You've never seen anything like this! Cool chicken coop ideas for "grass fed" poultry!

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hey there folks this is Josh Tony rich farmer welcome to the farm vlog today this will be another video on raising chickens in conjunction with Myer hatchery we're going to show you guys how we raise our broilers here on the farm so we just completed our PVC mobile coop we'll take you around the coop we'll talk to you a little bit about it a little bit about the size and we'll take you over and show you the birds and show you some pretty cool products from my er hatchery and we haven't quite completed the coop yet so we'll show you finishing up the coop all right so come along today we're going to have some fun on the farm vlog working on the coop and we'll move our broiler chickens over to a larger coop we have 50 broiler chickens they are five weeks old right now and they are way way crowded in our 6 by 8 coop so we're gonna move them over to a 12 by 10 alright so let's go have some fun [Music] Tony rich so first things first guys we are working together with Meyer hatchery to show you how to raise Birds to show you how to raise your own food so I hope you can pound that like button subscribe to the channel and you'll learn a whole lot there's a lot more stuff going on on the farm besides these chickens as you can tell there's a few other things going on here but first I want to show you the coop design that we have right now and what we've been doing and why we're moving them to a bigger coop first let's start by saying that Stoney Ridge Farm is a new farm this is a start-up so we're starting up and we're trying different ways of raising our broilers before we start selling to the public and I think we found the key so what we have here is our little mobile coop and we bought this guy probably two years ago it's got skis on the back of it so that I can lift it up and move it around but it's quite heavy quite cumbersome and the birds like to get hung up right there in the back so we're going to eliminate this problem with the PVC coop because it has rounded tubing and it'll hit their belly before it hits their feet and it won't suck them up underneath there and get them caught so inevitably whenever I'm moving this coop I'm having to stop and take the time to lift up the back because their toes get caught in it we don't want that at all and this thing is way too heavy for my wife to move so let's go over here and we'll check out this coop and then we'll take you over to the other one so this one is approximately five or six feet by eight feet it is big enough to house 50 Birds up until about week number four and you can see right here we're in our front yard so our birds are on pasture and our pasture is our front yard there is no stink there is no smell there aren't a ton of flies flying around my face this is possible to do in the city on a very very small budget and on a very very small piece of land you can see the little spots right here where we've moved the chicken coop we haven't had any rain in about four weeks but eventually all this will explode with growth it'll save you on fertilizer for your yard in your yard will pop plus your neighbors will think you're a crazy person so the birds are in here I've got them I've been feeding them and I'll show you all the feeders and stuff that we're going to be using but this is yesterday's plot well that's yesterday that's the day before and you can see the progression but what a week and a half ago they were right here all this grass and all this land really heals up well and the birds get some good roughage they get some good grass and makes that meet that broiler meat just tastes great so all the birds are kind of waiting on me right now to give them some food but I'm not going to give them food until we put them in the new mobile coop these birds are so motivated by food that I can just feed them move the whole coop out from around them and just set the new coop right back on top of them so let's go over here and we'll check out the mobile coop that is made of PVC so this is four inch PVC drain pipe okay so it's not the expensive high-pressure pipe it's the cheaper drain pipe if my store would have had two inch I probably would have built it out a two inch this probably makes it about 15 pounds heavier building it out of four-inch material I was really struggling with how I was going to get the wire to mount up to it and I'll show you how we did that and there's one little section kind of right out here on this one where it sags a little bit and that's where we're going to be hanging our feeder so we got a little solution to that and we'll show you today basically what we have to do is screw the tin down and we've got to formulate a plan to make a door and we'll come back in another vlog and show you how we made the door for it but we want to get these birds under shelter in a predator proof kind of predator proof coop and that way they won't get eaten by predators they'll be under shelter they'll have plenty of shade and I'll have plenty of airflow underneath there and the amount of food they're eating is about 25 pounds of food per day so that equates to probably 20 pounds of bird poop a day and we need a broader area for these guys to poop so when you build a coop out of 4-inch material this stuff is super duper stout but it's fairly thin walled okay so we've got a little bit of a sag right here where we're going to be hanging our water and our feeders and hopefully that's the plan we're going to be hanging at least one water or maybe two water so we're going to put a little one-inch support beam basically right in here cool so let's get busy doing that so what we just did and failed to record was installing this one-inch support piece right here and that'll help to support when we hang our five gallon water okay so we'll be hanging a five gallon water from this little hook right here and this is basically a hook with a bolt on it about that long running right through the PVC now we're going to take our roofing material and the reason we got the brighter colored galvanized roofing material is because it will reflect the heat a whole lot better than if we got darker color I was gonna try and match it to our garage right there and to our other barns on the farm but I think this will help reflect the heat and make our birds a little bit happier and a little bit cooler so we're gonna spread out this tin and go ahead and install it so let me share a little bit of the thought process here and what I'm doing I have two handles mounted over here and I'll get you a close-up of all this stuff here in just a few minutes but I want my 10 to be evenly spaced and I also have to leave room for this bolt right here and let me get a little close-up we're gonna have to cut the bolt off and that's the bolt that we use for hanging the feeder and the waterer so I've got my 10 evenly spaced but I don't want overlap like that I don't want it to hang over like that so we've got to make sure everything's even the overhang is the same on this corner as it is on this corner now this piece of tin right here it will go in this section and this will be our door so we'll have to do a little modification to it we've got to put some hinges somehow mount up some hinges right here but for now we're basically just going to lay the tin in place so what we've got to do now we have to come in and we've got to cut this bolt off right here so that it'll fit