The Misunderstood GENIUS of "Filler" - Avatar The Last Airbender

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as with any large enough Community Avatar 2 has a number of subjects and takes that are very well known to be quite taboo you know minor things like The Great Divide actually being a solid episode and Ang lying really isn't that big of a deal the question of is Avatar anime the question of could iro defeat oai and even the long forgotten and Forbidden Knowledge Mike and Brian being involved with the entire creation of the movie that shall not be named give it a few months and you'll see all of these talking points brought up in some capacity over and over but one that I never thought would be controversial in any way is filler in Avatar unfortunately I think filler is one of those things that in online discourse has been extremely overgeneralized and just Twisted to mean something unnecessary and something bad normally it'd be no big deal I mean who cares about some randos myself included screaming on the internet but the concerning part is that I feel like this Piper fixation on removing anything that could even be seen as filler has already bled into very real Productions Avatar included and I think we are now seeing the negative ramifications of that but before we get to talking about Avatar I think it's very important to Define what this term filler even is as much as people claim that Avatar is in fact not an anime they really like to use the generally accepted anime adaptation meaning of filler okay I joke about anime but when it comes to adaptations usually the word filler is used to describe anything that has been added for the adaptation that was not in the source material this takes many different forms from a few added lines of dialogue to entirely new characters and stories and everything in between but you know there's that little fact of Avatar not having any Source material thing is while filler nowadays is thrown around a lot in regard to adaptations it is a purely production Centric term to describe the flow of an episode movie or music or whatever else taken from Good Old Wikipedia filler in television and other media is material that exists outside the story arc to pad out other material as the term filler implies its only purpose is to practic Al Pat out the story and fill in the gaps so it's not just a a Tob story fundamentally it has nothing to do with an adaptation though it's also important to note that in this context filler is not so clearly defined as it would be with an adaptation there it is a very simple case of is it in the source material no okay then it's filler in this case what is and isn't filler is sort of up for debate for an extreme example let us take the good all Reliable covs Gun put simply from covs point of view anything and everything that appears in a story must be relevant to its conclusion if it is not it should simply be cut there is no filler in absolutely everything that appears must come into play in some capacity if a volcano doesn't erupt it should have just been a mountain if a gun is never fired there should be no gun hence Czech hov's gun and so on again this is an extreme purely illustrative example that does not make a lot of sense nor should be applied to a story like Avatar but I'm going to do it anyway the book One narrative is going to the North and mastering water bending absolutely everything else surrounding that under this definition would be a degree of filler and I say degree because things like San's comets are of course relevant but there are other things that sort of show up but they're not really important with this line of thinking you break the story down to its absolute Bare Bones and it is a purely a Tob story so with that in mind I think it's also important to talk about the different forms of filler we actually see with anime like I mentioned before the most obvious one is is just completely new non-cannon material depending on the story it can be something as minor as just a throwaway Beach episode or it can be a fullblown filler Arch like with one piece for example most of the time you can skip these outrights and it's no big deal by their very design they are meant to be entirely modular and you can just slot them in wherever necessary there is also a whole dimension to explore with these non-cannon stories actually breaking Cannon but that's a whole another can of worms that is kind of Irrelevant for the topic here point being that Avatar just by default doesn't have this another form of filler can be the purely practical concern of managing production times while still having a full season most of the time this will be the obligatory recap episode where already existing animation is simply reused it's super lowbudget super lowkey and just pads out the season the single closest example to this an avatar is the guru the whole chakra process is very cleverly hidden recap that repurposes existing animation keep this in mind for later and the next closest thing is of course EMP Island players but while that is a recap episode a 100% of it is entirely new animation so while it serves a filler e role and even that is debatable because book three is actually longer because all of it is completely new it just doesn't fit the Practical concern we're talking about here and it has character progression on top of that we'll return to these in a little bit thing is a lot of people might not like non-canon filler stories a lot of people don't really like recap episodes but but what in my opinion is by Miles the worst kind of filler is extremely bad Cannon filler I've covered one piece for a long time so again let's use that as an example alongside the totally new filler arcs there is also filler in the cannon material because the anime can't catch up to the manga and the schedule for animation is just super tight the existing material will be spread paper thin to fill