How He Turned $50 Into $100,000

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it's been a while since we've heard this music ah it's good to hear it though it's good to be back i like it wow [Music] what is up and welcome back to the daily traders podcast this is episode number 11. i'm your host mark and tragically jack could not be here with us today all right unfortunately um jack was involved in a mountain biking accident and he will be out for the next couple of weeks he's doing all right but just is not in shape to be in front of camera so today my co-host friend and co-worker is here with us and cody's not only you know my assistant doesn't only work for the company but he's a good trader himself uh he's made over six figures trading in both the stock and crypto markets so we're gonna be talking about kind of our story his story uh how we met and how things came to be and then some other fun stuff um if you guys aren't subscribed make sure to subscribe if you don't know who we are the daily traders is the largest trading and investing community on the internet we've got a combined like three to four million followers across all of our platforms so uh if you want to learn about trading this is the place to be if you want to be entertained this is the place to be all right a little disclaimer we are not financial advisors we cannot give financial advice nothing we say in this podcast should be taken as financial advice okay the full disclaimers is in the description below check that out don't sue us bye yeah cody let's kick it off with like how we met um it's cool story and uh and i'll let you just run with it yeah so i actually got into crypto trading um a few years back i had a buddy get me into small cap stocks and then i uh kind of transitioned over to crypto and while i was in in my crypto phase uh like very like newbie beginner um i was posting some of my gains on snapchat and i completely even forgot i met you like this was like probably two years after i really met you for the first time and you actually sent me a message on snapchat and you were like hey man you know i have this group you know i'm looking for a team of traders to um get an office with and like i don't know you're like this is my dream like like i want to make this happen and i'd love for you to like come to the office one day and like yeah just give it a shot yeah this was back when i was like in la and i was i knew i was moving back here and i wanted to get an office um and you know it was just me in the office for a while you came on in like late november um so it's been almost a year might have been a little earlier than that uh you came on we started training together uh and you know sharing ideas and then i asked if you wanted to help me grow this company uh and so here we are yeah it only took about two days and i was like hey man i was like do you have any like stuff i could do for you i'm like you know in the business and you're like actually i think there is so yeah and you were so you had quit your job you were trading um you were in a nine to five for yeah so i actually quit in november and then i came on full time with you back in the beginning of march but i was like kind of working with you before that um in december yeah we started talking and yeah working on a couple projects but you officially you know came on in march yeah i know i was able to quit my nine to five trading crypto in stocks it was like the biggest relief off my shoulders yet when i was trying to live off that income i was making that's when it started to get hard and then as soon as it started to get hard like he messaged me and i was like wow i was like that was great timing like it was kind of like luck but if i would never you know applied myself i you know i would never have had that opportunity to be lucky yeah you made a lot of money trading but you get to a point where it's like you know you have a couple rough months as like [ __ ] you know this is hard you know you're spending your expenses whatever i don't know what your expenses are uh but you have a house you have house payments car payments yeah i get a house i get a truck i had a four wheeler i have that paid off now but um i don't plan to pay off like my truck or my house just because of cash flow reasons like why like why would i go spend 100 grand to pay off my house or 60 grand to pay off my truck when i can use all that money for cash flow and make more money with that money yeah i didn't think we said how old you were you're 25 yeah i'm 25. okay yeah i bought my house and i was 22. cool that's like a huge accomplishment too to be 22 and buy yeah it was weird because it was um it was actually i was probably about 20 and i was still living at my parents house and i was so miserable and i was just miserable for all the wrong wrong reasons um but yeah and then i started actually going online and i found some people i really resonated with um louis mocker and david goggins um garyvee i resonated with all those guys and i was working these nine to five jobs in the trades and i was just like just wasn't happy because i knew i was capable of better things yeah and i was like you know i would go online and see people like you like doing well and i'm like dude i'm like i have the capability i just need to apply myself and what i was feeling myself off was motivation and what i really needed to feel myself off was drive and when i originally got into trading um i actually started 50 really okay yeah so the the first actually all my money i've ever made has been from fifty dollars that's crazy i've never added any more because i didn't have to wow good for you yeah i didn't know that yeah so like everyone's like oh you don't have enough money um you know it it all depends like if you're a new trader and you're getting into this space and you have you know fifty dollars a hundred dollars five hundred dollars you know you really can't follow the the real principles of trading because that's not enough money to like actually trade properly trade like put position sizing so you know like i was going all in which when you have 50 like what else you do you just go all in yeah um and i i got lucky so like i had a friend um who got me into trading um he just had a discord group and he's posting on his facebook he's like yo he's like if anyone's learning how to trade you guys can join the group it's it's a free group you know it's not paid and it's just a bunch of our buddies and we're all doing really well and you know he taught me the basics of trading you know like very good risk management you know staying high cash and volatile markets um and stuff like that so then what i did is i actually put 50 into a stock called ocgn okay um the stock was traded it was a penny stock it was trading around 23 cents and the reason i bought it um again this is when i was like straight noob into stocks i didn't know anything but the main reason i bought it was because there was an earnings report coming out and it was rumored to be really good well they ended up pushing it back to like christmas time so i bought this stuff the end of october and i held it for like two months wow because it was only 50 worth i really forgot about it okay and um anyway their earnings dropped like right after christmas like the 27th and when their earnings dropped i was at work and i looked down at my phone