How GOOD were PIloswine & Mamoswine ACTUALLY - History of Competitive Piloswine & Mamoswine

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Gen 2: At first it was a bad curse sweeper. Now its a sleep talker with some really good resistances serving a niche in OU

Gen 3: Resting is bad, EVs got nerfed, its ability isnt good compared to things like Gengar in OU, got bopped by Kanga and the boys in UU, but was a pretty good toxic staller/ choice band user in NU

Gen 4: More attack and physical ice moves shot Mamo into OU. Mostly used for murdering 4x ice weak mons like Salamence pre ban. It even showed up as a lead that can kill shuca berry heatran

Gen 5: Mamo killed dragons, Genies, and anything with icicle crash and superpower. Showing up in sand, hail, weatherless and DragMag teams

Gen 6: Faries exist, but Mamo changed up its priorities. Like getting things in range for Talonflame's brave birds. It has potential, but Keldeo and other waters exist pushing it into UU. Where it obliterated everything

Gen 7: Can show up in OU, But now Greninja exists. But it can murder things without terrains nerfing its EQ or removing Ice shard. In UU its still great, still murdering things like Mega Aerodactyl. But it does face a bit of competition from kyurem

VGC: Showed up in 2009 for Disquake combos, Showed up in 2012 as well winning a regional without EVs and in 2013 where it won worlds. It murdered choice threats in 2014 even getting 5th in worlds but in 2015 it fell off. No one used it in VGC 2017 and Incineroar Game Championships VGC 2018

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Sir_Washer 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

thicc boys represent

imagine if ice was Actually a Good Typing, this thing would be insane.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/shnowshner200 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

