How I Broke 1,800,000 Bedrock In Survival Minecraft

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yo welcome back to the wave Tech server in the last video we made a giant perimeter right at the world border and today we're going to break over 1.8 million Bedrock you see here on the nether side of the Border lame has been working for several days voiding the entire nether perimeter and I kind of want to break some Bedrock as well I haven't done a proper big Bedrock breaking project in well over a year and it just so turns out that hun the wave Tech owner is working on a project that could use some void you see h has always wanted to make a passive mob farm but not like your average breeding based farm he wants to use the natural spawning algorithm which if you didn't know is more efficient the lower you go if you put your spawning platform at minus 55 your farm is going to be pretty fast but if you put a ton of extra effort and remove all the Bedrock you can place your farm at minus 64 which will massively boost the raids so the actual Farm is going to go in this perimeter which was already made by other wave dech members so fortunately I don't have to make it myself I just have an empty canvas which I will make even emptier I guess this perimeter is actually pretty big it's exactly 800 by 800 which means it has an area of 640,000 blocks so yeah pretty big all right but how am I even going to break the Bedrock well obviously I'm not going to do it manually I will use three-way Bedrock Breakers currently the best Bedrock Breaker is this one by Desu and what makes it special is that it only leaves a single block of overhead on every layer this is literally the physical symmetrical minimum however every Bedrock Breaker after 114 requires a piston for every Bedrock broken normally in a small perimeter I wouldn't really care about sacrificing half a million or so Pistons but because this perimeter is so big I would need approximately 3.2 million Pistons which is kind of a lot fortunately though Desu and Atilla made the design which has a slightly higher overhead of two blocks per layer but it collects every single piston that gets used so you can basically recycle them and you never lose even a single piston cool so am I just going to build a couple of them no we can actually get even better you see whenever you're breaking Bedrock you never really want to break just a single layer you basically always want to break all five layers to either remove the nether roof or make a void hole like in my case that's why some of the members in the technical community designed complete setups using this machine to break all five layers at the same time the setup that lane used at the world border was designed by divided by zero but I'm going to use this one designed by R machine so what makes this setup special is that it can theoretically go forever well well as long as your Infinite Space also has an infinitely long line of Hoppers and droppers so basically what is happening here is that the Pistons that were Capt captured by the hopper mine carts here are pretty much immediately dispensed back and placed in front of the breaker by an AFK player so the breaker moves forward player places the Pistons breaker moves forward again player places the Pistons again and so on and so on pretty much forever so I already managed to tile the setup so it fits inside of our big perimeter so yeah let's go on S SMP and start working on it all right first of all I have to gather all the items from the main storage and if I look at the material list it says right on the top that you have to subscribe because I really want to hit 50K by the end of the year all right but seriously I need Pistons slime blocks sticky pistons honey blocks Redstone lamps TNT redstone blocks ancient debris I actually want to flex a little bit since the mega nether perimeter video we expanded it a couple more times and now we are sitting at over 100,000 ancient debris which means we are getting very close to our goal of a double chest of Nite blocks anyway I'm just going to yink stack okay so I can't really build all five Breakers all at once here at the start uh because well in order to build for example the second layer breaker uh you obviously have to fit it right here uh in the space that the first breaker breaks which means I'm going to have to build the first breaker run it like 20 something blocks over only then place the second breaker build it uh move them both forward and so on and so on until I finally build the fifth layer so yeah the plan right now is to build the first one and maybe tomorrow in the morning I will be able to build the second breaker so let's stop yapping and actually start doing it oh okay uh also if this wasn't obvious uh I couldn't really uh break the entire bedrock in the entire perimeter uh because the machines also have some thickness so the size of the Void hole is basically going to be limited by how close I can get the breaker to the walls of the perimeter so yeah unfortunate all right so the return side is pretty much done now I just got to build the main side as well as the Piston Placer [Music] no no no I just I I just built it I just built it no motherucker okay so let let me okay me let me explain what happened Jesus okay so I noticed that's hey that that's a that's a really cool upwards facing uh Observer right so uh I wonder if there is anything above it right oh there is no block okay I'm going to place the no block first and then the Observer what happen the like like me placing the Observer changed that tune of the no block because now it's placed on a different block which which changes block State Observer detected it activated the machine no no you're you're got to be kidding me you're actually going to be kidding me no oh damn it pain and suffering all right this isn't really going well it was like half broken and now it's fixed yeah sure