and i was just checking my stuff and i was like oh yeah the earnings dropped today i was like i'm gonna check it dude that stock was at two dollars and 23 cents and i had 500 in my account and i was like oh [ __ ] wow so 50 bucks and a 500 yeah so crazy so yeah and then you know that was right before the january bull market and i forget what year i'm pretty sure that was the uh 2021 bull market in january okay um and like do you couldn't lose you could be the worst trader ever and you just couldn't lose for like a month straight i remember that so like i thought i was so good at trading man i was like buying like anything and i was making money so i ended up scaling that to like like probably like three to five grand in that time like not much but like enough to go like holy [ __ ] i just turned fifty dollars into like five grand i can't remember exactly what i had but this training thing works yeah and then like that's when i started getting into crypto and we're like really because what hap what i realized was and what my friend taught me was he was like yo he's like this is not the real market he's like stay high cash he's like don't be stupid so i think i ended up losing like 500 and then i just like thought i was all that because my buddy told me like just be very careful and anyway you know what i stayed high cash and i just watched the market tank and i was just like holy crap just still tanked and i like bought in a few lost a couple hundred bucks then i kept losing a little more but for the most part i just stayed 90 cash so it didn't didn't affect me but in that same amount of time i was able to put that money into crypto and then i was i scaled that money that three to five grand into 25 grand in crypto and then i was able to get past the pattern day trading and then i was able to put my money in think or swim and i made more money in the stock market and then right around november came and then i was trying to like i said live off that money and go full time you know it it's very hard to like live off that money and because you had over 100 thousand at that point in your trading i would say over a hundred i was probably like eighty seven thousand i think that was my the most money i had like in my account at one time because i was taken away from it okay so i'd make ten grand and i would spend angry like over like a course of a month like bills to pay my house payment and that's all i was doing like just all the time like five days a week yeah so dang and wait were you working still at your normal job during that period um no no like once um i think it was a year almost a year ago now quit my job that november and i was done okay so but how i actually started was the the nine to five job i had was actually um probably eight in the morning to seven at night four days a week i worked wednesday through saturday and i was able to use my mondays and tuesdays that i had off actually well sunday the market's not open i had sunday off too but i was able to use that extra time to be in the stock market all day so that's how in january i was able to make all that money while i was still working oh neat okay yeah so and then you know like i said it wasn't really a big deal for me to stay all cash because i was working a nine-to-five job so i had a regular income at that point yeah which is like that's when people go to make that transition from like or to being a full-time day trader yeah it's often very hard it is you know it's a lot harder than people think but you know my whole thing what actually really motivates me is that for an example right if you have a hundred thousand dollars okay and you know nothing about the stock market you're like 50 years old and you just decide to learn trading well you're gonna go all in with your hundred thousand dollars and you're either gonna learn how to do it or you're just gonna lose all your hundred thousand dollars yeah but if you only have a thousand you're only gonna lose your thousand yeah so it's like losing a thousand is not really that big of a deal but losing a hundred thousand like that's a big deal that's why it's so important to learn with a small amount of money so that when you make those big numbers you can keep those big numbers yeah did you paper trade at all um you know i i tried but you know i was really no i i didn't really pay for trade at all i mean i i had the account set up but i just i just used my money i just used small positioning sizes and i in in the back of my head i was like okay like i was all about the actual percent of the trade not the money so i was like on on paper i would write it down be like okay i made say ten percent well ten percent on a thousand dollars versus ten percent on a hundred thousand dollars i'm like okay if i have a hundred thousand dollars that's how much money i would have made on that trade oh interesting so i yeah it was all about perspective for me like okay like when i'm able to get to that amount like i'll have this much money yeah you started out with a good mindset in the first place because a lot of people start out and they want well it's obviously everyone starts out wanting to make money and that's the focus but you're 100 on the percentages yeah absolutely and like i said i have my friend to thank for that and he was no like crazy trader like don't get me wrong like he was he'd only been trading for like a year but he was following um this guy in the penny stock world who just like preached rules and his rules were you know like stay high cash and volatile markets and you know you had a bunch of other ones i can't remember off top of my head but you know you had this specific set of rules and i don't really follow all of them anymore because i don't trade penny stocks i'm just into crypto and options yeah so yeah what's like one piece of advice then or your favorite rule maybe that you learn that you'd give a beginner or someone listening to this right now uh one piece of advice i would give is i'm gonna reiterate what i said it's okay you know what it's okay to lose five hundred dollars a thousand dollars to learn but it's you know not ten thousand dollars like learn with a small amount of money so that you can scale up you know because yeah you're gonna be freaking out if you lose ten thousand dollars but you lose a thousand dollars not the end of the world yeah um and that and stay high cash okay yeah yeah high cash and volatile markets um if you're not sure stay high cash cash is a position yeah cash is a position i like that yeah what's your what's your strategy like just generally uh when it comes to the stock market um so i like to look at the at the overall markets and i'm talking about like news and everything and kind of like gauge where people would be putting their money like dogecoin for example like there was hype into dogecoin and everyone's like ah there's no utility on dogecoin like don't buy doge it's useless and then what happened um here's a little side story real quick my brother actually had bought a thousand dollars of dogecoin and i don't remember the exact price but i did all the the math out and i was before i really started to get into trading i would say october um and again i got in at the end of october and he had sold his shares right about when i started so right at the beginning of november and i think dogecoin had its first huge pump in like november 