How GOOD was Darkrai ACTUALLY? - History of Darkrai in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 4-7)

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace stay tuned to the end of the video to find out how you can save 10% off and start creating your own website what's up everyone today we have darkride the harbinger of nightmares made its debut in the fourth generation where it lurked in the shadows at every corner from its menacing in-game appearance on new moon island that sometimes required less than legal methods to get to to being the final boss and pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time darkness and sky as well as cloak my ranger showers of omnia - being the star of the 10th movie the rise of Darkrai anyways today we'll see if dark ride went bump in the competitive scenes night so how good was dark right actually and in this video we'll be going over these competitive formats Darkrai was an absolute terror in its debut generation to start it was one of the fastest pokemon in Hoover's at the beginning of the generation it was only eclipsed by new - and non-defense deoxys formed shape and sky joined the tiers ranks come platinum and it was naturally faster than dark right but it was not the easiest thing to slap on a team plus another newcomer was guarantee no origin which became incredibly popular for its strength versatility and ease of use this change was far more relevant to the general meta game and dark ride was a fan of it as Garret inna origin was nothing too dark right but a dark pulse victim what HeartGold and SoulSilver came out Giratina Oh got shadow snake and became even more popular meaning dark ride got even better anyway the point was that one of dark rise best most important assets was getting the jump on so many of the hard hitters in the tier such as the lady twins Garchomp and polka who are generally considered fast for ubers this was huge because Darkrai signature Dark Void would quickly put them out of commission allowing dark ride to then bludgeon the opposing team with its meaty special tax set and perfect neutral coverage in just two moves between dark pulse and Focus Blast it was a natural fit on the hyper often steams popular in Reverse as those teams needed to consistently translate the few turns in their high-powered battles into meaningful progress and Darkrai was terrific at that it easily snatched momentum from the opponent since it out spread so much in the meta game I could sleep it before proceeding to launch a barrage of strong attacks to continue the assault dark ride would rarely sweep offense as it wasn't very bulky and thus got revenge killed by every scar fur as well as Mewtwo and it was revenge killed by priorities such as scissors bullet punch and Lucario and requires extreme speed but none of those Pokemon could safely switch in with hazards of and required either a sacrifice or an incredibly risky play that could lose their trainer the game to switch them in and only merely threaten dark right out meaning by the time they even got on the field the damage would have been done and dark rise teammates could easily take advantage to finish the game for example dark ride was a terrific Kyogre partner as it completely dominated the ladee twins that stood in coyotes way and the gaping hole Darkrai left in the opponent's team made it far easier for scarf odor to clean up late game the many choices attacks used to revenge killed dark ride could also be used to give its teammates set-up opportunity to finish off the weakened team for example a rock polish Groudon could get an opportunity against scarf Tioga that just have this special attack with Draco meteor in an attempt to take Darkrai out so even if it didn't finish the job itself Darkrai absolutely terrorized often however it also gave Stoll massive headaches as well its last move slot went to nastyplot and after a boost Darkrai was unwell about to hit Kaling even a calm natured Blissey Darkrai even had a significant role in the all-important lead meta game with a choice scarf and outspread even deoxys speed who's the definitive DPP ubers lead and prevented it from setting up even stealth rock this was an incredible trade dark ride was terrific as a whole against the offensive teams deoxys led off as it outran just about every scar fur in ubers as well as rock polish Groudon at +2 basically as soon as it saw that deoxys lead it knew it would be useful throughout the game and it was still useful against Stahl as it could trick it scarf away crippling whatever wall switched in and then threatening sweep overall no matter what role it took up dark ride was one of the defining DPP ubers Pokemon and one of the scariest threats in the meta game dark ride was actually tested in oh you at the beginning of generation 5 but it was immediately clear that it was way way way way too powerful which was saying something given the other monstrosity was running around such as Shaymin sky and unrestricted switzerland it was too fast too strong and with the new mechanics of sleep turns being reset upon switching Dark Void was essentially a one-hit ko loop and as such dark ride just about always got one and a half to two kills before it was even forced out despite the popularity of Conkeldurr and it's beefy Mach punch as well as the advent of specially defensive Lum berry sizzler Darkrai was incredibly overwhelming and was promptly sent back to overs their dark ride was even scarier than in the previous generation the ladee twins didn't have soul do and were in use as a result dark ride lost prime victims but it redoubled its wrath on the rest of the tier with the new sleep mechanics these mechanics meant Dark Void was basically an automatic kale and starting with a 6 to 5 of sorts was often pivotal in achieving victory Darkrai out sped the newly released Arceus and especially feasted on the ghost variant which was incredibly popular as a spin blocker on the common