How I got my job at AWS as a Cloud Support Associate

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hello my name is Brandon and I've officially hit my six month Mark over here at AWS and currently as a cloud support engineer I kind of want to explain to you kind of how I went from zero experience to now six months of experience to tell you a little bit about my journey and how I got from Zero to Hero over here at AWS it all goes back to my university I'm not sponsored by Western Governors University but if you go to this University I would say that is very well respected a lot of people know in the I.T industry that you should go for Western Governors University why because first of all it's not too expensive if you were to compare um for example I live in Houston so University of Houston compared to Western Governors University cheaper option is Western Governors University and on top of that you're able to grow and progress in your career when you're taking these classes you get to do it at your own pace so if you're extremely fast I've seen people who finished uh their four-year degree in about one or two years which is crazy to me but they can do it right not only that but they give you professional certifications when you take a look at all of their programs and for me I took the bachelor's network operations and security path where the biggest certification to me at least was the Cisco CCNA that that took me at least two or three months to study in order to finally pass that certification it was a long hard journey but the moment you pass it it just relieves so much weight from you that class on top of all your other certifications classes combined and by the time you're done with Western government's University you're out with from zero certifications to now six seven certifications and these are I.T professional certifications that are well respected by a lot of companies out there so if you ever get the chance to go to WGU Western governance University I would highly recommend it so going to tie this all back to my story right I was working full time uh as an I.T help desk guy while also doing school full-time so I kind of just went back and forth so after I was done with work I would go to school um online I'd study at my own pace watching videos reading textbooks if I needed to do Labs I would do those as well and that was my process Monday to Friday every single day weekends I would either play games or I would not put a lot of my time and effort into school but then there are other days where I actually did spend almost my entire day just studying so it really depends right that's the nice perk of being at WGU simply because you're able to kind of do everything at your own pace right so if you know you're busy on Monday for example you can make up for that on Tuesday right if you spend four hours a day studying just sound as an example you can spend eight hours studying on Tuesday and that's the really nice part about Western Governors University you don't have to take any homeworks there are quizzes but they're optional it doesn't matter what matters is that you take the final test which either allows you to pass or fail if you pass great you get to move on to the next course rinse and repeat and you can do this for as many classes as you want so you're crazy fast you could technically finish your whole entire four-year degree in one semester but to each their own right so once I graduated I had all these certifications and I remember applying to a lot of jobs and this was during the time when I hit my one year mark at my it helped us position right and I wanted to make sure that you know I was going to land another either a higher tier help desk job or I would land as a junior network engineer or just a junior level position for either being a system admin or network engineer one or the other it doesn't matter and so one day I decided to say you know what I see this position at Amazon I'm gonna go ahead and try and apply for it so I applied and after a whole two three months of just interviewing I was finally able to get the offer which I couldn't believe it myself when I got the offer I thought it was like a fish email a Fisher email where I got scammed and I'm just getting that email to get that email but then as I looked at it it looked more and more legitimate I'm like no way I I landed a job at Amazon right so it's crazy to me how I had zero experience in the cloud because I didn't really know what AWS was back then I I knew that the cloud was a thing but I didn't really pay much attention to how it works and all that stuff so going into my journey I would say that if you would like to get your foot in the door I didn't have any internship experience at Amazon some some individuals did I was not the individual that got an internship I just got the cloud support associate position and that was that so if you're trying if you're trying to apply to Amazon to AWS and you want to get your foot in the door I would highly recommend getting their Cloud practitioner certification um I forgot to mention that previously but that was one of my other certifications that I got at WGU and this certification basically gives you a over a very simplified example or a simple definition of all the services within AWS it will tell you here's what the service is here's what it does it almost kind of prepares you for a Solutions architect because as a Solutions architect you you do need to know the services and what they do so currently for me I am trying to practice for another certification and once I move on to a new certification hopefully I can provide another video so you can get a understanding of my journey with that certification how long it took what I did to study for it and all that good stuff so other than that working at Amazon has been probably the coolest thing ever for me I like the fact that I get to work from home and there's a lot of flexibility with that right where not a lot of other companies would offer that and this is just one of the perks of working at Amazon and no we don't get Prime for free that's been asked very many many many many many times by other people but no we don't get Prime for free if you're trying to work for Amazon 100 apply for it and even if they say no that just means for today for right now no that doesn't stop you from applying again in the future and I would just keep telling you to keep pushing keep applying and let them know that you're interested so with that being said um that's all I have for this video today thank you so much for watching and if you ever want me to make more videos just feel free to let me know subscribe comment like whatever people say on YouTube um yeah I'll make more videos if you know if you have a question for me or if you want to know more about something I'll be happy to make a video so thank you for watching
Channel: TechNgo
Views: 5,573
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Id: xoL96QcdS50
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Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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