why not H you know what let me just cut it until I finally fixed it all right yeah so I basically have to start all over again great okay you know what maybe let's first place those blocks so that it doesn't activate anything and find finally when I get to this layer which is by the way the last layer of the actual breaker it actually you know doesn't activate that that sounds like a good strategy all right so the main site is finally done after a major setback uh but yeah lame is here so he's goingon to well sorry Robert toen Heimer uh is here so he's going to work on the floor Placer while I pre- place all the Pistons all right so the entire breaker as well as the Piston Placer have been placed uh so there's nothing left uh I guess it's time to launch okay breaker one out of five is finally running okay let's see if it works Yep looks like it nice oh yeah you can see you can see some of the Bedrock being removed yeah so on the first line we are going to lose all the Pistons uh that's because I didn't feel like putting the hopper mine carts here manually however the machine will put them automatically once it reaches the other side so it's going to be fine I'm just is going to have to give the Bol uh enough Pistons uh manually for this first line but yeah right now literally all I can do is just wait until this uh breaker moves over more than 22 blocks then I can build the second breaker uh move both of them 22 blocks and so on and so on all right but while the breaker is running I actually want to show you why this bedro breaking exploit even works uh because right now it just feels like absolute magic to you probably okay so in order to understand why Pistons can break bedrock we need to understand their three weird properties Pistons work in a que retracting Pistons are stupid and headless Pistons have magical properties Pistons work in a que Pistons are not instant when you power or depower them they're going to add themselves to a que of Block events so the instant I break this redstone block this piston is basically going to go yo game I'm a piston at this location I need to retract as soon as possible yeah sure let me add you to the cube and that happens to every piston that gets triggered and the actions are processed one by one uh when the game finally gets to the correct phase so this piston is going to retract first and then this one is going to extend pretty simple retracting Pistons are stupid let's depower this piston obviously it will schedule a retraction and if we let it happen we will see that the Piston actually retracted of course of course now let's also depower this piston but before it can actually execute let's break it and replace it with a downwards facing one now if we let it do its thing we will see that we broke the Bedrock why because the Piston actually retracted as if it was a downward-facing piston like I said very stupid negative IQ and this is exactly what the machine is all about everything in it is just working towards this sequence schedule a retraction for a piston and replace it with a downward facing piston before it can execute headless Pistons have magical properties if you blow up a head of a piston while it's extending you will get a headless piston now if you retract a headless piston weird happens first of all they can straight up delete blocks in front of them which is I guess cool but headless sticky pistons are way more interesting than just that normally if you start moving blocks they take a bit of time to finally arrive however if you have a moving Block in front of a headless sticky piston and you activate it it can instantly finish the movement of that block like you can see here this block specifically arrived pretty much instantly the rest are still technically moving the setup so this Bedrock Breaker basically uses all of those tricks to do everything automatically first the machine schedules those pistons in this exact order red green blue so when the red piston starts its execution it will first make the black piston realize that it should retract because it doesn't have any power this will schedule a black event also because it's a headless piston it will also completely delete the black piston then the green piston will start retracting which will cause this downwards facing piston to start start moving into this position here and finally that blue headless sticky piston will execute which will instantly finish the movement of this downwards facing piston which just started moving and just like that if I let the game Run we will see that the Bedrock was broken honestly the fact that people managed to figure all of this out and make it into an insanely compact machine which runs in three directions is just absolutely insane so it's the next day and as you can see the Bedrock Breaker made some really good progress in the past 12 hours uh so yeah it definitely made enough space to build the second breaker uh so yeah let's do it but maybe let's first start with the onoff switch before moving to the rest of the breaker all right so the entire setup for second layer is done so let's launch it so yeah from now on it's going to get very repetitive because now I got to wait for those two Breakers to once again move another 20-some blocks bu build the third one uh move them 22 blocks build the fourth one move them 22 blocks and finally build the last one and from that point I'll probably just have to AFK this for over a week because this perimeter is just so huge so in case the first breaker stops uh well the second breaker would normally run into it uh so I placed a redstone block uh which will basically force stop the second breaker uh in case this one you know cannot move forward on its own uh so it's not going to cause a Cascade effect where every single breaker breaks uh so yeah that's one nice safety feature that that I added all right breaker number three is officially running what