How I Got My Life Together..

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over the past day and a half my levels of productivity energy motivation just everything kind of good that you want to have in your life I've gone completely down a flow method I've kind of reached a complete low follow along take notes first things first I'm still wearing my PJs so I'm gonna change cuz that's the first step I got a dress like I'm productive change of shirt September to now that you force yourself to wear something productive like these are some nice pants it makes me feel like a businessman it's time to change your environment [Music] this this fight that's from like last week oh yeah yeah this just stuff needs to be [Music] it's time for some coffee I mean is Squa let's go get him we're gonna get the squirrel yes we're gonna interview a squirrel for the video oh wow there he is mr. squirrel mr. squirrel do you like coffee alright I guess that's a no oh there's all these like sharp things I'm stepping on it who's Daniel [Music] all right this is what I should have done first I need to create a list to sort of organize the rest of my day so I know what I want to do and how I'm gonna manage my time to get there so let's write a list [Music] all right list so yeah what do I need to do I currently since I spent the whole morning doing absolutely nothing I'm just yeah it's 1:21 which means I have a lot of hours to get stuff done if I probably manage my time the first things you do is to eliminate the most dangerous things you could ever be apart when trying to be productive social media I won't be able to use them until I'm done with everything else that I set out to accomplish yeah I'm left-handed let me know if you are left-handed in the comments leave a like on the video if you're right-handed because I think like 90% of population is right-handed so they'll get likes on this video thanks this is the list I really like getting good lighting I really don't like sorting my laundry but sometimes you got to do things you don't want to do so if you have laundry you need to put away put it away I represent France shout-out to anyone who's watching this video in France leave a comment if you are and what city you live in in France that'd be cool also literally all my clothes are French French French Marseilles this whole French thing is growing on me so looky here the first round of March I ever made the hoodie I had like I had like 300 like 40 subscribers I think is like 343 subscribers when I first made merch and like maybe like three people body and they're all my close friends thank you guys for supporting me from date one o'clock all right so this cleaned up also until like my next kind of mental breakdown where I give up I won't be eating any more dark chocolate at 12:15 am also look at this it's so pretty okay I've made progress on cleaning my room as you can see it's been straightened up so now my environment is better and clean which makes me feel refreshed and motivated and that's I guess like the main step is to make your environment all right it looks pretty clean in here last thing I need to do it's time to take this mess [Music] [Music] yep I mean that looks pretty cool somatically but not gonna wash my camera honestly like thing about chores they're really boring like let's just be honest chores are boring they're just boring but at the same time it's almost like motivating there's something very satisfying with just getting something productive done okay my room is clean now it's time to be productive step number two ish - I guess getting your life together ah so right now it's like 2 o'clock ish and um I'm gonna just start a little bit of my homework doing homework is daunting but if you break it up throughout the day it's easier to do so I'm starting just a little bit of my homework right now as a teacher you spend a lot of time grading papers reading work you do a lousy teacher I mean it's crazy how much teachers do thank you also for all the teachers they're looking at like either pencil or pen all day long that's probably boring I think if you spice it up with color it probably makes them happier puts them in a better mood it's more interesting to look out and it's more exciting as well and it's just like pretty and more creative I think so I called you guys I don't know how it works exactly our would work but I think if you use colors on your work or paper that it could benefit you that's just my theory though all right I got to work [Music] update it's 3 o'clock now got a considerable amount of my homework done in math I'm finishing up this one last sheets and they having to do something else to help kind of get my life back together feeling good again yeah another tip wait to get closer to feeling better is to drink water hydration is really good and you more energy it just makes you feel better in general and when you feel better you're more motivated and more inclined to do productive things and once you start doing productive things it's easier to do more productive things which leads you on kind of a snowball effect to doing productive good things in your day let me tell you I'm already feeling better are you got more energy dance around you know hey Siri what's the temperature right now hey Siri what is 66 degrees Fahrenheit Celsius [Music] don't think I'd forget about you other countries actually that's like every country in the world except America this jacket [Music] you know this jacket is actually my dad's he wore this I think he's like 16 and he raced bikes I think it's cool piece [Music] [Music] so for a quick update Gigi I messed up their Maps online and so now for some reason I can't fly there so I'm gonna hop on my bike and now let this affect me and I'm gonna go fly the drone and make Dougal I think so I'm gonna go up on my bike fly store else nearby instead [Music] I've I feel like I'm in a better place now an effort to wrap up this video I got over my kind of unmotivated lazy just feeling self in just a matter of a couple of hours and now I feel super pumped up I'm gonna try to edit this video afterwards a little bit of more homework done hang off my family because that's what makes me happy and just going to fly the churn out there taking a little adventure going on my bike not going on my phone just being outside feeling the cool crisp air and just being like enjoying those little things about life made me feel really good and um I was really able to turn it around like this morning I woke up late I went upstairs had oatmeal and put like two lengthy salted caramel ice cream in it then like ate some popcorn and just like watched YouTube videos all day and like that's literally what I did yesterday - I just lost it got out of control I mean because I stay away too late the other night I kinda just like give up I think once you've kind of like given up it's really easy to stay there you're not sure what to do how to build yourself back up but once you start with little things like I did in the beginning of the video I like changing cleaning room getting some fresh air maybe even going outside you can really turn it around and just get back feeling good and motivated again because it's not easy happens to everyone last thing I'm gonna be releasing a video explaining my trip next summer if you want to travel to France with me and film videos meeting a bunch of people your age from all around the world going on the adventure canceiied cover its own trying fun foods explore inch the most beautiful places ever the link to the website to sign up to our trip next summer will be in the description and I'm gonna be playing more about that in the next video that's a lot to say for now yeah smile be kind make the world a better place for everyone else around you and [Music]
Channel: Max Reisinger
Views: 237,311
Rating: 4.9633503 out of 5
Keywords: how to get your life together, matt d'avella, nathaniel drew, self improvement, disciple, garyvee, motivation, better ideas, better ideas rut, productivity, good habbits, jordan peterson, philosophy, creative burnout, burnout, how to fix my life, how to feel good again, how to be happy, life advice, teen life, 2020, resolutions for 2020, resolutions, how to reinvent yourself, reinvention, reinvent, how to reinvent, new year, improvement, habit, resolution, new start, self help, 2019
Id: 6SaX0WW8LT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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