how I do my eyeshadow for hooded eyes (▰˘◡˘▰)

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hey guys how are you it's Lindy and welcome to a new video baby look at this baby today I'm going to show you all some tips and tricks of how to do eyeliner what do you have hooded eyes like I have I am gonna hooded eye eyeliner tutorial a few months back and so many of you like this video that I thought let's just make it I should the video as well because maybe you want to know that maybe you don't then I don't know why you click to this video but if you did keep on watching because I'm going to show you some things okay let's zoom in to the eye area because that's very good folks today hey first off little explanation of what hooded eyes are because I've explained in velocity as well but so many of you didn't realize yet hooded eyes but basically who to the eyes is when your skin over here overlaps your eyelid space over here as you can see I have like this fold over here and have not a lot of eyelid space I have like a tiny line over here him a tiny line over there this eye is a little bit more hooded in design because I always sleep on this side so this goes more downwards on this side so if I would close my eyes and I would put makeup over here and then open my eyes you can't see it anymore because it's like under the skin I have over there that's basically what hooded eyes are and there's nothing wrong with having good eyes so many people have them but it does kind of require you to do your makeup a little bit different than people who don't have hooded eyes so that's what I won't show you today so yeah let's whip out the makeup and put it on my eyeballs oh okay so I'm going to do both my eyes different ways and this is going to be the downside this is going to be the do side but like I always say just do whatever you want to do with I mean this is going to be the way that I prefer doing it but if you want to do it that way it's fine as well you know I don't I don't judge anybody also who probably be better if you use like eyeshadow primer or just like a sticky base underneath your eyeshadow because this is going to make it you know stick better to your eyelid but I never really noticed that my eyeshadow like things throughout the day so I never use a primer or anything like that but if I would recommend using it but I do don't use it so okay I shadow so the way that I do not like to do it is taking my brush and then placing the eyeshadow in like the crease of my eyes maybe fairy-like in brow shape I didn't really go outwards I just place it around here and then close my eyes and put it in the crease of my eyes let me get a smaller brush because it's just this stuff needs work yeah I would also bring it in words like there I will do it like this and when I kind of feel like this does it just makes your eyes look smaller also as you can see if I close my eyes you can see that I put like a decent amount I should do my eyes but if I open it like a lot of it just gets lost and you just get a lot of brow bone I should probably wash my brushes before I film this video because they're all dirty right now I like to use a brush that is a little flatter than the one I used before dip it in the eyeshadow and then I start from an outer corner my god I wore my way outwards just a tiny bit because we're not going for a very extreme look today and then work my way inwards and I like to keep my eyes open for this part just because I can kind of see where the eyeshadow is going because I want you to actually see my eyeshadow when I open my eyes so look at this eye I have a I shadow but you can't see it so with this eye I want to make sure that you see if my eyes are open so gonna continue and then I'm going to take a smaller brush and I'm going to do the inner corner of my eye but what I don't do like as you can see I do the inner corner of my eye but I don't place it in the actual inner corner I place it a little bit higher as you can see because over here I literally just went to my inner corner and color it all in and here I like create a different inner corner so I go up a little bit higher then my actual shape goes okay see that you see that you can literally already see such a big difference in shapes like this one looks way more loop I don't know what that was this one looks way more slick and like wider than this one gonna take a darker brown eyeshadow no on a small pencil brush and again what I used to do was I used to close my eyes and just like place it into the crease of my eye then I'll also go a little bit more inwards but uh as you can see like it just doesn't really do anything for the eyeshadow it just makes your eye a new darker like I don't really think that this makes it look a whole lot better no what I do now is I take the same darker brown eyeshadow I keep my eyes open when I put it on my eyes and also I don't really use as much as I used to so I do it like in the outer part of my eye kind of make a tiny wing and then following the line of the eye shadow it's already there then I'm just gonna blend it out and then the Amanda have left on my brush I use this to go a little bit more in watch but again not too much I am done such a bad job and blending my eyeshadow for a video there is literally and eyeshadow tutorial sorry okay also the cup crease because yes I know it is 20/20 but I still like to do cut creases okay they make me very happy so I'm going to do it right now so what I used to do was take my concealer and I start from the inner corner and then go to like halfway my eye or something so I go here so I got my cut crease and honestly it's not it's not that bad but it's just there is a possibility to make it better so if I can make something better then I will definitely do that so that's what I'm here to do now so how I do am I could you please say right now is instead of going from the actual inner corner of my eyes I think it a little bit more inwards towards my nose so my eyes look a little bit bigger so I'm just basically creating a new inner corner that is wider than my actual corner which is good to make my eyes look a little bit bigger then I keep my eyes open the entire time like this and then I can just close my eyes and feel the rest in so yeah this eye just looks way more wig I'm opening whoa oh my god you don't have who denies do you so what I like to do is take the lighter brown eyeshadow on a fluffy brush and I'm just going to blend out the edges a little bit you just darken it