How GOOD was Reshiram ACTUALLY? - History of Reshiram in Competitive Pokemon

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and now we have restaurant the dragon of truth the mascot of pokemon black version and the first to possess the coveted ultimate cool typing of dragon fire this pokemon and its counterpart have one of the coolest inspirations in the entire series yin and yang with restaurant based on yang now there's a lot to dissect so if you're interested in pokemon trivia we encourage you to check out the origin section of restaurants bulbapedia page today we'll be examining the extent of restaurants impact on the competitive scene was it a case of a rested development or did it ram everything in sight lest we make a huge mistake we ask how good was restaurant actually and in this video we'll be going over these competitive formats restaurant received immense hype at the beginning of generation five as it seems to go hand in hand with one of the uber metagame's most defining features groudon sun which would power up reshiram's choice specs blue flare to mind-boggling levels even evil light chansey was to hit kl and even the quadruple resistant palkia could be two-hit killed with stealth rock sure kyogre resisted the move and replaced the sun with rain so yes it was a perfect switch into blue flare but it wouldn't want to switch into a draco meteor which was an incredible weapon in its own right how were you going to switch into it safely when the only resists were steals and every snow type got absolutely destroyed by blue flare but wait you say there was heatran who resisted draco meteor and had flash fire meaning it was completely immune to blue flare so at least that was an option except it wasn't because if you switched your heat ran in you'd wind up watching in horror as restaram's turbo blaze bypass flash fire and even the bulkiest heat ran possible was reduced to ashes taking a minimum of 104 percent turbo blaze also ignored lugia's multi-scale and yes blue flare boosted by specs and sun one had killed even the great wall itself what about tyranitar you asked it could act like kyogre making the most out of its blue fair resistance by replacing sun and this time with sand which also gave it a special defense boost that allowed it to take draco meteor it's a nice idea until you realize that even a max special defense tyranitar took 50 minimum from specs meteor oh and reshiram had focus blasts so it could make the easiest prediction ever and drop tetar in one hit to top things off reshiram utterly incinerated the incredibly popular ferrothorn and its typing had some really great benefits it was a fire type not weak to water and a dragon type not weak to ice so let's get into details reshiram totally dominated gen 5 ubers right right well sadly the rampardos and slack king theorem that states sheer power isn't everything is applicable to ubers as well and retro ram is the uber's representative of that theorem the problem was that it simply couldn't find opportunities to switch in and use that power its base 90 speed was the first issue it would have a difficult time competing with so many other amazing pokemon that shared this stat namely groudon kyogre diogo ho-oh and zekrom however that would have been a fine problem to have had it not been for reshiram's true shortcoming it's absurd vulnerability to the entry hazards that dominated ubers it had a crippling weakness to stealth rock compounded by its vulnerability to spikes and the occasional toxic spikes this absurd hazard vulnerability meant it was incredibly difficult for restaurant to switch into anything it couldn't even switch into ferrothorn since it would get leech seeded then ferrothorn would protect and switch out and reshiram would be near dead if it ran specs protect would scout its moves easily and if it ran life orb it would lose power and be worn down even more ridiculously quickly normally resharam would threaten pokemon like fortress and lugia as well but with hazards down yeah forget it fixing this wasn't as simple as adding rapid spin support either spinning was notoriously difficult in gen 5 ubers thanks to the strength of three incredible spin blockers in arceus ghosts giratina origin and giratina altered restaurant could be quite threatening but it was just too matchup reliant and too much of a defensive liability in most games it would get 1ko if it was lucky and too often it'd just be relegated to death fodder as such players tended to favor more overall reliable lawbreakers like dialga and palkia whose superior defensive profiles were just as important in allowing them to actually fire their attacks off while also contributing to their team defensively something resharam didn't do at all now you might be wondering if ho-oh could work with this quadruple stealth rock weakness why couldn't reshuram now this was a classic case of how important defensive typing was even on offensive pokemon sure ho was a little less threatening than restaurant on paper but in practice ho'o was a lot more threatening than restaurant because of how many more opportunities it had against the metagame as a result of its insane hp and special defense as well as ability to stave off fighting and