up those 24 minutes there will be like a 3 minute previously on then there's the opening sometimes the episode itself will also open with more of the past episode and the absolute worst of all the material itself will also be drastically slowed down like a single panel of a lot of punches will be turned into a 2-minute long sequence and then there'll be repeated close-ups on the enemies etc etc most often people will just call this a pacing issue but it still falls under the same umbrella of just padding out the episode all of those padding shots all of those repeated sequences all of that is pacing yes but that is filler which finally brings me on to the final form of filler something that takes place in the Canon story but something that is completely natural the type of filler you could spend an hour debating whether or not it even is filler if an episode provides some crucial characterization but doesn't really have any lasting impact on the story is that filler hey vau Michael here what about General World building most of it is not necessarily tied to the main plot so what about that the point I'm making here and actually you know what no let me just splice in Mike and Brian if there was an episode that like didn't 100% move the overall plot forward it was like it was suddenly a filler episode forget that episode and I was like what is this filler it's like it's all part of the story guys come on the reason why I think the term has been misconstrued is because I think filler only really becomes this allmighty evil filler when it has clear flaws the problem with it is not that it isn't important to the core plots but rather that it is often just lazy and uninspired in some cases that is design as it is a purely production question but other times it's just plain bad it will change how characters behave sometimes even mess with the very rules of the world itself and so on and that is not a filler problem that is a bad writing problem filler is not inherently good or inherently bad it serves a very simple purpose of bridging to events ideally in a way that feels natural and rewarding to follow but right why am I even babbling on about all of this there's bad filler and good filler that you you can't even really call filler cool but what does that have to do with anything well what in my opinion is a very concerning Trend nowadays is the industry taking a massive U-turn from stretching out episodes as much as humanly possible think lost The Walking Dead The Flash even less narratively driven shows like 2 and a Half Men and the old sponge lad to now cutting any at all filler because the attention economy if you will has now shifted I'm not going to be a boomer and go on a whole rant about how the Ticky talks is rot in the of youths and screaming to think of the children but attention spans and where people put that attention has absolutely shifted there was a study done at the University of California where the researchers shout outed people in a range of different tasks and tracked how long they spent on a certain activity before switching to something else obviously this is a purely observational study so all the associated drawbacks were also there but what they observed is that in 2003 attention spans averaged about 2 and 1/2 minutes on any screen before switching now nowadays that figure has fallen to roughly 47 seconds on a single screen when looking at this in isolation I don't think it's really that concerning most of the study relied on professional work and yes people are multitasking a lot more which is not inherently bad so yeah 150ish seconds to just 47 definitely looks bad but it's not really the full picture problem is this also coincides with average scenes of movies also becoming shorter and shorter certain Studies have found that the average uninterrupted shots has decreased from 12ish seconds in the 1930s to a very very brisk 2.5 seconds nowadays others put it closer to 5 Seconds nowadays but point is for a variety of reasons both purely technological as well as behavioral they are becoming shorter and shorter and okay we're on YouTube so let's take YouTube itself the meteoric rise of Mr Beast and his production style bleeding all over YouTube as well as the mindboggling dominance of Tik Tok and shorts in recent years all reinforce this trend of faster media now more than ever if you are not immediately satisfied in what you are seeing you just swipe away and swipe and swipe and swipe until you find something good it is a purely consumption-based type of media all of this is to say that none of these Trends indicate really anything in isolation but you know what they say about multiple points and creating a line art is no longer just art and E cool if not greater part of it is just pure Behavioral Science in the same way that game developers are't putting loot boxes in their game or blocking gameplay behind pay walls a lot of what we see on our TVs is also purely driven by the streamer retention analytics so moving closer to Avatar yes we're still talking about that another thing you might notice is that when Netflix started producing their own series their usual format was usually a 10 episode batch drop luckily for us we can even take a show like Lucifer and directly compare how it operated on Fox versus Netflix obviously it's not an entirely Apples to Apples comparison as it's a procedural drama and it was on Fox of all places but it went from 18 to 20ish episodes down to 10 down to effectively eight even though the season was 16 just broken in half and then 10 Again usually you'd expect a first season of a show to be shorter for what I think are obvious reasons both monetary as well as purely creative but even though the story might be getting bigger in scope and garnering more success Netflix has still stuck to their established format and that is that but wait there is more because another odd development is that Netflix's own