How High Will This 1 Ton Rubber Band Ball Bounce?

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we're in the middle of nowhere we have a helicopter and boys The Whole Trailer we are going mental today oh crazy higher and higher with this guy and then even higher because why not how high will this thing bounce oh the ground that's next level folks it's coming in 30 feet first drop here we go bye oh the balls taking off both rolling get the ball stop it hey slow down yes boy test drop complete first drop no damage that was pretty good how'd you find that Matt yeah interesting how close to the Target you feel you got I reckon I was probably right on it ball looks fine I don't think we lost a man she's good to go again bounce height do we need to calculate guys I got an exciting X and Y graph to show you oh force transfer did you see that I didn't see the way before that's consistent with an ocean wave oh w-o-f-t waft look at McGrath oh sweet crap can you read this read this bounce height in feet and what's this drop height also on feet so as we drop it higher we will get a higher bounce and this is where we begin humble need to show you the purple box of Destiny because drop height currently maxes out at 570 feet but it could go to two thousand oh five thousand ten thousand the dot could be over here with the grass so you can expect much science today next drop height guys do we go the height of the Tower yeah which is about 150 around the 150. that's five times what we just did lock it in it feels right doesn't it drop the tower height we've got the target out it's an absolute Beauty Rex is going on the X here we go boys flip me take her out please lift off for round two You Raise Me Up if you've been Dragged In by the YouTube algorithm I suggest you subscribe this is just normal content really oh so proud of you rubber band ball so proud easy easy boy easy that was a big bounce no bands off either no freaking damage yes oh my goodness can't wait to get on my X and Y graph GoPro definitely got a squish how did you get away I'm standing in the initial crater and I am standing in the secondary coaster it's in frame pass down and kiss the Earth how pancakey are you gonna be what level of waft oh wow oh the waft is living on oh and wobble oh [Applause] and we haven't lost a band yet and do you know why we haven't lost a band because we had 13 people working for 65 hours putting on continuous bands so there's no weak spots no because other people have done these big balls but they've joined rubber bands together but we got custom ordered massive bands from China and I think we're going to reap the rewards today my goodness time to calculate the bounce height with time [Music] this formula isn't bulletproof no it's not but this is a very heavy item going straight up and down that's got like hardly any resistance yeah and it gets it within a bull's raw you know that's what I thought oh that one that was good Johnson's onto the graph 53 feet from a 150 feet drop would you agree there yeah are we happy is are you going to connect them oh we could a line graph oh I mean you've got to don't you we're trending upwards where's the next dot going are we doubling we're going to 300 feet what's that 100 meters let's go let's get shaky all right double it up time to let you in on a little secret guys got a second Chopper also someone here has a better mustache than what I had Phillip can we see your mustache oh wow that's Sensational he's our pilot and we're going up so we can film from the air you wanna get up there I'm going shopping Herren loaded into Chopper secondary filming angle I'm gonna be at about the ball height and just follow it down how good Heron Chopper is ready left Shopper is ready it's time to go to 450 feet we're gonna do 300 and the guys are like go big what landmarks in the world are 150 is a 450 tall I never did that research well it's taller than the torch dude in New York uh definitely the a woman Statue of Liberty yes it's higher than Gordon down which is where I made my world record basketball shot which Dude Perfect broke and then Derek broke twice again Aaron is Airborne folks guys this is getting serious and Johnson we could be going higher do we need to give the ball a name let's call him wafty because he's got waves of four French transfer through he's lining it up oh okay are you ready I'm ready okay we're good now we just wait for the pond to line it up and then he's just gonna drop it don't die wafty hold together son no his eyes away oh we gotta stop him what's he come back put on the brake son whoa boy Whoa [Music] this is like the strongest rubber band ball ever made I can't wait to see the crater oh here's a band these two are all we're broken um we can put him back on so this is what we're working with guys this is why it's so strong because we've got continuous bands with no ties Aaron's out of the chopper time to get a height reading from the boys get excited everyone the Whiteboard Market is out that is like science you're seeing that virtually in line we're starting to dip a tiny bit but cheese it's in the ballpark we have been discussing the next drop height how does a thousand sit with you of the feet variety really well because it's really well these are the only bands that have come off Heron too oh and here another one's got one three three bands so next one off a ton yeah so a thousand feet boys the science says that will be around the 60 meter bounce is that science is it what's your formula from the side oh double double what we were two times 60 meters is a ginormous bounce I mean that's bouncing over the Tower with ease that's the highest bounce of anything ever surely surely no I mean I'm not researching that and I'm sure that's not true but I'm gonna claim it I'm gonna second it world record Bounce World Record bounce happening right here this would be like bouncing over the Sydney Harbor Bridge I'm gonna remove my jumper and show you what's underneath it's probably beyond my understanding guys but basically look at the sophistication in this hook system I mean there's electronics there's rope there's what are these things called again um but basically it's been well thought through it's way more professional than probably anything we've ever done it's got steel that's a DOT point and it's working and I'm wrapped about that and it's paid for but I already killed yeah that's right if you want to help pay for it can you buy some merch Michael I just want to give you a big high five for all your efforts into helicopter things and the rigging and Michael also did the most building of that ball so I want to see a lot of love for