VLOG Thursday 250:Xen Orchestra Updates, Synology Updates, and Q&A

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go live i think that's instant when i do that it is it worked first click i was using stream yard for a little while which i like but stream art is uh not as easy as this is to switch and i like this switching better it just feels easier to go between different screens on things and jump back and forth so uh yeah i'm back to using this but i'm gonna go back to using streamyard sometimes too matter of fact i should use stream yard combined with this and then i can actually do both at the same time more setup work but more things i can do so welcome to vlog thursday number 250 we're going to talk today about some zen orchestra updates and i realized i really uh i'm catching up and saying no to some of the hardware reviews i've been asked to do uh matter of fact i just got an email from supermicro they really liked my last review and it's fun but hardware takes a lot lot longer to review than some of my tutorials so before i say yes to any more hardware reviews i'm definitely saying yes to more tutorials which everyone's like tom when are you going to get to those tutorials about pf sense and wireguard and i'm like yes i will be getting to those um i'm starting that project i also am delivering some projects for clients other projects i'm working on so i had to get all those out of the way get that delivered that gets delivered um tuesday so hey if you're watching client we'll see you tuesday uh we'll be out there doing a delivery and setting up all the racks and the servers and things like that i also recorded several videos on some new you know how to build a rack how to do some networking i did those on-site and i really want to take the time to edit them to make them very concise so the filming was already two weeks ago and i'm catching up with the editing side of that and kind of related is i'm also going to be building a new studio soon we decided that it is time that i build a new dedicated studio and we're building it at my house because i have so much extra space i'm not using at my house i have a 2 000 square foot basement well like 20 000 or 2200 square foot basement that has uh nine foot ceilings and so we're dedicating a section that to be my studio so i can just do live streams whenever and i want to be able to do live streams um so i i don't have to like go home at the end of the day type thing i'll be home so i can do late night live streams and maybe a few other extra things i want to be able to do uh because it's kind of a hobby for me jumping on and doing podcasts and everything else but also it'll free up my editing time so i'll have a dedicated area where i just spend that time uh creating those longer form narratives and tutorials that are so much harder to do um everything else i do is so much like broken up in between to really get it right i need to kind of focus and that's kind of where i'm going with all that but yeah definitely going to be fun i'm watching the people ramp up here i always like to talk through a few things that are going on before the numbers ramp up for all the people on here because everyone says what i miss because youtube's notification system is less than wonderful about telling people even though i tweet it even though i've it's posted in my forums i've done everything i can to notify people but it always takes like 10 minutes in before i see all the numbers go hey look there's tom and he's live but nonetheless lots of fun i see all the people in there so we got cody from mac telecom networks in here i got lots of other people so let's see good afternoon we got jake we got will we have all kinds of names i can pronounce stinkel bulenov i think i'm saying that right uh we got a mike jake billy oliver lambert there's a guy i like to see we got to do me and oliver if you don't know oliver is the head of the xcpng project um over there at vapes they are awesome they're the ones who bring us the xcpng project so i'm excited to see um oliver in here because that is awesome and i think oliver's seeing because me and me and uh wendell from level one tech's been conversing a little bit back and forth about xcpng and he is uh he's like me he he started with it and he goes this has a lot of features boy this has a lot of this thing this does a lot and so we've been kind of excited uh about it i want to do now that we're all the way into eight i realized my last getting started tutorial was in orchestra was all the way back in version uh it would have been in version 7. so i need to do an entire version 8 tutorial they've added some really awesome stuff in here the small quality of life improvements when i look back on an old video going wow there's a lot of little things in here that's been updated and improved and yeah i just really like all these features it's just pretty cool so really excited to really jump into uh getting into all those different things and how all of that works a matter of fact i'm curious now so i have a couple of them here we got this uh dell lab looking at the network settings on it yeah all right that's eth1 the one and i haven't tried this in version eight is uh some of the matching when you join pools but they've just done so much in here but i guess where should we start with this the new backup system the backups are much much improved from where they used to be there was a lot of performance issues people would kind of bring up about some of the um as an oliver can't let's miss a vlog with xcp and g in the title actually i should move myself somewhere else let me get that uh so i'm not covering up the chat there we go put myself down here but uh yeah no the um the xcpg stuff man i'm excited to dive back in and really make some tutorials so that's that's where that's why i'm not talking about it so hey tom and chap from rainey switzerland switzerland's awesome [Music] cool oh yes you'll see all kinds of videos on this new studio build you know i'll share a picture of the space i have i don't even know if i don't have a recent one or not it looks different now it's just more empty i have a picture when we first moved in the house uh where'd that picture go so this i here's the space where the studio is going this is this is when we first moved in so this picture is an idea of what my basement looks like right now but there's less stuff in it this was uh some of the construction stuff from is still being finished you can see there's ladders and a power washer that's all been cleared out so uh but yeah that's where the studio space is getting up so it's a pretty big basement as you can tell my wife's standing over there in the background um so yes definitely be talking about that exciting stuff for sure so that's yeah once i do the whole new studio ah let's see yeah once we get that whole new studio down it's pretty exciting it's just i i've you know like i said i'm excited to build it all and start doing all that fun stuff back over to xcpng the a lot of little changes actually i started dragging over all the zen blog stuff we'll drag that over here too we'll talk about the changes and actually show some of them but uh in some of the latest ones here and just for halloween thank you oliver lambert and team over at bates for uh giving us a fun update just in time for halloween and a few of you and i have not done a video on netbox but they have netbox compatibility i've actually talked to we helped someone with a storage solution but they love the netbox integration with their xcpng uh if you're not here with netbox it's a way to manage all your ips and everything else and they've taken the time to do that level of integration on here which is just really slick that you can do that um this is something that's up and coming uh this is the exo light we're still making some progress on exo light this is kind of interesting uh i i really like the approach you're taking to us it's very early stages here so this is like i guess you might want to call it someone alpha but a lot of people said well tom i the thing i don't like about xcpng is that you have to load zen orchestra on a vm into itself of course that does take up some memory there's some advantages to doing it that way i'll cover momentarily but exo light is going to be a way you can uh actually connect to the system and uh whoops is there a way i can do it here which system has i think the dell might have it in there let me see so 192. [Music] it's not on this server let me figure out which server it's on real quick i actually have a demo of this this is really a cool thing that they're working on it's on this server 2.10 i think oops only i could type today there we go there we go they're working on the ability to have some functionality with exo light so it's going to be able to be a lightweight version so you can connect it to your zen servers without having to load zen orchestra so it's kind of like zen orchestra light exo light and this is going to be for some basic administration the reason you have like with zen orchestra all the other features and everything else is especially like the backup which i'm going to talk about is was that orchestra you get so many features it kind of has to be a separate standalone product for it to orchestrate all the different things that it can do but the exo lights going to be for people that want to get started and just have some control over vms and not have to worry about any of the other things in between and uh it's pretty cool it's coming along it's it's going to take a little bit before they get there but i like the i like the direction you're going with it see uh i love xo experiment sc targets and yeah one thing i'm asking and maybe oliver so listen on this one here i i'm excited about the s3 targets and let me show you what those are when you go over here to settings you go to remotes and remotes are what they refer to as the backup targets so currently this is a backup target but one of the other options is an amazon s3 target in here the challenge is and i don't think there's i think one of the problems i ran into when i was setting up an s3 target is it does check for a valid certificate um i think that's one problem right now but eventually that would be a handy feature now if you're just backing up to s3 you're going to have available cert and that's irrelevant but for demo stuff i actually like there's a tool you can use called min io that emulates an s3 pocket and matter of fact this is a feature if you want to pull up my um two one three in my true nas system this is a feature that you have within true nas so we'll go here here here and we're going to go over to services and right there's s3 so you can actually create your s3 targets in here and when i was trying it before this was one of the problems i ran into was uh the it kept giving me a certificate error so i couldn't get it to use this as a storage target like i said it's not necessarily um something that's as big a deal in production but then again some people may run they because they have something that's s3 compatible but they don't want to take the time to put the certificates on there so you know eventually hoping