HOODWINKED THEORY: The Secret Swindle is in Plain Sight!

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there are a number of films that people see in their childhood and then never bother to look up again it may occasionally pop into their head but they always write it off as a childhood fever dream because well no one else talks about it either so it mustn't be a legitimate experience from what i understand hoodwinked tends to be one of those films the reasoning behind this is quite simple really it's not by some major animation company and its sequel was significantly worse looked different and was under a wholly different premise well i'm here today to tell you that no this movie is not a fever dream you had and for the 50 of you who to this day love this film i have good news it is so much more than meets the eye and i'm a bit flabbergasted at just how intricate it actually is you see the creators of hoodwinked are very self-aware people they know exactly what they've made and they run with it they are clever people they have interspersed little plot points around the film and just left them there this is where i come in if you haven't seen this movie at all well it's a classic what are you doing watch it essentially it's the confrontation scene between red riding hood and the big bad wolf but it takes place in a world similar to the shrek films more contemporary but similar nonetheless this means the confrontation leads to a police investigation where we then get to see the past day play out from the interrogated perspectives of red the wolf the granny and the woodcutter that comes flying in with an axe all of the plot threads converge by the end and the detectives discover the one common thread the true villain you see there's been someone stealing all of the famous recipes in the forest and by interconnecting the different stories they catch him i believe this is a clue you are supposed to take the many plot threads find commonality and stitch together the subliminal timeline of events so watch it it's classic funny and has very questionable animation but something of an all-star cast hence its cult status popularity today the sequel has better animation but it's sort of all over the place and has been torn apart relentlessly across the internet since the 2011 release i'm not exactly sure what to make of it to be honest it's not as good as the first one but i laughed a couple times it can be clever at rare moments but the lore the mysteries the questions i'm recapping all of this because i believe the second film was so dedicated to the underlying secret story that they straight up neglected the main plot line if you've seen both films you're ready for the one and literally only hoodwinked theory in existence one i've been formulating on and off for five years waiting for a glorious aha moment that finally came and led to another aha moment triggering another and another until i was surrounded by fallen dominoes and enlightened the dedication to mystery is something i don't even know if i've seen from pixar time to strike gold [Music] hello i'm the theorizer and if you haven't been able to tell already i'm structuring this video properly for once because people tend to deem my stream of consciousness as utterly whack it also allows me to explain more which is necessary this time so what we have to do is basically start off with a list of unanswered questions that the films have these can be found all over the place because the world is so vast but so unexplored things like what is nikki flipper's backstory with wolf where are red's parents what's the history behind the sisterhood of kung fu bakers what's the history of the happily ever after agency are there answers in varushka's life story what's boengo's full plan what's the full history and plan of hansel and gretel those diabolical little kids make me laugh my head off i think it's the voice acting by bill hader and amy poehler they chew the scenery like freaking gingerbread zero exaggeration and can someone turn the schnitzel song into a meme please or like a trap remix or something i'm using my authority as someone without authority to hereby formally request it from any willing what is the phrase meme lords i need the algorithmic payoff as this is very serious work we're doing let's begin this here is a classic series of questions that we can interconnect beneath the surface of the films example we want wolf's backstory and we want nikki flipper's backstory but the two have such significant overlap that it really should be compounded as one task when wolf meets flippers in granny's house during the interrogation flippers recognizes wolfe as being a reporter from a police investigation a few years back the investigation being known as the stiltskin case nikki flippers has a pretty standard backstory on the surface nikki flippers is a frog in the 70s he was a famous dancer who simply went by flippers and it's implied that he put that life behind him at around the age of 30 so he could become a famous detective he likely made the fame transition quite well considering he kept his name and went on from famous dancer to famous investigator funding an entire agency of most likely his own creation what sparked this transition see now we have to fragment our initial questions into even more questions what caused him to give up dancing added it to the list many years into his investigative career he was involved in the aforementioned stiltskin case this case is what i've discovered to be one of the most mysterious back burner