How GOOD was Weezing ACTUALLY? - History of Weezing in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 1-7)

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we hope you're not feeling sick today because next up is wheezing wheezing over the years is best known as one of the original misfits from Team Rocket's original antics in the anime ever since it evolved from a coughing its trainer being of course James and with the anime as we all know most fans is biggest exposure to wheezing is watching Pikachu shock it repeatedly as with the rest of Team Rocket however is wheezing getting bopped every episode also the case for it in the competitive scene let's find out how good was wheezing actually and in this video we'll be talking about these competitive formats in the land of psychics rocks earth quaking Taurus and Snorlax and other miscellaneous threats such as Zapdos and Lapras wheezing is extremely bad it has explosion which is great but other Pokemon can also effectively explode whilst not being horrendously week to every Pokemon in the tier and being effective outside of the explosion also funnily enough it's pretty outclassed by Muk who effectively does the same thing but with significantly higher attack this also translates to under use as well although it doesn't really make an enormous difference either way and is mostly just picking your favorites Muk even has mega drain to dent ground-types slightly harder so it's unfortunately pretty bleak for weezing in the first generation but in the second generation wheezing z' rival Muk retained its higher attack but also gained excellent special defense in conjunction with enormous HP to pull off an effective curse sludge bomb fire blast explosion set and overused which means unfortunately for our billowing friend it's once again completely held class it's also ineffective and underused struggling greatly against needle Queen and not offering much of interest in general thus it drops to never used there however it is most excellent it is useful both offensively and defensively being able to generate progress in a game with its decent strain for the environment that's backed by high BP moves with strong secondary effects including thunder and its new stabbed sludge bomb to go along with this trusty explosion being able to hold off primeape and hitmonlee is invaluable well in addition to wheezing generally being able to take a hit or two from most things in conjunction with this ability to respond in a big way and even though it's still in Jessie never used it's at least an elite Pokemon in that tier now on to advanced wheezing became a household Pokemon in the third generation it gained levitate thus making it ground immune instead of ground weak and also being accurate with the Lord since coughing and wheezing both float in the enemy and as we all know levitate means that it completely stops the popular and powerful earthquake but it also means it's immune to spikes an arena trap and as for moves weezing gained the incredible will-o-wisp and made great use of haze thus helping shut down the mighty curse slacks and baton pass and could take advantage of an opponent such as bliss ease high HP stat to regain health with pain split in fact for the earlier part of the generation it ranked amongst Skarmory as a tremendous physical wall especially since it completely dominated the monstrously dangerous heracross it was on the top of everyone's threat list and was a major pain for physically offensive teams however later in the generation its popularity eventually died out with its fellow willow Whisperer dusclops since they were overwhelmed by too much of the meta game and despite certain resistances being useful their low HP lack of a reliable recovery and lack of resists the rock steel and flying makes them struggle against popular physical attacks such as rockslide meteor mash and hidden power flying especially when coming off of a choice ban and thus for a long time it fell to the wayside outside of occasional appearances by goofy offensive mix sets with sludge bomb fire blasts hidden power fighting and explosion and eventually one particular stall team that used will-o-wisp pays rest and sleep-talk was part of its backbone but still these sets however didn't catch on but what did catch on was toxic protect Skarmory becoming the standard set and terrorizing the metagame especially when it was discovered that sleep-talk mechanics were ineffective if they were used without burning sleep turns before switching out and thus made resting more dangerous in 2015 it took a long time after that faux wheezing spikes and toxic immunity in addition to its powerful special move pool like fire blasts and thunder in conjunction with explosion made it a fierce and sustainable wall breaker that couldn't be put on a clock like so many of the other dangerous threats in the meta game as Skarmory wouldn't have trouble shutting down some creative players even started using hidden power grass to dispatch Swampert it's looking too hydro pump it and of course will-o'-wisp is always a threat even on offensive pokemon as shown by gang guard Moltres it could even run time to stop status healing and recovery without exploding this more dedicatedly offensive role is the one weezing has embraced in the more modern advanced meta game as it doesn't need defensive investment to check dangerous physical attackers at least once and thus weezing is in its most fully realized state now being in borderline but being effective and overused regardless now on to Gen 4 at the beginning of early diamond and pearl heracross was an utter terror as were other powerful physical threats such as Gyarados and Garchomp wheezing utterly stonewalled heracross and could use thunderbolt and will-o-wisp to defend against the others however it didn't last it's meaty fighting resistance didn't mean much else when other common uses of those moves included mixed Infernape who would gladly follow up with a vicious fire blast or choice specs Lucario who at the time hadn't yet adopted the sword dancing ways and thus was happiest when blasting away with Aura Sphere they even wheezing couldn't handle well as lack of reliable recovery was also especially noticeable when permanent sand was augmented by the new omnipresent stealth rock which when paired with his meager HP stat made switching into non resisted hits like Gyarados is waterfall and Tyranitar stab moves even worse definitely not reliable to do more than once also the new heatran absolutely loved picking up a flash fire boost from Willow as' and to make matters worse gliscor was soon discovered and while it's weak to Gyarados it was far bulkier both HP wise and defense wise and also sandy mute with an instant recovery and roost in addition to great speed so it could totally destroy Tyranitar and Lucario while being an even better counter to heracross this score could even keep momentum with u-turn and with that