How I got 54% FASTER in Biking! | Triathlon Taren

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hmm Warren trainee Alex got a bit of a bit of a pistol of a workout here doing a total of 10 times 30 seconds on 30 seconds off three rounds of that it ain't Pleasant fortunately you don't have to always be doing that over the last few years I have ended up increasing my bike speed by 53 percent I'm gonna give you the system that I use so that you can do the same thing it doesn't just involve all suffering it's actually gonna be a lot easier than you think do I get a little break right now all right train me axe being strong on the bike is the best way to get faster in triathlon one reason for that is that it's the obviously largest duration that we spend in the race swim can be as little as 10% of the race run as maybe a third to 40% of the race but the bike can be as much as 60% of the time in the race if you are stronger on the bike you're just going to be spending more time doing the aspect of triathlon that you are strongest in bonus next when you look at the correlations and we've looked through five years of Ironman and Half Ironman finish data and you look at what is correlated with the strongest overall performance time is that the swim is that the bike is at the run it's the bike it just edges out the run so being strong on the bike is most likely to lead to being strong overall in triathlon third being strong on the bike doesn't just help you on the bike it helps you on the run if you can either bike at the same effort and feel fresher for the run or bike faster and not have it deteriorate your run quite so much you are going to end up having a strong combined bike run which might lead to as much as 90% of your race being done in really strong fresh legs it's the best return on investment that you can make however been reading a lot of Warren Buffett lately and man I would love to give him $10,000 in like 1960 this would have been plated with gold and platinum now people might be looking at my recent Half Ironman and Ironman finish times and seeing really decent bike performances I put out splits in half Iron Man's in particular that are I believe around the fifth or sixth fastest overall in the entire race like 2,000 people but it wasn't always that way I want to show you some of the progress that I've made over the years here's the first Olympic Distance race that I did and when you look at the time a I was the slowest in the entire age group be my bike split was the slowest in the overall age group and see it was one of the slowest bike splits in the entire field not very impressive fast forward to 2019 and my most recent bike split at Ironman 70.3 Atlantic City and we see that I was much much faster even at a longer distance we're talking a 54 percent improvement in bike speed even though I was doing a longer distance now you might be saying alright Aaron that took nine years anyone can get better in nine years I agree but let's then look at something a little bit tighter in time look at my time from 2017 in those races that I did and then 2019 we're talking just two years of progress and there is a significant percentage improvement and you might be saying well Taryn you must have biked immensely huge volume I really didn't do any huge volume until I did challenge Roth but I still made progress in the two years leading up to challenge Roth between Half Ironman Austin Half Ironman Campeche and challenge Roth so you can make excellent bike improvements with people go nuts when I say this just 2 bike workouts a week as we outline in triathlon bike foundations now of course two bike workouts a week is not going to make you an elite athlete but it's certainly enough to give you improvements so let's talk about the three things that I did that were significantly different between 2017 and 2019 that led to that huge percentage improvement in my overall bike speed the first I mentioned it was to do the right to bike workouts every single week one of those bike workouts was building up to an over distance a long endurance ride bike workout in 2017 my long bike workouts were two and a half hours to maybe two hours 45 minutes this isn't long enough in 2018-2019 I made my long rides 110 K 120 125 K for a Half Ironman and that ended up being a four-hour ride in a lot of cases that became my over distance so that by the time I got into a Half Ironman the distance that I was riding was a step down it was so easy to complete because I've gone longer next I did one hard really hard bike workout every single week the key to that is making that long ride very easy you go out with pals you listen to podcast you don't turn that long ride into just a long intense ride no that doesn't help you at all because what it does is it digs this hole that you're fatigued so that your hard ride isn't that hard in 2018-2019 my hard ride was hard I turned myself inside out and what that did is because I'm going so hard in the hard days for one-minute efforts 4-minute efforts 2-minute efforts six minutes off efforts I'm actually going hard enough to make my top end faster stronger easy and long on the long days hard and fast but short on the hard and fast days - bike workouts per week you get a lot of good reviews about this on Amazon just saying that next I got my position on the arrow bike more dialed in in this time I did not slam my bike the only thing I did was I moved the elbow pads down by a centimeter now you might be