How Great Medley - Israel & New Breed

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[Music] is [Music] oh man papi lindo i love you i love this family i love the nostalgic moment we just had going all the way back to globe arizona in santa fe new mexico oh thank you jesus [Music] [Music] mmm keep the spanish flow going on [Music] m the heavens are telling telling the earth how great you are and we are responding to your night the oceans are rising rising and falling [Applause] my god [Music] oh my god [Applause] oh oh my god [Music] you reach out and save me [Music] [Music] my oh my god hallelujah hallelujah i'm [Music] thank you jesus so be glorified be glorified be glorified be glorified [Music] glorified [Music] glory by the lord [Music] i remember when i first started leading worship i was 19. i was the drummer carl and i was the drummer in our worship team i enjoyed being the drummer in our worship team i just had enough responsibility to hold it together the pastor called me on a wednesday morning he said hey i want you to consider being our worship leader and i said i'll pray about it you know i didn't want to say no it bright outlet dr mike bate and i said i'll pray about it he said great pray hard and pray fast because because you start tonight i remember calling my mom freaking out you know mom i get to lead worship tonight my mom goes what are you gonna wear with the same frantic oh my gosh wardrobe i remember getting up there i knew two songs i knew celebrate jesus celebrate the great gary oliver song and i knew this song it's all i i knew these three chords man and my legs my my right leg in particular would just shake uncontrollably i had no idea what i was doing i was scared to death but i watched how god took that simple talent that simple gift and turn it to his glory i remember going home and putting my little piano in my kitchen because the acoustics were good in there i set up a candle and a vase and [Music] some salt and pepper shakers because even then i wanted to be cross-cultural and [Music] and my simple prayer 30 years ago 30 jesus 30 years ago was the prayer i pray every day when i sit down at a keyboard and when i sit and pick up a guitar or get on worship wednesday and try to encourage people my prayer is god if this is what you've called me to [Music] and teach me how to worship me i know that sounds so simple right now 30 years in but it's the key god i never want i never want to think like hey i've got 30 years in god i got this i never want to get stuck singing and leading to the front i row to be the court jester of worship that entertains the king [Music] i want to be summoned into his presence and maybe it's just this song be glorified no matter how simple to be glory fine but sing it with all your [Music] heart and entertain the king [Music] i felt like he put his hands on my hands and just began to play through me he began to sing over me in that little kitchen and here we are 30 years later singing the same song singing the same song all we want is you to be glorified be glorifying jesus [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh jesus [Music] jesus yes [Applause] oh you are my god [Music] you are [Music] my god [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Israel Houghton
Views: 1,524,526
Rating: 4.9590149 out of 5
Keywords: Israel and new breed, gospel, new music, Israel houghton, christian, feels like home, worship, Adrienne ballon houghton
Id: sxg0Ah3mqEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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