how i got into coding - my journey ⚽

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oh my goodness this is how everything started so my dream was to become a footballer and since the age of i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and uh do kick-ups and then talk let's see if i can do it so since the age of seven or so i think seven or eight i had this passion for football and school and myself never went along to be honest and you know like if you if you oh my this is so difficult talk oh boy let's try again let's try again let's try again so if you can relate to me like if you can relate to me if you're into football or people are into football usually when it comes to studies is like so difficult so difficult especially when your parents are not around and you can pretty much just kind of do whatever you want to do so again i'm i'm letting my subscribers down um but yeah so um i played until i was 16 i think and then i actually got injured and i suffered from something called discord meniscus so basically so basically right here like on my both knees sometimes it feels it feels like i broke my knee like the tendons they it's like this is like dislocate something called discard meniscus just check it out it's so horrible so yeah so football wasn't meant to be um and then you know school i was really terrible i wasn't the best of the best even today i'm not even the best but i then had to decide and what i wanted to do with my life and this is where things began so you know i never heard about programming until i was until i was 21 or 20 i think so football wasn't meant to be then i had to decide what i wanted to do with my life and because i had a course which was related to computing so i used to fix computers before like you know motherboard and fixing windows xp and all of that good stuff you don't laugh yeah uh then yeah so i decided to study um i think was web a b tech in web development and business what i think was just web development and then programming basically so that was really good because that taught me uh programming so before i i took the course i knew nothing about programming unlike lots of people that know exactly how to code from the age of i don't know nine or or ten but for me remember i was an adult i was an adult so it was a little bit tricky for me so i knew nothing about programming so yeah so i remember it was challenging um and to be honest alhamdulillah i've worked really hard in my first in my first year i remember i could even say numbers for example 1230 for example i couldn't say that even my english wasn't wasn't good people used to laugh at me can you imagine that um so yeah so then i i just work really hard two years at college and to be honest i managed to get the best grades i still don't brag about it because i know where i come from right i used to i used to sleep i used to leave i came from slums if i show you where i come from i came from slums right my you know just just going back um it's been a long journey right and the purpose of this video is just to to give you the boost and tell you that yes you can do it you know it doesn't matter your your circumstances where you come from you can do it so two years at college i've done really well i've managed to get the best grades then i had to do gcse in math yeah maths english in order to to basically apply for uni and that's how i got into one of the best unis in the entire world i think it was top 11 something like that i can't remember exactly how it's doing now but that's how i did it so then from college to uni this was pretty much like the last um bit of the puzzle so going into my first year it was really difficult i'm not gonna lie to you and i i got really bad grades on my first year um and this was because i wasn't used to it you know remember coding and programming was new i was i only knew about it for for two years right and then going to uni it was like i remember like going into computer logic lectures bro sister it was difficult the teacher was talking about natural deduction and all these things and it was like completely new so i was like what is this like it was so difficult because of finding things difficult and as soon as i realized you know this is starting to make sense i started making videos and you can go back on my previous videos and you'll see that my first batch of videos were on natural deduction just just just just just go and check them out so natural deduction teaching other people because i was like fine you know other people are struggling i wasn't the only one on the same boat and other people are struggling so let me just record the same uh the the same content for everybody to learn then moving on to second year um i think yeah second year and then i think ernani i've actually i knew from the first year but the second year we used to hang out quite a lot together and yeah and we both of us actually worked really hard um throughout the second year so we knew that you know how is how it was going to be and uh yeah we never went for pubs and drinks and all these things that you know um college and uni or actually university students do right so i never done none of that for me it was mainly like focus focus focus work hard work hard because i knew where i came from so and then the third year that was like the last year and actually um i managed to secure an internship on my second year and then following that i secured a job for um or actually upon completion of my of my third year which was really nice so going into my third year it was just focusing on the lectures and to be honest i wouldn't even i wouldn't make it to to the last to the morning lectures to be honest uh it was i think it was distributed systems i barely went to that lecture because yeah i was so busy and i would stay at uni until 1 2 a.m i remember the last day where we had to submit our final final year project me anani elijah seb um i think ahmed we slept at uni it was crazy man but yeah it paid off and the rest is story so this is how everything began and this is why you see i teach um coding i give you guys motivational uh videos because i want you guys to believe that it is possible right so me um knowing nothing about coding and then learning all these things and and just looking back i was like you know would i ever get it like would i ever write a single line of code oh boy you know 20 lines of code ah this is so difficult how many classes and all these things right but now just looking back um you know coding is something that if you put in your mind that it's something that you want and you're not going to give up you know halfway then you're going to make it you know i know a lot of people that dropped out university on their first year because it was really tough but don't be one of them and yeah if you need to my channel go ahead and subscribe give me a thumbs up and let me know like if you like videos videos like this i'm planning on recording more videos um outside uh yeah kind of vlog type videos so just let me know whether you want to see more and yeah if you're not part of the amigos code community over 20 000 people already discord and facebook go ahead and join link will be in the description of this video if you want to learn about programming check where i teach pretty much everything for you to succeed as a software engineer i'll see you later so let's see now how many how many how many how many can i do let's see can you see everything right i think it's good so um pick a number 18 okay fine one uh that didn't count one oh that didn't count as well oh boy one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eight [Music] i think i didn't even count that properly but anyways uh i love football let me know if you're from london we can play football uh one of these days and uh yeah just uh let me know assalamualaikum you
Channel: Amigoscode
Views: 26,399
Rating: 4.9773264 out of 5
Keywords: programming python, programming with python, programming r, programming languages, programming java, programming in c, programming salary, coding bootcamp, software engineer, software development, computer programming, working from home as a software engineer, amigoscode, programming, computer science for beginners, computer science vs computer engineering, web development tutorial for beginners
Id: xrYfdA6QSSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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