How I Eat After Being “All In” for 8 Months (Full Day of Eating)

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delicious amazing love it every time never fails good morning guys what's going on so today as you saw but the title we are going to be doing a full day of eating and I'm going to treat this day like any other day there are a few things that I just wanted to briefly talk to you guys about as you guys know it's the beginning of a new year and at the beginning of every new year there's a lot of things on YouTube and social media kind of revolving around you know like dieting and losing weight and things like that and obviously that is not the journey that I'm personally on I just want to kind of like let you guys know where my headspace is at this time of year I'm just making sure that I just like stay in my own lane so I'm just doing my own thing I'm doing and following the journey that I've set out for myself and not revolving around like getting shredded and lean and losing weight so that's where I am right now I hope that you guys can appreciate that and understand that and I'm sure you guys do whoo that being said we're going to one of our favorite places in Kelowna and we're going to go to Korra so I will see you inside [Music] so I got my favorite thing that I always have every single time I come to quorum this is the Gigi omelette so it has carmelized onions mushrooms and a lot of goat cheese oh yeah it has spinach too oh by the way I'm in Canada I think you've gathered that by now but last video you saw me it was like two days right before I left for Canada so I spent Christmas in Florida came to Canada to spend Christmas with Jeff's family I'm here at least until January 17th and then sadly assuming but I'll be here for another like week or so and I'm gonna enjoy every single day that I have with Jess until he comes back to Florida with me we're in Kelowna British Columbia had Cora my favorite thing and we're gonna get started it looks delish oh yeah well she's a pregnant mother so this is the breakfast poutine so we've got two eggs and these are real cheese curds by the way so this is like legit Canadian cheese some taters is that what you'd call these some onions red pepper and a little bit of sausage and then what I'm gonna do is put the hollandaise sauce on top so that's like kind of like the gravy would be in a regular kitchen [Music] look that's insane okay so we just finished up a Korra it was absolutely delicious amazing love it every time never fails but I wanted to really just like let you guys know my honking about me like that every single time so I talk about this all the time but I just want to talk to you guys more about my ever decreasing appetite my appetite has been really low normally I struggle to eat my first meal until like at least noon I've mentioned it before but I still like have a really hard time eating like early in the morning after eating just that omelette two slices of toast and that fruit I feel pretty full like I'm not gonna lie I don't have any desire to eat anything more like I could of course I could eat more if I like force-fed myself but I have notice I would eat anything else and I think that that just shows how much like I've improved and how much my appetite has improved so it makes really happy that I can eat a meal like a normal person and not still feel like I could eat the exact plate of food all over again like that is just such a good feeling so I just wanted to let you guys know that my arm is dying because this cameras really heavy anyways we're gonna go back we're actually gonna go to the gym so I just had to do a quick wardrobe change because we are going to the gym and I wanted to show you guys because I think you guys will be really proud of me I'm wearing a short sleeve cropped top this is something that I haven't been ready for in a long time but I feel ready I'm wearing this to the gym thought you guys would be really proud of me and I also wanted to share with you a couple of new things that I've really been loving and I shared these pieces on my Instagram and a lot of people were like where'd you get it where'd you get it and they're both from Amazon like it way too much stuff from Amazon so first thing are these leggings so I really really like these leggings I'll show you a truck like a better Tryon of them but I like how they sent you in right here but I'm also gonna show you another tank top that I've been wearing a metal so like really squeezes you in that I really like loved since I got it just in case you're like in the market for something that's kind of like more shaping I don't know I'm here for you your girl I got you follow me on instagram if you want to like kind of stay up-to-date with like what I'm wearing and stuff like that [Music] so we are back from the gym after the gym we did decide to run into the grocery store really quick but this morning because he went to Korra I didn't have my normal protein oatmeal I usually have that everyday that's like the one thing that's like super consistent but to switch it up in this video because I had that in my last full day of eating video I decided to use vegan protein so I'm doing a vegan dish oatmeal vegan protein the vanilla but I added cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice so it's like banana foster II because I have bananas in it so it's really good I wish more than anything so Mona I'm gonna have to like give you science phone call because I wish that they made a cake pop and vegan so that needs to happen 2020 it's gonna happen because it's my favorite flavor but of the vegan flavors I love the vanilla and the cinnamon delight and then I also might have some soup I know it would you also like some splash this is the part about being all-in sometimes I'm craving more than one thing and most likely like the best-case scenario is to just have a bulk so if I'm still hungry Jeff is trolling me if I'm still hungry after I eat this oatmeal I don't know if I will be because the vegan protein is a little bit thicker so it's a little bit more filling it actually looks really good I'm excited for this smile for the camera [Music] so I finished that and I want soup minestrone they're strong it's cold outside I don't know I'm in like a soup mood no soup for you unlike the female version of Larry David [Music] basket oh we usually don't watch basketball with these lights there's the camera this is what we're eating if you guys didn't know Jeff and I are big Raptors fans jess is the original rapper fan and then I just became a raptor fan as a byproduct of watching it but I loved it I've become so obsessed with basketball we love the Raptors we went to one of the Finals games last year they lost but it's still fun in Toronto they lost the game but they won they won the finals but they I know this is what the shirt I got from teeth yep yeah I'm ready I'm ready we got pizza I got the veggie pizza with chicken I didn't realize that it gave like they put an entire tomato on top but probably eat that first we're gonna watch the game eat Pete's up [Music] Rome okay so I got this at the store today it is lemon swirl and this is a dairy-free ice cream I think it's coconut based so delicious so we're gonna see if it is so delicious I love lemon things I like lemon sorbet so this was right up my alley it's not super sour it's sweet it tastes like all the so delicious ice creams it tastes like Cool Whip lemon Cool Whip you can't really see but there's like little pieces of lemon and it's really good it's like moosie it's really good I'm gonna eat this while we watch the rest of the game but I want to try these so these are a Canadian cookie I've never seen these in the US before figured I'd give them a try on camera I was gonna eat one last night I was like no I should save it so I can get my reaction on camera cuz I feel like these are like popular maybe I don't know I mean I always am loving chocolate butter cookies they have like really pretty like embossing on them that buildings in Quebec I'm not sure okay let's not embarrass ourselves let me try [Music] that's good chocolate mm-hmm mmm that's really good I'm sure every Canadians like dub those are so good hey camera heavy like this okay wrap it up then I really hope that you enjoy this video let me know if you like full day of eating videos this was just like a casual day we just ordered and ate whatever we were in the mood for it wasn't like a strategic or planned or anything like that subscribe if you haven't been you I love you go Raptors bye [Music]
Channel: Stephanie Buttermore
Views: 1,405,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, fitness, stephanie buttermore, how to balance hormones, health, womens health, gaining weight, weight gain, hunger, always hungry, how to fix hunger, metabolism, how to increase your metabolism, how to increase your metabolism permanently, nutrition, stephanie buttermore all in, fat gain, what i eat in a day, full day of eating, stephanie buttermore what i eat in a day, intuitive eating
Id: XX-xBmikwA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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