they they add the feature to be able to use a self-signed certificate on there uh oh okay right here ultra fast will be available in november release and working on self signed that is awesome so thank you this is this is what's awesome when you get the developers uh joined in here so it's gonna be very cool uh you know this is a fair point too you don't have to install uh xoxdpng if you don't want to it does work on virtualbox this is one of the things about the way xcpng works and let's see let's pull up some let's do a drawing real quick here so the way xcpng works and let's pull up a server well let's do a that's that's ugly that's empty rack there we go server tower well uh drag these around a little bit actually let's do this draw.io for those of you wondering how i'm drawing things so fast orchestra so these are two hosts or three hosts or maybe this is a pool of them over here and if we do a pool then we can always draw this around right here and i'm gonna i'm gonna do some more graphics like this to do a kind of a demo for how the system itself works uh there you go it will put a rectangle around it two back so this would be a pool of multiple servers these are some stand-alone ones and zen orchestra and let's set let's like this cool rounded green uh make these a little fatter i don't really want arrows on the end of it there we go we draw fast there we go and then we set set as default style there we go there that looks prettier so zen orchestra is a one-to-many relationship you can have a zen orchestra server talking to each one of these different xe png hosts or a pool of them where you take all the resources together now when you're doing like h a let's say you have an h a pool or some high availability cluster you built right here said north shore orchestra can talk to all of these by the way these don't have to be local either so these can be remote and we've have clients like this where they're managing a zen orchestra instance that manages all the different instances now here's one challenge and this is how they solved it let's say and we'll duplicate this one here and we'll just call this guy remote so if we have one of these come on oops i'm dragging them wrong this goes over here two back actually let me do this too so i can pop the chat out over here so i can still read the chat there catch up with all the stuff here uh what was the other thing we missed here we are doing progress and i see targets i like to keep up with all this stuff here uh let's see xos works with raspberry pi yes that's actually a fun fact too for those you didn't know you can load this on a raspberry pi uh if you want to manage it that way so there's kind of a neat neat feature there oh what else you have oh that's exciting if sources will be under 15 days that's really cool all right so zen show let's say all of these ones over here are local systems but this one over here is remote this is where they have kind of a neat feature for being able to handle this and so zen orchestra handles not just the management of multiple servers at once it can also handle the backups of them but in the case of remote backups this is where they have the ability to have we'll duplicate this but make it mini oops delete delete it's fun drawing all this stuff in real time right um you can actually talk to remote servers but then to handle the backups they can actually have proxy backups that handle locally different backup functionality and everything else that's in there so it's kind of a neat way that this is why it's in orchestra from a scalability standpoint because i've talked to some people that have like hundreds of hosts hundreds of hosts xcp machines scattered around in different places maybe even in their own data center you only need ones and orchestra instance so from a home user standpoint they're saying well i don't want to have the loads of orchestra on my xc png host directly i get it but then when you talk about scalability of product and larger enterprise usage this is an interesting aspect of it the other thing that's really novel about zen orchestra is without any interference you can do this you can actually have servers talking to another instance of zen orchestra this works perfectly fine without conflict zen orchestra is reading the configuration and writing the configuration to each host and not storing it on its own therefore whenever you're making these changes the other instances of zen orchestra are connected simultaneously to it all get to see the changes at the same time so you can actually have some local administrators or maybe you're a remote administrator and be able to handle all of these things uh like this it's a really slick system once you kind of wrap your head around the fact that it's a one-to-many uh relationship in both ways from host to zen orchestra or an across the host and like oliver said if you want to do something like running on a raspberry pi you could have a raspberry pi that then controls as many different xcp and g hosts as you spin up and then as you start pooling and managing those resources together it can handle it downside of a raspberry pi will immediately be felt when you try to do some of the backup stuff uh because the backups yeah that's going to be that's going to slow you down a little bit if you got to do the backups on there because they do pass through here because when we set the backups up and we'll put another server in here real quick we have a picture of a storage server uh sql these look like storage s-t-o-r-a-g-e we'll put a tape storage don't don't use tape by the way um they're not really designed for tape but when you set up the backups the remote says they're referred to and this can be s3 so matter of fact s3 i'm pretty sure there's probably something s3 in my shapes hey look at that there's an s3 shape then orchestra can handle all of your um why didn't that connect there we go whatever just trying to make it look prettier let's move that one up bothered me that they weren't separated right zen orchestra is better than vcenter so oh here's a good point too on the topic of people with a lot of remote sites dc's we also provide a kind of reverse proxy for only open entry point to an external xo definitely just a lot oh reverse proxies based on the backup proxies that's actually really cool i didn't know you did that that's something else i'll dive into uh zen orchestra seems better than vcenter this is something me and wendell i want to maybe mean if i can talk about doing a video with it because wendell's way more versed in vcenter than me which that's what's got me excited that wendell from level one text likes the zen orchestra so much because he's like this is really impressive and he's a guy who's done some very large scale v center stuff so um it's you know one of those things like the the big changes from there but whatever your backup targets are the only other things i like about the ways that orchestra works is even though these hosts may not know each other one of the things that our orchestra can do so they're not pulled together they're individual hosts matter of fact that's exactly how we have this set up here um actually let me switch something i got too many things sorry oh yeah i don't need this anymore don't save all right crap everywhere on there nothing's anyways um go back over to here here in our settings you go to settings servers i've got three they're on the same network so they can talk to each other but having these three servers here means i can actually take the vms that are within here matter of fact let's change this to so you can see the vms uh this one what's this one at this one's living on the chun ass mini right now if i wanted to migrate this i can actually migrate this easily copy it fast clone if i just want to make a quick duplicate um so we go back there here's a clone of it or i can take and say migrate this and i can move it to the other hosts that are in the list so each one of these is a completely different host they're all independent of each other but because then orcas you can talk to them i can shuffle things around between all the difference in orchestra uh all the xcp and g host through one instance of zen orchestra this like i said just makes it really really handy for doing this type of things now let's talk a little bit about the backup stuff um what else do we have uh let's do is there automated backup verification so you can restore backup and make sure it sort of responds to a ping um this would be a whole different issue because this is a completely different function um you can do that with a few different veeam i has it uh the enable software has it it's a little bit different though spinning something up again somewhere to verify it making sure it can do something without interfering with the existing vm i mean it's it's not something i don't think that really becomes a part of zen orchestra it's cool but i don't know if that's something they would actually do is do the entire uh spin up a vm to verify the backup is good it's it's neat but i i don't i don't really foresee that in the short term being in any i should see in the near future i mean it's a cool feature i know oliver's listening on this but i it's not something i would actually say on there so it's um definitely a uh pretty cool thing um is xcpng and xoa recommended for a home lab absolutely i say yes i definitely would use xcpng i use it for my lab i've used i know a lot of people that use it for home lab it's actually really slick for all of that matter of fact one things we can talk about for doing like a home lab on here so let's look at this particular server is this one on let's migrate this to another server so let's migrate we'll put this on my dell lab or this lab let me see what networks are available on this lab so see i want to match the networks so they were talking about this and this is where you talk about the network pull downs i keep mine shorter right here that's something i someone mentioned this right here and one of the things i do let me show you what we go to like one of the pools and we set up the networking on here i change all of them because the default is kind of a longer name so any of the systems i have like the right here what's the network names on this one yeah i changed the word i put the words not in use not in use on all of them that's uh i keep everything really short when i do it so right here's the management network studio this has a something called pwnage on it which is this vlan 1337 so that's definitely the one i want that network on and go here we'll just migrate it back over here select migration network perfect local storage that works hit okay it's going to migrate that right on over there to the other system yeah the yeah i mean esxi is obviously the really uh it's oh i like this so my dev answer is in fact he's in fact building the s3 backup with min io that's actually cool they're actually using it which is perfect because i know if it's um the thing and if you just want to keep repeating you're certain of business i'll just put you i'll re move you so i yeah this is not the place to advertise your business [Music] remove message so anyways