3 Easy Tips For Massive Legs (Do Them ASAP)

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all right hi everybody john meadows here and we want to continue on with our three simple tip series and today we're talking about legs so these tips are supposed to be the first things that come to my mind when i think about a body part so it's not something that should be complicated we're not talking about anything that requires a huge depth of understanding these are just simple tips that if you apply them we'll produce results for you so my first tip tip number one and you guys know that i love to do this it's train your hamstrings first specifically with a leg curl now there's a couple reasons why i do that so number one in order to have truly big legs you've got to have hamstrings and i think a lot of people treat hamstrings as an afterthought they'll do this crazy awesome quad workout and then they'll throw on three sets of ten to their hamstrings and then they wonder why their quads are so much better than their hamstrings so a lot of times it's just the simple focus of having hamstring work early in the workout that will help your hamstrings so i'll pop a picture up here and show you what my hamstring juice look like but the point is is when you have a fully developed hamstring it makes your leg look like one of those those cows those cows that have the myostatin gene taken out it's really impressive now the other reason why i like to do the leg curls first is because it just makes your squats or leg presses feel better so when you move on to the next exercise which should be a very basic exercise like a squat or leg press if you try this you'll see what i mean it just feels better your hips feel better your knees feel better the movement just feels better i wish i could give you some long drawn out scientific explanation or point you to five studies to show you why this works but i'm just telling you after decades of doing this it makes a huge difference so that is tip number one okay tip number two is around range of motion there's a lot of debate on you know should you do a full range of motion and it's a great debate it's a great discussion so let's first talk about squats because that's one of your better leg builders i'm personally not of the opinion that we should all have a uniform rock bottom range of motion squats and i think if you really understand the mechanics of the body i don't really get into that it would make sense that some people squat a little differently than others so um my training partner today is teresa avanti ifbb pro so watch her squat she's going to do about five reps okay just take a look at her form [Music] all right now i want you to look at my form [Music] now you probably noticed some differences there in our form so i think it's probably safe to say that theresa's form she has a little more depth depth than i do she's going down a little lower she has like a tiny bit of butt wing at the bottom but but not much she's got a pretty straight back whereas my form i've probably got a little bit more of the butt going back and i'm probably not as deep as she is now for me that squat feels really comfortable if i go down any lower you'll see my back start to round my pelvic girdles start to get all wacky so and i'll and i'll be in a lot of pain tomorrow my lower back will hurt so you know depending on your structure um you may not want to squat real deep you may want to squat real deep so my point is is that there's not a perfect range of motion on a squat for everybody it needs to fit your body some people have longer femurs longer thigh bones some people have longer spines but just don't bind to the height that every squat you do has to be a completely full range motion now i will say this if you do have a range of motion like mine which is not rock bottom i do believe you should find an exercise that does allow you to get a full range of motion now i'm a big fan of a hack squat and a pendulum squat to achieve that so your back is supported i'm going to show you a couple reps over here in a second your back is supported you can move your foot on the plate to no matter how tall you are how short you are there is no excuse on those exercises unless you've got a really banged up body to not go real deep you should be able to do that safely thereby giving you that really good deep range of motion so we don't have a hacksaw here at this gym but we do have a pendulum squat so let me show you what a couple reps look like here [Music] and we did do legs yesterday okay your turn okay now theresa is going to do three reps here [Music] so you can see on those last few reps her knee the crease on her hips he was actually going below parallel those those both i think were very deep reps both of ours our back is supported so this is a good example of now you do want a good deep range of motion so that's tip number two range of motion i do want something real deep but it doesn't have to be on squats okay now tip number three is something i'm very very passionate about if you don't like intensity if you don't like to work hard if you like to leave five reps on the tank turn the video off you probably don't wanna hear this so i really believe that legs need to be pushed really hard to grow and i think that's why you see so many people who haven't uh that they're out of balance their upper body's way bigger than their legs hard leg training can be really painful and you can get really sore i talk to a lot of people to say man my legs get so sore but hard leg training it it's what is needed in my opinion uh to get really outstanding legs the guys that i know that have the best legs the tom platts's of the world were the guys that train the hardest and i could give you many many examples of that but the bottom line is i believe the leg training needs to be hard really hard and you got to really push yourself and it's really painful you just got to learn how to mentally work through the pain the other side of that is of course you need to recover but i just want to emphasize that to me leg training needs to be another notch in intensity you've got to find another gear you've got to work through pain and i'm not just saying those things that's something i've lived by for 30 some years of training i just really think if you want awesome legs you're going to have to train them really really really hard okay so we'll throw in a bonus even if you do have awesome upper legs quads and hams it still looks really goofy to not have calves so if you really want to have an awesome look your lower body you got to have calves so what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually point you to a very thorough video 21 tips for calves make sure you check that video out it's very comprehensive if you if you look at those 21 tips and you adapt them your calves will grow there's no doubt in my mind so that's it for today thank you appreciate it and we'll see you next time
Channel: mountaindog1
Views: 267,462
Rating: 4.9794765 out of 5
Keywords: leg workout, leg workouts, squats, best leg workout, best leg workout at home, best leg workout at gym, best leg workout for mass, best leg workout with dumbbells, best leg workout for vertical jump, best leg workout for women, best leg workout for men, best leg workout no equipment, best leg workout at home with dumbbells, best leg workout for football players, best leg workout athlean x, best leg workout for beginners, best leg workout for soccer players, john meadows
Id: 3xX1rYHDJlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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