How I create my videos using Blackmagic devices

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uh okay it looks like we are live so you'll i'm just going to tweet out real quick that we're going live okay sweet all done okay so i'm gonna put on my glasses as you guys can probably tell by the title of today's video in today's video i'm going to be talking about how i create my youtube videos using blackmagic products um and i'm doing this hey hey norm blackmagic crew i'm doing this live primarily because i think that doing this live would be the best way for me to illustrate kind of the functionality of some of their products so i'll be viewing chat a little bit but mostly this is going to be me work talking through my workflow how i create videos the hardware and software side of things so hopefully some of you guys find this useful this is actually kind of a really emotional subject for me and that's because as a writer i've found that things that inspire me are things that i have to pay attention to so if i see a good movie or if i if i hear a song that really hits home with me i i've learned that over the years trying to do creative writing as as my main profession that when i pay attention to things like that that enables me to kind of reflect those same kind of emotions through my writing now when i started doing youtube one of the things i had to search for obviously was a camera and i went through all the different uh you know major japanese camera companies so sony panasonic nikon canon etc and i saw each of their you know their cameras and they they all seemed you know more more than adequate but oh i'm a little bit quiet okay i'll turn up my mic a little bit okay hopefully hopefully that's a little bit better now as i was searching for cameras one of the cameras that i found was this camera and this is called the black magic pocket cinema camera this came out and i want to say about 2013 or maybe 2014 maybe around then and um when i saw the images that the cam this camera produced it felt like art to me i saw this video of it was a night scene at like a fair that was shot using raw cinema dng raw footage shot on this camera and it immediately struck me as just beautiful it felt fundamentally different than any of the other cameras that i've been searching for at this point and i know this sounds cheesy i know this sounds like you know i'm being paid to say this and blackmagic did send out many of the items that you're about to see but that's why i ended up buying you know this camera is because i looked at that video and i i thought oh my gosh this looks like like film this doesn't look like digital video this looks like beautiful film and so i decided okay i'm gonna i'm gonna use this camera to create my my youtube videos and i bought it used on uh ebay i think for like 400 in 2015 2000 yeah 2015 when i started doing my my youtube videos and i've been using it ever since and it's never really failed but today i'd like to talk about how i use this product and and this product and the other things that you're about to see effectively to speed up my workflow as a youtuber and again we're kind of doing this live to illustrate how many of how some of these products work so the first thing i'm going to do now is i'm a little bit late is he talking about a camera band brand or an editing program i'm talking about every everything so i'm talking about how i use my camera how i apply color grading many many different things so let's see i'm going to turn maybe maybe i can leave this up actually that's okay so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to hook this camera up live and kind of show you guys the second product that i'm currently used to lives to live stream so we're going to hook this camera up right here to this little mount that i have here and point it down kind of at my desk and hook up two of these cables that i have right here and again i think the fact that we're doing this live is kind of it speaks to how how powerful these things are so i'm going to turn that on now okay now that's that's currently on and let's see now i'm going to switch to this camera and this is the camera that we just hooked up so let's go back to the main camera oops so this is my main camera and i just hooked up this second camera right here so and what you're seeing through this camera in this little window on the bottom right side of the screen right here this product right here this is called the atem mini pro and this is many different things but it's an hdmi switcher but it's also kind of like a mini tiny computer that's built specifically for streaming and camera switching so obviously i can do what i just did i can if i press a button on this device as you can see again in this bottom bottom right hand of the screen i can cycle through the various things that are hooked up to it so i can make that my main screen that you guys are seeing i can make this the main screen that you guys are seeing one of the reasons that i really like this product is because um i'm not a big fan of programs like obs i've found that they tend to crash and they're very finicky so i i much prefer to have dedicated hardware that allows that allows me to stream oh hey eric and and kylie as well glad to see you uh pop in yeah the color is a little bit bleak on this but we'll actually be talking about that in a second as well so i'm going to kind of go through my entire workflow now and talk about how i how i speed things up but um let's let's turn this off real quickly and maybe just for a little bit of variety we'll switch out the lens on this camera real quick with this super wide lower lens so this will make things look immediately different and maybe hopefully cooler although you might see the crappy uh uniqlo like sweatpants that i'm wearing so let's switch out the camera lens do a shot okay now we're completely white and you should still be able to hear me but let's hook up that lens now bam now we're immediately much wider so this is kind of a cool shot as well i like that i like this kind of shot it's you know kind of more dynamic okay now let's talk about color grading and luts i think that's probably probably the best best way to describe things um before before doing that i just got to change something real quickly within this software okay so now i'm going to switch to the camera that i i use for my my normal comedic videos on youtube so as you guys know this is this is the setup that i use on on on youtube and the image looks kind of ridiculous right now like it looks really really white and really really washed out way over saturated really kind of unusable is probably the best way to describe it and that's because if you know anything about color grading if you shoot video that looks good already then it's difficult to change the colors of that video after the fact so what you're seeing right now on this camera this is kind of a custom look that i created and then baked into the the camera so i'm going to switch this camera right now back to what it looks like by default so you guys can see so i'm going to pop off camera real quick but i'll do this do this quickly hopefully okay so this is kind of what my my camera looks like by default and as you can probably tell it looks i would say significantly worse right now than it did a second ago and the reason for that is because again the built-in colors are often kind of what the camera company thinks are going to be best for every general scenario but what i've gone ahead and done is created a lot specifically for this particular camera and this particular setup so right now you know the the japanese paper walls they they look white and uh the entire image kind of looks a little bit yellow maybe