spike stacking teams everyone running Ferrothorn for its million amazing qualities also meant they were running another pokemon destroyed by dark right at least 70% of the time however there were more revenge Kalista dark right now notably scarf zekrom scarf to rakia and sand rush excadrill but similarly to the previous generation piece pokemon were not safe switching and thus not much changed in the way of dark rides momentum snatching sleep and slam antics that let the hyper offense teams it was such a crucial part of bowl over the opposition dark ride was also excellent as it was one of the few pokemon capable of destroying lugia a seemingly unbreakable wall that caused headaches for most offensive Pokemon spikes balanced teams with lugia took the metagame by storm and Darkrai preyed on them turning their reliability into a liability eventually black and white 2 came along and it brought in many changes the ladee twins regain sold ooh and jumped back up in usage which Darkrai of course enjoyed genesect became the new unequivocal best scarf ER in the tier and it was a thorn and dark rice side it resisted dark pulse and kept momentum with u-turn that would KO dark right if it stayed in however as much as dark I was threatened by it it still had to come in after dark Rai had slept something and if it did dark ride could weaken it greatly with Focus Blast Plus genesect was also great as a teammate for dark ride bringing in slow Pokemon for dark rider dominating another notable change was the addition of cure and white it didn't have any effect on dark rye itself but specially defensive Kyogre was created as one of the few Pokemon capable of countering cure and white and that set was running rest and sleep-talk making it the best dark right counter around that is until dark rye adapted and started dropping nastyplot for a thunder stall teams had fallen greatly out of favor as they so often got trampled by often and so dark ride no longer needed a boosting roof with this extra coverage and not only blue pass Kyogre but it also gained another move to hit genesect with on the switch a move that not only hit it hard but could also absolutely ruin the bug with its 30 percent paralysis rate thunder was also excellent for another Pokemon that rose in popularity to check dark ride ho-oh who had gained regenerator in black and white to an anchor and powerful ballasts and teams which provided it with reliable spinning in the form of excadrill with the advent of the choice band set with sleep-talk ho-oh didn't even need to let a teammate absorb Dark Void first and instead turned dark right into an opportunity to fire off incredibly powerful attacks thus Thunder was huge and dark ride turning the tables against it going from being taken advantage o to putting ho-oh and his team entirely on the backfoot I guess a threat they were probably not going to be capable of handling - well since hollows job was dealing with dark ride and top players have been scratching their heads on how to deal with Darkrai ever since developments like sleep-talk Palkia popped up to try and curve the power of the fearsome Kyogre dark ride combo but despite that and others such as fighting Arceus gaining popularity darker I was still incredibly difficult to deal with especially with team preview allowing its user to map out how to get the most use out of it before the battle even begins overall dark ride was an absolutely monstrous threat that drove Gen 5 offense forward like nothing else it truly was the stuff of nightmares dark ride was not appreciative of generation 6 reverting to old sleep mechanics nor the addition of fairy types not only that journey has completely dominated with some sets like scarf or even defensive running sleep-talk but the best Sarnia scowl newark left key dominated dark right even harder and punished dark rice team with spikes mega scizor which rose as a xerneas counter packed bulk to deal with dark rice and fairy Arceus gaining popularity to deal with mega salamence and auras didn't help matters either however despite being knocked down dark ride was still a great Pokemon having a sleep move was always tremendously effective even if the opponent was packing a counter they still had to let something else get taken out of commission first and in the event of sleep-talk xerneas two crucial things applied one dark Rika's still threatened to sleep something else like a rampage II specs Kyogre and - it also the opponent wasn't running the scariest xerneas variant the power herb geomancy variant plus with dark no longer being resisted by steel Darkrai could afford to drop focus glass usually a used Thunder as ho-oh was more common than ever while veldt awe and primal Kyogre were also crucial targets and it could threaten xerneas with paralysis however if these Pokemon were not concerns Darkrai could instead slot in sludge bomb which was slaughters earnest and faerie Arceus after a nasty plot it wasn't a great sweeper as no matter what move it used it was still absolutely destroyed by the incredibly popular klefki but it did mean dark ride post Dark Void wasn't complete date for xerneas to boost or ferry Arceus to the fog it did however have to be careful of scarf xerneas which also carried sleep-talk speaking of preventing de fog Darkrai has always fit on hyper offense teams these teams were comprised of the scariest pokemon in the game setup primal Groudon mega salamence ernest the whole nine yards however these teams needed to prevent support artists from fogging away stealth rock right after deoxys had set it up at least in the early game where stealth rock was often needed to get the ball rolling for breaking open the tough defense of course Arceus was a part of many different types as in literal Pokemon types of Arceus could use the fog and thus it was impossible to cover them all under the umbrella of offensive pressure especially since one didn't know what type it would be until