but yeah that you're building it with uh min io that's definitely pretty cool because that's what i'll be doing my testing and my lab stuff with because well i like true nas and true and asphalt matter of fact i've done a video itself just on mineio because it's a really cool uh s3 type of um emulator for it's got some more than just us three millers it's got some ways it can build storage redundancy uh it's it's just a cool service altogether binio is actually that really neat service more on zen orchestra all right we're doing a migration says it's gonna take seven minutes unfortunately the storage is slower than i thought so we'll have to wait on that one to get finished my well we can do other things while it migrates but let's talk about something fun like this right here so let me unlock this system matter of fact let's do this i got to take over this system and log into it takes a second for this to get going and we'll i'll drag it over there i'm using my remote control app for this i'm gonna put the password in i don't feel like typing a password it's too long but you can see what i'm this is just a way to remotely control the system and i did shut it down improperly because i was goofing off that happens sometimes all right let's pull up our task manager and uh actually this this one might be kind of big to back up we'll back up another one when it's done copying or we'll just fire this one up what is this one running on oh no hosts available um what is this on ray oh there's not enough room available so you should probably shut down the windows one all right so that won't start on here uh any oh this is a pretty good question here any problems running xcpag on that matter of fact let's go over here to hosts this is running on horizon uh specifically this is it's a processor in this one amd ryzen 5600g radon graphics so yes this is a uh the you can run it on ryzen that it it absolutely does work this is almost done copying these files so we can fire up something else we're going to shut down this lab servers it's taking up too much memory so we'll go ahead and stop that one so that's why i wouldn't start the other service because well there's not enough memory to start this one at the same time i don't have a lot of ram in my uh ryzen server let's put this on i'll leave it on this network now it should start there we go what disk is this on oh it's on the tunas mini right now you can get an ipmi interface with a uh with systems yeah oh this is true too i would go epic if you're gonna go for a full one but yeah ryzen like for the lab we this is part of the demo i'm going to do because i know i want to target it so people can use it on hardware that's more accessible don't get me wrong the epic is awesome but the epic system is going to be a little bit more expensive great for production and i matter of fact the demo i did it will go over here and if you look up the super micro server i did grant i know it's an intel one but i did this video with xcpng and here's you know using local nvme zfs this whole video i break this down running xc png all the performance you can get under yes i know it's an intel one but yeah when you load this up on some enterprise hardware you can get some really crazy performance out of xcpng uh in a matter of fact i have the somewhere in here and that's the server oh i get the benchmarks are somewhere they're in the video that's for sure we talk about just how many iops you can get out of this system so this is easy to find it's a super micro ultra server with xcpng give you an idea some of the performance you can do on there threadripper is good too i will admit don't use zen server that uh or zen center i'm not a i don't know where they stand on it um i haven't used it in a long time you can do pretty much there's not much i think i don't think there's anything in zen center that you can't do in zen orchestra um but zen center i don't like it because you have to run it there's a way to get it to work in linux but it's pretty much designed to run in windows to manage it it's the old software pretty much everything to me zen orchestra is the better way to manage the system um so a lot of people ask me the yeah you don't because you don't need zen center to even loads in orchestra matter of fact one of the things they have like here's the exo light but if you go over here here is the um quick deploy where you can actually deploy as soon as you set up and i've covered this in one of my lab videos you can do a quick deploy and get the basics loaded right away and then i have another video for running this your home lab if you want to build it from source but it's pretty easy to get this deployed and you don't really need any uh you don't need much to get that going back over to here back over to playing with zen orchestra this is up and running oops i think i got the wrong username actually it's lts now since i it's been a while i think i have a demo when they added this feature here um because now you can do snapshots with memory and do backups with memory and what within memory means is let's play with this real quick snapshot with memory so it's gonna grab a snapshot of this it takes a second to grab because it's grabbing the memory status and everything so if we go over here to console i'm still thinking that finishing a snapshot does it faster on faster servers all right so now i've done this and we can even do things like reboot the server so we'll reboot it which is this is on a reasonably fast system so it should be relatively fast actually how's our task to it two minutes left and we'll have this one done that's the other one we're migrating to another server so we go here we'll log back in and now let's do something fun uh sudo spell it right rm yeah why not oh we we can't remove some of the proc i'm sure something's going to break by doing this well some things won't remove i guess but some things will remove so we're going all out we'll just let this run for a second because we'll kind of do this demo here oops put that in the background put this in the foreground yeah i know i i really should just do this uh yeah so this all right we probably removed enough so how much is left to this oh let's reboot oh i can't even reboot all right we've we've now eliminated most of the file we can't even ls now if you're doing catastrophic this is one of the cool things about the new snapshot with memory so if we try to actually i don't even think it's accepting yeah it's not accepting command so now we're going to go let's go ahead and force a reboot grub rescue that's not where you want to be so let's go ahead back over to snapshots and uh let's just restore this revert your vm it's gonna think for a second uh it wouldn't finish even reboot but here we are right back to our snapshot with h-top running that fast look file system intact everything's up and running i've reverted it the rmrf didn't uh where we can't even look at directories it's that fast to bring it back this is really kind of the cool features and then if we wanted to go fork this vm let's make another vm from the snapshot so we can actually create a vm from the snapshot listen maybe whoops i am have i'm typing at an angle and looking at the screen so it's be it's uh oh i didn't hit the storage target yes the snapshot in femory is very huge on it matter of fact though one of the things um one of one of the things about it that worries me with snapshot memory and where i'm getting at next is where we can actually back this up actually let's uh go ahead and back over to the console run h top again we're going to build a backup job that does the same thing so we're going to kill this i don't need the snapshot anymore revert it back to it and we're going to build a new backup job and we want to do a backup select vm what was that one called it's our demo ryzen one here select the target turn ask back up advanced with memory so now we're actually going to be able to take this server and grab a snapshot of it in its running snake state as a backup job so go back over to our backup jobs there's our blog thursday backup job matter of fact how many copies do we want to keep i didn't say that you set that here uh we'll see i'm just naming it keep two keep two copies for retention keep it simple so i have two copies of it go back over here to the backups actually did i choose the remote yes do you have the remote on here let's go ahead and run that backup job now we know right now the system is actually this one here and it's running h top so it's when we backed it up it's actually doing something on there oh this is actually really cool customers giving those vms with memory to cyber authorities to find proof of attacks that's actually really neat or even ransomware still in memory yeah that's actually really cool yeah these are really very cool imagine the possibilities ids ips yes for sure happy you solved your hacking problems with untangle snapshot and then reboot yeah there's we know part of our procedure because we run all of our our infrastructure here at the office in xcpng one of the things we're really big on is before we update anything we just grab a snapshot of it real quick um we you know we'll even just run a backup of it real quick just grab it snapshot it stick it in there have it you know in the state we want it that way i can quickly get back to where i need to be if something goes completely wrong uh it's really handy to be able to do this so the backup task is running right now it's going to be done in about five minutes and we'll be able to play with restore that these servers are not the absolute fastest servers so that's why they're taking like five and six minutes this would happen even faster um on faster servers just a heads up on that for those of you wondering one of the other when we're playing with this something else i want to show you that's really clever on the backups speaking of you know so let's deal specifically with restoring things what if i needed a file but i don't feel like running backwards all the way so right here's my debian 11 system and i can restore this vm maybe i needed this older copy from october 31st but it isn't what we want we we just want one file i don't want to have to restore an entire vm to get a file that doesn't that isn't what you want to do so what if you could go back here and restore maybe from october 26 on this one here and go here and go here oh why didn't work on this one am i missing something in that one it's making a fool out of me that's not i bet this server doesn't the other server i have hold on let me pull up another one i'm missing a library to make that work it works in my production server me make sure i got the right log into it first here's one of my production servers it should work fine in here um so if we go to restore there we go so here's my october 15th backup and what if i wanted to get a specific file that i needed on this particular system this is where i think is really cool if they've got this in here so if i needed one uh where i'm sure where unifi installs things home let me i'll look i'll answer that question but in a more concise way bar lib unified backup all right so we actually need