saying holy smokes like how do you talk about getting way more aerodynamic with just a centimeter what I did was this I got the arm pads that you put your elbows into on the bike right dialed in so the center of my elbow is right smack in the center of the elbow pads then I brought the Aero bars up closer to my chin what this ended up doing was it allowed me to then rest all of my upper body weight on the Aero bars and then melt much easier into the arrow position now because I was just melted into the Aero position even that one centimeter drop in my front position allowed me to get probably six inches lower with my overall body so it's not necessarily about taking your front arrow bar slamming them as low as possible it's about getting this front end into such a comfortable position that you can just get your upper body as low as possible because 85% of the force that we have to push through the air is overcoming our body forget about all the fancy Dancy Aero bike wind tunnel testing stats that all the bike companies report they're legitimate our body makes a much bigger difference so get dialed in the third thing that I did was I kept the rest of my training in check you might be a big fan of 80/20 triathlon training great book you might be a fan of periodized triathlon training very similar to that book or the pyramidal model which is what my coach dr. dan please uses it's all kinda similar and it's the idea of your easy training needs to be easy hard training needs to be hard and the breakdown of that over the course of the year is you do about 80% of your training easy and about 20% heart what was happening in 2017 though is because my long rides were kind of long but they were basically pretty hard is that I didn't have the motivation to go along because I'm like wow I cannot do a three-hour hard ride and then when the hard rides came around I wasn't able to push into those hard efforts so you have to get your training zones right in my case what I ended up having to do is I abandon run and swim groups that constantly just turned into pissing contests if you can find a training partner or training group where everyone has the same motivations and everyone's kind of around the same pace at the same low heart rate that is the ideal situation but more often than not training groups turn into pissing contests where one person just pushes the pace a little bit and then everyone keeps up and then somebody just pushes the pace a little bit and then everyone keeps up and this is extremely detrimental not just to your training but your overall health in my case I was suffering I was literally my hormones were shot my performances and races were shot my motivation was low I was suffering instances of depression I was sick five times in four months I was a complete physical mess and here I was turning my in myself inside out and all these workouts thinking I'm doing all the right things I'm working so hard but I was working too hard allowing all that hard training that everyone needs to suffer through and if you weren't bad enough you have to dig deep No 80% of the time it should be very enjoyable very chill very easy and if you aren't getting that balance right you are going to be suffering more and performing less and potentially doing your self physical harm so lots and lots of long low intensity training that's how you build a foundation to actually allow you to get fit and then you just sprinkle a little bit of 20% of little higher intensity that is how you make yourself faster and if you abandon that sure it's more fun to go a little bit harder but if you abandon that it is going to be to the detriment of your performance and your overall health don't do that if that's what you're looking for so what do you do here are three things that I would recommend first get your training dialed in and know what low intensity is and when low intensity should be done get this for free by going to trap long tarancón /hr training just put in your email address and you'll get a free guide to get started on that next if you want to get your bike dialed in and you don't yet want to invest in a bike fit we can get you to around your starting point for a decent bike fit by going to triathlon Tarin comm forward slash bike fit same thing put your email address it's free and this will give you a guide for seat height seat forward and backward how to set up your front Aero bars just get you kind of in the ballpark of what a good position is then finally if you really want to understand bike training how to structure those two workouts over the course of a year go to triathlon bike foundations comm where you can get the e-book and the audio book instantly or triathlon bike foundations is on all the Amazons all around the world if you're not into any of that and you just like triathlon videos and you aren't yet subscribed hit the subscribe button below we put out videos every single week all the time ernõ bro later trained yaks
Channel: Taren's MōTTIV Method
Views: 67,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Triathlon tips, beginner triathlon training, beginner triathlon, triathlon for beginners, triathlon cycling, trip bike, get faster on bike, get faster on triathlon bike, triathlon cycling training, bike, Triathlon Taren, Triathlon, Triathlon Training, Triathelete, Edurance Training, Beginner Triathlon
Id: thns3-ek_10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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