How Good Are Roblox Pizza Tower "Remakes"? (Review)

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Roblox is home to a lot of Recreations of other games whether they're just inspired or full-on ripoffs Pizza Tower is no exception to this and ever since the game released dozens of developers have taken a stab at trying to recreate its uniquely fun movement within the Roblox engine a couple of days ago I decided to start a live stream and ask my viewers to give me a selection of what they thought were the best games to come out of this specific sub genre I managed to pick five of the most commonly suggested games and after playing all of them both on and off stream I'm finally ready to review each one and what's truly the best pizza Tower game on Roblox I'm mainly going to be looking at each game in terms of movement gameplay and overall polish while also talking about any extra things I noticed along the way to rate each game I'll be using a scale from 1 to five pizzas with one pizza meaning the game sucked and five pizzas mean it's a certified Masterpiece finally if you end up liking this video make sure to hit that subscribe button these types of videos take forever to make so your support is always appreciated all right without further Ado let's get into The Games first up we have a game that's a self-proclaimed Pizza Tower ripoff the movement in this game is actually really solid with nearly all of Pepino's move set being fully implemented the momentum and physics while still having a bit of that Roblox Jank are pretty authentic to Pizza Tower and most importantly they feel good to play with aside from the movement though this game unfortunately doesn't have too much in terms of actual substance the environment mainly consists of a bunch of Big untextured Blocks with a couple equally untextured enemies scattered around there is an actual test level complete with a button that activates Pizza time but it's still pretty Bare Bones and the only real thing of not is that there's a lapping portal by the door in case you want to suffer however there is one thing that elevates this game above just being a tech demo and that's the numerous odd locations and secrets scattered around the map starting out if you travel all the way to the left from Spawn you can find two things the first is a row of machines each promising a one in 500 chance to win a permanent Zippy 3000 I spent like 20 minutes trying to win this mysterious Zippy 3000 but I eventually got bored and gave if any of you have won this thing please tell me what it does in the comments I'm dying to know anyways right next to this road machines is a short obstacle course that leads to a shotgun I originally intended to spend just a couple of minutes beating this course so I could show off the shotgun but it ended up taking me nearly an hour instead oh my God please yes oh my God that was not worth it possibly the most interesting Landmark on this map is located right behind spawn if you travel all the way to the edge of the map in this direction you'll stumble upon an entrance to what seems like a research facility I was confused as to what this was when I first discovered it so I ventured inside with everyone on my stream after traveling down a dark hallway I was met with a door labeled keep out no trespassing however since everyone who was following me kept opening the door I couldn't read this message so I entered the room anyways this room seemed to house a containment Cell full of some grass and fish for some reason eventually someone managed to open the door to the cell and we all piled in it seemed like there wasn't that much going on and I was about to leave when someone decided to jump into this mysterious pit in the middle of the floor oh my God what just happened bro oh what the is this oh my God why is everyone like a demon creature yeah so I have no idea what happened but we all got turned into what looks like clones of my sleep paralysis demon we tried to escape the lab but sadly the people outside pressed the emergency button and we all got incinerated what was I even talking about oh yeah Pizza Tower Games well anyways this game was pretty cool I give it 3 and A2 pizzas out of five hey I was walking around the edge of the map and it looks like I found another secret I wonder what this door leads to oh what is this new game what oh oh God what uh-oh haunted is that what that badge says oh no what have I what have I what have I done this is extremely unsettling okay um I guess we go where this Arrow points and there's an ominous timer ticking down to what I can only assume will be my inevitable demise oh okay I I I have been murdered I I think I got killed by fake Pepino there that's it it's totally still a pizza Tower game guys don't worry yeah so I have no idea why but apparently there's a Doran Pizza Tower ripoff that just leads to this very unsettling mystery game I'm not sure if this game carries any sort of significance or if it's just a cool little Easter egg added by the devs but I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable looking at so I think I'm just going to move on before something bad happens anyways I should probably get back to actually talking about pizza Tower Games now so let's move on to sunlet Spire similarly a pizza Tower ripoff this game is mainly focused on attempting to accurately recreate Pizza Tower's movement above all else with any actual gameplay or environment being less of a priority this game has many of the same moves available as in Pizza Tower ripoff with the exception of some moves like the dive and overall movement has a similar level of Polish one unique thing this game does have is the ability to pick up other players something I found out by accident when I brutally murdered one of my my viewers this game's map's pretty simple with two small obstacle courses located right near spawn both lead to a button which activates Pizza time when press and this is where one of the coolest parts of the game is revealed laps 1 through 3 all have their own unique themes made especially for this game and I have to say they're pretty damn good if you run out of time during Pizza Time the game's mascot a giant son named soulace spawns instead of pizza face don't be fooled by his silly expression though this thing is extremely fast and will catch up to you no matter how much of a head St you have uhoh run where did he even come from ow loud run away oh please Mercy oh damn it along with the obstacle courses there are several other landmarks scattered around the map that are more for fun than function in one direction from Spawn there's an extremely long path that leads up to an extremely tall wall both presumably so you can look at your character's silly running animations for an extended period of time at the top of the wall there's a server uptime clock as well as a dance floor making a nice place to have a dance party towards spawn there's also this tall structure you can scale up where at the top you'll see Isaac from The Binding of Isaac Frozen a solid block of ice the game gives you the option to lick the ice so naturally I had everyone in the game try to free Isaac by melting the ice with our tongues everyone spam F like your life depends on it sadly it doesn't seem like this did anything so I guess Isaac is just doomed to stay sealed away forever one of the more interesting things in this game is the multiple buttons