because the white balance might be off but now i'm going to switch back to that that other look that i created again specifically for this camera so let's switch back okay and we're back so obviously this looks i think much better much more cinematic and one of the amazing things about this camera this black magic pocket cinema camera 4k is that you can build you can bake luts into the into the camera into the image being produced by the camera so i'm going to get a little bit technical here and i know that many many of you guys are a little bit and yeah like this looks like a lot more blue and blue and yellow that's kind of good complementary colors so obviously if you're doing youtube you want to make the image look kind of as dynamic and interesting as possible i think that's that's safe to say but again if i go back to my normal camera as you can see from my normal comedic video this looks really really really washed out and this is because this image for my comedic setup it's called a log file and log files are well they look terrible when you haven't done anything to them but a log file is really really easy to edit in post-production so on the computer side of things yeah so like fujifilm fuji has really good colors but like let's say you bought like a fuji camera um and you a lot of people say fujifilm has fuji has some of has some of the best colors but what if you you didn't like it that much what if you wanted to make things like like what i just did maybe you wanted to make this a little bit more blue for example and you wanted to kind of adjust the colors a little bit if the image already looks good then it's very difficult to adjust the colors after the fact so that's why people shoot with this kind of log image because when you shoot like this then it's very easy to make the image look like what you want it to look like when you're editing the image so what i'm going to do now is i'll tell you what we'll go to do i'm going to go ahead and go to my computer screen and go over here this is the control one of the ways that i can control the a10 mini pro that we saw earlier so so this thing i'm using this device to currently stream and i can do some advanced things like change the size of uh this this window that you're currently looking at in the bottom right corner yeah so the video has to look bad to look good in pro in post production yes that's the perfect way to describe it if you're trying to make the video look a certain way that is but again tell you tell you what we'll do let's go to one of my projects i recently made a video called 34 signs that you're in japan so let's open that project up and you guys can see i use final cut pro to edit my videos and if i click final cut oh okay oh that that should be off though okay i just want to make sure that the uh so when you are creating a let me let me mute my computer real quick okay so we're back in the timeline right now i'm going to mute my computer but again when i'm making a video um this this is what it looks like within final cut pro and this image that you're seeing up here this is what it looks like when a color grade has already been applied to the image but let's see what it looks like before a color grade is applied so we're going to click on this we're going to go up to the video settings we're going to disable these effects real quick so now the image looks completely different right and again this is what the image looks like this is what the image looks like out of camera but because it looks like this it gives me the ability to pull the image around and make me look like make it look like what i want it to look like when i'm editing the video so if i click this again now it looks entirely different so i've i've applied a balance a color balance i've applied color wheels i've applied a custom lut a look up table and i've also adjusted the skin tones a little bit but let's say that it wasn't going for this particular kind of look this is my comedic look as many as many of you guys know but i'm going to turn this off i'm going to delete all these and let's color grade this video as if i was going to make a phonetics video so for my phonetics videos my in which i teach japanese pronunciation using my knowledge of japanese i go for a different look i go for a look that's a little bit more bright and what i'd like you guys to do because this is kind of critical in explaining everything is when i apply this color grade phonetics color grade to this clip okay you see this dotted line up here that appeared above the clip this is the computer now rendering this file so the computer is processing this new color grade and it finished but if we make this particular clip very very long then it takes the computer a very very long time to to process this whole this whole uh particular clip with these colors so what that means is if i shoot a if i shoot like a 60 minute video then i apply the color grade so that i can see what it looks like and then i choose the looks or the individual takes that i like from there that means that i have to wait about 20 minutes or so for the finish for for the video to finish rendering obviously as a creator that's a lot of time kind of waiting for things to happen and you can do other things during that time like you can you know check your email do accounting that kind of thing but because color correction and rendering so making the video again look like this changing the way that a video looks is very intensive on the computer's processor and graphics card sometimes what happens is yeah you can see the chat the computer will crash so you what i like to do is when i'm rendering out the video is i let the video just render out and that takes again about 20 minutes or so so again earlier when i talked about why the fact that you can change you can choose your own custom lut and bake it into the footage coming out of this particular camera that's really really powerful because it it means that you don't have to render the video in post production you can get completely rid of that 20 minutes or so of waiting for the computer to apply the color grade so that's 20 minutes gone right so that's that's a very very big deal but this is this is where things kind of start to get a little bit interesting and i know that this is like super technical but um i'm i'm really passionate about this because as a creator the little things that you can do to speed up your workflow make a very very big difference in the long run so as i talked about earlier this this is the comedic image coming or this is the the image coming out of my my pocket cinema camera that i used to create my youtube videos right as i think most of you guys probably know but unfortunately because this image is coming out of a very old camera this older camera doesn't have the ability to bake the lut into the footage to bake that color correction into the footage the same way that newer camera does now this is kind of like my inner artist talking so to speak but i personally prefer the look of the older camera over the newer camera because it looks a little bit more kind of grainy so to speak it's a little bit um it looks a little bit more film-like in my own personal opinion so rather than going out and buying a 1 300 camera just to get rid of that 20 minutes or so of waiting for the color correction to apply i just said i'm just going to keep on continuing to use this particular camera and i'll just continue to wait while the while the video is rendering when i'm doing my video editing however i became aware recently of another product i'll show you guys now it's called the mini converter sdi to hdmi 6g and what this does is this allows you to bake in the color correction on any camera so