up a tiny bit in the outer corner but again not too much just a tiny bit again like the blending in this video is so bad I'm sorry you have to look at this so man now for under meet my eyes so what I do not want to do is take the eyeshadow and place it like all along the lower lash line because it's just gonna make my eyes very tiny so let me see as you can see this is like this makes a huge difference this makes such a big difference but this is what I always used to do so what I do wanna do is I take a tiny amount of the eyeshadow and I only place a very small line underneath the outer corner of my lash line connect it now you can like really seen dear friends like a really see difference so again what I would say is do not put it your entire eyes unless you wanna have like the emo or a girl a boy fight like if that's the vibe you're going for go ahead put eyeshadow all under your eyes but if you wanna have like white awake open snatched eyes then don't do it and only put it on the outer corner your lower lashline I find it so hard to speak in this video I'm starving okay we're still what not done because it takes a lot of steps to put eyeshadow on your eyes my highlighter and a fan brush I'm just going to take the shape whatever oh and I'm going to place it on my brow bone what you don't wanna do is places like oh I don't know if you can like see it the will camera but it just really brings your eye down for some reason it just it just makes it look a lot more droopy than it actually is so what I would advise you to do is take a little bit of highlighter and oh me please honey around unlike directly under your brow so I will place it like yeah and of course I also like to put it on the inner corner of my eyes because it just opens your eyes up I should always done I'm not going to do eyeliner today because we've already done if you do an eyeliner so leave that here or um in description box below so now let's continue on mascara I would always advise you to curl your lashes just because like we're less you look curled up your eyes look more open and awake especially if you'd like lashes like me then just just I just want to go downwards for some reason I don't know why so I'm going to do one eye without growing malicious and one with curling my lashes so make sure you don't accidentally curl your eyelid because I've done multiple times in my life and I can tell you right now I'd rather step on 500 Legos then grow my eyelids because it's not it's not a pleasant feeling okay I don't like it and again what I also like leaving my scar is I just like to focus it on the outer lashes and then use a tiny amount of more like the inner lashes you know now on to the very last step of the eyeshadow and that is the false lashes I really love to wear false lashes I was wearing false lashes so much that my own lashes are basically non-existent right now because I just ruined them with all the glue that I put on them so I wouldn't really recommend to do the thing that I did and then it's basically wear false lashes almost every single day maybe only wear it you like a special event or something but if you're operating or English's but I have another tip for you all and that is I personally always tend to stay away from lashes that look a little bit like this first of all they are very thick and black and dark and not like wispy they're kind of wispy at the end but they're very I don't know they're very thick lashes first thing that these bad boys do is they basically just hide all the makeup like every eye so I always feel like it's kind of like you spend so much time on your makeup and then you put on big false lashes and then you're not able to see them anymore I don't know I just think that is said and also I don't know what the actual name is of the shape but as you can see it starts off small in the side wing and then it goes longer in the middle and it goes smaller in the side again but this shape makes your eye in a lot smaller than it actually is so I always like to go form still like big lashes okay I still like big long lashes Myra please excuse them I need to buy new ones I've been wearing these two months already I think but these lashes are basically as you can see they are lofty nerd are like more airier all the way but they were thinner and also they start up small any the inner corner and they get longer in the outer corner so that actually makes you eye look bigger than it is because it just elongates your eyes instead of focusing on the middle parts so I'm just quickly going to put them on and then show you what it looks like so great be right back [Music] this is the end result look I'm gonna be honest I don't really like how the good side turned out to be I feel like I did such a bad job at blending it but you know who cares it's about the general idea right so this is how I'd like to do my eye shadow and this is how I do not like to do my shadow for hooded eyes can you see difference no see no see no see no see especially with like the lashes on right now I think you can really see how these lashes just really elongate my eyes and how these lashes make them look smaller and just it just looks like I'm wearing a very thick line of black eyeliner even though I'm wearing what if I should do he's here like this or so yes everybody on the interwebs and this is how on it wait this is how I do my eyeshadow who did ice and I usually like it because it makes my eyes look a lot bigger and we were open then they actually are and also way more that I like and I really love the cat eye shape so this I always go for this shape so yeah I don't know what to say they so say tutorial I hope you liked it just like I said at the beginning of the video just do whatever the hell you want to do I personally like to do this and I really do not like this side I don't know I feel like it makes me look a little bit scary so yeah anyways thank you all so much for watching another video of mine or maybe it's the first one then if it is hello welcome I hope you stick around for the next one as well please follow me on my Instagram and my tic-tac and I my youtube if you do not follow me here yet because I really appreciate it and I really hope to see y'all in my next video bye
Channel: Crystal Lindy
Views: 391,682
Rating: 4.960269 out of 5
Keywords: makeup tutorial, makeup, tutorial, hooded eyes, eyeshadow, how to
Id: lV2TWjleyF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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