How good is your English - Quiz 7

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we're going to try to catch you out today with some common english mistakes we'll ask you some questions and see if you can get them right some are easy and some you might need to think about so are you ready for a challenge let's see how good your english really is your first question is about a mistake lots of students make here's the situation you're having a meal in a restaurant but there's a problem what do you say to the waiter there's hair in my soup there's a hair in my soup waiter yes madam there's a hair in my soup don't tell everyone they'll all want one the word hair can be a countable or an uncountable noun when it means all the hair on your head it's uncountable but when we're thinking of hair as individual strands it's countable i have some gray hairs can you see them most of my hair is brown but there are some strands of gray hair let me see yes there are several gray hairs there not just one so hair is a countable noun when we're thinking of individual hairs but if we're thinking of all the hairs on your head it's an uncountable noun so my hair is gray and what about a haircut as in i need a haircut that's a countable noun of course hey did you get a haircut jay no i got them all cut okay next question you ordered something online that's going to arrive today so you don't want to go out because you're waiting a delivery you're waiting for a delivery notice we can't wait something we wait for things so we'll wait for the bus or wait for the light to turn green i often have to wait for jane carter's waiting for casenya to come she's going to take him for a walk so waiting just means passing the time doing nothing until something else happens but we could also say carter was expecting cassegna to come there so what's the difference between weight and expect let's see if you know another situation your grandparents are planning to visit you and you tell a friend when they're coming what do you say i'm waiting for them next saturday i'm expecting them next saturday if you believe something is probable don't use weight use expect instead so in that situation you were sure your grandparents were coming you were expecting them not waiting for them and there's another useful phrase you can use with expect if something's a surprise you can say i didn't expect it i've got a new trick to show you oh good now you sit over here and i'll sit over here and then i'll wave my magic wand nothing's happened oh hang on we've changed places yes well i didn't expect that for more information on wait and expect check out this video let's have the next question okay you're going to tell your friends about something funny that happened to you what do you say i have a funny story to tell you i have a funny history to tell you [Music] history and stories both describe past events so a lot of students get them confused but they're different things there are lots of kinds of stories ghost stories detective stories love stories some are true and some are made up but they're designed to entertain us while history is supposed to be true and based on fact it's about understanding the past and is more academic and now for a hundred dollars your next question is who wrote the harry potter series oh they're great stories i know this it was jk rowling you're right for a hundred dollars congratulations and now for a thousand dollars we have a history question when was the united states constitution adopted oh i think it was 1776 no i'm sorry it was 17 1787. oh i'm not very good at history i can never remember dates i'm sorry vicky what a shame okay we have a harder question now which sentence is best here war and peace is a history novel by leo tolstoy war and peace is a historic novel by leo tolstoy war and peace is a historical novel by leo tolstoy [Music] historic and historical are both adjectives and they both describe things that happened or that connect with the past historical simply describes something from history so a historical novel is based on events that happened in history a historical document was written a long time ago but if we're talking about something from a long long time ago or something that's really important from history we say historic so we might say a building is historic if it's very old and has a long history or we might say an event is historic if it was really important and it changed history the u.s constitution is a historical document because it's very old but most people would call it a historic document because it's so important it made history when it was written that was tricky the next one's easier you're in paris and you want to see the eiffel tower your french friend offers to help what do they say i'll take you there i'll bring you there then when you get there you say to your friend thank you for taking me here thank you for bringing me here [Music] take means move something away from where you are now so we take things away and bring means move something from a different place to where you are now so we bring things here carter bring me the newspaper carter get the newspaper why don't you go and fetch it yourself no he has to learn carter bring me the newspaper i don't think it's working now sometimes bring can be extra tricky so here's another situation your friend invites you to a meal at their home you don't want to go empty-handed so what do you ask your friend what can i take what can i bring a dinner party oh we'd love to come what can we bring that was harder huh you're going to take a gift to their house which you say bring when we use the word bring we sometimes imagine ourselves in the position of the person we're talking to i think it's often a politeness thing so we ask what can we bring to them when we're really asking what to take isn't english fun to learn more about these words check out this video this is the seventh quiz we've made on common english mistakes i'll put a link at the end to the others so if you've enjoyed this video why not check them out and why not share them with a friend perhaps you know someone else who wants to improve their english thanks for watching and take care bye now bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Simple English Videos
Views: 6,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English quiz, ESL, english grammar, english quiz, grammar quiz, english test, how good is your english, english grammar test, mistakes english learners often make, common english mistakes, correct english in action, vicki and jay, english quiz game, english quizzes with answers, how good is your english test, historic vs historical, hair vs a hair
Id: b3IRkkVGuEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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