When silver was released on the virtual console I decided to use Piloswine, and man was it tanky. Hit crazy hard with earthquake and despite ice moves being special then it still hit hard with those too. Even in gen 7 Piloswine is still pretty decent with eviolite. And Mamoswine is just a beast as usual, if only it were a little fast, but with stick web sipport it sweeps well!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Bardock_RD 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/katie310117 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
Merry Christmas everyone fall swipe gaming is celebrating the holidays with an old dual of ice types so old in fact they're literally prehistoric piloswine has been with us since GSC then in Gen 4 it evolved into Mamoswine after reaching a certain level while also knowing ancient power these imposing Pokemon truly live up to the term mammoth with their heaving bulk and massive power true to their extinct inspiration these two belong to the ice type which has also not lasted an effectiveness throughout the generation so today we'll see if this pair of swine's can outdo their ancestors in preservation let's get into the festive spirit by asking how good were piloswine and Mamoswine actually and in this video we'll be covering these competitive formats in his debut generation piloswine was not exactly a meta game superstar in the old days the set was an ineffective attempt at a curse sweeper with Blizzard for Skarmory and Zapdos and roar for curse Snorlax however eventually it was discovered to have quite the usable defensive niche that could respond offensively for the interested trainer this niche was not just usable but actually good meaning you could bring one to a tournament battle and not be crippling yourself doing so its qualities are unique useful and compressed nicely to form a pokemon that can assist greatly in holding off some of GSC's toughest threats it's not just about its resistance as though other than the useless poison resist the electric immunity is enormous of course but it's more about what it's neutral to being neutral to ice and ground is extremely useful steelix is the latter but he struggles to stay healthy with spikes down and repeated hits and tends to only be able to hurt Zapdos by exploding and steelix is also weak to ground while piloswine isn't packing explosion or a normal resist which are great traits piloswine is able to check electrics Gengar and needle king rather effortlessly all in one slot all while dishing out an earthquake stronger than needle king or steel axes so that Snorlax has to be wary about dealing with it the set is ice beam earthquake rest and sleep talk and it will always get a good sleep talk against needle King and 66% of the time it will against the electrics or Gengar many offensive teams don't feel comfortable into this combination of stabs once cloister goes down and cloister sees a ton of early game action so it's not just something to account for it's almost expected pilo is not a staple of the meta game by any means but this is an incredible defensive niche that deserves more recognition being able to counter so many of those dangerous pokemons so well and in one slot is absolutely amazing and an incredible boon for fitting defensive coverage on teams while still maintaining some offense piloswine sadly pretty forgettable in the third generation resting is far more dangerous in this generation and the status from Zapdos and Gengar totally ruins it Plus without the max Evie investment of GSC it's not very bulky at all and when you add to the fact that Zapdos and Gengar often use grass moves and Gengar now has levitate so it's not even affected by earthquake pilots lines niche encountering them completely disappears it checks raikou and Joe gent decently but so do better Pokemon while being more useful overall there's also of course the issue of Skarmory stacking multiple spikes on it and worl wounding it around to high heaven it wasn't too usable and underused either since it got overwhelmed by the big hitters such as kangaskhan and Alma star and struggled to harm common pokemon such as lunatone and thus sadly piloswine fell to never use their it can effectively use choice ban and while I'd love to have the stab rockslide and normal resistance of its main competition golem it's still incredibly tough to one hit ko threatens a ton isn't four times a week to anything and is not ground weak giving it something to separate itself with it can also run a solid toxic plus protect set which is very effective at spreading poison Sheen as earthquakes shatters poisons and Steel's and racking up opposing damage and leftovers recovery with protect now granted it's still in advance never used but it's nice that piloswine was able to find a niche somewhere in the third generation in the fourth generation piloswine evolved into the mighty Mamoswine going from a decent 100 attack to a monstrous 130 and the physical and special split let it use ice moves from its attack stat and with all of this and was finally ready for a real overused role and it remained there throughout the whole generation ice shard is an incredible priority move and with the new Garchomp it was incredibly valuable especially as mammoths law was stronger and had greater longevity and bulk than its fellow Weavile since it's half ground typing blessed it with a neutrality to stealth rock it didn't enjoy new Pokemon such as bronzong and Cresselia at all but it could also set up stealth rock giving some depth to its use scar Marie's tendency to use physical defense v's also meant that sometimes mammal Don Blizzard which when equipped with life orb would blow through Scarberry eventually Garchomp was banned though but the power of Salamence meant enamel was always valuable then platinum came around Salamence got outraged and thus became even more powerful but with that Mamoswine got super power giving it a move to smash bronze on with unfortunately the additions of the Rotom appliances gave Mamoswine another wall as well so it was a give and take but Shaymin sky was also released with platinum which is another four times weak target for Mamoswine two ice shard now Sheamus Kai was eventually banned on the account of being ridiculously overpowered but it continued with the trend that Mamoswine was the poke him incapable of keeping some of the most powerful pokémon