How Hard should "YOU" Train (Legs)

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all right hi everybody john meadows here and we did a video a while back on how hard to de train we did a chest video and everybody seemed to like it it was I try to give really clear instruction on my thoughts on train chess and everybody liked it so much I thought well we'll just expand this out to other body parts because there are a little some differences between the body part sets of trainings today right now we're warming up on legs so we're gonna do legs so how hard to train legs as we're going through the video I'll talk about a little bit more about if you're a beginner if you're more advanced natural you're not natural I'll try to give you some ideas that you can implement in your programs so you know a little bit more on how hard you should train so just stay tuned you know this is gonna be a tough one for us but I this this is gonna be a brutal workout but stay tuned and we'll try to get into some more specifics as we go alright so I love to start legs with leg curls whether it be seated or lying I think it prepares you number one it gives you a lot of focus on your hamstrings but number two it really prepares you for your base movement which is coming up next which will be a squat or leg press today we're going to try a squat now how hard should you do these leg curls I think people make a massive mistake by going easy on her leg curls I learned my intensity for Tom Platts directly so I want to give them all the credit first of all I never used to see anybody doing anything crazy on leg curl and when I started implementing partials and drop sets and a lot of those things that you're doing other body parts I saw immediate growth of my hamstrings they got a lot better so what we typically do here for an intermediate to advanced athlete is want to do one or two now we've already done four or five warm-up sets we're going to do one or two hard sets of about eight and then our last sets going to be a real tough one so right now we're getting ready to our first work status I mean in a kind of a tough a but you leave you're leaving reps in the tank if you're a beginner you don't really need all the crazy stuff just do a couple sets of eight right here one thing I want to talk about real quickly these aren't really foreign videos but I do want to mention is a lot of people tell you to drive your hips into the pad to really focus on your hamstring contractions I know that's the popular thing and I used to do that myself but I think that's a bad idea I don't know that it's good for your spine so I've gotten away from that now you don't want your hips to shoot off the pad obviously but in the last year or two I've really gotten away from trying to drive the hips into the pad I think it's a bad idea doesn't feel good on your lower back so that's one thing I've gotten away from I've gotten away from all these different cues you know ten cues before you even do do that work I went back to just keeping a simple keep your body tight and focus on your hamstrings stop worrying about flexing your quads stop worried about pushing your hips into the pad just beat your body in a really good position stay tight and just focus on your hamstrings as simple as that I did want to mention that because you hear conflicting information on that so anyways that's what I'm doing with my form here I'm just staying tight I put all my focus in my hamstrings I might flex my abs a little to keep my core tight but even that won't be super all right so now how hard should you train this is going to be a really really challenging set of leg curls I'm going to incorporate some drops some partials nice a hold you only need one set like this anymore now would be overkill one crazy hard set your beginner don't do it if you're beyond beginning stage go ahead push yourself let's see what you can do so last set here we go [Applause] [Music] whoo that hurt so now this is our base movement this is our squat and the goal is is to use precise form particularly with compound movements like this movements that we require a lot of precision like you have to be really good with your form if your form goes that's when people get injured the reason why I'm telling you that it's because the intensity how hard should you trail needs it's dialed back a notch so I don't want you to go into failure to the point where you literally drop the bar that's too much - too much risk versus reward so what we want to do is we want to work up with perfect form to a heavy target number maybe it's six reps maybe it's eight reps maybe it's ten where the last rep is pretty tough but it's okay to leave a rep in reserve on a movement like this it's safer we're gonna save the crazy stuff for after this but right now this is where you really want to focus on progressive overload trying to add a little bit more weight a little bit more reps that won't work forever but still you want to that to be kind of a base concept of why you're doing this second movement so if you're a beginner the same rules applies if you're advanced you still want to work up to a tough set but your form has to be perfect that's really it for the squat so that's what we're doing now we're working up to a tough set of eight now we're using a transformer bar that bar this bar right here I really love - this is a spider bar you don't have to use bar like this you could use a regular barbell we just like these because it's honestly it just feels more comfortable particularly on my back so but you can use a regular barbell spider bar safety squat bar transformer bar any bar will really work just use whichever you feel the best one other thing I want to mention when you're on this base exercise is to take your time all right you don't want to be you don't want to start your next step we're completely out breath your cardiorespiratory system will give out before your muscular system does that's not good for muscle growth though remember gonna be strong we want to be powerful knees so take your time don't rush your sets the general rule of thumb is three minutes rest between sets right here that's not going to apply to every exercise you do at every point workout little knees where we're really focusing on strength move it some good way take your time three minute breaks right there it's set control control control good there we go come on control that's it stay tight control good come on up four more come on up stay tight control good two more come on up one more come on yeah all right so we finished up our squats that was fun that's kind of easy stuff that heavy sets but it's fine but this is even more fun because now we're going to test your pain tolerance so now what we're doing is we're doing a leg press the reason why we're using this machine is because we're going to work up to a drop set using a machine like this you can safely do a drop set if you were trying it with something like squats you get a little tired the form goes boomer injured but chiefly in this leg press it's a hip press actually it's designed really well so what we're doing is we're going to do a couple feeder sets of low reps to get up to our tough weight of eight and then we're going to a drop