How Good Can I Make Godot Look 2 - The Cellar

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Hi Everyone, I finished my second Godot showcase scene and made this video going through the scene. The scene is freely available on Github.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Arnklit 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not only is this scene visually incredibly beautiful, but your video explaining your process and quite literally showing a look behind the scene is once again eyeopening, tremendously informative and helpful!

On top of that you share all of it with under these permissive licenses, which by itself, is amazing. A heartfelt -thank you- I really love what you do and I really hope you get all this positive you put into world a tenfold back.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/golddotasksquestions 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Let me first say that this looks absolutely amazing and that I never even came close to something like this. Having said that, something felt off and I feel like the light from the torches is quite yellow-ish. I (certainly not an expert) would experiment with adding a hint of red to the torch lighting. But it's your project of course, so your choices :).

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/W1zard80y 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

In my experience, there's no question that godot can render stuff, but what it really needs is a 'how good can i use godot for more complex games/team projects', which is where it struggles in reliability and a showcase or demonstration could really help the devs notice the rough corners.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ValooFX 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Nice lighting, mapping and details. Splendid as an AAA title! ; )

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sousio 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great work!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Indieology_ 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Volumentric fog would do wonders in this case.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WannabeRoleplayer 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] um [Music] okay um hi everyone so uh i'm back with another scene here again trying to see how good i can make godot look just using assets i make myself and and not using any add-ons and this scene again is made in godot 3.3 so um i'll i'll try and go over some of the stuff i do in the scene and talk a little bit about my my process and what went right and what went wrong so um to start out with we can talk a little bit about my uh my inspiration for this and i think i've been uh very much looking at some some of the demon souls remake and and like these kind of dark fantasy interiors with lots of uh of nice rocks and details and torchlight so that was definitely part of the inspiration another inspiration which i've been interested in working on for a long time is trying to do um modular level design and there's a really good talk uh gdc talk from the from the people behind their fallout um about uh where they show stuff from skyrim and they show stuff from fallout about their process um i don't end up doing anything fancy or well thought out in this one but it wasn't an inspiration at least um so um so i tried to be a bit more thoughtful this time around so i tried to you know gather some some inspiration some uh some references i tried to make a mood board which i just made in creta i should probably have used purif or something like that instead but um so these are just references from like rocks um or like rock walls and like old architecture that i liked and i thought fit in i really like this wall which i definitely end up taking a lot of inspiration from and this is sort of more like the color i was looking for you can see this is even from demon souls um and like just this you know teal orange blue yellow contrast was what i i really wondered and so after this i i did a couple of different mock-ups i was thinking about doing like um a burial chamber um but in the in the end i ended up making more just a sailor and i unfortunately basically destroyed this scene along the way but uh but you can see what it looked like in the beginning when i just did this very simple mock-up just with simple um blender shapes and just you know trying to put the lights where i imagined they would be um and i i like the look of this so i just sort of went forward with it which i think was a little bit of a mistake i think at that point i should have stuck with it a bit and tried to adjust the light and gotten um a look that i liked so let's jump back here um so um but yeah typical me i instead of like actually figuring out the look i just jumped straight into the work um so uh what i started out there figuring out was was how was i going to do all these um all this brick work you know um so we have pillars and we have these arches and we have the walls and some of the the brickwork that surrounds the windows and stuff so how are we gonna do all these different pieces um and of course this could just have been a tiling texture but i really wanted that like a tessellated look so you can really see these are there are actually the misses mesh is actually complicated and and since we don't have tessellation in angular i had to um you know get get a mesh with some details instead um so yeah what i ended up doing this is for example the the pillar scene i i sculpted two bricks and then i basically just copy pasted them and rotated them and i placed them in the shape of a pillar um and this was actually pretty easy it just took a few minutes to do um after you sculpted the two bricks which wasn't that complicated either and then once you have this you can you know uh you can make a a simple version of the mesh and then you can you can bake