is it wait what happened wh what what and did I not hit the no block okay there we go that was scary anyway yeah number three is running and finally number four is also running ah just one more layer until we get to the void I am officially starting the second season of the Sleepy competition yes you know those like time-lapse videos of two neurons connecting to each other yeah like if you play that in Reverse that's basically the state of my mind right now I am forcefully staying awake just so I can launch the breaker for the night but yeah anyway it's really nice to see the flat minus 64 of Bedrock yeah the plane of Bedrock atus 64 looks really cool like one day I unironically want to make a perimeter and instead of breaking all five layers I I just want to break only four layers and you know be left with this as the floor of the perimeter that that that is just such a weird feeling right but anyway uh it's finally time to launch the last breaker and yeah I I am super excited there is no way this can go go wrong that's called foreshadowing oh we're going to break into the void oh don't kill me hey we have void we broke into the void nice that always feels so weird so yeah from now on like I said previously it's going to take well over a week to clear the entire perimeter uh just because of the sheer size of the perimeter so like I said before the perimeter itself is exactly 800 by 800 however yeah there is obviously some overhead needed to with the breakers and I swear this was a pure coincidence this is going to be perfectly aligned uh with chunks so there is going to be only a single chunk ring of Bedrock around the void hole except unfortunately on the South Side so we already have the chunk border here uh there are going to be two blocks of overhead atus 64 and the void is only going to start here so the general plan I have right now is uh to basically keep on running the breakers until they finish the main main part of the void and then I'm going to run oneway Bedrock Breakers uh on the south side of the perimeter uh just to remove those two blocks that are going to be remaining so yeah that's going to be a 768 by 768 square of you know pure void that's actually going to be the biggest voice perimeter on the server huh oh no this is not good all right so it's been almost two days since I launched the last breaker and yeah as you can see we made quite some progress in the void but yeah unfortunately as you saw uh Bol number three died uh which means the breaker is broken probably oh it is much more broken than I thought oh oh that's not good this part should not be here oh okay um I guess right now all I have to do is to you know manually repair this H kind of annoying honestly the way it broke is kind of impressive like who the is this glass like what what what is it doing here why the is this one block lower I am just beyond confused how the pillagers managed to break this in such an impressive way wow huh H also this huh huh anyway let's just get back to work so after loading the schematic it seems like not a lot actually has broken uh most of the main part of the breaker is fine just a couple incorrect parts and this entire piston Placer can actually be fixed by just running it normally this part definitely is going to require uh a complete rebuild but other than that everything else is pretty much salvageable Peak technical Minecraft Gameplay by the way we as the wayx server are finally launching our merch store we've got the logo spawn Palace amethist Farm deep slate storage and ultimate I got myself the Deep slate storage t-shirt cuz you know storage Tech is my passion and based on my and other members experience the shipping times are insanely fast mine only took 4 days to arrive which is really good also for the next 2 weeks when you buy any deep slate storage item use the code STI MP for a discount the link is in the description so it's been basically 3 days since the last clip and here it is here's the progress yeah so the Bedrock Breakers even the last one made their way over the halfway point yeah we already cleared well over a million bedrock at this point ever since that one map with the pillagers we haven't had any issues and also when I was waiting on the Bedrock Breakers to you know do their thing I kind of started tinkering with them so this breaker has one issue where it requires water uh for the item transport uh which basically means it can't be built in the nether it always just kind of seemed like a skill issue from Russian's part cuz like he only uses the water to like transport the Pistons like six blocks over so I started wondering if it's possible to remake this system so it doesn't use water and that basically led to the shortest project in wave te history so I started the channel I described the problem I I even even provided schematics I provided the goals and like described everything and as I was finishing the description I realized that this can be done literally by just adding another copper line storage dech is my passion and so this is the setup basically instead of using water to transport the Piston items I decided that I will just use hoppers and then another line of Hoppers which is trying to suck from these Hoppers however you can just lock The Hoppers that you don't want to suck and you only unlock the first Hopper uh where you actually want to dispense the items and that way in pretty much less than an hour I managed to convert this to be nether compatible so yeah that's pretty cool so if you want to check out rations as well as this modified version by me uh you can check out the slimestone Discord which is linked down in the description so with this design we basically can also break bedrock infinitely in the nether as well which is nice no way so apparently another piston bolt this time piston 4 uh was killed by the pillagers which means that this breaker also broke but I like I have no