what that means is that i've got again this this older camera that i use that can't bake the footage make the color correction directly but if i use this i can so now what we're going to do is we're going to hook this up sorry this is taking taking a second to hook everything up okay monitor clean feed record well that's a little bit odd why isn't that oh i figured it out i had the the wrong thing plugged in so this this should immediately fix that sdi okay sweet so now if i go back to that image that we were looking at earlier yeah those are my kids actually uh the babysitter is here right now so if i go back to that image that we were looking at earlier now it looks like that so now it's significantly more punchy than it was before and it basically looks like what it does during my comedic video so let me let me walk over here and you guys can see what it looks like and i'm going to adjust the lighting in the room real quickly so that you guys can see see everything and i'm also going to turn on that mic as well hopefully hopefully this all goes as planned again i'm doing this live so there might be a little couple problems but let's do this let's try real quick i'll bring my laptop as well or my um my ipad so that you guys can let me know if anything's wrong i'm going to turn that off okay so now it should basically look like it normally looks like in my oh no in my um my comedic videos should have been applied so and hopefully this yeah it looks like this mic is picking up as well um i realize that this mic is probably only going in in one side i have to adjust the settings a little bit so let me well let me switch back to my normal computer setup now so that i can kind of explain things okay so we're back i'm going to turn on the room light one more time okay and turn off that mic okay so the audio should be back to normal do i use davinci resolve to edit your videos too sort of and i'm going to get to that in a second but basically the point that i'm trying to get to is that in using that sdi to hdmi converter i actually bought bought one with my own money the first one blackmagic japan sent out to me uh they lent it to me to see if i would like it and as soon as i figured out that it it did the thing that i that i wanted it to do i immediately bought one by with my own money so they actually don't even know that i i bought this even though um well i i'm using this video to kind of talk about their various products but it's a surprise to them that i bought this one as well if i'd asked them for for an additional one they probably uh yeah where did my glasses go they probably would have sent one out for for free because uh they're they're a really cool company and i really like working with them but essentially again what this product does is it takes this this comedic image that you're seeing on on on this screen right now and it changes it from this this really really flat image that you're currently seeing and it turns it into that so obviously that's a that's a really really really big difference and when the when the footage looks good like this already oh yeah egg yolchu is off i should turn that back on what that means is i don't have to wait for my my computer to process the video so this single product that's like 150 dollars maybe it was maybe it was like 200 or so people buy entire computers like very expensive three thousand four thousand five thousand dollar expensive computers specifically to speed up the editing process because it takes a long time for your computer to process the footage but again what this device does is it it takes care of the processing of the color all by itself so you can buy this for two hundred dollars rather than upgrading your computer and spending a lot of money on that and that buying this won't speed it won't speed up the rendering process it'll get rid of the rendering process entirely so this is like a game changer this took away again about i want to say 20 or 30 minutes of work for every single video that i make so this is a very very very very kind of important device for me now i want to kind of talk about a couple other things real quick um yeah so like if you don't have a lot of money then rather than upgrading your computer you can get one of these to take law to take footage that looks like that it normally looks like this and you can make it look like that and get rid of that entire step during the editing process which again obviously is is a very very very big deal but now maybe what we can try and do now is talk about the audio side of things as well so this camera that i'm currently shooting on that you guys are seeing and i'm actually going to switch the lenses back to the other lens because this one's a little bit well let's just switch back for fun okay so this this camera that you're currently listening to this is and looking at is it's called a black magic pocket cinema camera 4k and one of the really great things about this camera is that it has a built-in xlr mini input with phantom power so one of my friends that you guys probably know um connor from trash taste trash taste with with joey and gigguk um i've been in touch with connor a fair amount over over twitter and we've been talking a little bit but he saw the the office tour um from from up close he looks shriveled up yeah i think i need to maybe eat more but anyway i digress connor when he when he found out that i was using uh blue yeti mics he got mad at me and he said you got to use an xlr mic and so i said okay well give me some recommendations and so uh he gave me some recommendations and then i kind of did my own research as well and i ended up getting this camera or this this mic up here this is called an octava it's a russian made condenser mic and i think that it sounds really really good i like kind of products that kind of have their own unique story so rather than getting like the traditional road product you know road kind of like the larger company i went for kind of the smaller unknown octava russian company that sounded kind of more i don't know interesting to me as a creator but the thing is with an xlr mic like this you can't hook it up to most cameras because most cameras don't have xlr inputs maybe what we can do now actually i'm going to switch back to this camera and i'll show you this camera that i'm recording at you guys can see my setup okay there we go so this camera right here this black magic pocket cinema camera 4k this camera it does have an xlr mini input and that means that i can hook up this this expensive better sounding mic directly to my camera and that eliminates a lot of troubles because one of the things that i was doing with my old camera my comedic videos you know with with this setup is i would record the audio and the video separately and then i would have to sync them together and post and sometimes there was weird timing issues and i would have to go in and kind of fix the audio and that always took a lot of time in post and i i didn't like it and also as a youtuber i'll show you my desktop okay i think that i just kind of cut off the stream real quick i want to make sure that i didn't actually hopefully this comes back real quick okay i think i think we're still okay it's back yeah sorry guys i accidentally hit the wrong button on the on the on the 18 mini pro and i think for a second uh yeah the the stream cut out but we should be back we should be good now but if you want to use a nice xlr mic like this and i'll switch to my my desktop right now my computer as you can see like up here i've got you know three different video projects on my on my computer already and that means that when i'm dropping footage off of my camera or off of my my microphone onto my computer then my