I Unleashed the Multiverse in Minecraft...

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i have one week to bring the multiverse into minecraft or else i have to dye my car pink but here's the thing i love my car and i don't want to have to do that okay so we're making a multiverse where the heck do we even start with that i guess we need a way to get there and there needs to be something on the other side right well we've got to start somewhere and what better way than with a block maybe maybe a little bit bigger than that it won't take you long to realize i have no idea what i'm doing but it's all right we'll figure it out all right that that that's a block a little bit of texture action never hurt nobody oh baby oh wow that's uh a little bit bigger than i thought it'd be subscribe okay it's in game now at least we're getting somewhere but now we have to figure out what does it do the challenge started and the clock was ticking can i really bring the multiverse to minecraft in one week and make it cool enough to pass narfy's challenge okay narfy how did i do okay okay i've got something how about we have this pedestal and when you place this orb on top it takes you to the multiverse i don't know what i'm doing i didn't know what i was doing so i enlisted the help of my developer so that together we could make this thing actually work okay let's try this again shall we hey it worked finally okay the multiverse we've done it oh finally maybe we could actually pull this off oh wait what's what's happening [Music] there's still some bugs to work out now that we have a way to our multiverse we need to give it a reason to exist but don't worry i have the perfect plan i i don't have a plan i don't have a plan we're going to make alternative versions of mobs in minecraft there's just one problem i've been procrastinating we have under five days to make a bunch of mobs in minecraft that actually work let's hope nothing goes wrong i started with the enderman instead of it teleporting itself how about in our multiverse it teleports you i called it the alderman and no i'm not proud of that okay we're in the game now it's an alderman except it's an ender it's an outer it's an enderman are you okay are you cold what's happening why are you shaking is everything all right all right this is terrifying but this is the outerman and now we just need to make it do something cool so we started working on the ai for the outermen and things got out of control okay i've got a working prototype now what the ottoman okay so the outerman teleports you install hey okay buddy all right all right all right get the cow not me not me not again so the ottoman teleports you instead of itself but that's not all help the environment oh no no no get the sapling instead of taking blocks it places them down oh wow we finally started to get somewhere but there was no time to waste next up was everyone's favorite mob the phantom how can i make it different yet equally hated in our multiverse i ended up with a mob called the surfer this looks a lot better than the phantom at least it almost looks friendly but it's not it's not so we've got the surfer in the game okay let's give him some ai oh he's he's dead so i decided the surfer would be an ocean mob and i have a really cool idea for it but first we need better scenery that's more like it okay so we've got the surfer swimming and i think it looks pretty awesome if i do say so myself he's really fast whoa all right that's progress that's progress why are you going in circles okay this this this may be a bug it was definitely a bug and there were a lot of them do something hey you're supposed to work buddy all right well this this just isn't working a few lines of code later and we finally got it to work let go no oh we really need this in minecraft a mob that drags you underwater oh no you don't wait why are there two of them no you're too powerful that is terrifying oh yeah yeah more bugs i fixed one bug another one up here all right i forgot to breathe do you remember the ice solider maybe it lost the mob vote here but not in our multiverse this is the fire evoker a superior alternative this is the big boy this is the guy this is the fire hollander or fire evoker i don't really know yet do you think they should subscribe all right fire oliger let's see what you got and now that we know that it works in game we just actually need to make him do stuff uh the fire elijah is a magic fire mob so it needed a deadly attack we made this really cool fire rune just for that what if they spew lava that is really cool looking okay we don't have much time let's get to work what better place to test this than the roof of a mansion well here goes nothing let's just hope this actually works whoa okay that's something that kind of works don't nope never mind uh something is definitely broken oh this is such a cool concept though oh why did i think this would be a good idea oh yeah yeah that's definitely working now i really don't even think this is a possible mob to fight like it's incredibly difficult so like when you hit him it oh gosh okay so i try this is the salamander our final mob instead of an axolotl that swims in water this little guy swims in lava okay it's in game this is going well but it wasn't going well the sound of timers were overwhelming my ear the pressure was on and the bugs kept piling up and the salamander was no exception ah i don't have time for this there's too many bugs like it kind of works it just and for some reason it doesn't want to go in the lava i don't know okay this this is a problem we really don't have time for this okay at least it's swims that's we do know that and it does hate items so that's that's good but there's just something not right about this and there's just so many other bugs with every other mob okay there is not enough time for this we need to fix these bugs now ah [Music] hey how much time do i have left there's 26 minutes and 23 seconds remaining we spent all of our time giving the fire alleger custom sounds and making those magic runes there are bugs all over the place the mod is literally crashing right now i have no idea how we're going to pull this off before i knew it my time was up and narfy didn't waste a second making sure i knew that did we create a good enough multiverse for minecraft or will i have to paint my car pink alright show me what you got all right norfolk i'm gonna show you the multiverse that i made all right but you've got to do everything in survival mode oh well i see you really want your car pink then huh no no no that's okay that's okay here to get to our multiverse we're gonna need a couple things place down one end crystal go go go all right all right there you go okay enough light it on fire with a flint and still hurry this is very important to the science of the multiverse are you ready you know i am as ready as i'll ever be all right smack it it's not iggy oh okay that didn't happen now grab some dragon's breath hurry hurry hurry before we go sorry all right we need to do some crafting i need you to make a multiversal pedestal okay i'm trying whoa i think i figured it out ah you got it you got it okay okay okay okay i need you to very carefully place the orb on top orb place it's working it's working it's working so fast we're in the multiverse it uh doesn't look that much different nope you're goofy man we didn't have enough time to make everything spawn naturally but narfy doesn't know that my only hope is that we can fool him into believing hey yeah which what you doing oh i i found i found the first mob come down oh okay oh oh oh oh no okay this is the surfer it looks like a phantom does it not you know it grabbed me a lot and i'm on one heart oh gosh don't worry i'm i'm coming to say there's no escape i don't like the multiverse this multiverse has a different enderman but hang on i got i gotta go find one so give me one set you just stay there well i found it i found it oh wow he's got purple gloves on i think oh okay this is an outerman and instead of teleporting he'll teleport you away from him oh the next mob that we're looking for is a clone of the axolotl you sure about this hang on a minute it's it's cool i promise so this is the salamander which is the clone of the axolotl why didn't it say you let me be fired okay maybe this diamond will make it up to you wait hold on no hey hey hey hey that car is looking real pink right now i don't know okay okay i promise i can do better i i promise um that just burned it the all right narfy i need you to grab these items all right sounds good oh my gosh so as you saw the salamander drops an ember and with the ember you can actually apply it to basically any item in minecraft go throw this in the lava over there really go throw it in the lava oh okay okay it works i for a minute i thought it didn't work this allows you to make any item in minecraft lava proof so there you go man where are you taking me this is patience be patient i can't control the multiverse in rpi all right all right well i found it i found it oh look this is the fire oliger oh what do you think the the multiverse man it's filled with so many surprises this is lava this is real lava the multiverse is super dangerous you'll never know what you're gonna find oh come on now you can take it a little oh oh quick narfy it's taking us back to our multiverse before we go before we go come back come back come back how did i do yeah you did all right
Channel: SystemZee
Views: 1,947,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: HV-yT1HoqzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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