around in check this continued even when latias was unbanned especially as Skaar Flygon became one of the meta game's biggest Pokemon this meant that Skarmory started to run enormous amounts of special defense and thus Blizzard mammal was useless but that wasn't too big of a deal since it has a best friend in Magnezone who takes care of scar memory which contributed to the leftovers vs. shed shell dynamics karma rehab was leftovers it b-zone prone but would shed shell it struggled to check the behemoths it was tasked with Mamoswine also contributed to another fascinating segment of DPP the lead meta game where it showed that its anti meta game ability was not limited to picking things off with ice shark with a monstrous earthquake that would cleave through even meta grosses high defense and he trance to kaberi it was a very capable lead that would scare off these very scary leads while ice shard would easily take care of Aerodactyl leads and it would of course scare dragon knight to death once HeartGold and SoulSilver came around and granted dragon knight extreme speed which made it a very popular lead Mammal could also set up stealth braga against most and with focus ash it could take a hit and endeavor the opponents of one HP and potentially finishing them off with ice sharp eventually latias assignments were been well despite that Mamoswine remained useful with its titanic strength since its targets merely shifted to pokémon like Shaymin Zapdos and dragon eye while scar flag as popular as ever if not more overall Mamoswine was one of the best Pokemon added to the diamond and pearl meta game and lo and behold we actually have some Gen 4 VGC to talk about in VGC 2009 Mamoswine made a splash it was decently popular alongside Zapdos so that they could freely use their spread moves such as earthquake and discharge without affecting each other this is of course called disk quake although Garchomp was the much preferred earthquake user for this but priority ice shard was always valuable especially when Garchomp was everywhere during this meta but unfortunately we don't have too many numbers from back then but notably Alec Kapil used the combination of Mamoswine and Zapdos to win at dallas and reach top 8 at the US Nationals and Mamoswine showed itself to be an earth-shattering monster even in this meta game now on to black and white with so many new dragons popping up Mamoswine anti meta game niche increased even further with so many new victims for its ice shard not just dragons but the genies as well and it finally gained a powerful tool for potentially dealing with weakened or specially defensive Skarmory a real ice stab move an icicle crash which comes with the benefit of a nasty flinch rate many teams were completely unable to switch into it and even with the new Rotom wash being able to resist both of its death it still did not enjoy the sheer power of icicle crash more than once and it had the stuff knocked out of it by super power which also made quick work of Ferrothorn everyone de facto check to everything not that it enjoyed switching into steps but in a one-on-one situation this could make or break a game super power was also nice for balloon here in Navis whine even gained a useful ability in thick fat so it resistant ice and became neutral to fire or even became resistant to fire and rain which is not something that really changed this game to game performance but it's something that could potentially save a game for example being able to switch into a heat rant fire blast and survive Mamoswine shown on all sorts of teams ranging from sand to rain to weather list but it was most well known for a specific kind of weather 'less team drag Meg as the name suggests this kind of team revolved around Magna zones Magna Pole helping it remove steel types the only type that resisted dragon so that the Dragons could go crazy Mamoswine was excellent here because not only did it enjoy the removal of the worst steel to face Skarmory so that it could really terrorize the opposing team well because it's no-nonsense ice shard would cut through even the fastest dragon it could also set up stealth rock and this combination of utility made it almost as essential as the Dragons at Mamoswine throughout the generation it had pardon the pun a mammoth presence upon seeing it in team preview you'd always groan knowing you'd have to do a merry little dance every time it hit the field let's to pick your team apart and knowing that as long as it was still alive your guard shot was not doing any sweeping so yeah Mamoswine is amazing in this generation now on to Gen 5 VGC Nana swine tended to use ice gem for mega powerful ice shard that slammed thunderous in one hit and alternatively life warps will also have brutal earthquakes or focus ash to take a hit which was especially useful against rain it again paired with non grounded electrics like Rotom wash and fan and Zapdos and thunderous for spammable earthquake and could also partake in the weather meta game by using snow cloak alongside Abomasnow for an evasion boost its places are very numerous across 2012 to 2013 so we're gonna stick the top aides here here we go and I apologize for butchering anyone's name in 2012 Zach drug comp aka bravery Asst Wanda Madison regionals with the Mamoswine that he amazingly forgot to put v's on Jonathan Hillier reached second at the US Nationals in the seniors division with it then in 2013 Jonathan used one again to win the Virginia regionals again in the seniors division and Zach reached third at Madison this time around Sam Hosmer reached 7th at the Fort Wayne regionals and jacob p reached 7 at the US Nationals in the seniors division then Colby got 1st at the Australian Nationals with 1 but of course the most famous placement though is the world's winning Mamoswine used by a rational body aka mean it was not one of the traditional variants we were used to but instead of choice car ferry that tore through the faster Furler pokemon in the meta game and with the genies popping up everywhere this time around it was especially good at ripping them apart without a hitch so having such a viciously powerful trump card against them was an incredible weapon in fact this Mamoswine was such a huge deal that this pokemon shiny and all was distributed as an event wonder card at events in Belgium Germany Manchester England Milan Italy Indianapolis Indiana and Melbourne