how I design and make stickers from home! ✿ no cricut, step by step for beginners

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in 2023 I started designing Printing and selling all my own sticker designs from home and and I wanted to share everything I learned so far with you in this video so I'll be sharing all my materials all my design tips and offer some insight into opening your own shop and starting to make a growing income from your art just this past shop update in September I made over $2,500 in revenue and pretty much all of the revenue has come from sticker orders by the way thank you to everyone who has bought some to support my shop and art I had so much fun designing each of them and it makes me so happy to see you receive them and put them on your Sketchbook but all in all as someone who's still a beginner to all of this and growing their art career online I believe stickers are a great simple first physical product option for your shop and I hope showing my process and my tips helps you to get started and make it seem a little less overwhelming so as just a disclaimer this is what I do and how I make my stickers and run my shop as a beginner and every artist has different processes and ways of doing things this is just mine but if you have any ideas that you want to share to add to this discussion I would love to read them in the comments down below so before you even start sketching out ideas I would really suggest you look at your current audience or or if you don't have an audience yet maybe a prospective audience you want to reach to sell your stickers to and kind of figure out what their interests are and how they align with your interests with what you want to make as an artist if you make stickers so similar to the art you're already sharing online and that's what your audience expects you may get a greater amount of Interest towards your designs versus you Crea a bunch of sticker designs that don't really have to do with the content you're already making not as much as a connection so before I started designing stickers I knew my cowboy artwork and some of my fan art of Patrick baitman was some of my some of my most engaged with art content so I decided to make a couple sticker designs based on those themes and I received received a lot of interest just from my first shop launch of just six sticker designs based on those themes cuz people already expected that sort of content from my artwork so some practical tips with this and like how to actually like figure out what people want is to possibly run polls on your social media about potential design ideas you have or sharing sketches and receiving feedback through comments about what people think and seeing what artists with similar audiences to you are already creating and gain some inspiration from them I think it's important to be proud and enjoy your designs as much as you want a potential customer to so like after all these stickers are still smaller forms of Art and should really show your passions interest and creativity like I make a lot of stickers about my cowboy characters because I love making art about my cowboy characters so it's it's a lot more of a creatively fulfilling process for me and if you want running a sticker shop based on your artwork to to be a sustainable Endeavor it's so much more fulfilling to create work that you like yourself and feel confident and happy sharing about which makes sense you which makes sense you want to create things that you like and you want to share it with people so yeah just keep that in mind make sure you're keeping a balance of what you think would be popular with your audience as well as what you would like to make yourself so yeah styliz station and Kelsey Rodriguez here on YouTube their channels have helped me a lot in all this business marketing aspect and they have great business business and art marketing content that I would highly recommend anyone watching if you want to learn more about this marketing side of running an online shop they're really great content so yeah after getting a lot of information from my audience and seeing what they would like and what I personally want to pursue I typically just like to jot down all these ideas into my Sketchbook and start visually brainstorming to get a feeling of what visual motifs and themes I want to use so I've done this in the past with previous shop updates and it works as well for how I personally like to figure things out it's I find it a lot less overwhelming to just have one big page to explore all the ideas I have without the pressure of having to finalize things or to go into greater detail next I pick a couple of the designs I like from these brainstorming pages and start to fully sketch them out adding in details and getting it closer to resembling the final image that I have in mind but before taking them further I like I mentioned before it might be good to share these work in progress sketches with your audience and get some more feedback if they really like one of your designs maybe you can make more variations of that one for example in my first Sho update people really love my cowboy sticker that's based off of one of my characters so I made a matching one of his partner for the next shop update and more stickers based off of my cowboy characters and my audience really loved them and they continue they continue to be some of my bestselling designs now before you start buying all all the things you need to print your stickers and doing shop prep you need a place to host your shop and sell your stickers easily to your audience so I like to introduce the sponsor of this video Kofi Kofi is an all-in-one beginner friendly platform to receive donations sell digital physical products take commissions and even offer memberships perfect for artists Crafters writers streamers or basically any Creator looking to expand their income I started using Kofi in May to open my shop and set up more monetization methods to build my art career and hopefully take me fulltime and I've made almost $5,000 in Revenue since then for my art business this year the low platform fees beginner-friendly user interface and the ability to offer memberships take