Michael do you want to give your predictions on a thousand feet I reckon we're going to lose probably 30 40 rubber bands and a big bounce the only 30 bands how strong is today you can get an editor Jack's brain here as well what are you thinking Jack well the thing is I got to put this GoPro somewhere and I want them to be close but I don't want him to get hit the Temptation is to move them back so they're safer yes but is that true yeah does it actually make any difference well if it was me fortune five is the brave I think so loud can you be quiet helicopter here we go as heretic has ever done a double helicopter shoot who has is that Hollywood it's knocking if it's not Hollywood it's at least Holly probably lacking maybe a little bit of wood but we're caught oh yeah let's just see some of Derek shots [Music] she'll be coming round the mountain when she comes Oh I thought for sure I'd get it from someone here we go folks a thousand feet where is that Chopper there it is goodness me are we good let me subscribe if you haven't we're doing some crazy things these days hold on wafty the suspense is flipping crazy little countdown it might not even work three two one oh close three two one okay could be could be that person is really loves to just Precision it he wants to hear Rexy on the nose thank you my arms are killing me you're doing what happened you're doing it's like hey if he's gonna hold him you gotta hold him oh this could be a bit definitely getting like red zone for Stamford RedZone Snap It Off I never thought I'd be saying this I really don't even care if any sex just get him down it's just gonna have to have a go he's gonna have to pull it that is very high oh gosh I'm really trying I need you I could give you a break oh yeah that's big this is big stop that's got high standards I like everything so bad left and a wreck in the Phantom might have it in Prime I reckon we missed the Target by about 20 meters which from a thousand feet with a swinging pendulum not a bad effort right you don't want to see this oh look at The Grater that is very large wow we have not lost many let's say we lost 10 kilos and I'm probably overdoing it and that ball after we watch the slo-mo will be going up higher let's go to the high speed 544 and the definition High death oh it's the eardrum oh wow waves of force there goes the band where's wafty lofty shed some poundage [Music] and that's how it sheds it's an egg it's an egg the ball is essentially alive you see how it peeled off I've got some math for you gaunson from a thousand feet what are we talking 77 feet so we've gone down we've actually got less of a bounce somehow somehow did you see how far it went to the Earth oh so that came at a cost of energy I reckon so we lost some Jewels a lot of jewels how do we lose the Jules Johnson they went to the Earth they just they left us they left us they left us oh this distance here what is going on here that's either some science happening ever in the next that's big x equals loss hmm we lost we lost out they took it from us the Earth dog the Earth let's say 1000 is X then 2000 will be 2x sort of I don't know if that's how Speed Works it isn't but just go with me then you get let's say we take half of it half of it's gone that's the loss we've still got double so we still get half more so we've been doing some big head scratching we had a delicious beef burger really hit the spot that was nice not all grounded the same the Earth the farmer soda seed oh nice punch not no the farmer had a beef burger with us and he soda said like he does and he said boys not all the ground is the same we're in a valley he was like guys you're in a valley it's as soft as and I can't say the next word he said and then literally he was like lift your eyes constant to the hills to the plains where there's more rock Rocky land so we should get a bigger bounce how good let's go we're going to 2 000 feet this is gonna put wafty to the test yeah enormous way wafty could be whiffed and off I mean can you feel it boys it feels hard my turn to go up in the filming chopper with uh pilot Philip and his legendary Moe oh look at that image that is so good yes of course and this could be our last drop do you think about that that is so so high wow I'm so very small he's at the right altitude he's literally gonna just fly in the line of sight of the of the ax and then he's just gonna drop it so we've got to just be ready wow don't way up to the right wow oh I've had a big mist and we've lost a lot of bands guys there are fans everywhere like a whole nother rubber band ball here there's some weight here hey let's have a look at the crater Johnson oh yeah that's big eh that's bigger the last one so our plan of hitting the harder Rock didn't happen well Derek we've still got quite a big ball left it's still big guys still huge we gotta go that again one more drop [Music] that is all wow five seconds five seconds here we go stop stop stop stop stop stop it's away why it's away still pushing out that way it's still oh on the way oh wow we are losing bands [Music] oh my goodness is that registering on the Richter Scale there's just bands everywhere folks it's official we got one more drop Gotta Get It much closer to the Zone join the boys down the bottom it's been a bit hectic from 2000 feet doesn't it is everyone good not yet not yet yeah we're good here we go that looks way better yeah that looks way better come on down wow [Music] wow that is flying there it is and the shower of bands that was flipping nuts that was good yeah still rolling big fella but look at the trail of Destruction it just it goes for ages so landed here and all the rubber bands are over there that's a hundred meters definitely some damage the shallow crater resulted in the way bigger bounce that thing was flipping enormous oh that is huge that's massive 48 meters that's higher than the tower it's Shaggy bit pooey he's still very heavy flip and contest everyone contest guess the weight of lofty we'll get back to the warehouse and we'll weigh it and if you're the closest [Applause] we went out of the valley and up under the high stuff well that's been great Lads thoroughly enjoyed that one huge effort from many people to make that video happen 44 Club thanks for your support get on board the train if you're not already subscribe many good things coming out of a dirty that was so bad anything to add Jack not after that
Channel: How Ridiculous
Views: 7,826,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 44club, how ridiculous, rexy
Id: M5KdZTIkljM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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