ground attacks which allowed it to take on several popular arcus forms blaziken and dragons including restaurant itself restaurant's set of resist was by no means shabby but it was nothing that dialga couldn't do and in addition to resisting electric and grass dialga also resisted water and stealth rock then came black and white 2 and at first it seemed to bring reshiram some hope it received tailwind allowing it to potentially bypass its fellow base 90s and all faster pokemon giving it potential for a late game sweep it also received roost although that wasn't realistically going to help much if it was spending its turns healing off passive damage it wasn't doing what it was supposed to do which is attacking however all this was for naught as black and white 2 actually brought about reshiram's death now and did so in the most mocking way possible kiram fused with retram to create kieran white which completely and utterly outclassed restaurant sure it didn't have fire stab or blue flare but it still had fusion flare which was plenty strong coming off of its absurdly absurd special attack stat that left restaurant in the dust it didn't even miss firestab because its new secondary stab ice beam was even more dangerous and spammable against the uber's meta to add insult to injury it was even faster sitting at 95 speed an absolutely excellent stat that ran past the crowded base 90 tier with ease of course it was affected just as badly as reshiram by all forms of entry hazard which is why kieran white wasn't a super common pokemon after its initial wave of hype but it's still wholly entirely outclassed resharam and as a result it was the pokemon seeing occasional usage while restaurant fell into complete obscurity restaurant was even made worse by the pokemon that rose up to help check kieran white especially the defense of kyogre could shrug off kirin white's draco meteor it could definitely shrug off restaurants the same went for ho-oh which now had regenerator to boot resharam had one advantage over kieron white which was that it resisted genesec's iron head as opposed to being weak to it and resisted its u-turn to boot but this was not nearly worth the sacrifice of the lower power and speed and the worst stab move it was kind of sad to see resharam still completely hapless in the generation it was one of the mascots of especially as its counterpart zekrom was quite excellent but at least it serves as yet another lesson in how important typing is no matter how powerful you are restaurant went from bad to worse in generation six at first you'd think the defog buff removing entry hazards would be good news for restaurant and you wouldn't be wrong it's just that there were so many other factors that far outweighed this benefit groudon's drought no longer summoned permanent sun so spamming boosted blue flares was no longer feasible draco meteor had its base powered nerf so bulky arceus forms and kyogre switched in even more easily reshiram just completely failed to be threatening against three pokemon as well as the ever present dialga which was seriously bad news since they made up just about every team draco meteoring was generally a bad idea thanks to the presence of fairies and even if a draco meter did go off a -2 restaurant was easy setup bait for the myriad of dangerous set of sweepers in the tier most notably geomancy xerneas and extreme killer arceus reshram's defensive typing was another continuous drawback it was a dragon type not weak to ferry but so was dialga who also had stab flash cannon for fairies and actually checked the dangerous specs kyogre plus if you really wanted a special dragon type nuke karen white still existed and its extra power let it actually threaten the bulky staples every team came adorned with basically there is no reason to ever use reshiram when dialga and karen white existed then came oraz but you could also consider those games russia dead redemption 2. because as it happens in the plot of that game things just got worse for our hero the truth for this dragon was that the primals were utterly ruinous for it primal kyogre was bad enough since it gained a massive special defense boost to shrug off draco meteor and become completely immune to blue flare but even primo groudon now resisted the latter move and it often ran especially defensive spread meaning anything reshiram did would simply bounce off of it not only that but primal groudon even outclassed reshiram as a special attacker if it chose to go that route thanks to its self-summoned son boosting its fire blasts off of the same base special attack stat as reshuram it also resisted fairy letting it check xerneas and it even packed a dragon move in dragon pulse to dispatch mega salamance speaking of as if that wasn't enough mega salamence joined the frey and oraz as yet another top tier pokemon that completely outdid restaurant even kieran white struggled to maintain a niche in this more powerful metagame meaning restaurant had no shot at any slight semblance of viability whatsoever if there was an uber's equivalent of untiered reshiram definitely would have wound up there its only comforting thought was that it would have occupied that same space with regular kyogre which