to go let me go here to [Music] bar lib where's my unify unify backup let's say i needed that file right there now i'm able to get and select a single file and pull it out of a backup without having to show the entire vm it can look inside of there this is like to me really handy because if i needed this older unf file but i don't want to restore the whole vm but i wanted my one unified backup that was from my october 15th instance so i could do a comparison things like that this to me is just really such a cool feature and it's all built in this is one of the things that zen orchestra is a lot different compared to like here's your hypervisor from vmware and things like that and then oh yeah by the way like someone mentioned veeam earlier use a separate backup server all of this functionality building built right in at the same time is just oh it makes your life so much better to be able to just go in and grab any one of those particular files that you need out of something in order to get that working all right cool we have our backup still running each top here so now we're going to go ahead and just stop it now we can go back over to backup restore this the ones in november yeah let's write one right here now we can restore this one here where do i want to save it to ah the local nvme so here's our backup we just did we should be able to restore it exactly as it was in the state when it was uh when the snapshot was grabbed so let that run in the background here smash the like button for sure make sure you test in production yes of course uh you can't fully so it's um you have essentially the level of permission you have the profiles is going to be god level permission because you're not using the internal uh permissions built into the system you're using um you know raw file access essentially to the to the uh you know the compressed the hard drive image so you're basically like grabbing a piece of the hard drive image mounting it as a linux hard drive image and then pulling files out of it can you do the backup says read only um well here's the thing in the case of ransomware you just got to make sure your backup targets are not somewhere that the ransomware threat actors would have access to so obviously if they have access to your xcpng system then well you kind of got a problem but technically when you set the target there's a worm option um i don't know how well that would work though is i never tried it generally i don't think of creating like a one-way write but can't delete that would be very problematic on there so i don't yeah the best way to do is is you create silos essentially so you take and take your backups and like our backups go to for this system here so if your backups are going here to the pool and you have your uh you know zen lab vm backups and then these are then these are other ones or production backups and then they're replicated to other servers here that are replicated again off-site uh they're replicated in different places so someone would have to be able to get into all the different replicated servers which each one has its own password if you didn't notice if you reboot this system these have this icon on them because their password unlocked to even get to see any of the data in them not that they can't just purge and delete your trunas server but they'd have to delete each truenas server this is replicated to and then the off-site backups that it's replicated to so it's not really something as easy as saying read only for the backups [Music] actually push backups and then those get pulled from the replicate server they're pushed it's kind of a cascade the zen orchestra pushes them to a server i have a whole video i've done on like disaster recovery planning on there then they go to um once they're on the trunas server then they're replicated to another truenas server then i have a script i run every week that copies them to an encrypted physical drive that's locked in a safe that i do a rotation with so i have physical drives locked in safes that are unplugged is where their final extra resting place is so it just makes it easier this should yeah i don't think i don't think worm would work well in that case uh you know there's there's a way and i haven't really tested it one of the features in here if we go over here to sharing i haven't tested this but there are smb worm option uh becomes read only after five minutes the problem is how do you ever get rid of your backups so it would make sense like i send the back up there five minutes later it's static and can't be deleted okay but you probably want to run the backup again do you want to keep do you have infinite storage to keep an infinite number of backups or did you want to write your own process that has to purge those out so read only doesn't really it becomes very problematic because i mean if you have several petabytes of storage even that will eventually run out if you keep every single backup for all time so that's why it's kind of doing it read only is not going to be something that makes the most sense yeah worm works well once tape library um offset you can actually take and just create something offline you can create something that you only put online once a week that's another option generally speaking once you have it off site the the way the ransomware operators act uh operate is gaining access to the infrastructure and then frequently for convenience and especially when you're doing with larger enterprises everyone just uses the same federated log on so they'll they'll tie it to their um an oauth login to their you know microsoft or google login and then they'll have everything log in the same as opposed to using separate passwords for everything this just becomes very problematic and if you do that that's what allows them to jump through all the access you know i can't remember it was one of the um one of the it firms that got that got popped one of the ways they were able to get into everything is they found their spreadsheet that had all they had different passwords but they put them all in one spreadsheet that was easy to find with all the passwords to all the different things they had so they were able to go through and log into all the different things and uh do that so what you do is as this replicates the different things you also have each system have its own siloed credentials for each place it lands so they'd have to find the different credentials to each one of the machines that's kind of how you layer things better and of course doing something that you put online for backups and take offline that makes a lot more sense yeah i want to do a video soon on some 2fa for some of the um ssh systems oh yes spreadsheets are still more secure than a pinned comment in slack isn't that the truth twitter that's that's the twitter case in a nutshell there all right where are restore where did i put that storage uh success that's the backup did the restore success something did in success oh i restored it as a template oops my bad that's not good all right different different problem today [Laughter] why is it showing as a template that's just weird i screwed something up nothing like doing it live and somehow accidentally checking a box to turn something into a template well i guess we can probably destroy that template storage hold on let's narrow this down to singular server here just because it makes it easier to look i could filter for but i'm not filtering oh crap go mouse go so here's this how did i end up with all right we'll destroy it i don't understand what this template's for so that definitely now you get to watch things go wrong in real time right yeah uh ub key yes uh we actually have and i'll show you here we've been doing a lot of testing with the new yubikeys and uh we like them i just been slow to um uh i was oh there's this is true i think oliver's probably right here maybe your excel from source is outdated i remember a bug that slipped by master restoring template instead of a vm good possibility and uh i won't argue with that i definitely have uh maybe goof things up a bit like what version am i on let's look here and it says 583 i think that's the latest but back to the yubikey these are definitely um i i plan to do some updated videos me and jay both bought a handful of these we just haven't gotten around because i've been so busy with other projects to do some videos on these at a lot of places we can use this we got these configured for using with bit warden uh we got these configured for using with some of the online tools we have sorry i got the hiccups a little bit um some of the online tools we have we have these configured so yeah these are definitely the yubi keys are great excuse me i don't give me the hiccups i plan to do some videos and some explainers on these uh i just been kind of busy with other projects especially this is one reason to build my own studio so i can just kind of continuously work and record as needed so i actually probably put more content out once the new studio is built so looks like them on the right version of zen orchestra um you uh yeah i mean you could set up however you want i'm using like i said true nas and with trueness you have so you can use uh snapshots and that's what in fact one of the things we do here if you look at we snapshot lots and lots of things so we've got auto snapshotting going back for weeks on all this and when you if you're not familiar with the way zfs replication works it doesn't just replicate the now data it replicates all the snapshot data as well um so all these snapshots are completely replicated along with uh all the real data so this is just the way we do all the replication on here so yeah definitely and of course you set all the retention policies on this as well so let's try and restore that again because i'm curious what happened so let's restore it put in local nvme so kick off the restore process again see where it goes this time let's actually let's do this too let's log in here [Music] this is the actual server running it the zen orchestra server so you can see it's chugging away doing its thing restoring that back up three minutes remaining i want to see where it goes this time i don't know if i screwed up or i just have a bad copy of something here i should rename this to when you start having a bunch of servers to say local storage but make sure you go that way when you're in here servers and reconnect these other ones local storage but i know you can see what it's on this one's on my dell lab so we'll actually put that on there this is on uh there we go by the way if you didn't know this about the way it works in xcpng i really like the fact that you can just rename things because everything's assigned by uuid you can use plain text normal naming schemes that are easy for humans to read and name them and it doesn't affect anything so by renaming anything on here it does not directly affect the other uh functions of it so it doesn't like if i read like right now this is on a network that says storage and this is one eth110 gig so that's eth1 110 gig alright cool if i want to go into the um pool look at the dell lab network and i wanted to rename this no problem