shows are also becoming shorter Cowboy bbop Netflix's first big attempt at liveaction anime was 10 episodes but didn't even cover all 26 of the anime episodes but now both one piece and Avatar only got eight despite adapting 40ish and 20 episodes respectively and what's even more interesting is that we now know that a lot of the stuff people wanted to see what was actually written but was eventually cut when the episode count was reduced obviously budgeting is a part of that question but considering the overall pacing of even the calmer scenes I think all of this once again just comes back to that hyper fixation of making things fast just to pump up those retention figures because Netflix drops entire Seasons at once they are effectively fighting for like 8 to 10 hours of your uninterrupted attention that is very very hard to do and that's exactly why views ratings and everything anything else is secondary the number one figure for Netflix is the completion of a show the simplest way to diversify their portfolio if you will is to make shorter Seasons that a larger number of people will complete as opposed to spending more money on a 10 episode season only to have some people drop off at like episode 2 right the upside of cutting things that might be seen as quote unquote boring and getting people to the end is much much better than the downside of them dropping the show for in my opinion the most blatant Avatar example let's look at Ang crying in the southern air Temple huh so not to be rude but that scene was written filmed and put in the episode but what immediately sticks out to me is how quickly we cut away we Linger on and crying for all of 5 Seconds before flashing forward despite the next episode opening with us still being at the southern Temple us abruptly cutting forward is not the director deciding to cut scene shorts that is the edits deliberately speeding things along it is a deliberate decision not to leave this episode on a downn despite the next one clearly opening with us still in the same location but all right once again what does this have to do with filler and what does this have to do with Avatar well like we talked about filler is exactly that filler while I use Netflix since we have direct Avatar examples and I think it's particularly noticeable with the binge model I don't think this is just an issue with them I think even HBO shows like The Last of Us in House of the Dragon could have done with a teeny bit more filler but okay this is not a video about that so let us zero it on Avatar and yes I know House of the Dragon is technically based on an in universe history book and a majority of the story is already written from scratch so technically it is filler but the first season should have been longer don't add me the simplest and most concise way I think I can describe the lack of filler in a story is the lack of texture and granularity tex technically speaking yes Peru and the earthbenders are in no way relevant to the season 1 narrative earthbending as a whole isn't really relevant but it establishes a living breathing world omashu might be standing proud but there are also a whole lot of earthbenders taken as prisoners of War there are some who have just broken under the pressure they fear the Fire Nation so much that they go as far as to rat out their own neighbors it's a small part of additional context that later ties into the headband and all the propaganda we see in the fire ation schools that then explains how this tyrannical nation has remained in power and slowly but surely whittel down any and all resistance it is show don't tell at its most basic this is a war we've been told that the firebenders bulldozed just about everything but it's in this episode that we actually see how it impacts just regular people trying to get by what about the Pirates their only real purpose is to facilitate Katara getting the scroll right but no because it is again a matter of adding depth to the characters and the world Katara can break rules and she can also be extremely stubborn and lash outs but we also know that all of that is purely an emotional reaction because of her connection to her mother water bending made her feel closer to her so angly frogging her progress just hits a nerve and that's the thing these characteristics are not really important to the quote unquote core plots but without them the emotional connection to qar we have as the audience is extremely diminished I don't think it's anything groundbreaking to say that the more time we spend with the characters and the more sides we see of them the more invested we become in their stories right I mean I think everyone liked iro and knew that he was not an enemy very early on but it's the tales of bossing say that elevat Lake La guy and eventually Zuko and ao's reunion in book three we already knew that iro clearly cares for Zuko and we also heard of tangential information about iro stepping down from the war but it's in this extremely up close and personal filler bit of story that we truly see the reason for that but okay returning to the Pirates much like the Earth Kingdom citizens it is again a matter of World building in a world where the Fire Nation is gradually absorbing well the rest of the world it makes perfect sense that these groups of non-benders would just go Rogue and turn to good all piracy sure it might not be crucial to Ang beating oai but it shows us that in this world there are these isolated groups with no concrete allegiances to any of the Nations think of the Freedom Fighters the the swamp Benders Sparky Sparky boom man and a number of others and in the same vein it also depicts that restoring balance angle that the series is all abouts yes beating oai will defeat the Fire Nation but the world itself would still reel from the past Century Of Destruction removing all of those little Side Stories simply removes depth from the story even episodes like