15th this was like two years ago yeah right around there again i'm not sure the timeline exactly but that's all right um yeah so by january 15th if he had kept that thousand dollars in there and he didn't make he ended up not making anything off of it unfortunately yeah but he would have made 214 thousand dollars off dogecoin and that's what really like triggered me to get into crypto and i started like learning about the different prices of crypto and the market cap and i was like okay i'm like you can make some serious money here you know as long as you follow the hype of the markets like where where's big money going yeah follow big money we're not necessarily like big money just mass amounts of people yeah yeah exactly yeah okay yeah so so you use like volume market cap like in crypto and stocks to kind of gauge uh you know where to put your money into different coins or how to trade different coins just trading options or the market like okay yeah all that stuff like i was looking at spy and i called the recession coming like and i'm not like i wasn't making any crazy predictions like i was just like oh my god this chart is so overbought and me and every other trader in the world was like yeah this is insane like it has to make a correction at some point yeah because no chart just stays up a hundred percent or ten thousand percent you know it's gonna make some kind of correction before it goes back up again yeah one thing i'll say is you like really like doing your research and i remember like a year ago when we were snapping back and forth you'd send me like trade ideas and explain like different breakdowns on coins or trades or stocks or the overall market yeah you would have a million trend lines and like you're a trend line guy you like your tread lines right yeah so at first i didn't realize were like trend lines work like don't get me wrong but you can have too many trend lines but at the end of the day trend lines need volume and then you're like oh okay like yeah there's like 10 bull flags but they were just you know i mean they're both flags because they were gonna go up anyway yeah you know it'd be good because all the hype was there the people investing in the stock were there that's why like when i was trading all these bull flags and it just kept going up it's like well yeah because of course there's just a flooded the market you know yeah right now this year's been tough i mean i the last couple last couple weeks have been rough for me personally trading this year as a whole has still been green like still very green although the market's down you know what twenty twenty twenty two yeah what are you up right now like two hundred and eighty percent i haven't looked in like a month i haven't checked in a while um at the end of each month i'll look and kind of get my year to date total but yeah it's definitely over it's like 250 percent i think oh okay nice so yeah so that's still that's amazing it was funny so there was i'll talk about this so cody do you know cody ko yeah okay so this you saw it you saw it obviously um cody co this big youtuber if you don't know him he's got like five million subscribers made a video and it was called like uh reacting to tick tock day traders something like that yep so well i didn't even the way i found out was my buddy calls me and he's like dang that cody cove video like that's some good publicity i'm like what codyco video because i know who this is and i look it up and watch the video and it wasn't reacting to tick tock day traders it was reacting to tick tock day trader which was me which was awesome right daily trainers yeah that was funny and it was a really good video like they had fun it was him cody and then these two guys from this podcast uh that i hadn't heard before but a couple of our guys jack and i have yeah you you've heard the podcast jack and i are fans okay what was it what is it called trillionaire mindset shout out yeah so these three guys made this really funny uh you know comedic video um you know kind of going over our tick tocks the podcast it was like trying to be a hit video but then we sold them on the course yeah they were so they were i think they started out like they definitely start out like these guys are just scammers like like everyone says well yeah i mean because you know you go online and you see this crazy marketing and then you're like oh they're just selling a course to make money and it's like well yeah we're selling to make money but we also want to help people right and they're like oh you know it's this game it's like okay then what's college like you go and you get 200 000 in debt you know to learn like you take a couple classes on your actual like masters or whatever you're going for but you won't spend 500 or 200 or a thousand dollars on something you're super interested and driven in yeah and just like it kind of like blows my mind it's also funny at the same time but you know at the end of the day you know you really don't know if it is a scam or not because some random guy on the internet yeah and the best thing you can do is ask someone who's already taken whatever course because there's so many out there and i'm sure there is some that i mean i mean and i guess if it's on teachable they're not it's not necessarily a scam you know someone's selling their secret information and it's up to you to go okay is do i have enough money or is this worth it to me to take the risk like you're taking a risk buying anyone's course because it's their secret information the the the difference with the course is that it's organized it's yeah step by step it's in order you cannot be step by step in order yeah no matter how hard you try on youtube yeah like there's gonna be missing potholes of information key things the fact that teachable has it like step by step in order of everything you need to know like i don't know like i want to learn like resolve for instance i want to get way better at color grading i'm going to take a course and it's probably going to be teachable and it's me step by step and that is going to save me so much more time rather than watching through a bunch of random youtube videos that do everything different yeah there's so many different things the best courses they they prove to their audience and i i feel like we do a really good job at doing this that what we do works on a day-to-day basis like what we're doing is not a bunch of [ __ ] like we actually do trading callouts and we actually show that you know we're using one of our 10 strategies to make the call out like it's not just oh i'm just pulling this trade out of my ass it's it's one of the strategies that you learn and then you can watch him make the trade and then actually apply that to your own knowledge like yeah okay that's why it worked or that's why it didn't work because we don't we don't win every trade yeah like that's what i was saying that when i lost the other week it happens you know but that full transparency is something that no one else provides and i think by the by the end of that video they realized that like we are legit because they're like all right we're in they were all like we're in yeah watched i mean the only negative thing that they said was again about the course they're like oh it's just a course so it's got to be a scam right and that was in the beginning and they were just generalizing