it's not going to break anything if i changed it to eth1 10 gig all right we changed it so it's got a capital e but naming is arbitrary hey look has a capital e here um this is a really you can build networks without shutting down the vms or anything like that swap the networks and hit the pull down and swap where they're at not a good idea while they're actually running a backup task because i guarantee that'll break my backup task and this is the zen architecture we're using but changing these on the fly not a big deal even like right now the vm is not running so we'll go ahead and fire it up let it boot up all the way oh you can also change a template in a vm in cli ah okay that's cool right there i did not i didn't know that [Laughter] get pulling in and do the master build that's always good advice but i like this advice here that's really cool i didn't know you could just flip a template back and forth like that that's actually really slick uh and to answer uh ernesto's question right here this is what i drew yes zen orchestra can manage simultaneously many hosts it's a one-to-many relationship so you can use one zen orchestra to manage individual hosts or clusters of them or pools depending pool is the proper term i say cluster because a lot of people may be coming from other hypervisors might call it that but when you group together a series of xcp and g host they become a pool and the resource pool that is managed you then just manage the pool and it manages all the ones in inside of there as well oh you know i didn't talk about this much but in case you didn't notice uh the facelift that was given to this the diagrams.net you can switch themes now between this look or you know a different more modern look it's kind of cool the way they've changed all of this they done it a little bit different and use these little floating menus and shapes and format but you can go back to the old one if you prefer in the preferences they've got a theming here right now it's on the minimal but i can actually switch to like the default theme or uh whichever they're doing some cool updates i need to do a new video on diagrams.net because i really like the way they've updated this it's really slick anyways back to something i was talking about switching a network so right now if we go here and we type in lts and you gotta type the password right which i did wrong all right so here's the ip address of 172 16 69 78 we're going to hear the network by the way you can see this and this was a a big quality of life improvement copy to clipboard oh man being able to put that in a clipboard is uh very handy anyways let's switch this to the pwnage network so this switch is here it switches opponents this takes not long this updates within about 30 seconds but immediately because it's on a different network here it's on the there's this new ip address if i were to create another vlan so i go over here to the pool and this was on the ryzen if i go into the network add network and i'm ready to create another vlan uh we'll just call this vlog 200 just because uh well actually it's vlog 250 250. so there that vlan 200 is actually a real vlan on my network well there's well there's nothing on it so it's going to give an error so we'll just type in 250 and we'll delete it afterwards so we just created another uh vlan if we go back over to that you can on the fly all right we created it and uh whoops there we go we can switch to it but there's nothing at 250 so it's not going to work you don't have to restart the vm you don't have to restart services you can do these on the fly so this is one of the reasons i would like it so if i'm when i'm building my lab stuff out i can very quickly and rapidly start building different network interfaces tying them all together and it's almost just an arbitrary thing to do uh to do it now you can't delete a network while it's attached to one you'll get an error message on there but then we're gonna go back over here to home pools then we go back over to here network and we'll just go ahead and uh delete the vlog 250 network and it's gone there's no vms attached where i would have got an error by the way if you didn't notice this this is not i've not dove a lot into this i know people have used it a lot and this is really cool um they have the ability now to create different rules from two range and you can start creating rules around the vms so you kind of lock them in to very specific uh firewall rules it's it's kind of slick that it's got this ability it's kind of an interesting way to assign that select ips you can create ip pools in here so they're only allowed to be this ip that way if you had someone else who remotes into the vm they can't log into the vm swap the ip address try to exactly assign something they weren't allowed to do um this is actually a really cool feature on there to be able to do that to allow that to have this more advanced like i need to lock this person down i want to be able to let people into this but they're going to have root access and they have the ability to possibly change it i don't want them to interfere with something else i have um that may be attached to the same land so that's where it gets in you know even if it's not security it's just if they set the ip to something else on a network they're going to cause conflicts and cause problems is that orchestra on the platform of genuine free for use or like vmware uh it's all open source yeah i've had no problems with 10 gig and some of the demos i did were on 25 gig so i would say zen orchestra has doesn't have a problem working with 25 gig there are some uh limitations because of the processors in there so if you're doing like a z standard compression it does seem um well that's cool i'll get to this a second if you have a processor fast enough it'll start saturating um the bandwidth but if you don't there's some processor threading limitations that you may have to overcome so just popping a 25 gig card or faster in a system doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the full speed out of something like zen orchestra doing a backup you also have to have enough processing power to handle the uh moving of all that data i think i'm saying that right and i think it's just a limitation i mean z standard is fast but it does seem to uh have some processor limitations when it's doing that all right did that install again as a template whoops let's go back over to storage yep still installed as a template so that's weird that it i'll look i'll just recompile it i won't do it during the live stream here but yes we'll just recompile this and uh sort that problem out because that's weird that it's restoring that way well here's something here let's do this and go back over to our backups we'll destroy the backup now so get rid of that backup overview let's go the only thing different we really did was um what we call that backup job blog then we go here let's just try this normal instead of a memory backup we'll just grab a normal backup of this matter of fact we'll make it a delta backup just for convenience save by the way something else i'm going to mention it's interesting so if you look here at the back up and we edit it this backup says it's backing up ubuntu server on ryzen all right no problem what if we want to rename this or we'll recall this blog thursday demo matter of fact we can even call it here so if we go back over to the backup and edit it hey look it knows it's different name that once again because everything's tied to uuid you can kind of flip around and change all the different things you want it doesn't really break anything we can just go ahead and do that and let's go ahead and run this back up now i didn't do the memory thing in this version of the backup this is just going to be a more normal backup so report on if you look at advanced settings just do things normally don't do that and we'll see how that backup runs and restore it and see i'm curious if the bug is only if i have it with memory turned on because i've been using this to back up and i thought back up and restore things a few times and i don't remember having any problems with it so weird but hey if not recompile it [Laughter] uh see exo backup it won't be fast enough yet to saturate 10g we're also working on improving this but for xmg vms you can easily saturate yeah for the vms no problems uh when you're connecting these and i demoed this with a couple different systems if you have these systems connected to each other at 25 gigs you can move the data use at 25 gigs you'll start running into limitations of the different raid arrays you may have but if you have something like an nvme array yeah you can start moving the data back and forth at that speed or i have a um i did a video with the synology and the synology connected to xcpng with a 25 gig connection so using the synology as a storage target crazy amount of speed i was getting out of that um that's in my recent videos as well s y and o l o g i am having a really hard time spelling things today i probably look at my youtube channel directly for this find it it's not remember the model number there we go so i did these benchmarks in this and they're all done with xcp and g connected to it so at 25 gig it gave some real impressive performance numbers so using xcpng and i have this i broke all this down in a video but you can get some really good performance out of here really good iops all over 25 gigs so from a not from an xo backup standpoint but from a performance standpoint yes you can use 25 gig cards yes you can saturate them provided you have a system fast enough to do so that's almost done there yeah oh this too yes the uh vm network speed that's true too all right so we'll go ahead and stop this one backup restore here's our vlog there's a demo we'll put it back over here let's see what it happens how fast will it restore will it cause that problem again will it turn it into a template or will it restore that's weird i haven't it's the first time i've ever seen this problem and i know i've played with restore on this a few times because this is our this is our usual lab server for playing with stuff all the time which is why it doesn't have like a full url at the top lots of good chat going on here one minute remaining all these connections here are only over um 10 gig so they're reasonably fast to backup and restore vms when i do my actual video tutorials i always speed all this up so you don't have to actually see how long each one of these took to back up and restore one minute 40 seconds remaining i'm still excited about the upcoming s3 uh storage targets actually let's go look over here yeah this is how this is a this is us doing those backups and restores uh seven seconds remaining then we get to figure out where it goes where is this gonna land there we go hey look it works so apparently if i do snapshot with memory um it goes not where i want it to go but if i do it this way it does so this one works so there we go i it seems to boot up fine so works there let's go ahead and try that let's go ahead and modify the backup to say with memory next time this booted right up no problem let's go ahead and remove destroy