desktop gets populated with dozens and dozens and dozens of different files so it just makes everything more complicated when you shoot audio and video separately and if you shoot audio and video together it obviously makes things much better in in much easier in the post process so using this this camera again this this has an xlr input now this camera this does not have an xlr input but i love this this camera uh well uh sorry this camera for my my audio set or for my comedic videos i really like the look of it but i can't hook up the mic that you're currently seeing in that setup because that's an xlr mic however if i switch back to here and then earlier i showed you guys [Music] this thing this video assist monitor and this actually has xlr mini inputs on it so by hooking up this device to to this camera the camera's shooting this image that i use for my comedic videos it allows me to add xlr inputs to non-xlr cameras and that's that's a really really really big deal so this again this this monitor right here also has phantom power and mini xlr inputs so you can you can use that to add xlr mics and also sdi out which is necessary for for this product again because this is an sdi to hdmi converter to bake the luts into the footage but now what we can try and do is let's try and make a color grade together so i think that this this is really really interesting this is how i use resolve in my setup so we're going to go over to camera 4 and again i use final cut pro this program it's an apple program to edit my videos but i use oops this program resolve to color grade my videos and so what we're going to try and do now i'm just going to move my camera down a little bit is we're going to try and make a color grade and then apply it live during this stream so let's just delete all these this is what the cam the footage looks like out of my black magic pocket cinema camera so we're going to add a node up here this is um a little bit well this is this is quite complicated but knowing how to do this is what enables um i'll tell you what we'll use this this will be easier to uh for everyone to understand so this is kind of close to what my footage looks like directly out of camera and then i increase the shadows a little bit and i i adjust various things using this this tool down here like if i do this the image gets a lot brighter and if i pull this down the image gets a lot darker and then each of these nodes up here in the right corner of the screen they serve a purpose somewhere along the color grading process so this initial node is just kind of to balance everything out to make everything look i would say more or less what would you say to get a good base to begin with and then this node right here this adjusts uh the the colors a little bit such that the color balance is good and then where things kind of start to get a little bit complicated is with this node right here so as you can see right now the only thing that's showing up on this screen is my skin and skin tones are very very important uh for video and the reason for that is if the skin tones are off like if there's a little bit too much green in your skin tones maybe because there was like a green light in the room or maybe you didn't set up your camera properly or something like that then it makes you look really really sick and so what you can do in this program resolve is you can very easily select just the skin tones and then you can you can probably see this down here but there's a saturation right here set to 57.50 but if i crank this up like big time or if i bring it down all the way now it's now it's like black and white right but if i bump the saturation way up then it kind of looks like my old videos where um the skin tone is is too saturated so again i set it to for my setup uh what was it 57.50 that's that's pretty good in terms of saturation for the skin tones and then yeah so resolve can real time keying your face for a face tone um well i'm not doing this this real time but i'll i'll i'll get to that in a second this is kind of the the general look that i'm creating and we're going to adjust we're going to try and try and apply this in a second so this is after the skin tones have been applied and then there's been another adjustment to the uh to the curves and again these curves they basically control how bright the various parts of the image are so like up here if i bring this up this will make the brighter brighter parts of the image much brighter so let's try and do that you can see it doesn't really affect the color of my shirt too much but like that wall behind me looks like way blown out now and then likewise um this down here this is like the darker parts of the image the these shadows so if i pull this like up or down you can see that like kind of the darker parts of the image uh how light they are changes so we'll just go back to that now we're gonna i'll tell you what we'll and then in this node this is like the next layer as you can see here along this vertical line not vertical this diagonal line this green dot is a little bit above this this white dot or this this white line and that's because i've added green to the highlights of the image green and also a little bit of blue so by bringing so take a look at this kind of the the wall again real quick if i bring this blue up it makes the the wall kind of blue and if i bring up the the green again it makes the wall kind of kind of green so the reason that in this setup that i'm using right now this looks kind of like a little bit blue it's not from the blue the blue lights on this camera it's because when i made a a specific look for this camera in resolve like i was just showing you i raised the highlights i raised the um the blue and green parts of the image such that it has kind of like an orange and teal look to it this looks a little bit blue now and that is a good complementary color with this shirt that i'm currently wearing so let's go back to the to the program now and this is the this is the thing that most people are kind of interested in or usually are interested in and that's the lut so if you've done anything with uh like video editing work or whatever you've probably heard of a lot and for those that don't know it's kind of yeah yeah for like a cyberpunk feeling um if you a lot is kind of like a little little tiny file that you can add to your image to make it look like a certain way it's kind of like a pre-set uh image for your video so i've currently got this lut called let's see 3d lut this lut called osiris vision six dot log that's the lot that i'm currently using at the end of this chain of uh different nodes from for for my look but if we change that lut then what we can do let's go to osiris and we'll we'll choose for example this m31 look now when i choose this look how the image in the the upper left side of the screen uh changes so if i click m31 now it was it was a minor change but it was there so i'll kind of cycle between the two looks right now so by using different luts like this you can really change the general feel of your image and let's let's try and do this one more time like if i wanted a for example like a black and white lut a black and white look for example i could i could choose that or i could choose you know there are many different pre-built luts that you can use to make your footage look a certain way but if i go down to like a different osiris maybe we'll try vision 10. you know that looks a little bit different as well but i'll tell you what just to illustrate kind of the power of this this this workflow um matt very drunk yeah lut is a lookup table let's try and do this real quick so as you can see right now this is my comedic setup right and it's this has a lot