with all courses that was before exactly that was before they got to the point in the ad which is like barely 30 seconds in our website they went to yeah they went to the website and they watch the the video on the website which is also on our channel um of like kind of just going through your day going through the jet trip that we had and they get to that point where you're up 150 you literally close a trade at the beginning like a solid trade for a good amount of profit and they're like wow this guy is legit like you could see their heads light up yeah um in the video hell i'll even clip it and put it in the middle here just so the viewers can see if they haven't seen the kodiko video yeah yeah it was it was really really cool we did not pay for it no it was all we paid for it was good reassurance i was like wow this thing actually works yeah like yeah i know people join the group every single day but like to see three at least the the million the trillionaire mindset guys at least to see them kind of lit up and like actually believe they're traders they're not they're traders yeah and and they were very impressed which like was was was reassuring to us that you know it's good stuff that we make so earlier you asked me if i paper traded yeah so i'm going to ask you because i know you don't pay for trader right now um when someone's trying to learn a new strategy do you suggest paper trading yeah um i suggest everyone starts paper trading right off the bat um because it's like why not uh you're gonna lose money no matter what you might as well lose fake money right it's true yeah and then you know my big thing is um a trading journal you know and you can really track your progress and then you know you'll with a training journal you can look back and realize like oh you'll pick up on things that you didn't pick up in the moment you'd be like oh wow over the last 10 trades every call i made was right and every put i made was 50 of them were wrong yeah and well so your question yes you should paper trade if you switch your strategy uh and i think even good traders even if they're not switching their strategy if you go through a rough couple of months or a rough couple of weeks maybe switching over to you know just paper for a bit is a good idea okay that's what i've done before if i'm going to take a second patch and i'm down like i don't know a lot and i just keep digging that hole it's like let me step back i've seen a lot of traders do that like some guy who joined the group uh like three months ago he had joined and he was like you know he's like putting screenshots in he goes dude he goes i really hope you guys can help me he's like i started with 40 grand and now i'm at 10 grand and i'm like oh dude i'm like dang i'm like have you ever paper traded before he's like nah i'm on robin hood i'm like bro no i was like so he wasn't even charting like he just knew nothing he was just straight gambling and i was like bro i'm like it's yeah it's it's not like that i love real training it's not like that no i love those tick tock videos of those guys with like lamborghinis and whatnot and money and like 200 000 in cash robin hood and then it flicks over they have a video of like their screen with robin hood on it our our latest uh youtube video the top 10 trading noob mistakes or something like that uh that we just put out today um yeah we have a lot of hits on roblox yeah we went off on rob we might get an angry uh angry email from someone at robin hood but no i mean and and um don't get me wrong though robin hood is a is a great platform to execute your trades on but you still need to be doing your technical analysis on another platform i mean have you ever gotten a good fill on robinhood no joshua exactly josh got a good bill in robin hood josh is somehow there was just a lot of volume on those contracts that reminds me like when i was a noob i was actually on robin hood but i was only on robin hood for the dogecoin um and i was actually on so this might be uh i don't know if i can say this or not but i'm gonna anyway so i was i thought i was like being super smart because i was on trading view and i was like watching like five different brokers on dogecoin so when one broker would have a huge spike i'd buy it on robinhood so i was actually like playing the market flow and without even realizing what i was doing but the problem was i was getting filled at such a bad rate that i wasn't actually making money and i was like how did i lose money oh wait so it was like a broker lag or a broker error no because you know you know how like just trading works you know like in the nasdaq or whatever you're trading in like all the brokers have to like compile all their data to get the actual you know what i mean like it's different all the all the brokers like if you look on trading view right now you know it's it's different on every broker it's not the same exact so if you saw like a huge candle on one broker then like a second later you could buy on your broker um and i actually did that a lot okay i've never done that yeah and and i realized like i said it's not good for like scalping because and that's what i was doing when i didn't realize i was doing it i was scalping and uh i wasn't making money because of the shitty feels i was getting okay so i like to me on when i was looking at it but when you hit market order it feels you uh so bad you know they they like yeah they kill you that's how all these exchanges make their money they make their money off of giving you i don't i don't know how to explain it but giving you a shitty fill basically they yeah they uh yeah i know what you mean and uh jack was talking about this um oh yeah how um he said something like how it's so toxic in robin hood how your p l is just right in front of your face whenever you open up oh yeah because we always kind of talk about what we always advise like not checking your p l every single second of the day because then it feels more like gambling it's just like a visual rep representation of either like oh like i [ __ ] up or oh i'm doing all right i'm making something it's so funny because like when you start trading and like you lose like a grand you're like oh [ __ ] you like i lost a thousand dollars and then it's like this on robin hood like a straight line that goes down yeah but like now like and anyone just traded for like longer than a year it's like uh i lost a grant whatever yeah you get you get numb to losing money because you're just trading the actual charts you're not trading the money like yeah you're following you like your trade plan and you know you're just executing on that not the money yeah it was interesting about robin hood for a while though too is that they didn't like something they were very slow to roll out their crypto um wallets right like you had your doge in crypto but you couldn't uh you had your what uh hang on it was certain you had your yeah it was certain coins that they had they didn't have uh all the wallets yet like you were kind of a place on a waitlist for a while so you could you put that doge into another one because i don't think you could you didn't have one uh at the time um robin hood wouldn't let you transfer out of robin right he was stuck yeah that's what i mean yeah yeah it was like it was a really shitty platform you don't actually have the keys then you know what you do