How I Became A Millionaire At Age 25 (Revealing My Secrets)

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Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel. I'm actually very excited to be putting this video together for you to share this story in a bit more detail than usual. So a few years ago, I took a leap of faith, and quit my job to work on my side hustle full-time. However, this was not a very straightforward journey. I learned a lot in this process, and I wanna share these valuable things with you in this video. So throughout this video, I'm going to take you kind of behind the scenes and share my journey from working a 9 to 5 job to going full-time, working for myself, and making more than a doctor, or a lawyer, possibly even combined. To pack just as much value as I can into this video, I'm going to share with you the strategy that I used that made my income really take off. There's also four pieces of advice that I wish someone gave me when I was just starting out, so I'm going to share those with you as well. Now, in order for this all to make sense let me give you a super quick background. I used to work at 9 to 5 that in reality, as you guys probably know, it was like a 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM job when you factor in the commute, and everything else that goes into it. And it was those days that you just really don't wanna get outta bed and go to work, but you know you need to that made me realize that this was not going to be the future that I had in mind for myself. I needed something that gave me more control over my life, and more freedom to do what I wanted with my time. So flash forward a couple years of properly slaving away at this job, giving it everything I had, something of a blessing in disguise happened that really changed the course of my life. One morning on the days that I had off of work I woke up to an email that said that the company was laying off a big chunk of the marketing department, and I was included in that layoff. Just like that, all of the time and energy that I put into this company thinking I was working my way up the ladder was abruptly ended. So much for job safety, I was literally out of a job, out of a paycheck, I didn't have any side hustles, or anything to fall back on. So with my back against the wall and really no options here, but needing to get a paycheck to cover my bills I quickly thought about what I could do as a part-time job to pay for my expenses. I ended up kind of being creative and decided to call around to the local golf courses in my area, and see if they were hiring bag boys. This sounded like a fun job that I could do outside, and make an income in the process part-time. Well, sure enough, I got a job at one of them, and within a couple weeks I literally started working there. This job was the definition of a raft that floated me financially and since it was just part-time, it gave me the rest of the time that I was able to research what I was going to do with my life that would give me that freedom and control. I think the big key here was finding a part-time job that didn't have the take home stress with it. Once I left work there was literally no more golf clubs that I could clean. There were no other bags that I could carry around. When I went home, I was off work, that time was mine. With that time, it really didn't take me long to discover the idea of starting an online business. In theory, what everyone was promising was that it would give me the freedom, and the control over my life, and that's what I was looking for. So, over the next couple months, I spent a ton of time kind of dipping my toes into all of the different, big popular business models. This is where I learned a ton about online business. And I also found out that there's, actually, a ton of scams out there where people tell you all this information, and they lead you into an expensive course that, in the end, when you buy the course is filled with a bunch of fluff. So, needless to say, this was actually really difficult, and frustrating to find stuff that worked. But I, ultimately, found two business models that were free to start, which I really enjoyed. The information was on YouTube that I could learn. And they were actually making me consistent income. So with these two business models, I spent the next couple months working on them as much as possible, and once I actually got them big enough to where I was making consistent money with them and I felt good about it, I decided to quit my job and start working on them full-time. Now, this is where it gets really, really interesting. If I quickly flash forward a couple years I can share with you that I've made over $2 million in profit just from these two business models. But there's a lot to cover in this mid period. Particularly, there was a point in time where my income skyrocketed when I learned one single thing. So that's something I wanna share with you in this video as well. All right, so that's the background. Hopefully, we're all on the same page about that. Now, let's get into the good stuff in this video, let's share what the two side hustles are, what strategy I used, and what's the one thing that I did that made my income skyrocket, so you could do the same thing. All right, so getting right into this. First, I started creating and selling custom design t-shirts on Amazon and a few other websites. This side hustle is known as print-on-demand. Then I started writing blog articles and referring readers to companies' products. Whenever a reader clicked on my referral link and purchased a product, I got paid a commission. This side hustle is called affiliate marketing. These are the two side hustles that can make you so much money if you just invest your time into them. Okay, so now let me take you kind of behind the scenes and show you what happened during those couple years. For the first few months that I was going full-time it was extremely tough, there's no way around that, and I'm not gonna try to hide it. There was this kind of sense of anxiety that came with not having a stable paycheck, and having the full responsibility of your own success on your shoulders. During these first few months, I was giving it everything that I had, going pedal to the metal, basically, out of the fear of it's not going to work. So I was experimenting and researching with a ton of different strategies. I could only find so much online. So a lot of the things I had to do by trial and error. However, after all of this work, I was still only making just a couple hundred dollars per month which, as you can probably guess, was not going to cut it in the long run. That wouldn't cover all of my bills. So another few months went by of me really pushing this as hard