the details onto that and that and i'm using um the text tools add-on for that so what you can see here is if we go over to a material view um the uh the normal map is actually applied here so you can see uh that even though we only have well we still have a lot of vertices to be honest but uh we obviously have a way fewer than if you look at here it's basically just black but we get most of the details from the normal map and we of course bake a bunch of other maps as well um so um we can have a look here at how we then go about texturing this so if we okay so this is the texture for the pillar and this of course looks a bit strange because it's just put on a box so if we select the model here so this is how it looks so um what you can see we do here is we um over from blender i render out a normal map i render out a an id map so each brick gets a unique color i render out a curvature map so everything that's sticking out good so white and everything that's on the inside there gets a darkened and an ambient occlusion map um and then i ended up making this setup which i reuse for all my different models that need brickwork and i just adjusted a little bit so um this is uh really complicated not too bad but like there's you know stuff where we add additional details to the normal map to make it look more like brick and we add some cracks and we give some color variants and some uh roughness variants to each of the bricks and and then the model end up ends up looking like this and that is basically how we did all the different bricks uh for all the different work here so that is pretty good um and then for all the different props here so we have we have stuff like oh like this barrel for example and we have like the torches and the door and stuff um it was uh you know similar workflow but a bit more sort of specific to what we were doing so if we um if we open up the barrel for example um this is the the low detail model for that and and we have a you know we have a higher detail model which is mostly just you know really fine bevels and more rounded shapes and again you know just bake normal maps and all this for the for the barrel and then when you take it over into material maker if we can find it where is my power okay and this will probably look funny because we'll end up showing it on the wrong model i'll look very very strange here so if we select the barrel here we end up with something looking like this um so this is a real mess because i didn't end up cleaning this up um but it's it's basically um just a lot of like you know we have an id map where i assign different materials to the stuff i knew i wanted to do different things too so i could like um have the the wood applied in a in a certain way on on parts of it and have certain parts be metallic and i ended up positioning some some stuff in in world space by rendering out a um a position map as well so i could like put some splatter down here some dirt on it and and stuff um like using the the mask from the metal bands to also make like the the wood darker and dirtier in the middle and stuff like this so um it's all just procedural like there's there's nothing painted on here um material maker is still a bit early and rough on the painting side but it's actually really good for doing this kind of procedure work especially for props so um that's more or is how i ended up doing all of these uh these props and this one i've i have it assigned here so you can see it actually looks really nice when you get it back in to blend over there with all the textures okay um let's jump back to the scene here okay oh okay and then so i made a a lot of different props one prop that was a little bit different was actually the all this wood work i just ended up making like a couple of different shapes of wood um i sculpted them and then i could like make different props out of them so like i have a you know i have a beam and i have a plank and i have a shoulder plank and stuff and then i can just sort of make different shapes out of them but so i did a little bit of sculpting for for that one but after that i also took it into material maker and did some more stuff to it um but yeah other than that then we have some some different effects in the scene oh see if i can actually control the camera here so one of them is obviously the the torch here so if we go in and have a look at that um so this was sort of my first time really playing around with particles in angular so i had no idea how to do that so i found a video on on how to do um some basic fire i'll link it below um and and i try to just mostly follow that but i wanted to do my own um my own texture sheet for it so if we uh if we look here we have a texture sheet here and i made this so we can just quickly have a look here if we say um so this is basically just uh a little uh little fire fluid simulation that i rendered out um and then i used a free tool i found called uh free texture packer to um pack all the individual images into a texture sheet and uh yeah and that's basically just uh it's it's just a bunch of copies of of that um that gets used here it's even the same that gets used for the sparks just tiny ones of them so it's just two different particle systems with um yeah just adjusting it until it looked pretty decent and then this was the result which i think is pretty good it could definitely be better but it it it works pretty well for for this kind of scene and the other big particle system we have in here which you can sort of you can see it whenever we are close to a light is that we have these little uh dust modes let's see if i can actually select them here so they're here so there's like uh 80 000 modes i think all in all because there's 40 000 in these and there's two smaller particle system as well so um but they're really simple they're just like particles that spawn everywhere and move in random directions and then fade away after a