now you do now yeah you can transfer out of robinhood now but for a while you were like everyone was on a wait list for like two years three years when they they had doge like obviously before a coin base um you got to be careful too because like different exchanges have different rules like for example weeble you can't trade crypto from 5 p.m to 6 p.m est really yeah so i was trying to sell out one day because i thought like i was like oh cool like i can have my shiba in uh weeble and then all of a sudden it was like i can't sell what the [ __ ] wow i'm surprised they can do that yeah i don't know why all right i want to read some uh well i guess sorry on instagram you're at um 31 minutes if you'd like to take a break do you want to take a break yeah let's take a quick break and then we'll read some questions all right quick break quick break we'll be back all right we're back a little intermission i'm gonna read some instagram questions did a little poll on instagram and we can both kind of answer these all right so this guy uh not even gonna read his name can't read that sorry uh what's the most amount of indicators you have used i have a good take on this i feel like this goes for like all traders um as you gain more experience trading you'll start out with a ton of indicators on your screen when you begin and then you'll realize that 95 of them are absolute [ __ ] and you don't need them i have uh if you consider indicator if you consider moving averages indicators which they're not um well then i have three but i don't use indicators myself uh but i know a lot of people have like eight different indicators and they just it depends but for my experience they don't work that well yeah i mean for me personally um i've always used like three moving averages i've used 180 or the 200 and the 50 and then a 15 and even an eight um the thing i like most about the moving averages is um a lot of people don't really know how to read them properly but in just general terms um for the podcast's sake here um say you're trading really far above the eight then you know like you're due for a correction like it's just it's just bound to happen um if you're trading really far under the 200 same thing bound for a correction um in just basic terms and then uh some other indicators that i've used in the past like especially trading pennies was um the rsi which was like probably the the number one indicator out there yeah everyone slaps on their chart yeah yeah exactly and overbought the macd yeah yeah and something to keep in mind about the rsi is what's overbought can become more overbought and what's oversold can become more oversold yeah so it doesn't really work yeah yeah i i mean it does but it yeah well it just tells you something it's just you don't wanna it's not gonna help you trade it just it's in it's going to be like quick information on a screen that's going to tell you yeah one question once you start trading for a while you don't need that indicator to look at the chart and go yeah because you can see if it's overbought or yeah yeah i think that's the biggest difference between like a newbie trader an experienced trader is an experienced trader just like looks at the chart and he doesn't need the indicators because he knows what overbought is he knows what oversold is he knows what the overall market is but maybe you need those in the beginning which is fair right yeah and you need to go through all these phases in order to level up right yeah figure out what works you use the volume uh so the volume indicator or whatever it's called oh yes so i'm actually a fan of just the regular volume if you're not using vault yeah everyone needs to use volume i mean if you're not if you're trading with something with no volume then it's like uh okay like the stock's not going to move very much or it can move a lot if there's no volume there's big buy orders but i mean and yeah in simple terms like the volume like it's just nice to see like if you have a big handle if there's a lot of people on it or not indicators then uh the most i guess the most i've used i probably had six at one point six holy [ __ ] yeah that's more than i've used that was when i was just learning you know slapping them all on there i actually had about 50 on the other day i had about 50. oh my god yeah you did that that run with this media what do you want me to say and then just put the photo on the screen people put the photo on the screen why why did i have 50 indicators um because the big dipper has a huge correlation it was recently discovered he doesn't very don't give him [ __ ] he's recently discovered that that the big dipper um the shape like the constellation yeah like the constellation like it has a huge correlation to like whatever um uh in inflation [Laughter] we made like a parody video on the youtube and like that was one of the yeah you like you even drew the stars and that was one of those they were glowing what not to do is have a million indicators uh okay next question instagram okay uh do make a video on your journey from scratch who picked these out you picked them out yeah there's a video on your journey it's the jet video yeah we have it's how i learned it's how i learned to to trade yeah the daily traders youtube so look it up go watch that yep so just to reiterate there that's the video where you where you tell everybody that you know you started scalping bitcoin yep okay yeah kind of my story that video is super inspiring we stood up all night editing that yeah remember we got back uh after buying the mclaren so like took the jet bought the mclaren um it was still like snowing out so you should you had it shipped uh to myrtle beach uh but then we came back home and we were like [ __ ] we need to put out a video like let's edit this thing right now yeah yeah we set up all night you gave me this new computer so like i was excited because i love new gear and uh yeah and um you know downloaded final cut bam like you were editing too like marco over here was uh you know he was he was trying his hand and final cut land doing a pretty good job i didn't dare download premiere yet because mark is not a premier man that's okay uh neither am i but a little bit oh my god but anyway uh yeah yeah that i remember we like watched that a few times again i went back home on the train i went back down to school on the train just like dead the next morning but it didn't matter because i was like we just made like an incredible video we made like a few incredible videos this video is so good i love that yeah so all right next you only picked out those two questions so now i'm gonna go back oh my god no honestly weren't that many good ones okay uh another question how did you learn trading how did you learn trading why does everyone ask that there's no good answer for that yeah um i saw my friend doing well and i messaged him and i said hey i've been trying to get into trading for like the last year i just don't know where to start and he's like yo dude join my group and i was like sick nice all right i just wanted to make money that's why i learned waiting to make money yeah well you should have picked out more questions for me oh my god because now i'm trying to find all right i have a yeah i'll meet you i don't have any questions i have a funny story okay let's hear it um so i was talking to my dad and he he was like i called