became completely unusable in the wake of the primals nevertheless chalk up another generation of utter uselessness for reshiram restaurant remained completely and utterly outclassed in generation seven its offensive prowess had never been less impressive as special attacking primal kyogre had begun to run overheat and even eruption there were thoughts of using restaurant and ultra sun and moon as it could act as a longevity oriented check to necrozma dust main thanks to roost therefore allowing players to preserve their more crucial primal groudon and restaurant could use toxic to lure in and ho-oh primal kyogre arceus water and tyranitar and this was finally something kieran white couldn't do as kirin white was weak to sun steel strike as opposed to resharan's resistance however these thoughts quickly faded as players realized ho-oh was absolutely superior in doing everything reshiram could do in this role and then some while of course being a better overall pokemon against the rest of the metagame one thing reshiram had over ho-oh was that it didn't instantly crumple to surprise stone edge from dust main but it was much better to scout and play around the possibility of stone edge for the reward of being able to use ho-oh as opposed to being safer and being stuck with restaurant technically resharam could try and lure ho-oh harder with stone edge itself but this could also easily be played around since reshiram was still stuffed by primals and arcus forms and just wasn't worth the effort once again reshram held no serious place whatsoever in ubers and look retram is all about truth right well here's the truth restaurant sucks in vgc while it brought an immense amount of damage to the table via its high stats the overwhelming blue flare and the more reliable fusion flare resharam has to contend with a whole host of faster dragon types that can surgically remove it as well as competition from other pokemon with just as much power as it restaram has only been legal in three formats to date the 2016 gs cup format the 2019 gs cup format and this year's new one restricted mod format in 2016 and 2019 restaurant was nearly unseen as those formats were absolutely dominated by primal groudon who not only made reshiram nearly obsolete as a much better fire type but also could easily handle it one-on-one due to precipice blades reshiram could nominally use groudon's own son to perform well but then you run into the issue of primal kyogre who made reshiram's flares fizzle remember that turbo blaze only takes into account abilities and it's technically not the ability primordial seed that stops fire moves it's the torrential downpour that it summons dragon fire was also a somewhat bizarre typing reshiram loses resistance as the fairy and water by way of its dual typing which were especially relevant in a metagame full of magical deer and lords of the ocean restaurant has two notable results to its name both of them in 2019 and both from before groudon and kyogre were allowed to activate their primal reversion in the ultra series in the sun series matthew greaves took sixth place at the portland regionals by using groudon's drought to amp up restaurant restaurant's lack of a flying typing may leave it vulnerable to opposing groudon but matthew put reshiram's bird-like qualities to good use equipping it with tailwind and roost alongside the default covers moves of fusion flare and earth power and giving it a shuka berry for good measure to at least give it some form of dealing with ground type moves finally at long last generation 8's pokemon home brought resharam some respite now it wasn't an instant hit as with dynamaxx allowed it wasn't seen much players were too busy fawning over zekrom and its vicious dragon dance set however dynamaxx was soon banned from being used on legendary pokemon and ditto and in the wake of this change resharam rose to become not just a threat but a top 10 threat with some players ranking it even higher it loved the limited pool of pokemon and as a result it was truly nigh impossible to switch into it preyed on the metagame's most common reliable defensive pokemon draco meteor ripped through eternitis blue flare tore corvinite apart and their common teammates toxipax and tyranitar weren't safe switch-ins at all for the first time it was not only not outclassed by karen white but it was actually better than that of course karen white was still quite decent but restaurant stabbed blue flare made an enormous difference against the tier's defining threat zacia and crown as well as the returning necrozma dust man many teams couldn't prevent restaurant from picking up a ko their best bet was to cut their losses and trap it with dog trio afterwards resharam's dog vulnerability did hold it back but not enough to prevent it from shredding through the uber's landscape as it been longing to for several generations it was finally dangerous enough to justify its use in spite of its lack of defensive utility players were so desperate to be able to actually switch into restaurant without losing a pokemon that they began using otherwise meager pokemon like snorlax and umbreon just to try and stave it off and even this wasn't guaranteed because restaurant was quite