bit and they're just lit and have um uh you know what is it called a translucency set or something so they can be backlit a little bit uh transmission i mean um so even when the light is coming from the back you they still get lit up a little bit and then the last effect here is probably these fancy light beams you've been been looking at here and they are basically just made with um with billboards so um they are one dimensional or like one single axis billboards so like the axis is is here right and then the the billboard will only rotate around that so if we if we select the material for those here uh you can see we can uh make them look very silly here um but yeah it's it's basically just um a pretty simple uh vertex shader that ensures that um that the object only rotates around the single axis and the yeah so you can do billboard shaders um built into godot but they're they're doing it with the matrices and and i think it only works on the world y axis so you sort of you have to do a little other workaround but this is yeah this is a great little shader because you can use it for um but yeah you can you can see sort of falls apart if you get into them right because then you can see that they're rotating but you can use this for like i don't know lightsabers or um laser blasts or something like this but it works great for this so there's like um six billboards in each of each of the light rays or something and then i'm just set to a pretty low transparency and they're set to um to add mode for their blend mode so they um so they get this kind of similar effect as you would use for fire or something like that so um i think that's a pretty nice effect i of course like was hoping that i could use good o4 and do real volume metrics but that didn't end up happening uh we'll talk we can talk about that in a bit um so yeah so that's sort of um that's most of what happened in the scene you know it um it ends up looking pretty nice i um you can see if you if you actually run the scene and run around in it my you could see it in the beginning maybe that um when you walk from one side to the other i am i fade in um some much stronger ground fog in this area so it gets more of a bluish tint and i fade that out here because otherwise this part of the scene ended up looking very strange and blue and that's just um that's just made with an area that detects whether you walk into it and out of it and uses a tween to adjust the the world environment um and like there's nothing special about the world environment otherwise you know i'm i set it up to sort of look like uh like it was a moon um and i i'm using all the the normal tricks right like uh is a seo and uh and bloom um to uh to get things to look nice and then i'm using the ground folk what it'll actually look like um when you play the demo when you're inside uh this room it'll look like this instead so we get a bit more of this blue fork and you know that was in an attempt to get more of that that blue orange contrast that i am that i was sort of looking for so yeah um we can uh we can sort of go on to to talk about that like that that was sort of my my big thing where i like i i went too quick again with this i didn't sort of um nail down but it was i wanted with the the colors and stuff so i started making assets without really thinking it through so i think these um these walls should probably have been way more bluish like to to get that contrast i actually wanted rather than this brown green color and the floor is a bit better um and um and yeah the the other sort of really big uh failure i i feel with this thing is that um this modular design doesn't really work very well right because uh these um these are exactly four meters wide and this is exactly four meters out so you couldn't actually make like a doorway here and another room on the inside because the walls are exactly on the edges right so the walls should actually have been in here um so there could have been a wall on on either side if you wanted a room and then the pillar should have been further out than the arches should have been shaped differently it gets quite complicated when you have to take in the the wall thickness and everything has to snap together correctly so i sort of realized that i was doing it wrong when i did this and decided to just make a simple shape where it's just like it's just this hallway that goes into to this and like the doors are not real doors they don't you know you um that they're just these uh flat models that don't um they're basically just a wall that looks like a at all right like you you wouldn't be able to make a version of it that opens into something useful so um i'd like to make try and make something similar to this where everything actually works as a proper modular kit you can you can use in a cool way uh you can see here i i make like a fake wall out here so i have something to to block the the shadows with um so the other really big thing that was such an error um was this idea of like making these like i i think they look good right like if you go into wireframe we can see all these models with all these vertices and i think you you get a really cool look you get these uh you get tiny shadows cast by uh by the rocks sticking out and all this stuff so it does look cool but it does not perfectly tile um so that's probably a bit difficult to see maybe we can go into the blender instead i can show it so look here um so these just don't they don't line up perfectly right um and like it's really really clear in godot as well at some points if you if you like i do all kinds of stuff to hide it with how i set up the light so it doesn't become a problem um but like it's it's fine for this for example because i i made an edge here right so you they could intersect but these don't line up perfect perfectly so there's like light leak in between them i have to make these double-sided and good oh because otherwise