you the other day and this was when i took that big loss on fsly uh and i was down like atrocious and he had facetimed me and i remember this and he's like i called you it was so funny this was him talking he's like it was so funny i called you and i want to check in and see how you were doing because i saw you took that huge loss and i figured like you would be like really depressed and like time to close up shop like i'm done that's funny and uh and he's like he asked me he's like how was your day and i i just i didn't even bring up the fsly loss what i said was he's like yeah i asked you how your day was and you told me hey guess what dad uh i'm gonna go buy a lamborghini i was talking about going and buying a lamborghini i was like going on cargurus and that's where my mind was at and he was just baffled he's like wow like i didn't even bring up the loss i think that's a good lesson you got to separate work from absolutely from like family and don't let losses uh carry over into your life don't let gains carry over into your life yep i think if i was a new trader and i took huge loss my dad called me i'd be like yeah dad [ __ ] like i'm down so much you know and uh i don't know i just i'm really depressed uh insert picture i'm gonna go to the bar and get black out tonight yeah smoke like three doobies on the way god now i'm a good lesson like i was already onto the next thing i was thinking about buying a lamborghini and he thought that was really funny like take a huge loss but you're keeping the mclaren i mean i'm gonna do that whether i'm depressed i'm still thinking about buying a lamborghini okay i am gonna buy a lamborghini i am going to buy lamborghini but i i like the mclaren i don't know i'm not done with it yet they have a just kidding they have a lambo for sale they have a lambo for sale right now and i want to go buy it but of course they do there's always a lambo for sale that was funny though like how was your day he's expecting me to be all depressed and i'm like guess what i'm gonna buy a lambo yeah that's a good story there's something like ah i don't know mclaren is so much better than lamborghini but they are they're not just me 100 percent okay so i must say the you're a car person the interior of a mclaren is lacking yeah that's true yeah they're not meant to be luxury they're meant to be they're fast cars they're meant to be fast cars in a straight line but like all but between all like the issues they have like it's just a lamborghini like a lamborghini huracan is like i would prefer a mclaren over a lambo but i like the mclaren better than the huracan yeah now i agree with that and i think a lambo would go further in content like a neon green lamborghini is gonna get more views yeah i think you should for sure when tomorrow oh that that depends like what does that depend on you know like you've had the mclaren for six months now and you know when you run a business you know you have to claim things on taxes and whatnot so it's also like it's not like okay i want it now it's like well what makes sense yeah at a business standpoint that's true in a marketing standpoint i think you know because these cars aren't just like they're not pleasure yeah they're not pleasure i think i get pleasure from them that's what i hate bonus of owning a nice car but on the flip side of it it's part of marketing so like when you run a business you know you gotta think about that kind of stuff hear me out instead of buying i don't even know how much of a lamborghini is i don't know it doesn't matter you could wrap the mclaren and then all of a sudden oh it looks like a whole another car now and you only give it away for like a week or two depending on the shop yeah we could wrap it because realistically i'm gonna get two and a half more months driving it yeah i think wrapping it with like a tdt green like that like on our side what if we wrote the daily traders that would be what if it was what if we wrapped it in neon green you're gonna have in florida this summer this winter yeah yeah um did you ever hear about um dead mouse the dj dead mouse um yeah deadmau5 is how it's spelled miu um he either had a ferrari i think it was a ferrari um and he had like the neon cat on the side of it and that's cool um but what happened was ferrari didn't like it and so they they like wanted to seize his ferrari yeah well but ferrari is like that yeah ferrari has rules when you buy ferrari which is so you can't paint it yeah it's like they they must retain the interrupt the intellectual property of the car whenever they they sell it yeah they can do that you have to own if you buy ferrari you have to you can't sell it within a year of buying it they've got a bunch of rules like that anyway so then he goes out after they they like take it from him he goes then and buys a lamborghini instead and wraps it with the same thing that's great all right wait hey so okay for this fall wrap the mclaren and neon green and put big white in white letters the daily traders on the side yeah like with the same font we use for everything can we do that just like how it's on the mouse pad yo it should have the green it should have the green no i think that would be crazy that would be that would be crazy there's a lot of people on youtube that rap super cars and one of the biggest guys is uh street speed 717 and he partners with insane designs they rap a lot of cars the raps that do the best are the ones that are just like crazy like neon green isn't crazy no no not solid colors okay those ones suck i'm gonna tell him right now if he's watching this the solid colors suck like all your videos that have ever done really well and all the cars have done well are the corvettes that have had those in just insane like abstract colors yeah just crazy graphics on it that like you just wouldn't see anywhere else we could do like colors anyway monopoly man like a cartoon monopoly man like bit cartoon bitcoins whatever you want to do that's wild something like that yeah or just get like our mouse pad design just blow that up on the on the side of the car that would be sick the clouds and [ __ ] i just the logo not you with the cars just the logo the logo yeah i love i made that logo from scratch that's our unofficial logo that's the podcast logo on spotify and stuff is that right there with the green going up the text i like it it's a little inaccurate of a chart on the logo itself but that's fine cody yeah i often use those candles to to make my decisions trading cody we've talked a lot about you your trading what not let's just briefly what do you do for the daily traders what do i do for the day you hear me [ __ ] at you all day long no okay you do actually i work from home like three days a week and i come to the office on the podcast days and the film days because it's fun you know it's nice to be involved but i basically i'm just i'm all the internal work like i do all your you know money anything to do with money i do you know just preface this with prefaces with my um uh money uh how do i say it my reality realities with money or the way i see money it's just very skewed so i have a very good perspective with money because i worked in the trades um for many years and you know i didn't make any more than 40 000 a year but not making any more than 40 000 a year is what you know gave me that drive whereas you have mark who's