weezing was totally outclassed falling too underused and underused however wheezing was an absolute star why it was never broken it was always very top-tier up there with the likes of Venus or Milotic registeel and arcanine in fact it would also be a pivotal member of balance teams that also packed those pokémon since wheezing was responsible for consistently handling several dangerous threats such as Kabutops rhyperior Leafeon and Torterra and when venusaur was considered nearly ban worthy specially the defensive rest talk wheezing was often cited as the only true counter wheezing was also a hugely important piece on stall teams helping cover chancy's glaring fighting weakness alongside spiritomb who also feasted on psychic types that scared wheezing it could also use haze to utterly destroy slow boosters such as curse registeel and fire types didn't want to eat sludge bombs and get poisoned so it didn't have much trouble spreading burns with Willis unless there was a cliff Abel on the other team wheezing was never very inclined to go on the offensive in this tier because his defensive capabilities were so consistently excellent and it was one of the faces of the tier it was no less than an absolute staple now on to the weather generation unfortunately overused was a pipe dream for wheezing at this point its flaws shockingly did not change with the generational shift and it offered nothing to combat the terrifying powerful newcomers it was even never seen dan underused either since underused resembled the previous generations overused so closely and despite actually being decent it didn't see much used and rarely use as well thanks to the fierce competition provided by Yuke's II and tan grow even and never used it faced incredible competition from mischievous who had similar resistances and used similar moves it's only niche was not being weak to some things mischievous was weak to such as countering golurk and sauce bug extremely hard however mr. vistas overall utility was far greater and its team could often compensate for these flaws without too much trouble and thus wheezing had a completely forgettable generation and never use it wasn't even particularly bad in the lower tiers in fact if one were to use it it'd probably be pretty decent and just didn't see use because the competition was very fierce and funnily enough weezing saw some gimmicky use for the equivalent of a few minutes in overuse after EGIS lashes ban when everyone was afraid of mega heracross terrorizing their stall team however it was a given and overused was again far out of wheezing screech it did however gain toxic spikes and this move is so unique and effective that it lends consideration to any pokemon that learns it wheezing even had a minor stint in ubers thanks to its ability to shut down mega kangas on some Groudon sets and even extreme killer Arceus while setting up toxic spikes which are fearsome for staples such as Groudon Kyogre Palkia most Arceus forms mega Kangaskhan and xerneas again it will also a gimmick but it was far more viable than its overused counterpart in the lower tiers and never saw most uses either but its role was essentially the same cover fighting bug and ground-types set up toxic spikes spread will of us if the former wasn't a viable option as the subtypes wasn't in the lower tiers that had an influx of grounded poison types and finally used taunt to prevent recovery from its passive damage antics as well as defog again if it was actually used it would be pretty good but it was often overlooked now finally on to sun and moon overused underused and even rarely use are out of wheezing to reach now but it's pretty good and never used it can check dangerous threats such as in sinner or emphysema in punishing their attacks with rocky helmets so it plays offense while playing defense and of course setting up toxic spikes that cripples the vast majority of the tier that enjoys a slow balanced approach and thus particularly doesn't appreciate the slow burn speaking of which burn mechanics going down to 6% each turn doesn't particularly help but damages damage wheezing checks a good amount of the tier and can as usual prevent defensive teams from stuffing it's low damage antics by taunting any attempts to recover or heal bail and of course those who'd want to defog away its toxic spikes wheezing is technically PU but there it's quite excellent pulling its usual waling antics with ways of striking back like toxic spikes will owest taut paint split whatever and without any fancy new Z moves just the tried and true the only thing that changes for wheezing are the Pokemon around it that it get swallowed by and before we go you may have noticed that we haven't mentioned VGC at all and that's because wheezing has never placed anywhere like ever at least not in notable tournament so yeah we couldn't find anything and as to why this is it's probably just because it's slow weak doesn't have the typing to go with this physical bulk which is still offset by its meager HP and doesn't counter anything noteworthy and generally doesn't have the tools via move pool or ability to thrive in a doubles environment so c'est la vie and that's it so how good was wheezing actually after a rough start in the generation it's famous for and the one afterwards it had a highly up-and-down generation in advance where it has currently ended on an up note and looks to stay that way as it has taken on more sustainable useful niches it was an early star in diamond in Pearl but unfortunately that didn't last although it did happily become a bona fide face of the metagame superstar in under you it was forgettable and black-and-white but unlike other Pokemon who never struck a chord with many battlers it wasn't unviable just overlooked this continued in the sixth and seventh generations although with its new toxic spikes it found a bit more of a definable niche and it's particularly good in sun and moon never used sadly it is the pits in VGC but then again Sola Skarmory overall wheezing had great tools and was always decent and could potentially shine at least in the lower tiers thanks for watching everyone and as always if you liked the video and you want to see more be sure to subscribe the fall swag gaming for more weekly Pokemon content and of course as I always say comment on what pokemon you wanna see next also thank you so much to our patrons for continued support of our videos and thank you to everyone else watching as well [Music] and follow my crew on these social media platforms yada yada yada and that's all I got see you next time everyone [Music]
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 435,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Weezing, Koffing, Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Competitive Pokemon, VGC, Smogon, False Swipe Gaming
Id: moSbxAUeCJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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