currently being applied to it but if i wanted to change that to kind of a black and white style lut we could do that so let's do that right now in the program so i'm going to go to luts 3d lut osiris i'm going to choose that first that first image and now i think that looks pretty good in general so what we're going to do now is we're going to right click on this we're going to say generate 3d lut 33 point cube so we're going to generate we're going to create our own lut for this particular style of image we're going to call it black and white and we'll just save it to the pocket cinema camera file uh folder on my desktop now now this this is where things get really really really cool um let's see i'll have to what would be the best way to do this so i'm going to hook up just a little basic usb usb cable to that converter that we saw earlier so let's let's go down here so i've now hooked up this device to to my computer with just a basic usb usb cable and if we go back to my my monitor now it's showing up this is the device the sdi to hdmi 6g and if i click down here there's this tab for video that says load 3d lut one or two so you can load 3d luts onto this this device again so what that means is if rather than using this comedy lut if i if i load a desktop pocket cinema camera black and white open and save now check this out when i go back to this my comedic setup that lut has now been applied to that look so i'm going to go over there real quickly just so you guys can see what it looks like so now my comedic videos so now my comedic videos have this black and white look applied to them and alt dogan is smooth as hell he oh my god that's the same room it is the same room so we can very very easily make our own custom unique look and then choose it we'll go back to the the comedy lot and remember well actually we can see what this looks like in real time so um i'm about to open open this oops sorry let me go back to the black and white real quick so as you can see the lut right now it's the black and white test and if i go over to this image so you guys can't see this because i have to do this on my computer screen but watch how dramatically the image from the comedic setup changes when i change the lut so i'm going to change the different lut now to the comedic lut and i'm going to press it now so it takes a second to load again like one or two seconds but now it looks a hundred percent different than it did before and let's switch back real quick to the black and white look so we can choose we can create any kind of look that we want for our for our camera and we can apply it directly to the camera using again this this product this sdi to hdmi converter so this isn't a truly truly incredible um product if you are trying to go for a specific look um and and know a fair amount about uh color grading and actually just for for kicks maybe what we can do is we'll switch back to this and well actually yeah we'll skip that because that'll take some additional maybe we can try real quick and this is this is how you turn the lot on or off within the mini converter so if i press if i push this i'll tell you what we'll go back to we'll change this camera to camera three and we'll turn that on okay yeah i should be able to do this so if i flip this little switch in this device right now it turns on and off the lut that's being applied to my my comedy camera so if i turn it off boom now it looks completely flat as you can tell and if i turn it back on now it looks really really good so we can choose whatever so we can choose whatever look that we want to create and apply it with this mini sdi to or yeah sdi to hdmi converter and it's it's extremely powerful because again you you can make the video look like anything that you want to and if you're a creator if you're a youtuber like like me you know things like color and and the setup and making the video look and sound aesthetically pleasing that's that's a pretty important thing so and i this is again my my inner artist uh speaking but i like my videos to look a certain way i like i i spent a long time making this image look the way that it does i spent a long time making well naturally this uh the comedy image look the way that it does but these these are the various devices that i use to to speed up my my workflow and do these various things and now i'm going to show you guys one kind of final device and then maybe i'll take a bunch of questions for like an additional 30 minutes and hopefully i can answer any anyone's questions about these specific products so the last product that i'm going to show you guys is this this and i talked about this in my uh room tour setup a little bit but this is called an ultra studio recorder 3g and you can see it's got a little thunder sign on it this has got a thunderbolt port on it on this side and then on this side it has an hdmi input and also an sdi input but what this allows me to do is if i you know this camera right up here this is the same camera the same model of camera that i use for this particular shot but what i used to do and i think what most people do someone said is that a vape it's not it's not a vape i don't know what you're referring to but it's definitely not uh most people when they shoot a youtube video or most videos in general they shoot it to like an sd card like this right and then you take this and you hook it up to you know like one of these adapters then you plug this into your computer when you plug it into your computer you then have to transfer the files and because the files that i work with are prores hq files they're very very big so every time that i create a comedic video i end up with a file that's around 100 gigabytes because i do many many many takes for each line because uh i'm kind of stupid and i can't deliver lines properly but what that means again is when i transfer the footage to the computer i have to wait about 20 minutes for the video to finish transferring now what i can do instead rather than using an sd card to transfer the file to my desktop if i plug this hdmi cable that's coming out of this camera right now if i plug that into this port the hdmi port on this converter or recorder rather and then plug this up to my computer it allows me to save the video directly to my computer's desktop so yeah it rather than having to transfer a 100 gigabyte file from my company from my company camera to my computer sorry that it allows me to save the file directly to my computer so the main the three maybe four major big takeaways take away points from this setup um and how i use blackmagic products to edit my videos is that blackmagic they well they have very professional features in their cameras that allow you to create the kind of look that you want and what i used to do is i used to record audio and video separately and i used to sync that up in post when i was editing the video and i also used to have to apply the color grade in post as well and that would take about 20 minutes or 30 minutes for the computer to process and then finally i would have to obviously transfer the video footage from my camera via sd card in one of these dongles to the computer so that was about 20 minutes uh 30 minutes as well and what these various devices that i've talked about today in today's video it allows me to record a video that's already been color corrected and has the audio in the audio file in the video file as well it allows me to record that directly to my desktop so these these various products that i use from from blackmagic they save me at least an hour of work for every single video that i do and again if we go back to the davinci resolve as well there are just so many cool amazing things that you can do in davinci resolve