underneath this rib and we're also going to put a washer in right here so it never ever pulls through let me show you how we attached the wire now here is the wire and we bought a two-foot I think it's a 24 inch wide wire and we went on and attached it with some self-tapping screws and a nice big fat washer now was the washer necessary no not really but I think the washer will help secure that wire and it's nice and tight and it will last for years for sure this brings me to a point where my old do Walt 18 volt batteries are not holding charge like they used to so I found a company called vannin batteries I'm gonna post you a link down below and I think that there is a coupon code also that I can get for you for van and batteries we're gonna replace this one and put a van and battery in and see what it does this is the old 18 volt Dewalt it's probably 15 years old here's a replacement 18 volt van and battery I had no idea that battery was gonna die but van and battery contacted me I don't know six months ago and sent me a couple batteries to try out so I'll post a link down below and hopefully there'll be a coupon code down there too so you can get a little discount on the replacement batteries here let's get busy much much better so the whole roof install hinges upon that bolt right there okay so what we have to do is put the ridge right over top of the boat then we'll take our measuring tape and measure from the edge to the outside edge of the 10 it's just 2 and 3/4 inch of overhang we'll match it up and then we'll match it all up and get to screwing them down [Music] now we're not building the Taj Mahal here we're building the chicken coop does it have to be absolutely watertight no but the better we make it the better we build it the longer it'll last the better off we'll be we have this tin cut by a specialty shop that's pretty close by here so it's exact measurements that I ordered if you can find a place locally that'll do that for you it'll save you a whole lot of money and it'll save you a whole lot of trouble in working with this tin basically I don't have to cut anything with this tin I just have to zip the screws in we should be rockin and rollin [Music] [Applause] during the battle fennekin [Music] all right so we've got all our screws in we're gonna go ahead and move the coupe over to the birds and put the birds in now here's a part of the video where I ask for your advice so I've got to fashion a door on this thing right now I'm just gonna lay this piece of tin over top but I've got a fashioned a door right here where I can open and get in there and feed them and water them so I'm gonna figure this one out guys if you have any ideas I thought about attaching a hinge or putting some kind of sliders on here so I could just slide it all the way out it doesn't have to sit flush so I could just put a slider in there and just basically slide this like a drawer open and then feed them and then slide it back who knows let's drag this thing over it's not very heavy should work out pretty good you get to watch me struggle dragging it across the driveway I'm gonna attach a rope just like the other coupe I'm just basically going to attach a rope to it to granny Knights and we'll get it moved over there cool well it passes the moveme test with flying colors awesome I'll show you what my plan is here I'm basically just gonna sit one edge of it up and put the feeder in there and watch the baby birds go to it see what happens there I'm gonna prop it up on a bucket try a couple buckets my dog has an affinity for buckets likes to chew em up alright let's step in some chicken poop prop this guy up on a bucket and do a science experiment now my hypothesis is and secondary hypothesis is this went up on the bucket the water out of him on the bucket here we go and we'll get our feeder so here's our feeder this is the meijer hatchery 25 pound feeder for portable chicken coops SuperDuper awesome I'll show you I give you a little detail on the water or two now that worked like a charm that work so good let me show you the waterer setup and then I'll show you the 50-pound feeder guys so this is what you can expect after about five weeks of your birds they are I'm gonna say somewhere in the neighborhood of four and a half pounds and they're consuming probably 25 pounds of food per day we'll probably bump it up to about 35 pounds of food per day pretty soon this is the water that Meyer hatchery provides and it's a really cool water you basically set that little spout down the hill and inside this water I'll show you you just have to pour a five-gallon bucket so you don't have to tote the water take a chance on damaging it basically you just take this guy and set him over in there or you can hang him up we're getting ready to do so we just take him and hang him up on our hook right here and the objective of hanging it up is so that it remains level and so that the birds don't poop in it so much all right so here's your comparison completely covered roof nice reflective that keeps the heat off the birds it's a little bit taller than the other one and this thing is just a rickety Shack getting ready to fall apart so a much much better situation for our birds a lot more room so if you look inside this thing you just don't have much room as compared to that monster right there really really lightweight if you guys are interested in building a PVC coop like this basically just go buy the PVC and brainstorm I'll walk you around it real quick and show you what we have and you can build it yourself so what we did from bottom to top we have one two three four five six seven eight nine eight-foot pieces of PVC pipe we have at each junction a tee and an elbow right there's an elbow right there the tees so we got two four six eight tees and two four six eight elbows and then we have a tee in the middle right here and another piece going across so I'm gonna say go ahead and get ten tees and ten elbows and ten pieces of pipe and get you two foot roll of wire some screws and rock it out you can build it yourself you don't need plans that is a hundred and sixty-six inch piece of ten so we have two of those and then we have one cut in half so folks I hope you've learned a little bit about raising chickens today and gave you some good ideas on how to pasture your birds and how to make a cool mobile chicken coop please don't forget pound that like button subscribe to the channel go down below to the meijer hatchery website I've got a specialized link if you want to help out the channel click that link and go in there and check them out got all kinds of cool stuff be sure and stay tuned for the next video on the farm blog and we'll see you next time on the Stoney Ridge farm all right ringing Wow [Music] pearance we've had some ways those Denise Tony Reed Oh
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 1,694,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken, coop, ideas, craigslist, vegan, tractor, farm, organic, farming, vlog, homestead, prepper, grow, garden, tool, hunting, timber, chickens, stoney ridge farm, meyer hatchery, meyer hatchery chicks, meyer hatchery reviews, chicken coop ideas, chicken tractor designs, chicken tractor pvc, how to raise chickens, back yard chickens, how to process chicken manure, chicken manure, pastured poultry, pastured poultry profits joel salatin, polyface farm, polyface farm chickens, live off the land
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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