plot threads in the whole franchise wolf wrongfully thought his name was greg stiltskin we'll definitely be getting to all that in a second a few years following this the film occurs but nikki flipper's life story is so much deeper i have reason to believe his investment in the events of these two films runs so much deeper than meets the eye to be as simple as i can he's suspicious you see nicki does things that don't make sense and many of his actions or claims don't add up in fact i have great reason to believe that he withholds critical information from his agents and that his influence runs deeper than anyone could possibly imagine firstly i believe that he has been slowly worming his way into the lives of the main characters for years molding them into the perfect agents take a step back what is this another insane theorizer rant no wolf's prime informant for his entire journalism career is a sheep named woolworth when he goes to see wilworth for information on red riding hood in the first film woolworth implies that beau peep is an aggressive caretaker of sorts to his flock nice joke right wrong because we meet bo peep she's none other than the direct underling of nikki flippers himself and she's known for supervising the sheep agents they thought i wouldn't catch this hilarious indeed the fact of the matter is that wolf's direct informant is under the control of nikki flippers and he has the nerve to act like he's only got a vague memory of wolf you see nikki is feigning ignorance when meeting him in granny's house but he's there for a very particular reason as i find it profoundly bizarre that nikki flippers esteemed famous detective shows up out of literally nowhere to handle some random police business why was he so quick to assume that this random home invasion had ties back to the infamous goody bandit at all this frog has the most advanced reconnaissance technology in the world and has spies galore yet somehow missed the brochure that hansel and gretel sent out but we have orders to fill for every villain in the world yeah the brochure went out weeks ago they mailed out a brochure literally advertising their plans to all the villains in the world weeks before the sequel even takes place yet nikki flippers missed out on public displays of villainy like this somehow had no idea what he was sending his agents into what a damn coincidence that he sends red off for training to the sisterhood that owns the super truffle recipe just as the brochure goes out exactly he sent her upon this revelation the hea was fully aware that the recipe had gone missing it was stolen by varushka 60 years before the events of the films as she explains in her evil monologue its theft was revealed to the hea after their discovery of the grim twins brochure and they instantly sent red off to get training but here's the trippier part not one single sister of the hood must have been trained in that time the organization seems horrified at the loss of their most sacred possession as they had no idea implying they mustn't have checked it since their training of granny and varushka which also reflects the reality of what we see in their sanctuary only old women in a troll no new recruits at least none to this level this is because nikki flippers sent red there to train so she could become the ideal agent out of desperation to find both her granny and the recipe that would complete her training which is exactly what she does when she discovers the missing ingredient is macadamia nuts the alternative however is that the sisterhood did know it was missing and i mean they are suspicious we'll get to them later but nikki flippers would likely have known as well then on his own time long before this if this plan were still successfully to play out and i do believe that to be the case as well so here comes the unimaginable mind during the scene where varushka reveals herself to granny she claims that on her journey to perfect the super truffle she transmutated a number of animals and people curses spells etc i believe one of them was the singing goat japheth who also seems to be immortal but he's for later no the mind is in the form of two dozen british frogs wearing suits all of whom were once men what in the actual threshold of eastern european daylit varushka claims responsibility for their transformation and granny accuses it of being disturbing on several levels this is because granny herself has now experienced the exact same domino revelation i have which is that it all points to her boss being deeper and darker than one would ever possibly expect the implication is that nikki flippers had his dance career rudely interrupted when he was kidnapped by varushka and turned into a frog it was good news for the moves but bad news for the literally everything else which led him to eventually abandon dancing to seek vengeance on the witch responsible by tracking her at all costs and turning her former sisterhood against her he knew she had the recipe it was the whole motivation behind her failed attempts at transmutation he would have been right there the whole time it's why he started the hea he blackmailed the sisterhood until he could no longer nikki flippers willingly allows villains to get away with a little so he can get a lot in return he shaped and manipulated the puckett family from afar and jeopardized granny's safety all so that red and the sisterhood could do what they did the ideal agents to taking down a monster of their own creation the last stage of her training mickey flippers little superstar notice