to make your image look exactly like you what you want it to look like and um yeah i'm not a zen monk but it is it is an ahiji lantern um essentially these various products allow me to really kind of uh what would you say well they vary they allow me to do everything that i need in my workflow way way way way faster than if i had done things kind of traditionally if i had done things how i did when i started doing youtube so as a content creator i love all these products they make my job 10 times 100 times easier than i would say kind of the traditional workflow when you use the sd card and then you you color grade and in post but again it all these products allow me to do everything before the footage even hits my computer so the video is like almost done by the time that i when i finish hitting record on on the camera and for those that are just popping in right now maybe real quick what i'll do is i'll explain this device one more time this is called an atem mini pro and this is like a tiny little dedicated computer specifically for um oops yeah specifically for streaming and switching cameras so if i press two press or press one it'll switch to this camera and if i press two it'll switch my main camera to that camera and if i press three it'll switch to that camera and if i press four it'll switch to my desktop but i'm also streaming directly from this device so i'm not streaming from my computer right now there's an ethernet cable hooked up directly to this device and then this device is sending the signal to the internet rather than using my computer at all so i don't have to use a program like obs or whatever it might be to to to send the video to the internet and i i'm a big fan of that because i don't like um i don't like obs i don't like uh obs studio any of those streaming programs so this again this this device makes makes my life much much easier and the built-in you know uh switching is really cool as well and the last thing that i'll talk about with this product that maybe some people are interested in um they offer a higher model called the atem mini pro iso and what that allows you to do is you can switch through your various cameras like this but then you can also save a file a davinci resolve edit file from the streaming device itself and that means that yeah yeah that means no cpu or gp gpu load while streaming right yeah exactly that's exactly what that means what that means my computer i can do anything i want on my computer because this device is taking care of everything involved with with the stream um but the the higher end model it's got a function where you can um switch through your various cameras maybe if you're recording like an interview or something and you want to switch to uh you know camera you wanna switch to camera one and then you wanna switch to camera two and then you wanna switch to camera three then you wanna switch to camera four you know that's something you would do normally in an interview but the higher end model it you can save an edit file such that after you've finished the interview rather than having to manually go in and sync up all the four different video files it the file that's saved from the from the a to mini pro iso it will be an edit file such that when you open it the interview edit file is already finished and you just you can just do any kind of like fine adjustments that you want so that's for people that do things like interviews that's like a a game-changing feature so could you do all these explanations in japanese now no um i'm running out of time i've got about 20 minutes 25 20 20 to 25 minutes left uh in in the stream but that's how i use these various products this blackmagic 4k cinema camera this original pocket cinema camera this a10 mini pro davinci resolve and of course the video well if i'll tell you what uh if i go over to this camera i can actually all angle this up that's the camera that i shoot my comedic videos on and then i'll try and get out of the way that's that's the wall back there with with the mic and everything so so that camera uh goes down up in there and that's also currently hooked up to the a2 mini pro so that's how i use these various products to shoot and edit my videos in an effective manner and get a very specific look that i'm trying to go for um oh i forgot this was happening is it staying up on youtube after the fact um yes this will be this video will stay up on youtube so i'm gonna start answering some questions now because i think that probably a lot of people so this is so it's japanese live streams time do you know if the atem is compatible with obs though you don't use it having outboard processing for compositioning uh or compo compositioning would make my weenie pc a lot more viable for streaming yes so the answer is yes the a2 mini pro also has a usbc output on one of the ports so you can't see it right now because the angle of of this camera but this has a usbc output and you can hook that up to your computer and it will show up as a as a webcam so you can you know open obs or obs studio or whatever it might be and just say choose new input choose webcam blackmagic a10 mini pro and you can use an a2 mini pro within obs so the answer is yes you can um i have no clue who you are but that title i couldn't resist yeah i'm uh i'm dog and i try and do comedic styles comedic japanese videos on on youtube so what do you do apart from uh youtube and and patreon um that's basically everything that i do i l i do a little bit of stuff with yahoo japan but it's almost entirely uh youtube and patreon but someone said do you play any video games so now i'm going to show you guys an additional thing real quick i'm going to unplug this input my what would you say this is my well my computer input i'm going to unplug this real quick we'll switch to this camera and i'm going to unplug the computer and this should still be streaming hopefully hopefully we're still good um yeah it looks like we're still live and now what we're going to do is i just plugged in my my playstation so if we go to i think that was the right plug yeah so i can also stream if i wanted to i could stream video games from from this setup as well cam 4 that audio maybe i should turn down that audio a little bit as well but you know you can very easily stream for example i love i absolutely love this game final fantasy vii so i often play the game while i'm riding my bike and the audio should be looks like the audio levels are okay right now but you can use the a to mini pro again this device right here you can also use it as a game capture device so right now my playstation 4 is hooked up to this and if i press four it'll just it'll show my playstation and i'm still on screen um yes i'm just trying to look at the comments real quick well the game's too loud okay sorry i'll turn that down a little bit i'll tell you what i'll i'll mute the game and then i'll also i'll just switch back to this and turn it off but yeah i play some well i play a video game i play final fantasy 7 because it's my favorite game and i often use uh well the a2 mini pro to stream to stream the game um dogan let's see sorry did he just say he plays the game while riding his bike uh yes so i'll switch back to this this camera real quick um maybe you guys can see this ah this is going to be a little bit difficult to see but um hopefully i can get it in the shot that that thing right there that's an exercise bike and i i ride that when i'm playing final fantasy 7 because aside from video editing work i don't have yeah stationary exercise bike i don't i don't have too much free time so like right now the babysitter's here um one other maybe cool thing that you guys might be interested in with the a10 mini pro is that