that one actually let's get rid of this one i don't need it anymore i do some housekeeping all right let's look at the backup let's edit the backup and uh let's just see if we can modify the backup to say with memory too many windows open only narrow these down a bit all right so it's modified with memory it's currently off so that's not much there so let's go ahead and turn it back on so and have it doing something and we'll have it do a snapshot with memory and see if i get that same result again is there a way to transfer from vmware esxi to docker vmware to esxi to docker is not a thing because that's you're talking about different technologies docker is a containerization system not a virtualization system if you want to convert from a vmware esxi and convert the format over to something else that's possible if you right here is too if you uh move your vms in ova format import to your favorite open source hypervisor so yes that's a way to do it and i've also uh done a video on how to this is a really fun clever way and this works we've done this with vmware to get things migrated over virtual machine to physical machine but really it can be i cover this in this video it's a really simple video um i mean it's 15 minutes long but i cover moving things from even virtual box or you can be insert hypervisor of choice uh where you want the source to be but the destination can be xcpng so using tools like clonezilla make it really easy really i mean there's more than just clonezilla whatever cloning software you want but this is the way when people go okay i i'm having trouble getting out some of these uh formats i just want to clone it and if you fire up clonezilla on one fire it up on the other and you can do it now if you're trying to reload the same server that becomes a slightly uh extra intermediary step in between but something completely that you can do because you could actually take clonezilla and tell it to export out to a file but you can actually do system to system transfers and clone it and we have done that if you're doing a windows server um there are tools in windows p2v how to convert physical servers using virtual disk to vhd this is for doing windows systems um this is a tool it's actually made to get you into hyper-v turns out you can get yourself into xcp and g as well so this will work as well i've got a video is how to convert physical service to virtual servers using just the vhd uh with z xcp ins and orca shows there's a couple different ways you can handle it depending on the types of servers you're trying to migrate but absolutely yes uh so all right we're doing a snapshot with memory i just want it running something so i can see and uh that was 10 minutes ago so we'll go ahead and just run this back up again it should run on a job with memory now no uh post post in xcp and g forums if you want to talk really specifically about xcpng forums um that's the place to go i'll drop a link do you recommend using the built-in backup system for i'm assuming you're talking about xcpng i always use the built-in backup system for xcpng i don't have a reason not to use it uh can you export from proxmox xd png there's ways to convert it because proxmox uses a different format there's some conversion methods you can google but the clonezilla method i mentioned works fine too so using clonezilla is a easy way to make that happen all right backup successful so we have the backup snapshot delta let's stop this actually make sure so it was running this we're going to stop it now we can run a restore we got two deltas we want the second delta that was run at 524 and uh start i guess let's see what happens see if see if we can repeat the bug can we make this happen again if if i can then offline i'm going to recompile this so it's pulling in the suspend image and now it's in pulling in this so let's watch the chat yeah nested is good for testing but don't don't use nested in production if you can avoid it that's the uh cue cow to ovf is very easy i've seen instructions how to do it i've not used proxmox i actually test it but it's it is something you can do to do the conversion on there all right we got two minutes remaining before this uh gets copied over i think this is a good question too that someone has here for oliver um is there just a donation option to donate to the project um i've seen people ask that before i don't think that i don't maybe i'm wrong and i don't see anything on there but yeah there if there was a um some way people could just donate to the project because there's a lot of people that just you know a lot of home users they maybe can't afford the full license but we still would like to help out and contribute so um that'd be kind of cool if there's an option for that jay just did a bunch of videos because jay is um jay does the proxmox stuff he just did a bunch of videos on it but jay really does like xcpng so he's a fan of both he's used xcpng in my office um he's played around with it some himself he definitely likes it but um he's got a lot of stuff in proxmox and he's like well he doesn't mind doing the proxmox because it's a good system too and a lot of people like it um what's his name he likes proxmox as well uh craft computing he's got a lot of proxmox servers as well nine seconds remaining does it build it into a template that's the big question we have here nope it didn't weird okay i got no reason i did that the first time i got nothing but oh it booted it though so that's interesting it booted it it didn't even though it had a memory version of it it didn't do it so let's stop it and advance remove go back over to restore again and maybe we don't i usually don't you i play with i've not really played much with the backups with memory i think it's cool it has it um i've mostly done snapshots of memory not backup so let's go to backups restore we're going to restore the memory snapshot one which is this one here i'm not going to tell it to start so i think because it has a memory snapshot it should already be in that position oh by the way the latest version has this hide short tasks yes that's a nice little feature for those you didn't know that's a some of the short tasks that may occur it'll do it so let's um five more minutes actually i'm gonna wind this down the next half hour by the way to give an idea the cost of running xcp and gxo is roughly two million dollars a year and growing so yes yeah that's one thing about it is um uh the as these companies grow it's it it's a bigger project and i think a lot of people realize i've seen some stuff man i we've talked and consulted with and obviously we you know we know people that buy a lot of the enterprise support and we've helped them with things they'll buy like a true nas set up from us um there's some big companies that run xcpng and that's we we actually um we're help we helped a bigger company convert um a lot of systems there they got off of hyper-v and they're not small uh they're building a pretty large their data center for their internal stuff it's a private data center private cloud if you want to call it that but it's a pretty big facility uh they're building out it's all like cp g now we've been doing a lot of consulting work for them to get them set up on new storage and things like that because they are not as familiar with the truenast world but they fell in love with the xcpng so um yeah i was excited to see that the project's gotten so much bigger me could be hot sauce yeah yeah chew charge is another awesome project when i get around to doing uh my next series on because it's going to be in it's in release candidate now for um the trueness scale so i'm going to be getting back to some trueness scale stuff as well there's so many things i want to play with and so little time to play with them all that's that's always where the big task is all right so now i'm actually missing something because it does do this but there's no resume so i did a snapshot with memory but it doesn't leave it in a running state so when i turn it on it just does a normal boot up but it doesn't make it as a template so that's interesting i'll recompile this and play with it some more i'll get it more concise when i do my video on it but if hopefully if this showed you anything it's really really easy to migrate vms back them up restore them destroy them do fun things with them migrate them to other servers and convert them to template clone them start on recovery start with this hey you know what since there's a way to undo this it's actually not definitive go ahead and just purge it or we can revert back to copy the template can we just so it does do this if i revert the snapshot let's go ahead and try that real quick see if it reverts it with the memory this is even better i don't even have to go file a bug report yeah i guess if you do a live stream you mention xcpng with a lot of people talking about it and you demo your thing and oliver lambert happens to be there they'll take a look at it yeah i can revert the snapshot back but when i'm restoring it um it doesn't start it in a running state so it seems it does the memory restore but i don't know where it's it's not restoring it to a running state or when it did choose running state for the restore it didn't uh do that so the final question might be and let's go ahead and purge the snapshot go back over to the backup let's do this let me get rid of these because i don't want any of the old vms you got to do this housekeeping because i'll have no i'll be doing this and i'll be like what are all these vms everywhere that i got backed up this is all our lab server but still there's sometimes a lot let's go back to a standard backup with memory so advanced proxy failure uh z standard i don't think there's anything special here i have to do so this is your normal backup with memory save execute the backup try it one more time after this backup by six o'clock i'm gonna wind this down cause i got my son messaged me he wants pizza so all right it's backing up everything right now um if you're wondering here yeah let's talk about this zen uh terraform you can work with someone said infrastructure is code there are terraform uh setups that you can use with zen orchestra so maybe that's what you're trying to get at with that question ooh an ansible coming soon one thing that's you can't be overlooked is the um api on x the api interface is really cool because uh you can do a lot with it the things you can do from the command line things you can write batch scripts for um or any type of control and the whole api interface they have really gives you a lot not to mention um inside of zen orchestra you can do all kinds of weird custom things i say weird because it's like you can just kind of dream up things and build different um yeah here's all the commands there's probably more acl host attach post restart you can set like jobs up and things like that too it's really cool that they've got like if you have this one off thing that you need to do you can run this tell it what you run the user has or you can go to scheduling and create schedules for it uh i've not really used this much but i just kind of marvel that it's there that it gives you