the fortune teller and overwhelming majority of it is just random Shenanigans with as the name implies the fortune teller but underneath that we see how Saka sees the world and his place within team Avatar he doesn't believe in any prophecies he doesn't believe in any Cloud readings or Destinies or whatever else as we later see with his master he considers himself as just normal each of you is so amazing and so special I'm just the guy in the group who's regular he is not a bender he isn't destined to save the world like Ang and he wasn't born a legendary Warrior and so what he does is fights for every bit of respect he quite literally forges his own metal once again the fortune teller is in no way necessary for that nor is it necessary for reaching the north nor is it necessary for beating oai but it creates depth and a connective thread to make Saka Journey a journey the point I'm getting that is that both for totally new stories as well as adaptations streamlining The Narrative and cutting the fats just to get to the climax will undermine that big climax no spoilers but think of the fly episode in Breaking Bad a majority of it is blatant filler and watching it in isolation is not very exciting but when you zoom out and see the overarching paranoia in that entire Arc it is a value add to the overall story even if it by itself is sort of mediocre by Breaking Bad standards I suspect some of you will have already written this but it's because of the overall story that you can say but wait the fly is actually not that bad you can look at that filler and draw value from it even though it Again by itself is sort of boring it's that big picture kind of vision that I think is vital for managing a story with meaningful depth these are not just tragic backstories for the sake of tragic backstories each and every one of these side Adventures connects to the characters's decisions we see for the entire remainder of the Avatar story so with that in mind I think it's worth briefly lingering on some of Avatar's best quote unquote filler to really illustrate how important some of those unimportant stories are first and foremost at the very heart of the story is a magic system based on martial arts so let us talk about just some very basic training not magic air bending come on Ang I'm already making a video about defining things magic systems is an umbrella term for in Universe power mechanics bending isn't Magic but it is a magic system okay Ang sorry anyway you'll probably notice that Ang or Qatar or whoever else practicing are often used as transitionary or establishing scenes one obvious example is the water bending scroll where that is the entire inciting event for the episode and it is also later the bridge when we get to the whole pirate conflict purely plot-wise Ang water bending really changes nothing until they reach the North and he begins to properly train but in the story as a whole it adds another layer to Ang starting to chip away at what would traditionally take many many years he needs to learn the elements it might not be important to the story right now but it is important to the overall story as of right now it simply adds depth to the world itself and Ang as a character and of course there's the whole qara story here too which creates a unique conflict between the gang as well as within qara herself closer to the end of the series we have episodes like nightmares and Daydreams where Ang's training becomes the core conduit for exploring his insecurity and fear again we already know that he is afraid of confronting the fire lord and that he is afraid of being the Avatar in general so functionally it doesn't add a ton of new information but it allows us to really dive deeper into Ang psyche not through some old over the top monologue but through a different form of conflict in this case insomnia the first part of the finale opens with Ang just drilling fire bending forms over and over and the primary conflict there is a unique spin of what we've seen before with Zuko deciding that tough love is the best way of teaching as well as the whole discussions around what to do with oai I guess the quickest way to get my point across is what we actually see in the boiling Rock Ang training is just a small throwaway bit as we see Zuko and Saka set off one more thing and practice your fire bending while I'm gone none of these are fundamental pillars of the story if you skipped these episodes entirely you'd still get the big picture just fine but all of these little bits of bending and training is about creating a sense of permanence in this fictional World bending is not a checklist of chores it is a constant thing that we occasionally touch Bas with but it is always happening in the background whenever we see Ang hanging around water chances are they're practicing if anything the episodes focused solely on learning new elements or techniques or something like that would actually benefit from more filler due to the limitations of the format Ang does sometimes tend to learn a whole lot in a single afternoon you know and speaking of which Let Us return to the guru which I still think is easily one of the best structured episodes of book two just to make it painfully clear obviously a majority of this episode is fundamental to the story and under no definition could ever be seen as filler rather I want to expand on that point of some of these crucial plot points happening a little too quickly because of the lack of filler take it from Mike and Brian themselves Ang opening all of his chakras is purely an episode format thing and ideally there'd be more time to expand on that so again there is a creative limitation that does a teeny bit limit the impact of this episode but at the same time this episode also functions as a bit of recap before the big book two finale with us also seeing what every single major player in the world is up to things like Saka meeting up