just you know he's 20 now and it's just what he's done i mean yeah he's gotten money so quick he didn't come from money but he's gotten money so quick that it's like he's like oh that's a four thousand dollar suit i'm gonna go buy that and i'm sitting over here like dude that's a four thousand dollar shoot you need a chill bro that's the difference like cody and i like we could go like oh i bought that lens yesterday it's like 400 bucks that to me is like a decent amount of money like a thousand bucks or for that new camera like that was like 2 500. i was like that a lot of money that 2500 to me is like 25 000 to you yes so it's all perspective it's all perspective yeah yeah and before you know he decided to scale the company and take on you know full-time people like myself you know he was already very successful he was what he was doing you know he was working 24 7 but he was able to make a lot of money by himself but i think you told me you're like the whole point of scaling his company's like yeah he goes i could just do this by myself and keep all the money to myself you're like the point of scaling the company is so that it eventually just doesn't die out you know you're like i don't want to die out you know i don't want to get boring so i always want something new and fresh and then in the last you know six months what we've done is just crazy yeah it's not well be sustainable it's only sustainable up to a certain point and then and then one person if you keep doing what you were doing like say the one youtube a week and and um you know what you were currently doing in the group at the time i don't know i wasn't in the group until like may uh he also got banned from the main server yeah it doesn't make any sense but um what i'm trying to say is the whole even the landscape of tick-tock over the last few months has completely shifted yeah it has tate is everywhere um you know so we have to like fight back how do you fight back we 6x our output you know or five or four x and that's what that's part of what this podcast is that's my marketing scheming yeah it's like i was listening to grant cardone and he was like talking about he was telling someone he's like look at my instagram and look at your instagram and one guy's instagram had like you know one post a day and then his had like 20 posts a day and he's like don't just uh one or two extra output like six seven 10 x 100 x your output so that's what we're doing with all these different outlets and i think talk accounts i'm putting you on the spot here i feel like we could do more on instagram instagram yeah yeah oh yeah i mean instagram or instagram is definitely there's a lot of free value you can provide an instagram that people really like whether it's like slide over posts of just a bunch of information i mean we'll we teach a few strategies and it would kind of run out eventually between videos and like and then that's like graphics people have to make like there's a lot that goes into that there's definitely we could do more leveraging of instagram for sure yeah i mean even reels alone like we posted a cool reel i know we made a sound that's really cool um and that's doing pretty well and you know i think we should crack into that more personally i i never was on tick-tock i was always watching reels and then i never got into tick-tock till i joined with you yeah yeah me too yeah oh that's interesting i know i i'm not an instagram reals guy i never i didn't watch reels i was big into like the instagram videos before they came out with reels i was always like on there sending stuff to my friends yeah to the point where like they would just stop responding because i was saying them so much stuff it's interesting how like instagram started with instagram tv it was like kind of a joke for a while everyone's like oh like now we have to make things vertical and post it on there and the views were [ __ ] for a long time they were but then with the resurgence of reels vertical content on tick tock everyone is making vertical content now yeah and it's it's it's i mean we're making vertical content now we have to that's part of why we're um you know i crop these podcasts vertically and it's kind of a pain yeah um but that was such a forced change because like back in the day when cell phones first came out if you recorded something vertical like you were laughed at you were laughed at people gave you endless [ __ ] for that yeah and now it's now it's the standard yeah it's it you have to have that in mind i mean as a videographer myself you have to like i'm always thinking every single shot i'm like how is this going to trance how is this going to get cropped to a vertical frame yeah sometimes it's just not possible um and that's unfortunate i remember when i edited the first youtube video the la i know making however much la uh whatever it's called episode zero you know um you wanted to crop it vertically yeah and there was too many effects and and how uh josh shot it it was just not possible yeah um yeah so all right so instagram will definitely work yeah i want to do that there's a lot of strategies i think we could we could bring forth there and grow ourselves even more yeah hey can we talk about the new office a bit because okay so this is good cody has cody's the one who's been doing this whole new office thing uh jack and i talk about it but we just talk about it we're not actively going out and making this new office happen yeah so the current office that we're looking at moving into um it's got a gorgeous view um but we want it remodeled it's very outdated so you know right now we're in the process of getting contractors in there remodeling the office um so that when we move in you know it's a nice creative space everything feels fresh and then after that you know then we're gonna actually build out a podcast studio so media doesn't have to um set everything up every time yeah spend an hour placing the cameras the lights yep we'll get nice lights these lights suck yeah these lights are bad but you've been going there meeting contractors and that's been a struggle yeah and and to circle back around real quick to business you know when you run a business things need to be done with speed so everything that we're doing is to get things done in a faster pace and yeah i've been going there i've been meeting contractors you know make sure they can get in the morning and just you know make sure everything runs smoothly but you know when the whole process is done we'll have a very nice place yeah to work in every day and we'll have our own separate offices you know right now we're in this literally what you're looking at is our office there's like four desks back to back it's high and 800 square feet because he's moving into me 2 500 square feet which doesn't sound like that much more than that's what it is like 28 it's almost three yeah it is and again there's like seven different separate offices there's two huge rooms so there's plenty of space to do whatever we need to do it's just gonna be something three years no doubt for the podcast the cameras will stay up um currently we have three black magics two of which are mine um and we're going to get probably two more so that one is always ready to go for for um jack's content one is always ready to go like for a youtube setup in your office and then the other three are always set up in the