you can also change the input for your monitor so like this this right now this is kind of like the program set up but like if i if i want to only see like my playstation um i can do that if i want to see only you know my my comedic camera i can do that i can switch between any of these uh different cameras but for when streaming it's it's typically best to i feel use this this particular menu because you can really see well each of the different cameras you can see what's going on and you can also you know seem like you can see like the data rate for the stream looks like i'm on air you know it's doing well so yeah that's that's another kind of cool feature about the a10 mini pro you can choose the output hdmi signal of the device as well so is it possible to raise a family comfortably with patreon and youtube um i've done pretty well with my patreon series so we're right now things are going well but um you know it's obviously different from from each person i for a very long time i had to work two job well kind of three jobs i did the youtube videos i did my full-time job at apu and then i also did the patreon phonetics lessons like this and then after about two or three years of grinding and you know working two two three one two jobs i guess full time i finally got to a point where i could stop working at apu and just concentrate on the youtube side of things so um are you going to the university today no i no longer work at the university so when will you start your vtuber career uh that's a yeah um we're gonna have to figure out exactly what uh mixer that harris heller was using in that that recent video that he did and once i figured that out then uh i should be able to make um my my v tuber debut um does anyone have any other other additional questions uh about again streaming or any of the various camera products that i use again i'm hooked up right now to four different cameras on this stream and i've got my playstation hooked up as well but the audio for that is off so it should be okay and then i'm using this product the a10 mini pro to cycle between everything so i can really easily use this to oops to effectively live stream we'll switch back to that nice transition and turn that off so yeah how much does this whole setup cost that's a really good question so um i found that for me it's better to buy things used so like i bought this this camera this is like this camera came out in 2013 so like a lot of people right now on on on the internet they're talking about like this new sony a7 iii uh and like the canon i think it's the canon eos r like these are like two thousand three thousand dollar five thousand dollar cameras that shoot like 8k video this camera came out in 2013 and it's only 1080p but the quality is insane and i bought it used for i think like 400 um i guess maybe it was 500 and then this lens on top of it this was uh it was literally a hundred dollars so if you know enough about the equipment that you're buying you can use cheap equipment cheap but good equipment to get similar results again this camera right here that i use for my for my comedic videos i also bought this camera used um same exact camera as as as this literally the exact same camera and um that was also about 500 used so i buy all my lenses used i buy all my cameras used um and then the uh did it where was it [Music] i guess maybe it was over here yeah then this little device the sdi to hdmi converter this was like 200 so rather than buying a really really expensive computer i bought this and i don't have to do color correction in my videos i don't have to render my videos so rather than buying again like a four or five thousand dollar computer i bought this thing for two hundred dollars and i i eliminate the rendering process entirely so um obviously i've got many different cameras going going right here and like this camera right here uh this camera blackmagic japan lent me this camera because they learned that i shoot everything on blackmagic and we're currently kind of working together they're lending me some products i'm doing some pr for them because i love their products as i talked about at the beginning of this video so um let's see will this stream be up later yes um it's so crazy to see this dude in a different shirt yeah with all the video i'm processing do you have a large amount of storage for archiving roughly how much yeah so i have a network attached storage and that has i think 16 terabytes i bought that fairly recently um but you know a network attached storage is not that expensive like you can get a decent uh network attached storage for much cheaper than buying like a very very fast ssd for your computer but uh yeah i use a synology network attached storage um let's see if you guys want to see something kind of funny this this desk that i'm using right now this is also it's a standing desk and because my camera is mounted to it if i press the button it looks really really smooth when i raise it up so oh oops so see you guys later and i'll just i'll bring it back down to the uh to the normal setting elevator um where did you get your used camera um i bought both of my used cameras on amazon japan but i mean you can buy these things used online on like ebay or or even amazon uh in the states for again like four four hundred dollars five hundred dollars i've seen them as cheap as like three hundred dollars and they're incredible cameras again they came out in 2013 but they still have i think in my opinion they their image still looks much more cinematic than like 99 of the cameras that are currently out so uh yeah b h photo b h photo would also have uh have these devices um are you a prime member uh yeah i'm an amazon prime member um let's see do you plan on changing your blue yetis for xlr mics yeah so i i addressed this earlier in the video but um connor from trash taste he learned that i was using uh black magic or not black magic uh blue yeti mics and he got upset with me and he said you got to get a proper xlr mic so recently i upgraded um this camera or this this mic up here this is uh it's called the octava mk12 i think is what it's called um and that's a an xlr mic and then this this camera that's in the middle of the screen right now well this camera that i'm pointing at this has a mini a mini xlr input built into it so that i can hook up a nice xlr mic like this directly to my camera and that's again if you know a fair amount about video or audio you know that that's a that's that's a very very big deal so oops okay um yeah of course it was conor that suggested it yeah connor and dogan collab when um be on the lookout that's all i can say okay how do you manage all the clips a few days of shooting and so many files i started tagging but it's getting a bit overwhelming well for me what would you say file organization is very very easy because i essentially only have two setups i have my comedy setup this setup and then i have my desk set up this this camera right so as long as the as i as long as i name the files properly like you know 34 signs you're in file organization is really easy i'm not like you know many of my youtube friends for example like connor or like uh chris broad abroad in japan um you know they make videos where they go out go out outside go out in the town and they they shoot like hours and hours of footage and then they they choose between all the different takes and that's really hard to organize all that footage but my all my footage is always one single giant file so i don't have to worry about organization basically okay are you going to be on the trash taste podcast we'll see we'll see do you have any tech that was bought new um well my camera or my uh not my camera my my computer i bought my imac