how in the first film he suspiciously winks as he takes all of the police with him to the wrong place he's leading the team to their own devices so they can save the day themselves and become eligible for his organization i find it hilarious how nikki legally changed his last name to that of his stage name post-transformation it's a fame transition this is because i doubt very much that his last name was genuinely flippers given the fact that red asks why do they call you flippers and he claims it to have been his stage name but also because of the fact that he has a pet dog which is something a human would do and it doubles as a mutually respectable secretary which is a friendship an animal would have reflecting his very own duality we don't even know his real name this is a fact his reactions are generally pretty standard and unassuming so you'd think he has no history with borussia however there is a deep aggression and rage that nikki has throughout the entirety of the second movie which is noticeably not present in the first one when varuska gets knocked down a peg or two he chills out or so it seems but he likely isn't done you'd expect a little more from her behavior around him as well but she does notoriously hate the hea it doesn't really matter though because we know for a fact he has a bad history with her because they wouldn't have included the integral scene of the transmutated frogs otherwise and no she didn't intentionally make them she didn't for example try to make nikki flippers clones so that they would infiltrate the hea or something that's simply not the case because we know this was unintentional she says so it was just an accident on her journey to recreating the super troubles unless of course nikki was patient zero which is also why he's so much taller anyways this reference and granny statement of the implications is to say that nikki was the product of varushka's experimentation one way or another the human elements of his nature prove he was a man born as nicholas whose life story has overlapped with the princess and the frog horrors of varushka van vine and maybe caused her to since attempt at recreating her initial error to infiltrate the aga she notoriously hates by replacing nick and succeeding with the truffle maybe it's fuzzy on that front nikki fits that bill too though but what about those sisters of the hood how exactly do they tie into everything so the sisters of the hood are the secret organization that granny got her baking and kung fu skills from what do we make of this the questions are butterflying out from one another unlike anything i've ever seen before there's something that this sisterhood is hiding there's a hidden conspiracy embedded in the fine print of hoodwinked we get a taste little nibble here and there on the topic of something unimaginable and that thing is a high-profile legal trial known as the stiltskin case when red is training at the sister's sanctuary she encounters a shrek reference named moss who is in fact the infamous troll from under the bridge she aggressively lays into him with all her might and he's left in a state of delirium which leaves him open to spilling the beans about this sisterhood and in the most offhand comment that's ever offhanded a comment we get an answer to a mystery that lies at the complete opposite end of the lore as i said it's another conspiracy that wraps around the dark side of this moon a corkboard pinned to the conspiratorial underbelly moss the troll rattles off a number of incoherent statements before mumbling quietly off-screen his name is rumplestiltskin but it's a secret don't tell him a tall view [Laughter] i'm in tears at the moment this is a thing of unbridled beauty the astonishing truth is that i'm actually holding back at the moment i've discovered at least eight of these sorts of connections and we've only gone over a couple so far moss knows rumpelstiltskin's full name and was hiding it this is all slipped in a fit of delirium the whole point of the name rumpelstiltskin is that it's impossible to guess meaning moss must truly be a part of all this and he must be guilty of crimes of concealment i'm just warming up though moss is a part of the stiltskin case and was in on the intricacies of the vilified party but there's even more to this little statement his fit of incoherence contains multiple statements about being the prettiest ballerina in the fruit cup and stuff but right before his sentence about rumpelstiltskin he also says yes senator that is my monkey if we are to associate the two we get the following joint statement that is my monkey his name is rumpelstiltskin i repeat this is all one thought pattern it's not just a delirious disconnect it's a subconscious confession how do i know this one word senator the exact sort of person you'd find in a high legal trial the stiltskin case oh a high-profile legal trial couldn't moss have just seen this on tv no they don't really have much technology at this sanctuary and they only leave for critical reasons moss especially also it was very specifically included here and it was functioning as a crucial flashback thought pattern in the troll's mind and nobody would on live tv tell the world rumplestiltskin's name and then say shush don't tell him meaning moss must have done this in person during a private hearing this all means of course that rumpelstiltskin is a monkey which makes so much sense given the stereotype of rumpelstiltskin being a small human-like imp not only that but the implication is that said monkey is pure evil