7 Things I Did To Nail My Dream 70.3 Triathlon Race

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oh nice morning trainiacs weather is be beautiful it's like try to speak american lingo like 82. how many kilojoules is that so with all this extra time on my hands this year with no racing i thought you know what was the perfect race that i've done now i've done a uh a 428 half ironman a 941 iron man and you might just be saying like wow this isn't the perfect race the one where you went fastest no personally i think that the perfect race that i've done is a 436 half iron man but the reason that it is slower than my pb half ironman is because the ratio of the amount of hours that i spent to train for it is phenomenal i think the average amount of training hours i did was like eight hours 30 minutes every week whereas the 428 was somewhere around 13 hours and that's normally you're gonna get diminishing returns the more you train but fact of the matter is that most of you out there can't train 13 15 20 hours a week so we have to look at well what is an efficient amount of training so today i'm going to outline the principles that i used in that eight hour 30 minute training week that'll hopefully allow you to get as much as you can out of the hours that you have to have your perfect race all right so trainiacs the first thing that i want to show you is what my workout week looked like in 2018 because this is something that i would actually recommend that if you're in this situation where these are your time constraints and these are your goals by all means you can duplicate this so this is a page that we have on teamtrainiac.com where to help people figure out how much they need to train and what a good workout week schedule looks like you just have to click a few buttons so in my case what i had time for was about 12 workouts a week so go 12 workouts a week and i wanted to work on my swim the most so that's what i worked on and then i had a half ironman here and i wanted to be competitive so what that tells me is all right well 11 to 14 workouts is about right for what you need to do to be competitive and somewhere on average of eight and a half to nine and a half hours of training per week is what you can expect that's the average of course it went up from there to a peak of around i think 12 and a half hours per week but that was the average eight and a half to nine and a half and then the weekly schedule here i had to make a small little change but this was basically it and the only change that i made i went like this i had an intense bike on tuesday and it was followed by an intense run i actually did this because i was really really time crunched fairly busy in 2018 i did my intense run right after the bike so i had four swims the swims with the main swim the key swim that was actually about 60 to 90 minutes looks like i've got an update to run in the app here the main swim of 60 to 90 minutes was monday just a steady kind of endurance building swim of about 45 to 60 minutes was wednesday 45 to 60 minutes of a technique focus swim was thursday and then i just did an open water easy 30 to 40 minute recovery swim on sunday after my run running because i was a little bit banged up and my running was decent but i didn't want to risk injury so i didn't want to load up on running i wanted to be efficient with running i had my main long run going up to just 90 minutes on sunday but i'll tell you what i did to make that work and then i had about a 10 to 15 minute brick on saturday my intense run which i did as a brick on tuesday and that was all the running that i did as far as biking i had one really intense ride of about 45 to 60 minutes on tuesday another tempo ride of around 45 to 60 minutes on wednesday then a really easy recovery ride on friday and then the main ride which was quite a bit longer i'll explain what i did with that was on saturday and i threw in a strength session on thursday so that was the training plan but let's get into the seven keys the key things that i did in swim bike run and just overall training plan creation that i think made it so efficient and what we feel makes teamtrainiac.com plug plug so efficient so let's start off with the bike it's the biggest portion of a race and i wanted to make sure that it was as effective a training schedule as possible while not taking up so much time you could spend tens of hours on the bike and reach those diminishing returns but i wanted to be efficient the first thing that i did to make the ride efficient was i knew that i needed to have one day that was big focus on endurance where the main focus was building endurance going long and building up almost all the endurance that i need for the race on the bike it's hard to go for a four or five hour run or a four or five hour swim but you can certainly go for a four or five hour bike and that endurance on the bike transfers over to the entire race so what i ended up doing was that one long ride a week i made quite long longer than i had ever done a typical long ride for so this long ride averaged somewhere around 115 to 135 kilometers like upwards of four hours that said it was really easy and 80 20 polarized training i don't want to over train myself sometimes the purpose is to go really hard sometimes the purpose is to go really long and long and hard isn't typically a workout that i recommend doing because there's not a whole lot of benefit to it you're just suffering for longer so that was the first thing i did i went long sufficiently long we call that an over distance ride and build up massive amounts of endurance the second thing that i did is when i went intense on the bike i went really intense i turned myself inside out on the old zwift setup like there was a lot of pain and grimacing in these videos back then but it resulted in good performance i ended up biking in the half ironman world championship that year 226.58 not my best bike not even close but it was a very hard bike course with really rough surface so that 226 probably comparable to a 220 on another course and the benefit of that really really intense ride where the goal was to accumulate roughly a total of between 15 and 25 total minutes at very high intensities to work on that vo2 max what you need to build with a proper triathlon training plan is you need to build endurance and an ability to oxidize fat as fuel which we did with the long ride and you need to have a nice high vo2 max so those two rides accomplish a lot of what we need to accomplish with a well-designed triathlon training plan it just hurts but the benefit of it is that it doesn't take as long you can really