with their dad only to turn right around I think is the clearest example it allows us to catch up on everything going on while not really changing the course of the story but the really interesting stuff happens on Ang's side as that recap is combined with the actual process of unlocking his chakras just like with the Amber Island players it is a perfect and natural way to incorporate functional recap and in this case with reused animation all of which brings me back to that point of good filler is filler you will never even think of as filler Ang opening his chakras is not filler but it has filler that is an overall value ad if you were to remove all of this recapping nature from the episode and it's just qara getting captured tough learning metal bending and Ang chatting to gur petique that transitionary sense that this episode is trying to get across just wouldn't hit the same in order to understand the Avatar stat lingering in those memories that is recap I think is absolutely vital and yes I'll have to agree with Mike and briyan here had we spent more time with Ang wandering through these memories I think the episode would have been even stronger but alas it was still very very good but outside of Ember Island players I think the greatest examples of filler and Avatar is one the thing that made me create this video in the first place the tales of bossing say and two aa's lost days I've made a whole video on tal so I'm not going to repeat everything here but if you really really think about it the most not filler part of the episode is Momo sleeping in opas paw prints the plot is about finding AA again so apaa being in bossing SE is the most important part of that io's past is a close second but everything else is pure filler and that is brilliant it shows us just a regular day of their lives to one contrast everything that led us here and two to contrast everything that would immediately follow without Opa we are briefly grounded and forced to think a whole lot more about who we are and where we stand the episode does still have some good all low Stak hings with Saka but the episode as a whole is a emotional Journey alongside the main cast to show us sides of them we barely if ever see it's the perfect example of how to do filler right in the same way that Mythic Quest dropped that episode midseason 1 if you know you know and the same goes for opa's last days plot-wise you can remove this episode outright AA is captured later we find him in Lake L guy Zuko frees him that is it that is the plot that we sort of need to know but no because right on the heels of the tales of bosing SE we see a whole episode that might as well be called The Tale of apaa because in the same way the tales is a purely character-driven emotional roller coaster Opa Story 2 is a series of very very unfortunate events it doesn't go quite as far as Primal in the sense that it is purely zero dialogue whatsoever but obviously our protagonist Opa doesn't exactly say a lot and actually think about that for a second this is a Nickelodeon show the episode has like Z zero plot progression and it's entirely made up of a silent animal suffering for like 20 minutes straight let that sink in the most tragic part of this for me is that I know this is probably the thing that's going to get cut perhaps I'm speaking for myself here but these two quote unquote Filler episodes back to back is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of bossing say exactly because they evoke an emotional reaction and what is art if not an emotional reaction the worst kinds of filler will make you feel either annoyed or perhaps even worse just completely indifference but with this bossing say is not just the climax of the season and a pivotal turning point in the core story of Avatar it is also the location that evokes some of the strongest emotions that is its purpose to elevate the core plot and to make the series as a whole greater than the sum of its parts so pulling all of this together nothing about filler is inherently bad in fact most of the time it should be very good as it's the connective threat that ties together the actual plot if your world feels shallow boring and artificial if your viewer is not invested in the characters those big climax moments and spectacle will be completely meaningless plenty of shows have done bombastic effects quora a book 2 later seasons of Game of Thrones a familiar face on the channel the walking dead but the show not the comic read the comic the comic's really good all of them have spectacle but because the writing is between horrible and not great none of that really means anything in today's media sphere and as we saw with Netflix's a Avatar I think that is the most important takeaway viewers won't switch off because there's a lot of talking so long as the dialogue is good they won't switch off if a character just goes for a walk and thinks if the monologue is not in your face and perhaps most importantly they won't switch off if God forbid you give your characters flaws what I think will make viewers switch off is one if you've cut all the stuff that makes that world that world or two the filler you've added is just meaningless bloats We are following the story because we want to see their stories not just a collection of big battles so my formula of good filler based on Avatar is this number one it provides a new type of conflict it can be something as simple as baddy of the week but it's through that bad that we should explore some sort of new dimension of our core cast if it's just a meaningless obstacle we fight that is bloat and that is bad filler if it's Jets who challenges qatar's feelings and Saka leadership that is very good if it's the whole runaway in inid that leads into Sparky Sparky boom man that leads into a whole bunch of character-driven drama that is also very very good but conflict doesn't necessarily need to stem from just a human body