idea how but somehow it broke in an even more impressive way than before like I I don't even know how you can get to this state like let me show you the schematic so apparently the main side as well as the return side managed to move forward right but it didn't break any bedrock and the Pistons that were supposed to be you know used for the Bedrock breaking were just left hanging here like what the hell I honestly had no idea that those kind of breakages were even like physically possible but okay there we go like this breakage is way worse than the previous one uh because right here as you saw uh both the main side and return side are completely wrong uh the only thing that is correct is the Piston Placer here uh but yeah I'm going to have to basically move those Pistons upwards completely destroy this side as well the other side and rebuild them from scratch yeah spawning the Piston bolt back uh can't really can't really fix this thing here okay but maybe let's look at the positives uh the first breaker is actually super close to finishing the first layer I reckon maybe we are within maybe 12 hours of completely finishing this layer so yeah that's pretty exciting so yeah super annoying that this had to break so close to finishing but no no no way no way so it didn't break because of the pillagers it didn't break because of the pillagers so the B was killed but as you can see in the screenshot from Discord zerox actually managed to spawn them in but it broke because the honey wait where is it because the honey attached to some random deep slate left over which wasn't blown up by the first breaker that is so rare oohm M wow wow ooh that actually ooh ooh o that actually explains why the Pistons here didn't actually uh get pushed down to break the Bedrock because the part that actually got stuck is part of the flying machine which is actually pushing down the Pistons to you know fully break the Bedrock ooh ooh okay that is super annoying that it happened it wasn't the pillagers it was just a random deep slate that was left over why am I happy I should not be happy about a completely bedro breaker all right so fixing it took a bit longer than I expected honestly but yeah now it's finally running and let's really hope that we're not going to get such an edge case uh ever again all right nice so finally if we look at the chunk borders we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight blocks of you know extra overhead over the last chunk which we want to void which means the first breaker is technically done and also I'm going to have to get rid of every single part of the first Bedrock Breaker uh just so the second one uh can you know continue as normal and yeah probably I'm just going to use some TNT uh because who really cares about the couple Pistons or slime blocks that are here it's way faster to to just blow it up and just like that layer two is also officially gone uh just three more Breakers remaining and the project is all well almost going to be done because yeah like I said I still really want to clear those two uh lines of bedrock it's actually chunk aligned so it's morning of the next day as you can tell by my morning voice uh and Bedrock Breaker number three is currently being taken care of it's doing its last line and it's being destroyed and number four is also done with just the number five remaining the bat is getting destroyed I don't know if you could see it I was not expecting that anyway number five is doing its last line which means I can also launch the TNT tuber after it there we go perfect and also uh on the other side of the perimeter I already built the first of the two Bedrock Breakers uh which are supposed to destroy the rest of the overhead okay there we go there's the breaker so yeah this breaker is also working so as you can see this breaker is you know first of all way smaller than the freeway uh but also it's way slower uh that's because these kinds of oneway Breakers are mostly optimized for uh compactness and total build effort rather than actual performance it's only one way it's only going to make one trip and then never again so in the meantime while this breaker is running uh I'm actually going to build the second breaker but that one is going to be a bit different than the first one uh that I buil here that's because this breaker requires one block of overhead uh like you can see it's breaking pretty much this Bedrock here uh and it requires this block here uh where I'm standing to also be cleared uh that's part of the setup and so for the last Lane because of that I have to use this Bedrock Breaker designed by vitamin C uh which actually has a setup uh which doesn't require any overhead it's a zero overhead oneway Bedrock Breaker so yeah let's build it I actually have no idea if this is going to work so let's see it's not Fu okay so I rebuil the schematic and I also verified it uh those are just random blocks you know in the overhead here which means it theoretically should work let's try it please please please please please oh H H oh yes yes that actually looks good and yes it actually works nice oh we're just blocks away from being done I am so excited come on I think that's the last one yeah self distract mode uh so I still have to manually remove two blocks but well like Bedrock breaking exists oh yeah by the way this Bedrock was broken by the first breaker which to run one block too much well kind of a shame anyway Also let's quickly get rid of the rest of this breaker and the last block of the breaker there we go this project is officially done oh hell yeah it's beautiful so yeah we have a new biggest voice perimeter on the server and yeah the project is done so make sure to subscribe and see you
Channel: JKM
Views: 77,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QyGmTKf34V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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