podcast room yeah i always want to make life more simple and easy for just everyone involved and there's others so many ways to save time you know i've been looking at getting a live switcher for the podcast that would then record a live switcher all the cuts yeah a live um thing for the cameras yeah like like what they use on tv sets uh you know for news and stuff um and then that already edits it for me i had to go back and fix where i screwed up the cuts so many ways you can you can save time in a lot of what i do and and um and uh keeping you guys obviously too yeah we all have this mindset of like making everything efficient and like it's all about time management and the faster you can do things um a little workarounds with editing or whatever it may be it just helps us progress faster and work toward these goals we have and make more money at the end at the end of the day whether you work a 40 hour a week job or you run your own business you know time is money yeah and i think i a cool no it's not even a cool word it's just a word that i definitely i think if any business owner or entrepreneur if there's one word that everyone should know it's it's leverage all right the l word leverage and it's leverage is such a cool thing because just very straightforward say you own a business uh and we'll just use this as an art company as an example right i was in colorado on vacation for a week i took the week off now if it was just me uh myself running the whole company nothing would have happened right maybe the you know the revenue would have you know continued to generate a little bit because of the videos i have you know out there but right nothing would have gotten done meanwhile i'm off on vacation right that was like actually my first vacation in like years but i really didn't have to do anything and and and everyone you guys were all here working and getting stuff done right yeah like i'm leveraging you guys and then you're leveraging this new guy we hired to help you get your stuff done thank god eventually we're gonna have someone that you're gonna be leveraging to help get your stuff done and then you see it's this big uh yep we were drawing it on the board the other day one guy at the top and then you got two two guys under them and then four guys under them and then eight guys under them and it's built and just structured it's just building this machine this company this real business that is providing jobs for all these people and that is in return like we're providing a service that helps people make money yeah and it's really cool what we're doing yep it's really i know i really enjoy being a part of this team and like this this opportunity has really just like not changed my life but excelled my life like the direction i wanted to go i like that yeah nice yeah it's been great like even even talking about it last night um i realized how much i was doing at school like i had so many things going on at school which was great like outside of friends and stuff i've carried that same amount of hard work and momentum into this like i haven't stopped this whole year which is great i went on that vacation the last like two weeks yeah and that just like kind of put me back into like a better even mindset now where it's like uh like it's not it was nice to have 12 days off of going into an editing software you know because now i'm just like super refreshed and we cooked that an insanely funny youtube video yeah today you know taking breaks are so important taking breaks and trading are really important that's funny because i used to edit a bit when i was younger and when i would edit a video i would have to edit it in one sitting that that that the whole thing but it was it was bad because when i started the video by the time i got to the end of the video my creativity you know just tanked yeah so like in the beginning it was [ __ ] awesome by the time you got the end of the video it was like oh this is just and that's like [ __ ] that's unfortunate because i always call it cliches of editing in a lot of what i do for my um personal stuff um to keep it interesting in whatever it is um you know whether it's like stacking things or just like the speedy transitions or whatever like yeah you gotta keep it interesting so that's funny from your perspective like you start off the video with like it really sick and then it just slowly falls off a cliff so um yeah right i don't know why but i just really had to get it done point of the story yeah all right moral of the story exactly breaks breaks brakes ultimately result in more progress and you have like continued inspiration and you will you know making sure that you don't burn out it'll be interesting to see burning out is uh is not good for company progress so yeah anything we can do to avoid anybody burning out is key you say that all the time too yeah because i've been in a lot of places where i was burnt out there's nothing i could do it was just like the people who were telling me what to do for my job every day were forcing me to burn out and i just there's nothing i could do to change it i couldn't just take a break like but now working for you like if if i'm like really exhausted like in the middle of the week i can go to the gym in the middle of the day or i can do this and i'll just stay up later at night because i had a relaxing day yeah yeah i just yeah it's not even like work when i'm working to like midnight i'm just having fun doing my thing yeah it's fun it's a fun job i've had some days yeah in the last like month or so where i was like it's a wednesday and the video is already scheduled and you know yeah i could i could come here and make make tick tocks all day i come here and just cook up stuff but i don't want to and my and i don't feel like it so what do i do i sit on the couch and watch youtube all day because because i don't feel like doing something i'll literally just sit at my desk and get nothing done for hours exactly so it's like what's the difference it's like i could either just sit there and mope or i can go do something to get my motivation back mm-hmm yeah so all to everyone's still getting their stuff done but it's important to pace yourself all to say that if you go to and you do some research into our offer it could change your life it could because we put it work no one saw that coming i think we need to mention this uh the episode sponsor then oh okay yeah this episode is officially sponsored by none other than first link in the description if you'd like to learn how to trade and copy my exact trades in the stock market all right click that link i think with that said yeah we're 31 minutes in it's time to end it let's wrap up this episode thank you for coming on cody absolutely probably be back um everyone keep jack in your thoughts yeah he's okay he will be back um it might take him a month or so to recover um but he is okay and he might look like harry potter when he comes back he'll be good yeah it wasn't that bad so uh yeah thank you thank you everyone for watching we'll see you next week's episode later later bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Traders
Views: 39,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily traders, podcast, tdt, how to, business, finance
Id: Clc8hnPjcLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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