like you can see through the back in there because these don't line up perfectly um so that's just um you know something that i didn't think through i didn't realize it early enough how much of an issue it would be maybe because the first thing i did was the pillar was not an issue but these tileable pieces you really have to think that through and you have to maybe manually make the low uh resolution mesh which would be a lot of work you know um and and also like it just took a lot of time to create some of these um these models like um the model that's uh used for the for the ceiling here um like i placed all these rocks on a high level uh mesh and then i rendered it down to the low level mesh and there ends up being like 3 000 bricks or something like that and it that just took a long time even if i could do a lot of copy pasting and in the end the result wasn't even that good because the texture resolution ends up being lower on the arch compared to the other stuff i end up getting this ugly stretching because i did my uv unwrapping on the low risk mesh before i like made it fit onto the the fancy mesh there was there's just a lot of problems with this so i think the the great thing to do would probably just be making a really nice tiling texture and then um and then maybe having like a few real bricks sticking out and have real bricks covering some of these edges so you get these um and like have a few real bricks here on on the edges so you you get a a proper profile with stuff sticking out and stuff like that so that's probably how i would do it if i oh the next time i do it so yeah um and then let's see um and then like um yeah my other big takeaway again was um that good 04 again wasn't ready i was again hoping to do this in good or for there's sort of two sides to that like one one part of it is that godot four is still pretty unstable the other part was that i ended up doing too much work in godot 3.3 and getting um reliant on stuff that's in good old 3.3 and works and that doesn't work in four yet or is different than four so it doesn't translate like i use the baked light which which looks really good um and that isn't angular 4 yet they have a another light baker which i don't think is quite as good but but it didn't translate over i couldn't move this over easily and i had done a lot of my look already um and like this scene definitely wouldn't have worked i think with the global illumination baits done sdf sd fgi because there would just be too much much light leaking in these in these models um so i ended up sticking with good o3 so um next time i do a scene like this i'm definitely going to do it with godot 4 i hope that will actually be when they have an alpha that's a little bit more stable but then i'll start and i'll base all my decisions on what four can do and what works well and for um like it's it's a real shape shame that we don't get stuff like uh the soft shadows from uh for like that would look great for these torches for example um and of course the volume matrix would be interesting and there's just a lot of stuff that that looks better and this is really fun to play with um info that i would love to have so yeah that's that's that um decals as well was one thing that i was completely planning to have when i started building the scene i was thinking like i was gonna have blood splatters and like weird dirty stuff on the floor that would all be based on decals and just variations in the walls and stuff um and yep couldn't go to fall couldn't get any decals so so that's that um so yeah and of course i had decided to add on so i couldn't use one of the add-ons for decals either so that was my own fault all right so um so yeah so that is basically it um but like even with all these issues i'm really happy with the scene i think it looks really pretty i think it's really cool uh it makes me want to make a big dungeon crawler um so a few things here to to finish up the scene is available under creative commons like the the demo is under mit but all the assets is uh his creative comments and i'll link those um so um after i made the first scene and i've been chatting with some other people who are into good old other people have been talking about uh trying to do some similar stuff and and one of the people is is wojtek um who's been doing this in these incredible nature scenes uh he has a scene with a nice cabin and stuff as well so um so it's great if we can have some competition and try and see how how good we can make godot look winston from my discord is also talking about maybe making a scene so i really hope to see that i think there's a lot of really beautiful scenes coming out at the moment um from godot so that's that's super cool um it'll probably be um a little while before i make another one of these i don't think i should have jumped straight into this i want to go a bit back to making some tutorials and and doing some some work on maybe my add-ons and stuff like that but but another one of these will definitely come out at some point the reason i jumped straight into another one was because it was so fun to make the first one and it was really fun to make this one too so i hope that people will try it out and do something fun with it or that it'll just inspire them if nothing else um so uh thank you so much for watching uh if you like this video and would like to support me in making more videos and in my open source projects like my good ol accounts consider supporting me on patreon and uh thanks to my patrons uh alex lichinski idios escalinand joseph katarnbone oscar johnson winston johannes bunch spacej0 keane and marcus richter have a good one everyone
Channel: Kasper Frandsen
Views: 6,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot, blender, material maker, game development, level design
Id: 75M8bOnZNVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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