make a nice efficient workout in a grand total of like most of our workouts on team trainiac on the bike are between 40 and 55 minutes for the intense and the tempo bikes that's it the third thing i did with that plan that was a real driver of success within a short amount of training time was that i made every run count because running is so likely to cause injury i ended up limiting the running to just those few times a week that meant that all of those runs had to be really really beneficial so instead of just going and logging miles what i ended up doing was i made the long run that really wasn't that long only about 90 minutes i made it on hills and trails to build that proprioception that body awareness that muscular endurance that essentially strength based running on those hills and trails i made the intense run really intense really really neuromuscularly top-end kind of effective sort of stuff and then if i ever had a second workout in the day that was supposed to be a run instead of doing it later in the day i did it as a brick run because a brick run in my opinion you can basically have the time that you're going to run and still make it as effective so instead of doing like a 30 minute run later in the day i did a 15 minute brick run immediately after a bike which i feel is just as effective as that 30 minute run later in the day now the downside to this i gave up a little bit of endurance in the ironman world championship i ended up kind of fading a little bit to around the 15 kilometer mark and really had to suck it up for the final six kilometers of the half marathon but i still posted i think it was a 134 56 run time now the fourth key to making that race successful with a limited amount of time was when it came to the swim i did have was a membership to the tower 26 training plan which we have based a lot of my beliefs on swim training about one of the things that age group triathletes battle is that even at most we're swimming four or five times a week so we're just not swimming a lot so we have to be really really effective so i would encourage you to not just go and swim and swim and swim and swim and swim and think that it's going to be beneficial for you you've got to swim with a purpose and because most of us age group triathletes aren't coming into triathlon with really good technique we need a well-designed training plan that ends up encouraging that good technique while allowing us to still build up swim endurance the fifth key was that i built up a ton of low intensity endurance training from january all the way up until april or so you know we talk about 80 20 where 80 of your training is at low heart rates and 20 percent is at high heart rates or polarized training that's very similar well that's 80 20 over the course of a year so what i end up recommending people do is making it more like 95 5 or even 100 and 0 and then gradually it turns from 100 and 0 in the off season and the base building season to 90 10 then to 80 20 then to 70 30 so you're gradually as you're able to absorb more and more intensity you are able to execute it instead of just going from easy to hard so big volumes of low intensity training in the off season and the base building season the second to last thing that i did was i supported all of this training with key recovery sessions and not just sessions but like so much of the focus because i was coming off of a year of being over trained and being fairly delicate which i am now so that proves that i definitely was then i wanted to prioritize recovery and making sure that i wasn't ever pushing too hard so when i had an easy session it was an easy session we're talking like 100 watts average for those recovery rides for the recovery swims nothing but floaty pants and pull boys and fins going easy and then i made sure that i slept seven and a half to eight hours a night i ate around all of my workouts so i didn't come into any workouts under fueled and i didn't go out of any workouts being under fuel whereas in the previous season i hadn't really prioritized recovery at all and i worked harder and didn't get any faster all of a sudden now i was working easier and getting faster and then the final thing that i did that i alluded to before is that every workout had a purpose and that purpose wasn't always just to have a good killer workout sometimes the purpose was to build vo2 max and have a killer workout other times the purpose was to build endurance and there was nothing killer about it besides i was just on a bike for four hours but it was super easy other times the purpose was literally just to be on a bike and have no more than a average wattage of 100 watts and the entire purpose was recovery so every workout regardless of what i did it always had an intention and then intention wasn't always just to turn me inside out so those seven things allow me to perform really well without spending a ton of time now is that what is going to get me to kona or get you to kona likely not you are going to have to push a little bit harder and you know ride that razor's edge of maybe a little bit too much beyond being healthy and then you really have to start prioritizing recovery and sleep and making sure that your blood testing regularly and you are doing multiple tests throughout the year because going beyond that 10 hours you end up getting into diminishing returns and you start affecting your health potentially negatively but if that's what you're looking to do and you know that that's what you're looking to do that's okay but for most of us who just want to have as good a race as we can without spending too much time now you have the seven keys that i found really helped me that hopefully will help you so if you aren't already subscribed and you like this video hit that subscribe button below we come out with these types of videos a couple times a week later trainiacs by the way what do you think of the new lighting a little soft box here colorful lighting let me know in the comments i feel fancy
Channel: Taren's MōTTIV Method
Views: 81,197
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Keywords: triathlon, triathlete, triathlons, fitness, triathlon tips, triathlon training, triathlon taren, beginner triathlon training, beginner triathlon tips, beginner triathlete, triathlon training tips, triathlon (sport), beginner triathlon, triathlon for beginners, half ironman training plan, 70.3 training plan, triathlon training plan, triathlon training plan for beginners, triathlon training program, half ironman, 70.3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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