How I created stunning renders with D5 render and Sketchup (in less than 5 minutes)

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and since we want this contrast  of moods and temperatures   if we are going to have a cozy warm  interior we want the exterior to dictate   the opposite so the light temperature can be  set to a cooler tone outside warmer tone inside   hey everyone my name is steven and i believe that  architects and designers should always strive to   communicate their ideas better by showing them  better today we will see how to represent better   and faster or architectural renders using d5  render i will divide this video into three parts   first explaining the project the 3d model and what  i did in sketchup before even importing it into d5   render second how i added assets and elements  inside of d5 and modified some materials and   last the final effects and secret sauce added in  photoshop at the end i want to thank d5 render for   sponsoring this video and although d5 render is  the main tool used for these renderings there are   some general workflow tips that can be super super  useful for anyone working in different softwares   at the end i will also announce a competition  being held in d5 which i am judge and there are   more than thousand dollars in prizes but all that  info at the end so let's start so the project i   use is a house designed by modern architects  fernando martinez in the 50s he is considered   one of the great colombian architects who  created many projects in the modern movement   this is one of the first houses he designed  it is a very simple non-pretentious house that   accommodates to the terrain and uses local  materials the house does not exist today but   i had the opportunity to study and analyze the  work of this architect in my master's degree so   i modeled many of his houses in schedule and  with the permission of the gods of colombian   architecture i'm going to use this house for this  video and maybe maybe a few more videos since the   model was made mostly for at cinematic diagrams  some analyses there was no furniture or details   in the actual model so i started by fitting window  frames which i thought needed a little bit more   detail window frames are one of those elements  that can seem insignificant when creating a   render but add a ton of detail and professionalism  to a render if you want your renders to look pro   take a look at the window details it will change  your images for creating windows you can do them   yourself but it will be a real pain to create  so if you are exporting from revit they will   already be super detailed or you can also use some  sketchup extensions which will create windows with   all of these specifications when you select the  surface of the window now for the terrain i simply   modeled it with the santa box tool making sure to  add some imperfections to it so when i added some   vegetation afterwards it wouldn't look so flat  also i added an inclined plane so i wouldn't see   empty white space in the reflections of the glass  from the house from the 3d warehouse i downloaded   a mountain background from the page of the one  and lonely mats ofkowski of which i always go   to for the materials i decided to use a mix of  materials from d5 and also materials directly   applied into sketchup in this case i used a brick  texture from a custom material as well as a roof   and interior wall texture the glass metal window  framing fence and grass were applied all inside of   d5 now one of the keys to a good render i think  is adding little details that many won't notice   in this case i decided to add a gutter on the side  and a tv antenna it is one of those things that we   know we have to do in our designs but since we  don't actually design it we remove it from our   render so they can look you know cleaner but what  we don't know is that these elements will just   give it a little bit more realism personalization  and life so any time that you can add as   many details like these you know imperfections and  after having the majority of the model ready i hit   the play button in d5 and opened the program this  is pretty straightforward and fast but if you want   optimum performance make sure to only have  sketchup and d5 open you can have other programs   open but depending on your specs of your computer  it can start to lag a little bit now i knew the   glass was going to be a main figure within all the  materials i had it had to stand out but in a 50s   modern house kind of way so i decided to go with  a brick glass material which is in the d5 library   and it comes set with everything for the metal it  was more or less the same the black framing was   going to make the glass stand out so much more  so if it was a black matte that didn't reflect   as much but still captured some of those bluish  tones from the surroundings it will be great a   little by little i added materials that i thought  would suit the image i had in my head the best   maybe sometimes you think concrete walls or white  plaster is going to look good on everything but   the reality is different going for those strange  materials we tend to overlook can give your image   a special look that highlights it now for the main  grass i applied a grass material directly from   the d5 material library and set its parameters to  grasp here you can specify things like the height   of the grass scale the texture and randomness one  other important note of materiality and textures   on this newer version of d5 is that it uses  texture streaming to dynamically load texture maps   ensuring that material textures are loaded only  when they are in the camera and store other   textures temporarily on the disk this is tied  onto a bigger subject which is d5 smoothness which   in short lets you experience real-time rendering  in the viewport without any drastic changes in   frame rate now of course the vegetation it's what  we are all interested in right how to add the   grass which trees to use how to place them best  the vegetation if done correctly can highlight   the house even more but since it's such an ample  subject we have to be specific talking about it   and first the background vegetation first we know  that we want to put some big trees on the side   and some trees behind the camera because we  have a lot of glass and we have to see that   tree reflection on the glass so adding here big  scale trees that have different densities is key   to your render since this is the backyard  of the house kind of like the second facade   there is always a space to put some decorative  plants and flowers that you want to take care   of if i lived in this house there's absolutely  nothing that i would like to do more than waking   up on a sunday around 8 a.m