How GOOD was Cloyster ACTUALLY? - History of Cloyster in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 1-6)

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Oh man Gen 1 Cloyster was a motherfucker. Back then the Special Stat wasn’t broken into attack and defence, so his Spec. Def. was almost double what it is today - not to mention back then there was a lot less to compete against.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 255 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LoudCourtFool πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did you sleep late on this one? :P

Cloyster, pretty cool pokemon, actually put in some work for VGC17 apparently.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 156 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bardock_RD πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lemme shell smash

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/baggzey23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was oblivious to its shell smash niche because I skipped gen 5 and 6, then got my butt hole ripped/pierced by a maximum 5 TIMES! Hate Cloyster for a while now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrSunga πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Skill link antics are fun

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NaCl777 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The new Cloyster looks like a Gastly in a Cloyster shell.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/would92 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was really happy to see this one. Cloyster is one of my very favorite PokΓ©mon, really cool design and epic grin, and one of the most consistently good Gen 1 PokΓ©mon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bragatyr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cloyster was the one thing that would send shivers down my friends' spine back in BW. I kinda had to hint to them that priority moves was it's weakness. I still like to throw one out, and kick butt with it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been binge-watching this all weekend ! I've never been into competitive pokemon (Although I did a fair amount of breeding in pokemon Y and currently doing it on UM) so this is easy to watch and covers major builds. I'm even breeding Ampharos just for fun after watching one video !