a lot of extra features you may not realize you needed so to speak you're like i didn't know i needed this feature and this is uh kind of handy to have come on back up i want to do the restore soon so we can figure out this works how many people are on the live stream take a second here 120 people 69 likes click some more like buttons over here three minutes remaining i need to switch everything to 25 gigs look at this it's just i need more speed ah let's see what else we have in here oh so make me sneeze now all right oh all right let's go to restore now actually first let's shut down this vm go back back up restore one full backup with the memory snapshot there i will [Music] i guess say start vm as restore let's try it first we'll start see what happens four days that'll fix real quick five minutes six yeah it'll restore in less than that i think it's been taking like four minutes to restore each one two minutes see what it does need the jeopardy noise there's never enough speed no matter what i do yeah something too fast for networking it's well you get a faster network then you get faster hard drives and you get faster hardware then you say all right now the network's the bottleneck you kind of roll through all your bottlenecks and it's just a continuous and perpetual upgrade for everything [Laughter] three minutes three minutes remaining what else can we do while we're waiting for that what else is in here anything i don't have anything interesting here look at all the backup logs here i gotta i gotta look and figure out what i'm missing too i'll solve that when i recompile this uh because the file restores not working on this only files of delta backup which are not on s b can restart okay i'm missing some module for this to work properly i'll sort that out it's working on my production server so i solved it there go back to my notes no such vm huh well there's the error logs i have command mount options loop ro size limit equals blah blah blah interesting so it's not able to do it no such vm so it has it only as a template so if we go back over here to storage and here it is as a template again okay so it's unable to reassemble this interesting but where is that limitation at so what if we went over here to backup restore and uh there's a vlog there's them what if we restored it somewhere else so here's my [Music] let's throw it to here trueness no not that one trinitylab nfs so let's try to restore it here and see if i get that same error i wonder if it doesn't like the local storage and if it's different if i restore it to a remote storage target okay that's yes when you compiling yourself is definitely um where you're going to make more mistakes this is why i encourage people using this in a business environment you buy the commercial support package because then you don't worry about what you missed and what you goofed up when you were compiling things i like the learning factor of everything else but uh there's there's certainly the mistake factor that comes with it and that's where you need a team of professionals to help you avoid forgetting libraries and add-ons that you forgot to put in there um i'm not likely to do any next cloud docker image stuff uh i don't even know does next cloud have an official docker image that they support the one of my aggravations with people on the internet just pull it from docker just copy and paste this random code and in case you didn't see it today and we'll pull this up real quick because i want to rant about it while we're waiting um this is a real problem right here supply chain attacks come on that made the window too big going from a 4k screen to a 1080s bring it down um there's a constant hijacking of different things and supply chain attacks so when you start talking about popular docker repositories that are run by some unknown person as opposed to an official package maintainer this is a real challenge this is not docker this is mpm but the concept's still the same it's still a supply chain attack and what better way and i you know i've talked about this before you can research like you know uh docker images containing bad packages and security problems i i don't it's not that anything wrong with docker it's understanding the supply chain and how it's coming to you from docker and where you're pulling that docker commit from and uh so this is something just a really um yeah who needs commercial support when you can join vlog thursday but this is something that you can really think about when you're doing these is like yeah make sure that you uh know where you're getting these docker images from all right it's still not running but let's go over here to storage yep did the same thing so it's not the storage target that caused the problem strange it's full backups causing the problem weirdly delta does work but delta doesn't do the memory restore cool either way i still like that i can restore snapshots from memory but have to look at that little bug there on that interesting nonetheless all right what else are we talking about here i've never tried running um xoa over zero tier so okay next cloud does have an official docker image that's cool good to know that they have one uh any thoughts on the neck gate end of sale i mean everything has a life and then they stopped they said they have the end of sale is not the same as end of support so yeah um so yeah i don't really have any thoughts on it just you know whatever still no interest in learning ipv6 because it's cool networking i just don't care about ipv6 there's a joke um that's been running for a number of years that is at one of the local linux but not linux it's more of a computer users group um this guy's been doing the same talk every january for like 15 years called the year of ipv6 so uh it's it i mean cool it's but it's not the year of ipv6 uh everyone tells me it is but the the internet powers that be in the group think that is the internet tells me it's gonna be a long time before ipv6 becomes a thing [Laughter] um oh yeah see you the place where we have issues getting him i don't think will we're just slowly bumping um we're gonna we've been bumping people up we do have a ton of them out in the field uh so yeah that's yeah the 6100 we've been we've been deploying more 6100s on the pfcent side lately so this a lot of people like it because people are getting into 10 gig it's got the 10 gig it's got sfp uh so definitely a nice nice way to do it um oh here's here's something i don't know the answer to yet uh and while we have oliver here this is a solid question because the arbitrary rule that windows 11 needs a tpm system will we be seeing tpm support uh or is there already there and i'm just not sure how to enable it will will be able to like tag a tpm as part of a vm in order to get like windows 11 working with its full tpm support in there we we gave a tpm error and we didn't dig into it but that's actually what this is for is we noticed that there was some problems with the um windows 11 test and the tpm not being recognized in there so i don't know if it's a system we have it doesn't pass it through properly i've not really investigated it much from my staff looked at it but we didn't dig deep into it i guess that's the question is there going to be more support in the future for zen server and tpm uh so you know to make windows 11 arbitrarily happy for those people that want to run it which windows 11 is full of issues and i don't really see the need to run it anytime soon um yes okay there there will be named vtpm virtual tpm to come in xcpng but it's not there yet we like to work with citrix perfect absolutely solid answer on that um all right got people going so last couple minutes here what else we got i'll go all the way until six rapid fire questions it could be about xc png um i'm going to do more tutorials on it that's uh definitely coming i'll be playing around with some of these uh new things we'll probably look for a patch update oliver lambert's gonna dive into uh this problem that i have with restoring it but hey why not learn things all together on here i i have not played with it but wendell did tell me exo sand even though it's in beta right now um is a something he played with that's supposed to be pretty good the zen the exosan system i have not touched it yet myself i do plan to play with it at some point as they're coming along with it so that's definitely on my to-do list to do some exosan testing what pizza's on the menu today i don't know yet oh okay exo sand replacement will be exo store and collab with lin bit oh cool all right that's awesome that's there's some exciting news as well for those of you that want to be playing with that so um was there a word about synology you know i wanted to get to that because i'm running the latest synology over here here we can combine our synology along with our combine the two together so this is my synology and we'll go over here to control panel um we are running the latest dsm 701 here let's go back over to [Music] i got too many reduce the number of things that are open uh yeah i don't think i have this in here so new we'll attach this to the ryzen system this is going to be my uh sin now we'll do an iscsi target one thing i learned about the way iscsi works inside of uh synology it's way faster than nfs and synology synology is not optimized for nfs that is that is a certainty that i ran into when doing some of the testing here it does support nfs it's just it's not as it's a synology problem not a uh xc png problem at all matter of fact i have uh nfs versus iscsi and when you use the synology you get a lot more speed when you're using chunas it's a little bit of a mixed bag but yeah i'm running the latest version here um and we have we should pull up the storage manager that's our sand manager where's the storage one storage manager um we're now using the latest built-in pair of nvmes along with four ssds and yeah i want to do some testing and speed testing with it with the new version to see how it works out i also have the uh rs model one of the rack station ones all flash and i'll be doing some updated videos so they both just got it i just did today a synology h a video as well and i did that with the latest version of dsm 7.01 so um so far i haven't run into any problems with it it seems to be a good solid update so i'm happy to report on that [Music] only downer is iscsi is not shareable iscsi is shareable when you you can use iscsi as a shared storage target between two servers uh the live streams are on wednesday for the home lab show and neither me nor j compile android so don't expect any videos on compiling android so that's um the update on that uh so will there i may do a video i don't know if there's enough to do a video about it so i don't know if there's enough about the whole style g701 update it's nice i like the look of it i like the way it gives you the um look of each of the drives each of the systems on there but like i said you can use if you have hosts in a pool uh iscsi will work as a multiple machines can talk to it but not if they're all individual pools they will not talk to it that way you can't mount more than one technically you can't in nfs