as I could, and I got up to about $1,000 per month in profit, and this was getting me closer to it. But this is when I learned of that one thing that kind of changed everything. I had been working at least eight hours a day, every single day just trying to make this happen, and my income only slowly got up to about $1,000 per month. This was super frustrating for me, and I was about to be at the point of quitting here just because it was so much work for so little return. I could literally make more money at my part-time job for how many hours I was spending on this. But this is where everything changed. I learned of one thing that took my income wildly off the charts. Now, I wanna share that with you. This one thing that I learned is so simple, but makes such a difference, this is the concept of ranking. What I learned was for both print-on-demand t-shirts, and writing blog articles on your website it takes time for those to show up in the search results. Specifically, it can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months until they are in their ultimate position in the search results. In most cases, they start a couple pages back, and they slowly work their way up to the first page where they're ultimately going to live. So, essentially, what happened here was I had been pumping out as many t-shirts as possible, and as many blog articles as possible for a solid year. And then, all of a sudden, they all started to rank, and take off organically almost all at once. I literally hadn't done anything differently, but my sales and income started to skyrocket just on their own. Once I had put two and two together that this long of a waiting period, and then all of it starts to take off organically, it became clear to me that I needed to keep doing this, and then wait another year and see where the business was at that point. Well, that's exactly what I did. And, as it turns out, that's exactly what happened. Flash forward a couple years of keeping my head down, staying focused, and continuing to work as hard as I possibly could. All of these side hustles started to make almost a million dollars per year in profit. So, with all of that being said, I literally have so much content out there that I feel like I can share these things freely. It's not going to hurt my business. So let me share my strategy of what I did, and a couple really helpful tips that'll help you so you can have this same growth curve. Now, there's one main strategy that worked for both of these side hustles, and it's the same strategy that I currently use to date. Now, keep in mind with this strategy, there's that saying of K-I-S-S, which is Keep It Simple Stupid. You don't have to go crazy, and make things complex for it to work. So the strategy is very simple. For both print-on-demand and affiliate marketing, use an accurate research tool to find low competition niches and then create as much good content as you possibly can in those niches. Once you've done this once and you've gone through a niche, simply rinse and repeat into as many low competition niches as you can. And then give it that 6 to 12 month waiting period. Trust me when I say it does not have to be complicated to work, I think it's more of just getting your mindset right on what to expect and managing your expectations. Unfortunately, most people nowadays are looking for a secret or a shortcut to make money right now. But the reason that this strategy actually works is because it focuses on those niches that nobody else is competing in. If you're the one creating all the good content in there, you're simply going to win. All right so, hopefully, that in itself is helpful. But now, I'll give you some valuable bits of advice that I wish someone told me when I was just starting out. The first piece of advice is be prepared for the hard work. Growing a side hustle takes time, dedication, and persistence. You have to mentally be ready to put in this effort, and keep your head down until it starts to work. It's not always going to work right away. The second piece of advice is don't doubt yourself. You're probably going to start doubting yourself within the first month, or within the first couple months. But remember, even the most successful people in these businesses probably had those same doubts. I had 'em myself, and I'm so glad that I pushed through them because that's when it started working. The third piece of advice is to build a support network. If you can connect with other entrepreneurs, or people who are doing side hustles you can talk to them along the way. This is going to give you that constant dose of motivation to keep you going. Without this, it can get pretty lonely, and discouraging because not many people really understand what you're going through. And lastly, the fourth piece of advice that is just so important is to stay focused. As you get going, you're likely going to get distracted by new ideas, and opportunities that start to trend on social media. This is commonly known as shiny object syndrome. You see the shiny objects and you wanna just go chase them instead. What happens to so many people and, ultimately, is the reason that they don't succeed is they start something that they're doing really good on and it hasn't started working yet. They find something shiny, and they switch to that other thing too soon before that first thing had a chance to take off. Looking back on it, one of the best decisions in my life was going full-time on my side hustles. If I hadn't done that, I don't know where I would be today. And looking back on my life, I can't even imagine working a 9 to 5 for how much you have to sacrifice for that when you can be fired at any moment. So for those of you who are considering taking this leap of faith, I hope my story has inspired you, and you actually give it a go. I'm gonna go ahead and put video links down in the description below to step-by-step tutorials on how to do these side hustles. So if you wanna start them, and follow the same path, you absolutely can do it, and you can do it the way that I've done it myself. (upbeat music)
Channel: Greg Gottfried
Views: 25,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How I Became A Millionaire At Age 25 (Revealing My Secrets), Make Money Online, Greg Gottfried, print on demand, greg gottfried story, greg gottfried net worth, greg gottfried print on demand, how to make money online, print on demand 2023, make money online 2023, work from home jobs 2023, affiliate marketing, how to make money online 2023, how to start print on demand, how i built 7 streams of income by age 24, side hustle 2023, millionaire, millionaire how to
Id: byh_Sm4g6yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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