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/uni-force πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up guys happy new year hope you all enjoyed the fireworks and for our first patron Pick of 2018 we've got a Pokemon that can literally withstand fireworks or even bombs really according to his pokedex entry that's right it's the virtually indestructible cloister patrons I don't know if this is a Christmas gift or something but thanks for a respite from the absolutely monstrous picks you were giving me before it said that no one has ever seen what's inside cloister shelf well news flash everyone is just ghastly I mean look at it you can clearly see it's a little black ball just laughing at us makes how hard it is to kill it even more frustrating but it's cloister smile earned or are we about to see it get wiped off its face for the first time of the new year how good was closer actually and in this video we'll be covering these competitive formats holy moly look at that defense set okay maybe now I get why you have that big grin cloistered for those keeping track that's the second highest at in any category in Gen 1 period only lower than chancy's 250 HP 85 special 95 attack aren't too shabby either honestly all the closer stats are pretty good except for its low HP boisterous loophole isn't great either but his evolutionary line did happen to be the only Pokemon in the game with access to clamp and in Gen 1 all-boys clamp brutal moves like clamp and wrap prevented the enemy from moving whatsoever and while clamp did have a lower accuracy meaning it didn't have quite the sadistic trapping power at rat it also packed 20 base power and a special designation although closer speed wasn't incredible it cleaned up paralyzed Pokemon incredibly well making it a very effective late-game Pokemon after your team had body-slammed or underweight the other team and on top of that closer had stab blizzard which was always wonderful in Gen 1 after slowly squeezing the life out of his enemies closer could fire off a devastating blizzard to ko the enemy or if necessary even a hyper beam against Pokemon with high special or if really really necessary boy stur could become the firework itself and explode on an unsuspecting tourists army removing them from the game with that nice spread of moves closer was a good choice as a late-game cleaner and was possibly one of the best answers to the strong normal-type like Korra for Snorlax though Poyser had quite a few Pokemon that could threaten it namely things that bypassed his huge defense and hit it on the special side Slowbro resisted everything and attacked the mind with psychic if it carried psychic well venusaur and victreebel could target weak spot with a near guaranteed critical hit razor leaf if they avoided getting blizzard the best counters were Thunderball users though either faster electric types like Joe Chun or water types like starving and laparis who resisted all the cloisters moves and once again especially if they crit but really having an explosion as a last ditch effort meant barely anything could truly be safe against cloister and in turn it threatened everything being a top-ranked physical tank and cleaner in overuse and a solid beat here in Nintendo cup while closest defense was a nice support to its role as a cleaner in Gen 1 it ended up being even more important to Jen - you thought clamp was a nice move to have try spikes on for size as a defense monster who could also frighten offensively with good speed and its powerful explosion oyster was arguably the best spike setter in the game its main competition wasn't forretress who boasted a bevy of resistances thanks to its steel typing and the threatening hidden power bug whilst army preyed on cloister and spun away it hazards easily fortress was a tricky opponent to deal with in addition Poyser suffered heavily from the special split losing a whole 40 points in special defense and since binding moves got nerfed Klatte was pretty much trash now all that said Cloisters ability to pivot between defense and offense on a whim or even run defensive sets itself focusing on rapid min and toxic meant it was one of the best pokemon in all of Gen 2 sure it had to rely on surf and ice beam since blizzard was nerf but that was a pretty powerful stab combination shored up by explosion for the kicker if necessary and when paired with Pokemon that force witches like steelix or raikou it was continually laying down hurt purely through the spiked support as Cloisters use revolved around spikes spinners made its life hell but good spinners were a pretty small category with starmie fortress and cloister oyster couldn't prevent any of these pokemon from spinning but it could at least chunk out forces to cirque winning the head-to-head matchup past the obvious move counter closer struggled with strong special attackers especially electric types unfortunately for cloister that meant that raikou and Zapdos two of the best pokemon in the game were frequently around to ruin its Dave Speed blockers like Gengar and mischievous could lift or a surf and then hit it with their own electric-type moves or perish song phasing through rapid spin and explosion forcing close to the switch unless they mean looked at in which case there was a straight-up screwed however straight up tanks or walls like Blissey lost a cloister as it could go off and explode at any moment or use its setup moves all in all cloistered to find a good part of the GSC meta game and found itself at the top of overuse and is easily one of the top five Pokemon a Nintendo Cup where raikou and Zapdos were less prevalent first things first cloisters ability shell armor made it an even more consistent tank by preventing critical hits completely honestly closer stayed pretty much exactly the same leaning into its niche as a dual spiked setter and spinner now I couldn't quite keep up offensively anymore with the absurdly strong Pokemon likes aliments but luckily for cloister it matches up incredibly well against most of the meta game and was still very good at its job threatening Salamence Metagross Flygon and Gyarados though its meets that was exactly what you would expect spikes rapid spin a stab move and then explosion it could also potentially run rest or toxic to stall out opposing bulky water types really though closer just stuck to its guns and grin the whole way through as closer didn't change that much you can expect that as counters then either and you're right Starmie raikou and zap those were also its best counters and new additions followed the archetype of strong special attackers namely Celebi and Jirachi ganker could also come in and grab the spin and threaten it with thunderbolt and even sweet cream could set up on closer but that was just as more set to develop over all the metagame was kind to cloister and it stayed solidly in overuse as one of the best Spikers not quite as dominant as in gen 2 but still very strong but bad news for closer all that defense doesn't mean jack in a world of stealth rocks there's pretty much ruined cloisters utility as a spinner itself leaving it even more pigeon-holed as a spike setter additionally closer couldn't come in multiple times during the game unless rocks were removed but it didn't justify the investment that was spinning just to get in especially with explosion completely harmless against ghost pipes that's that closer managed to find a new life for itself in the lead centric meta game of Gen 4 it wasn't quite worth using unless your team really needed spike supports from the word go but it was 100% the best lead Spiker pokemon bar rosary with specific Eevee investment and life warp oyster had positive matchups like its Azoff Skarmory Metagross Machamp jirachi the list goes on it could almost always get spikes up but the downside was that it would be pretty dead weight later on hey good thing it