and was in some sort of servitude-based relationship with moss similarly to flippers and his dog this is a domino revelation this is how one thing leads to another and butterflies out into the lore like a ripple effect of answers and all of this i have leeched from a blink and you miss it off and comment from some random concussed shrek reference so the stiltskin case is a high-profile legal trial revolving around a monkey named rumpelstiltskin who has some sort of direct association with this bridge troll going off of the classic rumpelstiltskin story and hoodwink's own running themes it most likely entailed the abduction of children in the concealment of the first name rumple now comes to the part we've all been waiting for how this ties into the troll's occupation in the sisterhood sanctuary the troll says to red your granny never would have run away like a scared little chicken girl this means as we've already assumed that the troll has been here unceasingly for at least 60 years this troll is a part of the sisterhood as well we know this when red knocks him out he says check please so as to imply he is paid to work here so it isn't just community service for the stiltskin case like i was initially gonna think because that wouldn't even match up with the timeline anyways even if he's not technically a part of the sisters of the hood i feel dangerously confident that the creators opted instead to make this rather sassy troll a sister from the hood which is why his personality and behavior are reflective of such yes i am telling you that this troll is not a sister of the hood but a sister from the hood which is an unshakable premise and in the words of twitter don't at me regardless he's a part of this organization and has been for at least six decades as he helped train granny puckett this and the fact that this troll is everything except biologically a sister of the hood leads me to believe that this position in particular and this form is punishment from the sisterhood themselves we know they can transmutate humans into other creatures because it was the very same process that viruska put up with when trying to crack their recipe so if the stiltskin case nikki flippers and the sisterhood are all interconnected right to their cores then i would wager something rather accusatory and dramatic that i'll probably have to revisit later i would wager that this stiltskin case the case of a highly dangerous mystery villain that stood trial in front of the government must have been the result of having done something truly evil and dangerous we know it has ties back to the sisterhood and we know that nikki flippers has connections to them blackmail or something otherwise more positive and thus i think that the stiltskin case might be a cover-up for the attempted theft of the super truffle recipe this would have been when the sisterhood discovered it to be missing the stiltskin case the same exact case that nikki flippers was investigating nikki flippers the only other one who knew it was missing i am under the belief that nikki flippers is responsible for this entire stiltskin case not only to shape wolf from the earliest stage possible via journalistic manipulation in woolworth but also to show the sisterhood that the recipe was missing so he could blackmail them again this is if they knew it all to begin with it's still possible that the brochure was the hea's first alert to the theft but as we've seen by now there are volumes of clues that point to the earliest possible awareness of its theft on the part of both organizations by showing the sisterhood that their recipe was missing he could blackmail them in as many ways as he sees fit and train the perfect agents by film 2. they deserve it though they be shady ass grannies don't even get me started yet on the zelda-esque figure they worship and what they probably did to red's mother oh yeah we're not we're not done by the way not with the hea not with the sisterhood and certainly not with the actual villains of hoodwinked who we've yet to even get to so i have five more parts planned out here oh don't think you're actually going anywhere and to the producers who did this you are not getting off the hook here you are so far on this hook that i could pierce you through the lc display like a trout i might be able to squish these videos down into just one or two more videos we'll see i'm still a bit disoriented so there are likely one or two glaring errors here that i will sort out with time but this isn't over we're not even close to done although if you refuse to take part in a hoodwinked meme at least like the video i never ask for that but i want to see if it genuinely does something different like it used to also subscribe stay tuned ring the bell for the next hoodwinked theory it will be coming damn quick until next time i'm the theorizer [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 173,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theory, theorizer, the theorizer, hoodwinked, hoodwinked 2, hoodwinked theory, hoodwinked full movie, hoodwinked trailer, hoodwinked be prepared, hoodwinked review, hoodwinked reaction, hoodwinked soundtrack, hoodwinked too, theorizer hoodwinked, the theorizer hoodwinked, hoodwinked too hood vs evil, hoodwinked 2 review, hoodwinked song, hoodwinked theories, hoodwinked red, hoodwinked goat, hoodwinked wolf, hoodwinked 2 full movie, hoodwinked 2 trailer, clip, hoodwinked sequel
Id: 7ULbi2BGbLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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