it actually switched in Dark Void was an amazing tool to bypass this and get some pressure going easily putting the opponent on the back foot some players even ran taunt to prevent de fog once sleep Clause was active nastyplot sludge bomb sets were a bit idealistic and taunt allowed dark ride to be the complete anti de fog machine its teams needed it to be dark rice stabbed dark pulse also terrified the chairs other common to foggers Giratina origin and the laddie twins meaning in many matchups it could prevent the fog by going on the offensive as well this made it all the more essential for Hyper offense to function so now dark rye was no longer about causing a ton of damage itself but more about using dark voids ability to this able Pokemon for crucial utility that the hyper offense teams needed either to prevent the fog or to give one of its monsters teammates like xerneas a free opportunity to wreak havoc being able to threaten something with sleep in any given 1v1 was also a phenomenal tool given how Darkrai speed was still top-tier outrunning the purr threats of the ladee twins as well as the shadowy figure of mega salamence that loomed over the tier overall dark ride was a different kind of monster in the sixth generation but it was still very much a monster now finally sun and moon unfortunately thanks to smear gos domination with the move in BGC dark boys accuracy was brutally nerfed to a paltry 50% meaning it was inferior to even hypnosis which is universally agreed to be terrible dark rides entire existence had always centered around dishing out reliable sleep and with that taken away from it any sort of serious niche it had in the metagame was killed shunting it to the forgotten area of louvers that was reserved for other gimmicks like restaurant living and dying by the accuracy of your sleep move is fine when it's 80% but 60% is absolutely unacceptable thus Darkrai lives in a terrible state of non-being sure if it hits some noses it's capable of reprising his role from auras and enabling hyper offense which now has scarier Pokemon than ever before with marsh shadow and ultra and the cosmo however that is a big if that hinges on odds uncomfortably close to a coin flip and when that coin is going to land on the unfavorable side almost as much as it isn't it's a recipe for disaster and lost battles as such dark righteous isn't used the risk isn't worth it in the slightest now some thought there is some hope with the introduction of the cosmic dust main in ultra Sun and Moon but veldt all proved to be a far superior choice to deal with it while not relying on luck to be effective it's unfortunate to see dark right nurse so hard and what's even more unfortunate is that while it's not worth using it Uber's it's stuck in limbo because it's way too good to drop to oh you it's blazing 125 speed is way too fast for the tear-out running even greninja and it's way too strong with nastyplot boost Uzi moves off base 135 special attack being far more than what oh you can handle the existence of McGhee r enough to stop it doesn't mean much if it beats pretty much everything else and the gear isn't even a check if it's offensive as it'll go down cleanly to a boosted all-out pummeling unfortunately dark rise in this weird state where it's both inadequate and overpowered in gen 7 which has left a real blemish on its record and that's it so how good was dark right actually well for its first two generations it was one of the scariest pokémon in ubers and one of the faces of hyper offense using its signature Dark Void alongside blistering offensive steps to terrorize the opposing teams it shifted to a more supporting role when fairies exploded onto the scene in Gen 6 but was still a key utility player for the hyper offense teams that housed the scariest pokemon in the game however when Dark Void was nerfed to the point of being unusable in Gen 7 soul was dart riot it was a pretty big fall from grace but those who have seen dark riot in his prime breathe a sigh of relief as few Pokemon were scarier and that's really saying something considering the monstrosity side call Uber's their home square space the final frontier well not actually in fact you can pretty much do anything with Squarespace and the only frontier is your creativity what the hassle removed from building a website it's easier than ever to create a space that does exactly what you need unlike a high-level Pokemon when you don't have enough badges but creating content is nothing without people to enjoy it and for a while I've been using comments from you all to help me decide which video to make next that's why Squarespace is built in community features with comments replies and likes is crucial for staying connected with your like-minded creators customers and fans Squarespace makes it easier than ever to let your ideas and fans do all the talking head on over to Squarespace comm for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to Squarespace comm slash FSG to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain thanks for watching everyone and as always if you liked the video and you want to see more be sure to subscribe to fall swipe gaming for more weekly Pokemon content and in the comments I want to know what do you think about competitor dark riot do you want Dark Void to go back to what it was whatever it is let me know in the comments and thank you so much to our patrons for continued support of our videos and thank you to everyone else watching as well and follow my crew on these social media platforms and that's all I got see you next time everyone [Music]
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 621,703
Rating: 4.9500499 out of 5
Keywords: Darkrai, Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, Platinum, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming
Id: qvzevTEMLBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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