set the idea behind a drop set by the way if you haven't seen our drop set video what I think of them check out the drop set video but the goal is you know we've activated the muscle we blow to the muscle with heavy weight now we want to fatigue the muscle fibers so we want to load them and we want to fatigue them it's not just important to load the fibers if that was the case then all these crazy power lifters that are doing 80 900 pounds would be massive when they're on their squats some of them are some aren't but my point is it's not just a matter of load you also had to fatigue fibers so this is a very efficient way to do it you can do essentially three sets in one very painful very tough there's also a lot going on with the tab lights and things like that to help you grow but whether you're natural not natural doesn't matter to me I think you should work up to a tough set here the difference is just gauge how sore you get if you get incredibly sore really really sore three or four or five days you probably would did a little too much so back it down but remember I'm gonna say this over and over for my natural guys out there it doesn't mean you don't go hard it just means you watch your volume and you'd be careful with your volume but you still have to do quality sets where you dig down deep remember you have a harder time growing so got to go hard so we're just doing a feeder set here the next that's gonna be the heart set okay so this is the work set I'm doing two drops ideally you want to drop twenty or thirty percent a pop I don't know if that math is that exactly right on this but I know this isn't gonna be about right for me the first drop always like to be a little bigger than a second drop just because you start to fatigue so fast so and this machine is incredibly smooth incredibly smooth it's real easy on your back even even if your butt comes up the position of the back pad it just saves your back you feel nothing in your back nothing your knees but here we go oh all right so we did the leg press to jam tons of blood into the muscle now what I like to do then is use a machine to allows you to stretch so we're gonna use a pendulum squat here if you could use a hack squat there's several machines you could use but we're getting really deep and we're stretching the claw now that's full of blood now there's no reason to do a bunch of warm-ups that's here at this point you're not warmed up you're in trouble so what I'm going to do here is kind of a feeler set just to feel how the weight works or I'm sorry just to feel how just to kind of see how the weight feels and then we're going to do a cluster set so if you're a beginner there's no need to do the crazy stuff just a one or two sets that really stretch the muscle nothing - failure is good if you're intermediate to advanced you know this is for you this is for you this is the time to put the high intensity technique in there and natural not natural doesn't matter what would matter is if your natural you're not going to want to accumulate too much fatigue and volume so you don't you won't do multiple sets here you kind of want to get in and get out but if you're not natural you could probably afford to do a set or two extra here to get up to your cluster set so we're gonna do a feeler set here and never want to unleash on the cluster set okay so last sack cluster set your legs should be demolished after this set so remember - you've got to stretch the quad that's the name of the game at this point the workouts everyone oh come on baby come on annex alright so again back by popular demand Alexander what we doing today plastic whip plastic whip ok let's see what happens okay so we finished quads now just like we did on the pendulum stretching our quads now we're going to stretch our hamstrings with a stiff legged deadlift this I would treat like we did the squat there's a compound movement that you need very precise form on so I don't want you going all the way to failure your back bends wrong you can hurt yourself so just like we do on the squats to leave a rep or tuna take two sets here's plenty if we were doing something crazy all-out it would only be one set but again this isn't the kind of exercise you want to do that on we actually did create went crazy on the leg curl so you actually did get a set in like that for a blood flow so now we're focused on more of a stretch for our hams we're coming up all the way in flexing our glutes so this is just a theater set here just to feel the weight but we're working out the two sets of ten good for beginners good for everybody there's really no changes in this for what level you're at okay that's it four legs it's tough I feel exhausted a lot of people will tell you you know you shouldn't feel dead when you leave the gym you should have a ton of energy I don't know I kind of beg the different when it comes to leg training when you're intermediate or advanced you've got to push really hard here's a couple things I've noticed over the years with legs they the tough sets hurt there's a lot of pain involved like the drop set a leg press the clusters that we did on the pendulum squat they're tough so you have to have a high pain tolerance it's not as bad when you're doing like your chest or your biceps that's why you see a lot of guys that don't quite frankly don't have the legs is it takes a different mindset okay it takes a different mindset there's a lot of pain involved and when it starts hurting you can't say okay I'm done you got to keep working through it drive them blood in they're loading the muscle fibers as you fatigue your muscle fibers still say heavy load anyways that's a that's the biggest difference between training legs and other body parts is you just have to push through pain I know it sounds simple but if there was one thing I could tell people it's to build great legs it's going to take some pain tolerance and when you guys start feeling the pain that's when the light switch should come on okay it's time to push I don't care if your natural huh don't give you're not natural that's the switch the flips okay now it's time to go now it's time to earn my legs so I hope this was helpful I hope that helps you kind of structure what you're doing help you understand wind felling them hard sets to do them strategically and not mindlessly naturally it I'm fully exhausted I'm gonna chill out I'm gonna get a bite to eat but so if you have any more questions on leg training or where you're at and how hard you should be going just put them below and I'll answer them thanks for watching appreciate your support is oiz and we'll see you next time
Channel: mountaindog1
Views: 231,295
Rating: 4.9622469 out of 5
Keywords: how hard should you train, how hard should you train legs, leg workout, crazy leg workout, leg workout for mass, how to get massive legs, how to work hard, how to train hard, how to train like a bodybuilder, how to build muscle fast, build muscle, best workout split, training to failure, weight training, bodyweight training, john meadows leg workout, john meadows leg day, how to get big legs fast, how to get strong legs
Id: pIEn-8KeVug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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