has explosion right with that koi sure could even blow up on Swampert or other threatening leaves if needed usually though they have the specific patterns of surf spikes and ice shard that would handle most opposing leads a shark specifically was very important because it allowed closer to out prioritize to nab chaos when necessary I guess the opposing Pokemon after it broke its focus ash unfortunately though it have a few match of that is straight applause those being Celebi and poli on Rose rate and the ever annoying star me those matches plus C after mentioned weaknesses and I closer was actually underused but it had his place in overuse as well so long as the team called for it and if you're curious and under yours closer still took advantage of this new ability skill link to cut through teens with hugely powerful rock class I would talk about this right now except we can talk about it now in Gen 5 instead well first let's talk about the negative because there's a whole lot of positive explosion is bad in Gen 5 because it no longer has the fence and fighting types are so rampant and they love prying closer open and eating it for breakfast now the good holy shell smash baby a good amount of Pokemon got this move but only one could use it well outside of anything not Baton Pass focus and goddamn did closer use it well once the enemy team was opened up with other offensive Pokemon cloister could come in on some poor bulky ground site resist through its attacks and boost to high heaven even with the Lord defence investment Bush's defense was just so high on its own that it didn't matter a huge deal and it's normally just decent offenses were now terrifying especially because skill leg leg closer had an effectively 125 base power 100% accuracy I stabbed in icicle spear Rock lots low accuracy hurt but it'll also absurdly powerful what's closer had come out of it's shell there weren't many things that could stop it thanks to its great stab coverage and if it was holding King's Rock it had a 41% chance to flinch after either of its multi hit moves other item choices like never melt ice or whiter boosted cloisters and other areas but nothing really felt as good as seeing Rotom wash get flinched closer performed amazing in the rain where it's watertight stabs ripped through potential checks like Concord air and steel pipes now those steel types could give her problems as closers to skilling lose both got resisted by steel this is where coy stirs last move slot came into play ice shard was necessary to handle Breloom or scarf latias and it let cloister check opposing dragon types and Landorus without boost but then closer lost hardcore to steel types who could otherwise be handled with razor shell or hydro pump bar Ferrothorn who just really screwed over cloistered however bulky water types were a good answer no matter what able to tank through rock blast most of the time rotor wash could Thunder ball cloister into oblivion and the two jellies Jellison and Tentacruel could try to burn closer with scald our goal first rediff status with willow s or toxic finally slow bro keldeo could tank through the endless barrage and go for the special defense that special mention should be given to clacks our who was fully unaware of the smash boost now that's a lot of answers - closer but the ease with which choice are set up and it's terrifying power meant it was still an amazing threaten overused the what's defensive powerhouse now performing admirably on the offense end of the spectrum in fact closer was so powerful he could even perform as a sweeper in uber sometimes now that's a reason to smile now stat boosters were typically not top cut fair and VGC 2012 falling prey to a fast-paced meta game however because the focus sash and the absolutely absurd power of smashing his shell police are have the potential to be one of the only viable boosters in VGC especially with team support like wide guard rage powder and fake out helping it get its aschoff 100% of the time this closer played near identical to a singles counterpart and wasn't seen that much however another corset proved quite effective now when you look at closer you're probably not thinking choice scarf but turns out skill link is just an amazing ability on its own even without shell smash a guaranteed five hit icicle speared kills Zapdos Latios thunderous tornadoes the list is pretty long as a multi hit move it pops items in the middle meaning not even yachts barrier focus - can save the opponent and even substitutes fall before the might of icicle spirit now this set is understandably even weaker against priority like bullet puncher mark punch but the unexpected ability to eliminate a good amount of common threats carried the set all the way to a championship on the team of Abram Burroughs who managed to win 2012 juniors with a scarf closer as the highlight of his team specifically one that has hidden power grass / explosion fun fact this question was later distributed at winner regionals but it's IVs weren't locked so it didn't have the right HP always way hoops closer also got third at Nationals in the senior division the next year and then another third at Worlds both on the team of Cameron Swan aka drizzle boy so even though it wasn't one of the top thread seen in VGC 2012 smart players made it work quite well finally cloister and Gen 6 honestly not much change for cloister it just fell behind closer could still be an offensive threat but why go for closer when there are so many mega Pokemon running around with the same amount of power well I guess you could have poster and a mega Pokemon on the same team but that's besides the point what's more those same Megas we're closers biggest threat with Pokemon like mega says or mega lopunny and mega Metagross all destroying it because their attack stats were just very very high and also they had priority thanks to all that it fell down under use we're operated fine as a shell smash sweeper but that tricky shell still had a place in Ebers operating as a Swiss Army knife hazard center and remover and also dragon killer Oh closer what secrets you hide inside your shell and that's it so how good was closer actually you know I pretty damn good we've seen this thing go through a lot of iterations but it's funny that it started and ended as a cleaner despite its most notable stat being defense oyster suggests a pokemon that has been given many gifts through the generations from clamp to spikes to skill length to shell smash it's one of the only ice types to ever be hugely prominent as a defensive month and also one of the strongest offensive ice types Gen 5 and onward even with worst attack and speed than many others so the verdict yeah you can keep grinning cloister good job thanks for watching everyone and a big thank you to our patrons for selecting this pokemon and for continued support of our videos but also thank you to all of you as well as I want to be able to make any of these videos without your help and if you like the video and want to see more be sure to subscribe to false light gaming for more weekly Pokemon content and of course as I always say comment on what pokemon you want to see you next although for next week's general pic we already have you covered so I guess comment on the Pokemon you want to see after that and follow my career on these social media platforms and that's all I got happy 2018 and I'll see you guys in the next video have a nice day everyone you
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 893,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Cloyster, Shellder, Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, GOld, SIlver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Water Pokemon, False Swipe Gaming, Smogon, VGC, Competitive Pokemon
Id: 1coQAmoYj5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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