We Gave Away 75 Flower Bouquets!!! πŸ’πŸ₯°πŸ’— // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so this evening my mom and i are out here doing a fun project so cut flower garden right behind us here there's a lot of beautiful things we thought it would be fun to gather up as many flowers as we could in the time we have this evening make bouquets and then tomorrow morning first thing we're going to take them all downtown in our city set up a table and give them away for free and that was kind of the goal with this space i mean well my goal this year was just to get things to survive i had very low expectations for how everything was gonna do and since it's been so productive and wonderful we just thought it would be a fun way to share um just share with everybody and the goal was like in the future i would love to take bouquets to hospitals and nursing homes and we will probably do that but i felt like this was the best way to do it this year so we've got jars i bought a bunch of them at the dollar store and then i have a bunch of canning jars from years past that we're gonna just fill and i have no idea how many we're gonna end up with but i thought it would just be a fun and relaxing project i've been looking forward to this all day and aaron and benjamin are out watering the trees along the lane so this is the table where we're gonna work my mom has already filled some of the jars so that's where we'll start we'll probably also pick all of these buckets worth of flowers to have on hand so we can make some right then and there at the table but here's kind of a look mom's out there cutting some milkweed it looks like oh that's pretty oh let's take a look oh i like the colors does that look like fall yeah that's really pretty yeah nice but especially love the shoes those are awesome shoes especially the socks the socks are the that's what makes it it completes your ensemble i love it and we're just picking what everything whatever looks pretty so like dahlias cosmos whatever tomatoes stuff in my yard doesn't matter so we're just gonna get after it and then we will hopefully there will be enough light that i can give you kind of a little tour of the bouquets we come up with tonight i'm i was hoping for like between 50 and 100 bouquets okay we better get going yeah okay here we go so i'm just gonna gather a bunch of stuff in this bucket i think starting with these gorgeous white dahlias oh you got a dahlia too that's pretty look how pretty yeah look how gorgeous that is the milkweed looks awesome in there too and an envy xenia and that's the red mahogany hibiscus some tango cosmos rebecca sahara in case you wanted to know i don't know what this one's called though oh it's so pretty yeah that's what it's called yeah love it [Music] so [Music] well we wanted to stop before it got too dark we have lost the sun so it's getting it's getting a little bit tougher out here and we wanted to be able to show you what we got done so far we made 22 bouquets this evening and it got to a point like we do stuff so similarly we can't even tell who made what and they're all kind of wild which makes it really fun there are some that are kind of themed you know with yellows and creams and then one that will maybe have just pinks and purples but they're all just so unique and gorgeous so since we didn't get quite as many bouquets done as we thought we were going to be able to i thought we had more light left we're going to get together earlier in the morning and cut some more and we'll probably just shoot for 50. i think that's a good number giving away 50 bouquets that's a good start and then we'll pack everything up and take it down so tomorrow should be a really fun day so we'll see you guys then all right guys so back at it again this morning the sun hasn't even quite made it up yet but i decided to come out early and get a jump on cutting some buckets of flowers so hopefully we can just stand at the table and start churning out some bouquets my mom will be here in about 30 or 40 minutes or so i'm super encouraged though because all the flowers held overnight and i was a little bit nervous i mean we just left them right out here right where we finished them last night so anyway i'm gonna start cutting some buckets hopefully i can get a bunch done look at that everything held even the hibiscus i've been having some issues getting the hibiscus to hold in vases i read that you have to cut it when it's got more of a woody stem so i think it was just like something i had to cut later in the season when it was earlier on and tender it just wouldn't hold oh they're just so pretty i'm so excited also the beauty of doing this and having a space like this is it does not have to look pristine so we'll just do our our worst right here and just leave it it can uh compost right where it lays on the ground we'll be doing a pumpkin harvest video here very soon i see a lot of people working on their fall porches and working with pumpkins and beautiful squash and i'm over here like hold on everybody mine aren't ripe yet hopefully this week [Music] well it's now a few minutes before eight my mom just pulled in and i do have several buckets ready for us to go so i think that'll just kind of like kick start the morning and it looks like she has coffee hmm [Music] i have a feeling that today is gonna be a little bit dangerous setting up in front of a coffee shop oh yeah gosh dang it that i have to drink decaf right now well chives oh you got to try too yeah it feels festive doesn't it yeah yeah and it's early and it's crispy it is out here i uh pre-cut a bunch of buckets nice so we could roll all right all the buckets are filled now we are ready to roll here we go [Music] [Music] all right guys my mom had to take off down to the garden center because she had a meeting so i finished up the very last bouquet there are 50 of them total that's all we were able to get done it actually takes a little bit longer than we thought we thought oh we'll just be we'll be super quick we'll just gather a bunch of flowers and pop them in vases but we kind of wanted to take a little bit of time and make each one of them a little bit different so 50 i think that's great i'm going to fill up the buckets the rest of the way like all the buckets will be full of flowers and i've got a few extra jars so we'll take those down along with the full buckets of flowers so that we have something to work on while we're sitting there uh giving away the rest of them quick little tour though look at these oh i have no idea how we're gonna get these all transported i mean i brought the pickup over i'm hoping that we can kind of do one of these numbers and kind of squish them together in the back without them falling over i don't know we may have some reconstruction to do once we get them down there aren't they so pretty oh they're just so much fun i did one bouquet that was all white dahlias that's the only one that's like a monochromatic thing the rest of them are all just kind of wild and free really fun and it looks like i'm gonna have to pretty much these two are full i just filled this one full of rudbeckia those are the incredible sunflowers this one is full-ish i have a room to put a few more zinnias so i've just got to cut enough for these right here so okay guys i counted them we actually have 51 bouquets i got them all to fit between here and in the front and then in the back of the truck i've got our table and buckets of extra flowers extra jars good to go we couldn't have asked for a better day for this it's kind of it's still there's not even a breeze and it's kind of coolish and it's on and off sunny overcast sunny overcast i love it there goes aaron he's gonna meet us down there but i have to drive about five mile an hour five miles an hour so i don't tip anything over the usual five-minute drive is going to take like 15 minutes today okay guys so we just arrived down here i'm gonna go let them know we're here and then we can start setting up [Music] we've already given away i don't know 10. maybe 10 including two gentlemen that just drove by and pulled off yeah yeah so fun so this is our setup you guys pretty basic we've got our camera in the way we've got our sign here and all of our bouquets none of the ones i put corn in have been taken yet i don't know i'm glad because it makes the the table look very festive yes [Music] all right guys we are all done and that was an absolute whirlwind we were all set up by about 11 30 and then we had everything taken down and put away by about 12 20. like less than an hour that was just nuts and we had 51 bouquets when we came down here and then we brought those extra buckets so we were able to make about 20 or 25 extra bouquets we were able to give away about 75 which was really amazing and we could have just kept going all day long like all day long and it makes me want to do it again because people were so happy there were a couple people who just like they couldn't believe one that we were giving them away for free they were just like are you kidding me like nobody does this which was really fun just to see because it made him really happy and then there were a couple people who said they were having a really hard day and this just really blessed them and that was the whole point so it just really was a fun day fun time i hope you guys enjoyed this video hopefully we'll do it again sometime and then next year and maybe even this fall if we have time yet and if we can get into some of the nursing homes we may do some deliveries that way as well because i'd really like to do that so anyway thank you guys for watching hope you're having an awesome day and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 176,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: h_AeMCdhsRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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