donations and sell products all in one place has been immensely intuitive and convenient I sell all my stickers on Kofi and love how clean and simple the interface complements my product photos in fact I enjoy and believe in this platform so much that I'm now an official Kofi Ambassador yay let's go and look forward to sharing more as I continue to use the platform and engage with my fellow Kofi creators so make sure to check out my Kofi down below to check out some examples and create your own Kofi account and start earning today and thank you so much to Kofi for sponsoring this video and making me an ambassador I'm so excited to continue to work with them and help you guys with sharing more and setting up your own Kofi account so yeah thank you guys so much now back to the video after you get some feedback and maybe get some more ideas now you can really start to finalize things like line art and picking colors this part of the process I typically do digitally just to make the whole printing process in the future a lot easier my canvas size is typically 2,000x 2,000 pixels at 300 DPI um to make sure the work is clear and will look good when it prints I recommend that it's always good to work larger than be able to size down to keep the quality of your image so giving yourself a lot of room to even though it's like a really it might be like a really simple sticker design working at a larger size and then when you shrink it down to become that sticker it ends up keeping that quality furthermore if your design is traditional I would really recommend scanning and getting a clear digal image file and making sure it's 300 DPI for editing and printing I also want to mention that you can definitely turn artwork that you've already made into great stickers just be wary of the size that you printed at and that details aren't getting lost so for example I turned an older print of mine into a really cute sticker design for my sticker Club I love it I turned it into a sticker and I think it looks really cute it was a really fun way to reintroduce my old work into my current body of work and I really want to do similar things with some previous paintings I've made for future updates so it's a great way to save time designing and to share old artwork again moving on as you're finalizing these stickers more here are just some of my general design tips I have for my own process and things I like to remember always keep in mind the size that you'll be printing at I always try to zoom out and reduce it to the size that I plan the sticker to be keep in mind the details and the size of your line art as the size is reduced and I often end up thickening lines or making things bigger if certain details are getting lost for colors I always check my values as I'm coloring I feel that converting Your Design into black and white and making sure you have enough contrast and balance usually lends itself to better colors and clearer sticker designs just like in like regular illustration work so having a consistent color palette throughout your various sticker designs can lead to a more professional and attractive look when you're creating product listings in your shop so with my first launch I mainly used a lot of red and had a strong strawberry theme so when I was sharing photo compilations of all them together they look good with each other and consistent with a similar palette for each one I think it's more of a personal preference than a must but it's an easy way to make different content and different styles of stickers look cohesive just through using a similar color palette for each of them stylistically I find that simplifying your already established art style and making more simple drawings lends itself to clearer designs at a smaller scale it's still reminiscent of your regular body of work it just shows another dimension of your skills and style this is just an opinion and I I tend to bend this rule a lot when turning my more detailed illustration work into stickers or creating more paint Rel stickers but it takes a lot less time to create if you're starting from scratch and I just personally really like the simple goofy cartoony sticker Styles so I'm more naturally inclined to create them and and buy them from other artists myself if you're truly starting out and unsure about what style you want to go with I would say to just experiment and be inspire insired by some of your favorite sticker designs and just start I didn't have a super consistent style when I started and I I still kind of don't but but more and more I'm developing an underlying style and some symbols I keep touching back on like how like my cowboy characters and enjoying the process and still finding success and fulfillment in creating these designs the main takeaway is that don't put too much pressure if it's your first time designing stickers and keep your number of designs to a man number I'd say no more than five or six if things are seeming too overwhelming starting out so you got this and remember make what you want to make pulling interest from your already established audience and maybe attracting a new audience as well and you'll make a strong foundation for future stickers and other products so now that you have your designs before I start listing all of my uh materials off equipment and going through my process of actually making the stickers if you're just starting out with your shop I would strongly recommend investing in the least amount of money as possible things are really expensive these days our budgets are tight so I think it's best to invest smartly if you have the extra money Sav to get a nice printer or cutting machine that's great it'll save you a lot of time and a lot of headaches but it's always good to work with what you have at first just in case you realize making stickers and running your own shop doesn't work out for you or you realize you don't really like to do it so if you don't have the best quality paper printer or supplies that's okay as long as you make the quality level clear in your product listings and list an appropriate price it should be a great start for making stickers sustainably most of my listings and photos show that they're hand