whatever and going  down the stairs to water these plants maybe give   a little haircut to some of them you know anyways  you know add some informal decorative vegetation   in a random motor again to give the sense of  humanity to the image now for the foreground   vegetation i knew i wanted something super wild  and kind of not that taken care of so i was going   to have some big shrubs irregular patterns some  ferns and flowers that come out over the years   of course you want to place them in such a way  that they don't obstruct the main facade but   also don't leave too much space open so you can  cover parts the model you you didn't finish so   in this part i use the d5s brush tools to place in  a fast and random order different kinds of plants   and vegetation finally to end two slim trees that  will frame the image perfect so for the people you   know it's a house it's around six pm there are  no guests over and the best place to have a chat   is sitting on the stairs maybe i would have added  like a grass of wine but that just complements the   story perfect and also for the interior furniture  since i also experimented experimented with some   interior renderings i added some furniture and  assets inside as well as some curtains and some   other little details these are of course also  crucial for your exterior render although you   can't see clearly what is inside you know that  there is something inside and it's not just about   an empty space now we have our model ready it is  time to set up our lighting mood and colors from   the start i knew i wanted to have a diffused kind  of sunset light but still i saved different scenes   with different times so i could have options  sometimes you never know what surprises you are   going to get when you go off a little bit off plan  to have this sunset look i for the clouds i set   the cloud lever all the way up so we don't see any  clear skies and for the exposure i wanted a dark   image but not dark enough that i didn't see any  vegetation color so i just adjusted it accordingly   and now at this time of the day probably  the owners have turned on the light   and of course we want a really warm light that is  just going to make us want to go inside and get a   little cozy so i added a little light in d5 and  took the temperature to very warm and since we   want this contrast of moods and temperatures if  we're going to have a cozy warm interior we want   the exterior to dictate the opposite so the light  temperature can be set to a cooler tone outside   warmer tone inside now before hitting render  you want to make sure your d focus is on and you   select your main focal point so the house can have  that so you can have that blurry look also in the   newest version you can have some options to color  correct inside of d5 you can modify global tones   shadows and highlights which is very very useful  to do it also if you can you can add a preset lut   that can give the colors and tones more coherence  and set a specific mood rendering and rendering   times when hitting the render button it really  didn't take too much time maybe about five to six   minutes it was really fast i also created  a small four second animation that maybe   took a while more but still it was pretty fast one  of the things i should highlight about the newest   version of d5 render is the global illumination  which uses a strategy of combining ray tracing and   light probe based gi to find the balance between  accuracy and efficiency also when rendering you   can now export to different image formats uh up  to 16k photos also there are widgets that you can   activate to have more customization options when  exporting if you wanted to animate the same scene   you would want to make sure that you chose  plans and characters that are animated or   dynamic so with features like for example wind  they would move and make everything move and   make everything look more realistic and this was  our final render from d5 now i will import it   into photoshop and open the camera raw filter  here we just have some more possibilities for   now to change the model to change and modify very  specific things here i can add a bit more texture   and clarity to the image as well as adjust the  exposure and overall white balance and here i can   also group the greens of the vegetation and set  it to a more yellowish tone as well as increase   saturation of the interior light and decrease the  saturation of the exterior when shadows you always   want to play with the opposites in these images  if you want a specific part to gain more attention   you have to lower the visual volume of  the rest of the elements in the image   and as all creative processes getting to this  final image was not easy and took some time   mostly staring at the screen not doing anything  looking through blogs images photographs and books   and just trying to really think the direction  of the image these are some of the other images   that i exported from the same model and i know  that there are so much more that can be done   in a much much better way either way i was happy  with the result now if some of you are inspired   right now to create your own images i have  a super cool invitation so you can practice   your skills and maybe have the chance to earn an  extra four thousand dollars two thousand i don't   know that sounds kind of good so it is a render  challenge hosted by d5 render with the theme   how far would you go well we create an image where  we show where we would dream to go in these times   of restrictions and isolations i mean that sounds  pretty cool right so there are more than seven   thousand dollars in prices plus a subscription  to d5 pro and many more things you can read   all the rules and dates in the link down below the  closing date to submit your entry is on may 23rd   and one last thing it is free to enter so anyone  can participate i'm looking forward to seeing your   results and that was it i hope you guys enjoyed  this video and if you want a beginner's tutorial   on how to use d5 you can click on this video right  here or anywhere over here let me know what you   thought of our results and what you would do to  create maybe a better image any tips highlights as   always understanding is these programs better can  help show our ideas better see you tomorrow bye
Channel: Show It Better
Views: 118,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: show it better, architecture tutorials, photoshop for architects, architecture videos, tutoriales de arquitectura, d5 render, d5 render 2.0, real-time raytracing, architectural visualization, render d5, d5 render video, d5 render sketchup
Id: 0cNGl51H41w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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