How Harvey Weinstein Reacted to Guilty Verdict in Court

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disgrace movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is spending his first night in custody after being found guilty of rape and look that's the Walker Weinstein has been using throughout this trial being wheeled out of court Weinstein was not placed in a jail cell we're told he was taken to a medical facility on Rikers Island New York's most notorious prison because of his age and serious medical issues the networks broke into programming to report the dramatic verdict you could feel the tensions in the room as the verdict was being read Weinstein himself was surrounded by several court officers at the defense table and remained stoic throughout the reading of the verdict he was placed in forward facing handcuffs and had difficulty standing without his walker What did he say to you after I'm innocent I'm innocent I'm innocent how could this happen in America I'm innocent minutes after the verdict there was an angry confrontation outside Manhattan Criminal Court between firebrand attorney Gloria Allred and Weinstein's defense team you guys are gonna have to make a choice because we have to go do some work so you need to hear from the defense islands me again oh yes you are well Manhattan da Cyrus Vance jr. also spoke out Harvey Weinstein has finally been held accountable for crimes he committed the women who came forward courageously and at great risk made that happen the jury of seven men and five women deliberated for 22 hours they were seen leaving Court together what happened in the jury room this juror refused to talk about the verdict the name of one juror can now be revealed she is author Amanda Brainard who wrote a novel about an old man seducing much younger women one weinstein accuser italian model amber gutierrez was at the courthouse i was super happy i was jumping for joy was with my best friend and try it for about an hour Weinstein was found guilty of raping actress Jessica man and sexually assaulting former production assistant Miriam Halle but despite the testimony of Sopranos actress Annabella she Ora he was found not guilty of the most serious charge of predatory sexual assault which would have met a life prison sentence an attorney for several Weinstein accusers spoke about the heroism of the women who testified we know that there are many other victims of Harvey Weinstein who were not testifying at this trial but their voice was heard through these six courageous women [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 295,973
Rating: 4.8337984 out of 5
Keywords: Harvey Weinstein, Inside Edition, Inside_Edition, IE Newsdesk, weinstein, harvey weinstein, guilty verdict, guilty, me too, sexual assault, rikers island, movie producer, celebrities, times up
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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