cut stickers so they might look slightly different but I'm still able to achieve a quality look without a cutting machine but yeah you don't need a ton of fancy equipment to get started all right so before printing I do a bit of color correcting I will say this part of my process really depends on your printer your paper and the screen on which you're viewing your sticker design so I'll just be explaining what I do with the materials and software I have I would suggest using a color accurate monitor I will show the exact monitor I have on screen it makes it easier to get it it makes it easier to get a better preview of what your colors will look like when it prints but if you're working on like a nonc color corrected monitor you can still print vibrant and colorful stickers you just need to experiment with what settings and adjustments you need to make to get there I create my sticker designs typically in an RGB color file like through procreate or clip Studio but when I'm School in the color levels I'm messing around them to get the colors that I want and typically bumping up the saturation quite a bit to make sure I have to make sure I get some more vibrant colors when I print I have a Canon Pixma 8720 and I've really enjoyed using it starting my sticker printing Endeavor it was a big investment for printing I will say that but it really does a beautiful job with Printing and I've achieved really nice colors with it my print settings are typically the matte photo paper option since I use matte sticker paper to print and I choose the highest quality on letter sized or 8 and 1/2 by 11in paper I always do test prints of my sticker designs usually printing them at a smaller size on a test sheet of my sticker paper I have been using a vinyl matte sticker paper for printing all my stickers since May and I really love the quality of it especially after I laminate which we will talk about later in this video I think the whole package is about like $17 for 50 sheets which isn't bad for the quality of the paper make sure to keep the paper in a sealed bag or container because long-term exposure to air will cause the sticker paper to curl due to the humidity and this is a common for a lot of sticker paper and when it curls like this it makes it a little more difficult to print on so after you print on the paper the packaging recommends you let it dry for at least 5 minutes after printing to prevent like smudging and spearing and letting the ink dry fully so you have a so you have a clear design but I always let the sheets dry from 30 minutes to an hour just to be safe and just because I'm paranoid about things smearing so looking at the test sheet I usually end up making things brighter correcting the colors a bit more or bumping up the saturation to get the colors that I want it depends on how vibrant you want them so make sure to experiment and play around and continually using the same test sheet saves you a lot of money and prevents you wasting too much sticker paper just on correction will have to say with corrections sometimes I don't know exactly how I want the sticker how I want the colors of the sticker to look until after I print them for example this one of the stickers I show in this video the the ghosts on the horse the original like digital file of it was actually quite pastel and quite purple but through color correcting a ton and just experimenting with different Hues of like the pink purple color I figured out I really wanted it to be a lot more warmer a lot more pink so that that also happens a lot through my color correction process I decide that I want to change the colors a bit more than the what the original artwork was so that's just how I like to do it I think when I see the actual physical print of it I get a better judge of how I get a better representation of how I actually want the finalized sticker to be all right so after your design has been color corrected I determine the size and the amount of stickers I want on a page I typically try to fit as many as I can on a page but also leave room for a a small border around so I always imagine if I'm going to cut around this how much of a border would I have depending on how much space there is between the stickers so this is kind of like a game of Tetris and it takes a little fiddling with it to get the most bang for your buck out of the sticker sheet so so you can try rotating stickers but just make sure the size is staying consistent throughout simply by just like duplicating the layers I do I just click the alt button and drag but once you get to a setup that works you can start printing a sheet through the settings I mentioned before so whatever work works better for you either printing through Photoshop or whatever software you're using or printing through a save document on your computer after I print a sheet and let it dry for about 30 minutes or an hour I add an extra layer of protection and quality of my stickers through clear laminate paper it isn't necessary but I think it adds extra protection and durability to my stickers these are basically sheets of glossy or matte clear contact paper with a sticky side that covers your sticker design and like I said before it can add extra protection and sturdiness this can also be a way to add glitter or holographic effects depending on the style of the laminates you buy I also use matte laminates sometime that are still clear but aren't glossy or shiny like typical laminates are and I'll have links to all the laminates I use and like in the Des description so yeah before you start laminating your sheets make sure the surface you're working on is clean and smooth you don't want dust hair pencil shavings or any other Gunk getting stuck between your stickers and the laminate so make sure you wipe down your surface with some all-purpose cleaner and have a smooth area to work and I also find that if you have longer hair make sure you pin up your hair in like a hair tie or something like that to prevent hair from falling down onto the the table and getting in between your Lam and your stickers so for my technique I remove the backing of the laminate Sticky Side Up carefully laying it flat on my desk as straight as I can