Australia good stuff to a rational mati for achieving that for winning world's 2013 and also to our tusk friend for having a crowning moment of glory in VGC 2013 now on to Gen 6 faeries causing dragons to go down Mamoswine talents were not as explicitly needed as well as the existence of keldeo and mega such as the Charizard scissors but Mamoswine still remained the solid threat it's ice shard was huge during their early reign of thunderous and it's earth quake was so powerful it was one of the few things that could threaten for one hit ko edge / it was a good stealth rocker considering that the ladee twins were very common d foggers as was even manda buzz for a time and they obviously didn't want anything to do with Mamoswine putting aside stealth rock it could also use the buffed knockoff to mess with a road and washes leftovers and generally anything that wasn't named Magus is or who is of course prone to Magnezone just like Skarmory it could even use freeze-dried a surprise roto wash with a big hit that leave it in range for something else such as talonflame now this combination was actually quite popular for a time but eventually overall Menace wine started getting phased out after or Aza's early period but it's definitely not a bad pokemon in fact one could call it underrated or slept on that kind of thing it's absolutely got potential it's just people tend to be wary of letting in Keldeo and being forced into ice moves can be an unfortunate way of letting that happen without making much progress and mega slow broke now just mega as regular can be crippled quite hard by knock off can also give it trouble but there are tools around it now unfortunately for Mamoswine it actually dropped to under use but there it was an absolute monster being able to tear through important Pokemon such as mega Aerodactyl chestnut and Snorlax was no mean feat while its speed and weaknesses could hamper it against Pokemon like kobol ian suicune and Infernape its benefits were enormous especially as knock off now slaughtered bronzong thanks to the steel nerf against dark a lots of VGC Mamoswine continued to do typical Mamoswine things it's old prey such as Garchomp and salamence was always prevalent and the new generation came with many new victims such as mega Mawile and aegislash as well as mega salamence in 2015 in 2014 it had many many regional placements but for the sake of length we've kept it limited to only the highest ones which included julio fernandez reaching top three with one at the Cortado premier challenge packing rockslide for talonflame and mega Charizard white there's also Daniel foul winning the Argentinian premier challenge with it using an unconventional team with Lapras and metal births ride on at Nationals Gavin Michaels aka King of Mars brought one and reached top beta worlds and finally at Worlds Rios que cosa gay impressively reached fifth with it this further cemented mammoths lines placed as a great pokémon in the VGC meta game then in 2015 Mamoswine dropped off a decent bit although it was still used here and there Guan yang Zi won the Singapore Asia Cup qualifier with scarf Mamoswine and Wesley Worth Anderson reached top 4 at the Washington spring regionals with one however its uses was far more sporadic and eventually it pretty much didn't show up at all at nationals or world at least in normal placements now onto gen 7 Mamoswine has potential and overuse but hasn't really been seen it's understandable given the plethora of flashy options available but it's also got as flaws bear in mind there's the Keldeo dilemma of RS but nowadays replaced that with greninja and unfortunately there's also grassy terrain that weakens its earthquake and psychic terrain that blocks its ice shards however when the common Pokemon include top abbulu tangrowth here and zygarde Moderne taboo cocoa Landorus therian tornado Styrian mega latias mega latias Gliscor and Garchomp the meta games just waiting to be ravaged by Mamoswine it can even cela Stila with knockoff or a powerful icicle crash now maybe one day in the future we'll see mammal ripping things apart since the potential is certainly there but as it is it remains an underused where there is tremendous shredding every mega Pidgeot mega Altaria krookodile latias mega Aerodactyl komodo megaman Ettrick and high dragon in his path in addition to blowing through defensive pokemon like nobody's business it doesn't even need a Z move since life orb is all it requires to crush whatever it's faced with it faces the same issues of a speed and weaknesses hindering it against monsters such as fellow ice side Kyurem but it's still a massive threat that dishes out equally massive pain against the whole meta game and unfortunately for the first time in VGC Mamoswine didn't place at all new pokemons such as cart on top of fini Arcanine and Sela Stila give it a lot of grief and grassy terrain weakening its earthquakes also didn't help so with that it was unfortunately overshadowed and that's it so how good were piloswine and Mamoswine actually pilots and was underrated at first but wholly unspectacular especially in the third generation however ever since it evolved into Mamoswine it's been an absolute wrecking ball it's consistently been a pokémon that dishes out huge damage to nearly everything thanks to its terrific stab combination and even more notably feasts on the best pokemon in the metagame the ones most everyone else is afraid of what to Mamoswine they're just victims in VGC despite eventually dropping off it was a terrifying force in the previous three generation overall the term mammoth is right and pokemons answer the swine flu is equally scary thanks for watching everyone I hope you guys all have a Merry Christmas or if you don't celebrate Christmas have a happy holidays or whatever it is you do during this time of year shout outs to the patrons for continued support of our videos and shout outs to all of you watching as well and follow my crew on these social media platforms yada yada yada and that's all I got happy holidays hope you all have a happy new year etc etc and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 784,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Piloswine, Mamoswine, Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC
Id: AE9bmta9ANY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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