How I Curl My Short Hair

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hi okay a lot of people have asked me how I curl my hair with my hair being so short um you would wonder how I do it so I kind of figured out a way that I do it so I mean a lot of people have messaged me asking me so I'm just going to make a quick video to show how I do it it's probably all wrong I'm no pro but um first of all what I start with just to get it kind of a PC look I use this not your mother's hair beach babe texturizing sea salt spray so I always start with this like I've just blow-dried my hair I have naturally super straight hair it doesn't really hold curl a lot so like I just have blow-dried my hair and it looks like this so I just used this kind of out but I spray this everywhere um just to kind of give it some texture kind of work that in we go let that kind of dry um and I have a ton of hair so um a ton of hair and it's really really thick if you can't tell it's huge um so I have this giant curling iron so when my hair was really really short and actually it's kind of grown out right now um sorry I'm trying to get in a good spot for you um but when it was really really sure I didn't think that this would work because it's it's big I don't know probably 2 inch 3 inch I have no idea but anyway I take sections of hair going up and down so like I'll start with this first piece right here and I take this I start at the end and I just keep rolling like this but then what I do is once I get it like that I pull it out now it's still connected and I just keep twisting it so it's still connected in this and I just keep twisting and then pull it down so then I go to this next piece right in here and I do the same thing start at the base twist twist twist now it's all the way in there because it's so short but then I pull it out and it's still connected but I just keep twisting and twisting and pull it down same with this one now I mean I have so much hair so I really don't even know what I'm doing once I get back here and because it's really really short but like just kind of keep twisting and it will keep going so I would do that all the way around once I get to these back pieces it's a little bit trickier so I pull it up start twisting at the base and then just pull it through I want to have it through there again I don't let go of the clip it's still in the clip but I keep twisting and pulling it down so same with this twist hopefully I can see this move you can and then I just keep twisting towards really really tight I do over here maybe you can see a little better kind of look in the mirror too so twist it the face first pull it through it's all the way in there make sure it's hot but then I just pull it through see it's still connected and I just keep twisting so it's like this tight tight twist and then I pull it down okay so it kind of makes it it kind of gives it a tighter twist because my hair is so short I need to keep doing that tight tight twist so base make sure it's all good and hot still keep it connected you have to kind of loosen just a little bit to get it through but then twist twist twist see it's kind of on that tight tight twist pull it through keep pulling okay it's all the way wrapped in hold down keep twisting keep twisting keep twisting well it keep going through see it's tight and then I just pull it down hopefully this looks good I've never curled my hair in my bedroom Oh what was in my bathroom but that lighting was awful couldn't even really see anything so again there it is I still keep twisting so it's nice and hot and pulled down last one and this falls I mean it's it of course everybody knows but um you don't want it to perfect but it will start to fall and honestly when I sleep on my hair curled I like it better the very next day so keep twisting pull it through okay so once I've done that putting my curling iron on carpet hope that's okay so I let these kind of cool off but then I'll go back through and kind of paste these so for this back part I just get at my crown up here and kind of work them work them through and then you just pace them where they need to go and I always tuck behind my ear just cuz that looks better for my hairstyle um but see it's kind of like it's not so curly curly and but it's just good then I take these once they've kind of cooled off there's still a little bit hot and just kind of separate them and piece them and this one's a little thick so I might have to go through and redo all that but um yeah it's too thick so anyway that's kind of how I do it and then I just keep messing that up in the back the back is so short anyway that I don't even really have to curl that it's just you kind of want this crown area full and then my favorite hairspray is just the cheap Aussie instant freeze because it instantly freezes I love it so that's kind of how I curl my hair and I mean I'll go back and just kind of fix pieces here and there but honestly once this Falls a little bit is when I like it but I just get that crown real good and then I get it to where I want it and it's bright like crazy um so anyway that's kind of how I curl it it's really just the key is still keeping it clasped and pulling down as you're twisting it so it's like it's still clasped in there you pull it down and you twist twist twist and so it's that really tight tight twist and you just keep pulling down and it will make that tight that tight straight down tight thing and then you just work with it and get them however you want them to the tip and then spray them so I hope that helps y'all thanks bye
Channel: Jenny Buchanan
Views: 1,572,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: short hair, curling short hair, jenny buchanan, senegence, lipsense, shadowsense, how to curl short hair
Id: t-JPuJK14xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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