get it then I line up the edges of the sticker sheet with the laminate and slowly press it onto the laminate using a plastic or silicone bench scraper to press out any bubbles or ripples this is just what I found what works for me I tried doing it to the the reverse Way by laying down my um sticker sheet and then applying the laminate on top but I always found I got like so many bubbles and I would have so many like um stickers I would have to scrap because they would have like huge air bubbles in it that I just couldn't get out it does take a little practice with getting to know your supplies and I've had and I've had quite a few mess ups and trap bubbles in my stickers like I said before but this method personally works for me and I'm always able to achieve a smooth and professional look look with my stickers I think I do really want to invest in like a desk mat so I can like keep things more protected when I'm doing this process but yeah I typically find if I lay down the laminate first then add the sticker sheet on top it it works better for for some reason with how my mind works I don't know experiment with what works best for you try different um processes and see how other artists add the laminate to their stickers and yeah I feel like that's the best thing to do okay almost there to actually having a fully finished sticker now that you fully prepared and laminated your sticker sheets you can start cutting your stickers so I really recommend starting out with just hand cutting your stickers in the beginning I've been hand cutting my stickers since I opened my shop back in May of 20123 I've still been able to produce high quality results and I've even gotten a few messages from customers being really impressed by the quality even with them being handcut so I would just recommend to just keep the white border width of your stickers consistent keep your scissors sharp and just take your time with cutting and after you get a bit of practice it becomes really easy and almost becomes like kind of therapeutic to do while watching TV or YouTube or just becomes a monotonous task to do while listening to a podcast just make sure to stretch your fingers every couple of stickers or so to take and take breaks so you don't hurt your hand and yet cramps speaking from experience that being said I'm now prepping for my fourth shop update this year and and only now I have just bought a silhouette portrait 3 to cut down no pun intended time it takes to make stickers with the amount of orders I've consistently been receiving the increased number of designs I have planned and and proving to myself that this is a sustainable and viable income for my business investing in a cutting machine is the best option to save me time and increase my sticker production per hour and therefore be more cost effective for my business it got so crazy last shop update I started to draft my boyfriend into cutting stickers for me whenever he came over while I packed orders but but with my new silhouette and being able to stickers with that I can now draft him to edit my YouTube videos just kidding Steve I love you and thank you so much for being my unpaid intern but anyways yeah I was recommended the silhouette portrait 3 by a lot of artist friends and mutuals of mine who also make stickers and I'm really excited to use it to prep for my next shop update I may make a separate video talking about it and my firsthand experience using the machine in the future so let me know if you guys would be interested in that I already got some DMS on Instagram of people replying to my story really interested in what I thought of the silhouette I will also link down down below some tutorial videos for the silhouette that I found really helpful and setting things up but yeah I just started using it I don't feel qualified at all to talk about it so yeah maybe for a future video okay so now you actually have your stickers yay you finally did it you have your stickers I do want to preface that you should research your area's tax and business laws to make sure you're correctly and accurately paying taxes and operating your business based on how much you're making and if you need to get a business license and all that fun legal stuff I know uh Kofi does have a sales tax feature based on where you're operating so that's super helpful with setting things up so I would also consider getting a consultation with local accountants to figure out what you need to get started as a small business sometimes local services offer this for free but just make sure you talk to experts to keep yourself from getting audited and to keep yourself organized when tax season rolls around I think Megan Wang just made a like video about about taxes so I'll link down below that should be helpful but yeah make sure you're operating legally and safely but yeah I also want to mention before setting up your uh product listings to make sure you have packing and shipping set up this is definitely like one of the trickiest aspects I think for me for running my online shop I've encountered a few difficulties and it's sometimes really hard to figure out so I'm going to link a couple videos down below about that cuz I don't feel qualified to offer advice about that so yeah you want to make sure you have a good packing and shipping process and you've tested things out and things work and then also I would consider creating a thank you note or adding a business card to your orders I make a lot of my own thank you cards for my like General shop orders and now I started to make thank you cards for my sticker club members and I just really easily just create that either in Photoshop or clip studio just simply with a thank you and then um my Instagram handle my YouTube handle and yeah maybe one day I'll get actual business cards but this is what's been working for me right now and it's just really great to thank the people who support you so I think it's just a really nice Easy Touch to your orders and yeah okay now you have all your beautiful stickers finished and ready to be shared with the world it's time to take some nice product photos and list them in your shop once again I highly recommend using Kofi to start an online