay guys so the last thing i want to do today i'm going to start feeding my chickens the pumpkins that we have left over from decorations so i thought we'd go grab one crack it open and go give it to the chickens kind of a nice fun way to end off today's projects although you know the feeling you get from getting your things inside in storage and knowing that you're going to be able to plant those again the next year that's a pretty good thing too you want that one yeah okay sounds good let's go cut it open okay sorry buddy we're gonna cut it open first let's go get a tool okay whoa can i help you yeah let me get it open just a little bit more okay now whoa good job let's give the chickens this you want to get that one all right see what they think of that well better set it in there a little further baby there you go chickens we have quite a few pumpkins up there and only four chickens so there's no way that our chickens can make it through all of those pumpkins so we'll feed them a few of the pumpkins and then i'll cut the rest of them open and let whatever else wants to feed on them feed on them that's kind of what we did with our sunflower seeds as well and those flower heads are almost picked clean out in the cut flower garden and that is going to be it for today it's time to go in and make some dinner but i'm super happy with what i got done today the cows and cannas will be tucked away for winter and i didn't have a tremendous amount of them not compared to like dahlias things like that that we're going to be storing so that job is still kind of facing us we're doing a little bit at a time on that it does look like we're going to have one more cold night tonight and then a little bit of a warm up again so i'm not in too much of a rush i mean it's good it needs to be done but all those little things that we're getting checked off the list always feels really good so and then the olive discovery that was fun and i'm hoping next year we have figs that are like that size up enough to eat them and so we can taste those it's fun to have just kind of exhaust their exotic fruits to us in that we can't grow them here so it's just kind of a fun thing to try out anyway guys that's it for today thank you so much for watching i hope it was helpful and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 189,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: Cni34wZAe3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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