excellent on sun teams turning its blue flare into a devastating nuke it had flexibility in its moveset too making it even more difficult to deal with it's sometimes slotted in shadow ball to rip through lu nala and it could trade the power of lifor for the crucial longevity of heavy duty boots finally being able to bypass the ever irritating stealth rock it could even experiment a little haban berry was a great choice to surprise revenge kills from ditto and opposing dragons and shuka berry could utterly ruin ditto extra drill and boosting the cross with dust main overall restaurant in the whole metagame was incredibly dangerous it was finally truly a part of uber's but wait we're not done yet as the isle of armor brought an expanded pokedex and restaurant lost its place as one of the metagame's most dangerous pokemon but all was not lost rather than plummeting back to unusability it remained decent however it was significantly weaker than in the previous metagame and its usage suffered as a result the addition of blissey was certainly irritating but that wasn't what knocked resharam down as it quickly adapted by shifting to body press as its fighting coverage no reshiram's problem was twofold it now had seriously good fire type competition in volcarona and charizard both had better speed and could dynamax volcarona had quiverdance making it one of the tier's most dangerous sweepers and dynamaxx abusers while charizard completely outclassed restaurant on the sun with the strength of its solar power choice specs set alongside the capability to potentially use g-max wildfire volcarona and zard usually had higher potential upside than restaurant which made the two of them more worth slotting on teams than resharam despite all three sharing the same drawback which was a weakness to the increasingly prevalent hyper-offensive styles of rain sand and screens with dragon dance weepers however restaurant was down but not out it adopted a new set neither of the other two could run effectively choice guard the surprise factor was huge but even once the surprise was up it was still a vicious threat being able to outrun so many common offensive pokemon and bombard them with its tremendously powerful attacks was incredibly useful giving its team a terrific offensive check to the likes of xacien crown in particular restaurant was more niche now but it was still quite good as it utterly ruined many common offensive teams since they couldn't take its attacks and not only relied on outspeeding him and then the crown tundra came and dynamaxx was re-allowed on legendary pokemon this gave resharam the capability to potentially lure ho-oh with max rockfall and generally be threatening with its powerful attack-dropping max wormwind but sadly it just wasn't worth it it hated the return of kyogre and generally wasn't used much because it was almost entirely overshadowed by the utterly monstrous caloric shadow as well as most other top dynamics abusers such as necrozma duskman xerneas calorax shadow itself and of course zekrom then dynamaxx was banned and restaurant completely returned to the shadows now really not worth using whatsoever for it was completely outclassed in every capacity and unable to at all keep up with the likes of yavelto and dioga and really just about everything at least it had its time before the other uber's return but now restaurant was back to where it began an unviable uber never thought i'd say that and that's it so how good was reshram actually sadly it is perhaps the most fitting poster pokemon for the concept of a bad uber a pokemon that could never ever be considered for ou but is just completely outclassed by its fellow ubers the only more fitting pokemon would be deox's normal even the worst arceus worms have more of a niche than reshram yes even arceus bug that is until gen 8. with the limited pokedex retram was finally genuinely good even being a top threat but this was all too brief as more and more pokemon were added back it got worse and worse and eventually returned to its former state of being completely unviable being outclassed by charizard and ubers has to be the absolute in the deer for any box legendary it's sad to see such a cool pokemon struggle like this especially since its gen 5 counterpart has historically been so good so hopefully restaurant will get a cool move or two to help it out in the future thanks for watching everyone and as always if you liked the video and you want to see more be sure to subscribe to fall swipe gaming for more weekly pokemon content and in the comments i want to know what do you think about competitive restaurant what would you give it to make it viable in ubers or maybe you should make it worse so it can be used and owe you whatever it is let me know in the comments also thank you so much to our patrons for continued support of our videos and thank you to everyone else watching as well and follow my crew on these social media platforms and that's all i got see you next time everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 517,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming, Reshiram
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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