shop if you're a beginner the user interface is so simple it's easy to navigate and the platform fees are super low so recommend taking photos in natural light near a window or during an overcast day setting up an empty or simple background and taking a ton of different angles of your stickers look at what other shops do and get some inspiration and quality standards to best showcase your sticker I feel like the better the product photo the more likely someone will purchase the product I feel like that's like advertising 101 also showing the product in this case stickers and action can be a really creative way to show off your design so show images of you sticking them to sketchbooks or water bottles or or creating digital or Illustrated mockups demonstrating the various uses of your stickers so it could be really interesting and really fun maybe even a little uh comedic but it can add another dimension to your listing and make it more attractive from a customer standpoint so after I take a ton of photos and find the ones that I like I usually tweak the lighting most of the time I end up bumping up the brightness or exposure a little bit and I try to accurately match the photo colors to the actual sticker color sometimes I do bump up the saturation just a bit to make the make the design more clear and pop a bit but make sure it's an accurate representation of your product and now that you have your product photo you can start making your listing on Kofi you just you want to make sure you have a a fun title a great product description for for product descriptions make sure to describe the material this sticker I.E like matte or glossy the laminate of the sticker If it's hand cut the dimensions the paper quality if it's waterproof all that sort of stuff then you add your price your your quantity and if it's a product listing with different types of stickers then you can add different variants in Kofi I also want to mention that you probably want like some sort of business email or shop email to have available on your shop or your platform or Kofi whatever you're using to offer for customer support I put my art business email up on my Kofi and I I get one or two um customer support emails every once in a while but it's always good to offer that to people and let them know that you're there to help them and get their order to them as quickly and safely as possible so yeah really make sure you have the customer support aspect in and you'll be good to go with starting your shop and managing orders and yeah now you just have your product listing I really like how they Co how the Kofi product listing looks I think it's like really clear it's really nice and simple and a lot of my photos just end up looking really great on the site so yeah and with Kofi there's no like startup fee to list a product you can list all your products for free there's no I know with other platforms there's a listing fee but with Kofi there's no listing fee you just throw it on there there's no fee and it's only a slight platform fee for like selling things I think it's just like 5% which is really great and the only cost to you when you're listing these products is that there's like a 5% uh platform fee but that's that's really great compared to other options and I think it's really great for beginners just starting out one quick thing about prices you can price your stickers at any price it's up to you but I'd really recommend calculating how much it costs to make your stickers um how long it took you to design that sticker how other artists are pricing their stickers and just get a general estimate dollar number for your stickers you want to to value your stickers correctly and you don't want to undersell your product and give that expectation to your customers that that will always be the price in the long term CU if you want to make this a sustainable part of your business you want to be making a solid profit out of off of it now you don't want to be like $20 for like a 1 in sticker that's that's a little crazy I mean if you want to do that you can and I know there's people who would probably buy that but for me just like looking at how other artists are pricing their stickers and taking taking it into account how long it takes for me to make mine and how much my materials cost you can usually get a general estimate and figure out what price works best for you okay so you've designed printed laminated cut to great product photos wrote descriptions set your prices so now you're finally prepared to launch your shop and share your stickers with the world so I would recommend setting a date to publish your listings on whatever platform you're using and make it known to your audience so I like to design like cute and fun announcements on my Instagram by compiling the the product designs onto like multiple slides and most importantly including the date and time to when they can purchase them I think building up hype and interest like a week or two before your launch can be really fun and sometimes your audience will repost it on their stories and share your announcements and that can possibly gain more interest and possible customers for your stickers by the time of your launch and then after you finally open your shop remind your audience again and let people know that your lovely designs are now available so even after doing a couple updates since my first launch it's still a little nerve-wracking to hit the open button on Kofi and try not to stay glued to my screen watching the orders come in it never fails to make me excited and truly thankful for your support and that I have the privilege and honor of building this into a sustainable income for my art career so it is stressful and overwhelming at times but it literally makes me so happy to see people receive their orders and enjoy my work and find inspiration through the content I produce so okay before I get too sappy here are just some last few tips with marketing and sharing your stickers naturally with your regular art content if you have a YouTube channel make sure to mention your shop in your videos so quick reminders and plugs to your shop at the beginning of videos or at the end can make a huge difference