it can also be Ang letting the Avatar title go to his head on Kyoshi Island which facilitates a different kind of conflict amongst the gang themselves but very very importantly these characteristics shouldn't be just written in as these oneoff meaningless bits of the story that flaw or conflict must tie into more meaningful bits of the story to elevate the things that matter more the chase establishes the somewhat conflict ridden Dynamic of Qatar and tof but we then explore it more in the tales of bossing say and we then explore it even further in The Runaway there is a constant thread connecting all of these events of varying importance which leads me into Point numer two just about every good bit of filler is about emotion not spectacle or super meaningful challenge again opa's last days and the tales of bossing say are the perfect examples the conflict there isn't really conflict in the traditional sense again going to bring up one piece but that's why I also think a lot of those fil archs do not hit the same because they are not Cannon and so by defaults just don't have any Stakes I had a lot of fun watching them but they are literally meaningless so again expand all these character traits that we already know but just through a different lens but thirdly I do still think we need at least something to satisfy the monkey brain so if we don't have any spectacle I think visual Variety in the setting is an absolute necessity The Painted Lady for example is cool spiritual shenanigans on this desolate floating island thingy it's not anything super vibrant or eye-catching but it's Unique even The Great Divide that is a unique location the Pirates are well Pirates first of all which is also unique but we also get the whole cool waterfall sequence and all that Tales of bossing say has a long list of new visuals that we hadn't seen in the series and I mean the iro tree is one of the most iconic shots in all of Avatar let me just ask you this how many times in Avatar do we see reused locations exactly basically not at all and even with things like omashu it goes from Earth Kingdom rule to the Fire Nation so even there it does have variety with these three things in mind as long as you're given enough runtime I think you can cook up some really rewarding side Adventures that enrich the primary plots and avoid just rushing through this bullet point list of major story beats unfortunately I'm sure Netflix has a whole lot more retention data than me and if it is really a data driven decision well I might as well be a boomer screaming into the void because clearly short form content is in much higher demand and when I say short form I'm not actually talking about the runtime of the show as that is basically the same as the animated show but more so in the way that runtime is actually used with filler and pacing to me it does seem like just Min maxing retention that said it's not all bad one of the greatest series of 2023 in my opinion was Fen and a whole lot of people they're completely wrong of course described that show as just pure filler like seriously I've never seen anyone be that wrong but clearly there is still appreciation for these super slow more down toe shows in the mainstream especially since right before that we also had Vinland Saga season 2 but anyway all of this was a very long-winded way to say that filler is in no way a bad thing and is crucial for a story to be more than just a series of disconnected events just like in the real world it's often that seemingly meaningless stuff in between that gives the story the heart for which it is loved for when I think of like the camping trip trips I've been on I don't really think about the activities we got into the thing that I always remember the most are those filler conversations around the campfire so in the case of Avatar episodes like Tales being among many people's favorites but also being largely just filler is a perfect example of how much the world itself and the characters in it resonate with the audience did I just make a 30ish minute long video that could just be summarized with it's about the journey not the destination yes but it is about the journey and I think for a little while the journeys we see on screen might skew toward micromanage spectacles more than authentic experiences so until that pendulum swings back I think diving deeper into these misconstrued shortcomings is worthy of a small 30-minute journey and that's the video turned out to be a little longer than I expected but I really wanted to talk about the underappreciated value of filler and the tight rope you really have to walk to make it meaningful especially having seen the Netflix version that mostly just removed it outright feels like I've been babbling about the stuff ever since liveaction one piece so happy to have finally formalized those thoughts at least somewhat knowing me though I'll probably end up returning to this again at some point but anyway with that I want to say massive thank you to our current patrons and YouTube members who allow me to produce even more of these for you all and let's also give a warm welcome to the newest member of the team Dominic C I am so sorry if I buted the name but without you there' be a whole lot less of my rambling so seriously thank you thank you other than that I want to say thank you very much for watching I hope you have a great day and hopefully I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Korotos Mystery Shack
Views: 77,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Koroto's, Mystery, Shack, Korotos, Koroto, Avatar, Avatar the last airbender, Avatar Netflix, Netflix, ATLA, book 1, the great divide, filler, tales of ba sing se, tale of iroh, The fortune teller, season 1, Netflix atla, video essay, retrospective, analysis, avatar studios
Id: u-CdmtpZ5d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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