new and i bought uh my ipad pro so i'm reading the comments right now off of off of this ipad pro down here i bought this new and then again i bought my computer new but again most of the tech that i buy is used and it's blackmagic products like again this blackmagic pocket cinema camera 4k and blackmagic products are notoriously cheap for the feature set that they provide so again i'm kind of repeating myself at this point but this camera right here when this came out in 2013 for for a thousand dollars is i think the price that it was announced at it was like five thousand dollars cheaper than any other camera that had the same um feature set because no other cameras at that time could shoot raw for less than again like ten thousand dollars so it was really really unheard of and that's one of the reasons i love their products i love their company so much is because rather than trying to kind of just sit back on a working model um like well i don't want to name any other companies but rather than just getting money from what's already out there and not innovating blackmagic has always said okay uh we're not gonna wait we're gonna immediately upgrade or release this new this new gear that's even even more crazy even though the other camera companies probably won't release it for another like three or four years so recently they just released a um a 12k camera for example and you you know no other camera company is going to release a 12k camera for for a long time i think that's that's overkill obviously i only shoot my videos in 1080p sometimes 4k but they bring incredible features for an extremely extremely priced because they just want as many people as possible to have as many and well what would you say as much technology as possible to enable them to create the videos that they like with as with as little friction as possible so again that's that's why i like the company one of the reasons i like the company so much um uh let's see can you go more in depth about how you reduced noise in your setup you said the echoes were pretty bad um how about noise from outside well in my room so rather than spending you know like six hundred dollars on like a assure sm sm7b which is a really expensive mic i bought a like a 200 mic a much much cheaper mic and then i i did i got like these amazon sound panels and i covered my room with them because it's better to have a it's much better to have a room that's been sound treated with a decent mic than it is to have a room that's been that hasn't been sound treated with a bad mic so um let's see i have the lumix it seems pretty good as a camera it can shoot 4k and i got it used with a bag for like 300 euros bro why would anyone need a 12k camera so the reason well the same reason that anyone would want an 8k camera or a 4k camera for that matter is because when you have those additional pixels it means that you can deliver like if you frame the shot a little bit wrong or if you want to zoom into part of the image after the fact if you zoom in it won't be pixely so if you're shooti it well it's a professional camera that 12k one that's for like movies right where they have like a fifty thousand dollar budget budget for the camera but like if if you're filming a movie and you're paying the actor millions of dollars um then you need the ability to um zoom in or or you know change where the the framing of the image after the fact and that's what that's what 12k or 8k or again 4k does so that's what the extra resolution would do in most movies i would say are probably delivered in in 8k so having 12k allows you to de it gives you flexibility with 8k the same way that having 4k gives you flexibility with 1080p so um bro that video with harris was so expected how'd that happen oh thank you xavier by the way for for the donation your thoughts on modern japanese possibly becoming its own language in the future um well i think just modern japanese is going to have more and more and more and more english load loanwords over time and eventually probably like i don't know 100 years or yeah probably about 100 years in japan it's going to be like in like singapore where people regularly switch between like chinese and english or i know that i'm pretty sure they do that in was it the philippines uh with spain and tagalog spanish and tagalog sorry if i'm getting the languages mixed up but i think that um yeah in like 100 years people will just kind of freely freely switch between japanese and english probably rather than and also that japanese will probably have a lot of loan words but yeah um i got to go in two minutes does anyone have any uh any kind of final questions that i can answer about my camera setup again i'm using this this a-10 mini pro down here to currently stream this uh this video to youtube and i've got four different inputs my comedic setup i've got my this camera i've got this camera shooting this and then i've got my well i've got my playstation hooked up because i was showing showing that a little bit earlier as well but i'm streaming currently with the a10 mini pro it's an amazing device for streaming and for i would say content creators in general what's the next camera you want to buy i'm not going to get another camera i don't need another camera the cameras that i have right now are more than enough and i think that as a writer it's much more important that i concentrate on my writing than trying to get like a a 4k camera or like an 8k camera or you know anything like that i just need to concentrate on my writing and use these these great products like you know this nine-year-old camera to deliver my my writing because even this nine-year-old black magic camera it's overflowing with features that you know most creators can even take advantage of because they're so powerful um atem better than stream deck i like the atem because you can use it as a mini streaming computer whereas the stream deck it's kind of like a uh what would you say it's a device that'll allows you to do different things within a program like obs but with this stream deck oops down here i'm not using obs right now i'm streaming directly from this device there's an ethernet cable going directly into this device so that's why i really like the atem more than the uh uh what was it the uh the elgato stream stream link stream deck yeah nine year old camera brofist yeah so this is a nine-year-old camera that i bought used this is nine-year-old camera that i bought used blackmagic japan was gracious enough to lend me this camera this 4k blackmagic pocket cinema camera and i talked about that at the beginning of the stream but blackmagic technology the things that they make they're so they're overflowing with technology so like they're this camera this 4k blackmagic pocket cinema camera this has so many features you don't need to worry about getting like a 2 000 or 3 000 camera if you're trying to start youtube like if you get this camera or even even this older camera again this was like 400 dollars used you're set i use a 400 camera this camera to shoot all my my youtube videos so um okay so i got to get going it's currently uh 501 so um i unfortunately don't have affiliate links but i've linked all of the blackmagic products that i talked about today in the video description for this video so you can go ahead and check that out um dog and go to save 10 unfortunately not but uh i got to get going guys right now
Channel: Dogen
Views: 23,109
Rating: 4.9818349 out of 5
Keywords: Dogen, Japan, Japanese, 日本, 日本語, Comedy, お笑い, Foreigner, 外国人, Japanese language
Id: vrhPhQ8Ll4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 21sec (5241 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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