in the amount of traffic you get to your shop I had my shop update about a month ago and because of my consistent mentions of my shoing videos I get about1 to 200 Page views on my Kofi every day and it continues to grow so you never know it it builds up over time and you never know what videos are going to get really popular and and if you mention your shop in that video then that could be that could be possible traffic to your shop so sharing your stickers alongside your artwork of the sketches that inspired the sticker is a great way to share your product naturally in your feed and show insight into your creative process I love sticking in test stickers into my Sketchbook to keep track of my process and it always helps to bring a pop of color into your page also just adding an extra slide on an Instagram post showing your shop products and where to get them can be a less quote unquote annoying way of advertising it isn't the main focus of the post but still lets your followers and nonf followers know what you have going on so a lot of people do this with their membership tiers like myself and it doesn't make your art account turn into a sticker shop account if that's not what you're interested in it's kind of like a seamless integration to share your stickers and keep your regular content cons consistent and and what your audience is already used to if you're familiar with growing or trying to grow an art account on Instagram these days it kind of seems impossible now more than ever to get people to see your post so reals and short form content really seem like the best bet these days for getting your work to a larger audience so I would suggest making a couple reels of your sticker designs using them on your Sketchbook or hopping on artist Trends or just trendy audios in general making entertaining and humorous reals about your products maybe based off the things that inspired them or making relatable content typically performs well in my experience overall just making sure your lighting is good having a fitting fitting song or audio and just really highlighting your designs and trying to connect them to your audience another tip after you've sent out some orders encourage your customers to share them online so that you can see not only is it super cool and fulfilling to see someone receive your stickers and use them maybe putting them on a water bottle or a Sketchbook it also gives your shop credibility and might bring in some more orders seeing other people with your stickers builds up your reputation and credibility as your as a shop owner and gives customers more confidence to order from you in the future and last but probably the most important step of operating a shop show your thanks to your supporters by sharing your posts recommending your products and buying from your shop you can do this by including thank you notes to in your orders replying to comments DMS and generally just thanking people on your stories and showing that you really care about their support after all your shop wouldn't be much without the people who visit and support it and now I want to thank you for watching towards the end of this video I've been on the trend of longer videos for a while now on my channel and I've always I'm always surprised by the amount of people who stick around watching until the end so I really appreciate your viewership I hope you found this video helpful or insightful into starting an online Sticker Shop and give you a bit more confidence with taking the plunge I know it's really it's overwhelming to figure everything out at first but if a goober like me could figure it out then I'm more than sure that you can figure it out as well so thank you again to Kofi for making me a brand ambassador and trusting me to represent their platform along with sponsoring this video I can't recommend their platform enough to start your online shop take donations offer memberships it's super easy to use as a beginner so click the first link in the description to get some inspiration from my shop and make your own account today furthermore thank you all so much for 27,000 subscribers things are growing pretty quickly I always want to make sure to acknowledge that without your support I wouldn't be getting sponsor opportunities like these and be able to make more content so make sure to like And subscribe for more art and Shop content like this and follow me on Instagram for more frequent posts and last but not least a very special thanks in particular to my Kofi members for supporting my content and creation you guys allow me to continue to create the content you love and that I love to make and we just reached 30 members in the sticker Club so that's really cool but yeah big thank you to my sticker club members air Alisa R blue Swanson kin D charu demon Sketchman Emmy Emily Emma Gabriella C Grace ink pallet Izzy Jason Julie Katie Kent Lucas s Mar Mayday V Mr goat was here Nat amori pilot SE Shay shelf cat sir Knight star and Wier art I hope I said your name correctly I have no idea how to say that a big thanks to my Snicker doodle tier members as well big chungus chipu kaupa honey Deandrea dassi Heather C Catherine F mangoes nickle nater art peachy pie peeps ring Kenobi Star gamer Vixen and valency thank you again for supporting my content I make I make my videos a week or two in advance so I try to keep the shoutouts as update as as updated as possible so if you didn't see or hear your name this week it should be in the following week's up upload so yeah also wanted to quickly mention that the sticker on screen now is the September sticker of the month so if you're interested in getting this one it will only be available to sticker club members who signed up during September so make sure to sign up before October thank you guys so much but yeah I'm going to figure out how to use a silhouette for the first time wish me luck um in the meantime drink some water sketch some sticker designs and have a great morning afternoon or night
Channel: Sketches of Shay
Views: 408,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: isVyWeu-HRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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