either but what with nfs each server that connects to the nfs it creates another uuid so there's a series of folders in nfs for all the connections uh let's live migrate let's just do that synology and ass here we go just live migrated over that's you know handy stuff we don't have to restart the vm or anything like that we can attach a new storage migrate it over to that storage and uh it's gonna take about two minutes to copy it over we'll go back over here pull up our resource meter as you pull up the network speed what are we at so far it's taking a second to copy let's see two minutes remaining about 287 megs it'll catch up in a second how much cpu utilization are there though oh not bad it's not overrunning the cpu on this 287 megs a second copying not too bad there we go memory utilization volume okay it's copying yo this is an important part is that um if you want to do a tpm if you're trying to emulate a trusted platform module uh as oliver's alluding to you want to have it to be actually trusted so there's a lot of engineering that i'm positive they will be putting into it to make it a true trusted platform module not just atpm um because just emulating one is one thing i mean anyone in a secure manner so people can't uh wedge themselves in between it is a little bit harder of a task [Laughter] there we go we get yeah we're still not using up too much processor on this that's not bad it's transferring still about three minutes remaining not bad for a live transfer overall though i gotta admit i'm pretty happy with the synology and ask the that's why i did that video on h a on it they've i've had no problems running plex uh those you have pointed out a few times and tagged me i did a video on tail scale tail skills officially in uh here it's in it's a third party package but it is without having to load the manually load the package you can run this in synology dsm now um that's pretty cool these are the contributor ones tail scale is pretty slick i think they've added more of these tools in here and of course you got the docker so if you want to pull some docker images and run the run containers inside of here i don't think i have any in here right now 58 there we go it's thinking yeah the sounds are nice little boxes if you're setting up at home the extra features you get on here and i don't think i've done any dedicated videos on how to set up nfs or iscsi with as a storage target but it's really easy to set these up it doesn't take long at all to to build an iscsi target attach it to something like xcpng and use it pretty straightforward and then for your backups you can always go to your remotes so if you go to your settings remotes you can also choose like i've got this chosen right here the uh trunastrone lab but you can just as easy choose anything else on there you want if you want to set up like a smb share so all your vms can be backed up xcp and g and synology play really nice together there's really no downside to using them the only problems you may run into is someone will always point out but synology doesn't have really super fast uh systems i'm like yeah they're not um sanji always goes for the tried and true stable but they're not a beast when it comes to hardware but they've done a lot of efficiencies so you can still get good performance on this analogy despite it not having an incredibly fast processor in it who comes every vlog thursday watches like 90 of the stream and then drop a dislike lots of people do [Laughter] there's always haters i've just that's youtube you should read the comments that's that's where things get even more fun one minute remaining for the migration then i'll see what kind of speed we get out of it what kind of iops can we get out of this thing do i have something on there i can test with so what actually let's go here yep i got this so i can run some fio tests says it's done transferring 27 seconds remaining counting down it's almost there all right cool it's on the other system now see if this chokes the synology out 32 000 iops 37 000 not bad go backwards to the disc let's go it's thinking not super fast but i'll do some testing and tuning and all that fun stuff just sterile put i could play with this all day but eventually i do have to go so anyways ah see what do we have in here um [Music] yes uc 3200 is good in the enterprise environment um jay has a i think jay has a video on cloud in it the the challenges with cloud init are often cloud and knit challenges so i'll throw that out there it's not necessarily something with um uh debian itself one of the things that jay pointed out and he's gone jay's been working on writing up some documentation jay from where linux tv he realized when he was doing some cloud and net testing that there's just some gaps in the documentation so he found people complaining but the complaints are mostly from uh missing documentation for certain things i even tested it myself uh cloudiness maybe on at some point maybe i'll do some testing on it so i can figure out what the gaps are and do a tutorial me and g have talked about it a couple times a lightweight application in place of next cloud i don't know i don't use nexcloud so not really sure not the same thing i know but i use sync thing to synchronize my documents and files that i need you know for example if i wanted to save this document i'd save it and it would be synced immediately between all my systems simultaneously i'm fine with that as a solution this is how we handle a lot of the documents here at the office that are local documents um that's i work on them at home or work on them here they're saved and are synced i i don't really use i usually use applications like this i don't really use nexcloud ooh i'm excited about a november release on it um i will mention this because i mentioned it earlier the i have forums yes but if you want to talk directly about xcpng here's a link to their forums xcp-ng.org forum and uh you know go read through there's a lot of good information in there i spend i do more reading than posting in there but nonetheless if you want to get a good grasp on a lot of these things um there's a definite good reason to go in there you you can read through problems people have had solutions that have been posted for it uh different ways people are using xcpng definitely recommend uh checking out their forums over there uh the the team at vates looks to those forums this is how you can interact with them uh so this is definitely i even suggest people when they if if you were to post in my forums about cloud init i would just send you a link over the xcpng forums be like hey head over there so yes come full circle use sync to sync all your password.xlsx file absolutely and yes the team the team over at xcp and g and vater happy to get your uh the feedback on things that are working and are broken uh i'll let's go two more minutes two more minutes to answer a few more questions and stuff but i uh i gotta run i gotta get my son a pizza yeah message him back i'm gonna install from source yes this is this is the best answer um i really i when you want to test this at home and one of the reasons and i've said this before when i do my videos with this one of the reasons this is installed from source with no support i want to make sure people who want to learn about this have access to it i have a video on how to build from source so i've got this covered but this is important because i want people to say everything i'm doing in this video is something completely accessible to you the home lab user that says my budget is about um ramen noodles and i really want to learn so i can get into it so i have a better uh than ramen noodle budget and so i love tools that put very strong accessibility for those of you that are home users that want to get into it um but at the same time offers support so if you are and we have enterprise customers you work with that they watch me do this they go if it does this much for free i'm willing to give these people money and buy a support contract as needed to support this in our enterprise environment um this is you know one of the things i really like about the way the whole zen orchestra project works compile off source get all the cool bells and whistles you have a massive amount of things at your fingertips and as i said i'm doing the videos i've been doing are on the complete compiled from source version but if you then move into a business role using this um yeah go ahead buy a lice buy the support contract right from them and don't have to deal with compiling this all from source and perhaps missing a library which i'll admit i definitely missed i'm not sure which one i missed right now i can figure it out but that's also part of the learning process of getting better at tech is understanding how to compile things understanding how to assemble them um it's just to me it's a big part of it kind of getting your hands dirty working on this uh i never recommend other than for labs running true nas as a pass-through so that's something not not something i recommend because it's always not always but it can be problematic it's fun for tas testing but never good for then um zfs boot on ubuntu not something i'm likely to use i might explore butter fs on ubuntu or something but honestly cfs in ubuntu doesn't uh doesn't have me all excited it's just not not high on my list of things to do so thank you all for joining thank you especially from uh for that oliver was here answering all of your questions on xcpng this was great uh i definitely i it will it will definitely be one of those things we might do again sometime as long as maybe i'll coordinate it and message oliver ahead of time to make sure he's got time but luckily he did have time so this is uh he had time to help participate and uh do all this but at some point maybe oliver connect and do some videos uh do a video together talking about the history of the projects i like a good origin story and boy zen orchestra i mean just a couple years ago this was a kickstarter with well the xcpng specifically was a kickstarter and now it's like it kicked into overdrive over the last couple years between the zen orchestra product which has been around for a while and the xcpng platform and the combination of these two things has been really cool uh it's just in it we'll drag wendell in if we can too because i know right now uh wendell's definitely enthusiastic about this product as well so there's a lot of us are all excited about it that's um yes um media pxe vdi boot setup not anytime soon i don't really use that anymore just kind of lack of need so oh that's even better as soon as i'm traveling in the us it'll be come by to say hi that's cool um i'd love to show you around and uh no i'm i'm looking forward to that too so thanks everyone to kane thanks everyone for joining and i'll see you next week or some videos in between
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 7,951
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Id: HfqmaAa9awU
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Length: 132min 34sec (7954 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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