scattered throughout the map which I've still not figured out the purpose of I tried pressing all the ones that I could find but nothing seemed to happen so I either missed one or this is for a feature that hasn't been added yet overall this game has a lot of Polish and I like how it attempts to build its own identity through the unique music characters and environmental design I'm going to rate this one a solid four pizzas out of five I'll say right now that out of all the games I picked the pizza structure felt about the least like a tech demo and the closest to an actual finished product even though it's still in beta this game features multiple finish levels Each of which contains Secrets toppins a Janitor's Closet with an accompanying Jerome and lapping up to lap three there's even a full ranking system that while being pretty basic is a welcome addition that adds replay value to each level while the game's levels clearly have a decent amount of effort put into them the movement leaves a lot to be desired you only have access to a run button and a taunt button with crucial moves like the grab and super jump being completely Miss missing there were also some common problems like my character refusing to stop running or just falling over for no reason which made the game pretty frustrating to play at times as I said though the game is currently in beta so I'm sure that the developer is planning on fixing these issues should they continue working on it when you first spawn in your grill with a very simple Hub area there's a small tutorial section and a replica of Pepino's pizza but the max amount of people in the server is only eight so these places are mostly empty when you enter the tower you're greeted with four main levels which you can play in any order the first level is entrance a pretty standard John gutter Recreation that's mostly linear in structure this level introduces all the main objects like toppins and destructible blocks as well as one gimmick The Disappearing cheese blocks next up is Factory a level that's pretty obviously inspired by pepy B Factory this level introduces two new gimmicks in the form of conveyor belts and these laser doors which can be deactivated using a connected button this is also the first level to have these electric socket blocks which instead of damaging you just kind of make you flop around like a fish the third level basement seems to be based on Pizza scare since there are a bunch of these creepy background faces scattered around the level the gimmicks introduced in this level are moving Platforms in these key doors finally there's debug chaos which I'm pretty sure is just meant to emulate those test Maps found in a lot of 3D games there's only one new gimmick in this level which is these portals that teleport you around but it does also bring back a couple of old gimmicks like the laser doors on top of these four main levels there are also a couple of extra levels all of these levels are admittedly a bit of a nose in quality compared to the main ones but I appreciate their addition nonetheless finally I just wanted to mention that for some godforsaken reason practically every single level has at least one section that's literally just a maze there's even a level called The Maze where the entire level is one big maze and every single one of the level secrets features its own mini maze these maze sections all consistently sucked and I kind of just wish they weren't there but thankfully most of them are pretty short and didn't detract from the level's overall quality honestly while this game has this low moments I still enjoy it overall so I'll give it three pizzas out of five in his current state pretty good the fourth game I'll be covering is a bit of a hidden gym manic monolith I'm going to say it right now but this game is by far the most polished game I played for this video and it came to your character's controls while a lot of the other gam sort of just felt like the developers just slapped all of Pepino's moves onto a bunch of different buttons and called it a day this game feels like there was actual thought and consideration put into how the game would play and the controls are built around that there are only three main buttons besides the movement keys is jumping and taunting left shift is used for mock running e is used for grabbing and any grab related moves and R is for super jumping while grounded and body slamming while in the air only having three buttons to worry about ensures that I'm never having to look down on my keyboard to figure out which button does one just makes playing the game way less frustrating additionally the movement in this game feels amazing while every other game I played had a healthy dose of Roblox Jank in their physics and overall quality this game genuinely feels exactly like pizza Tower the wall running is on point the momentum feels perfect and it works just as well in 3D as it does 2D a major mechanic in this game is actually the fact that as you play through certain levels you will encounter both 2D and 3D sections kind of like in a lot of the more recent 3D Sonic games this honestly feels perfect and helps to bridge the gap between Pizza Tower's 2D Origins and a 3D engine that this game was built in even better the game currently has one finish level empty entryway which while being inspired by John gutter still has completely unique level design is overall a blast to play there there's also a tutorial level along with two other levels that seem to be more for testing purposes my favorite part of this game though is in the game play the levels or the movement no my favorite part of this game is all the tiny details that were added to make this game feel extremely expressive and unique the animations in this game are the best I've seen by far with even the player character's face being fully animated and the usage of particle effects go so far to make every move feel amazing to pull off manic monolith also has its own completely original OST and while the songs may not quite be Pizza Tower tier a lot of them are still bangers and I respect the effort put into making new music my only real problem with this game is that I wish there was more content but realistically if the only can play with your game is that there's not enough of it that's pretty good well actually I do want to point out one more problem with this game and that was the performance you may notice that for this section I'm using someone else's gameplay instead of my own and that's because this game ran worse for me than a Minecraft World with shaders raay tracing and Max render distance I have no idea if my computer just sucks but this game actually ran so badly even when I played it off stream I didn't have this issue with any of the other games and weirdly enough the game ran perfectly fine when I tried playing it on my phone but for some reason my computer just started dying when I played this particular game again this might just be a me issue but consider this a slight warning if you try to play this game on a lower-end device still these minor grievances don't change the fact that this is a phenomenal game and thus I shall rate a full five pizzas out of five the final game I'll be talking about in this video is John Pizza Tower testing this game immediately intrigued me as upon joining I was prompted to choose either 2D or 3D mode after further investigation I found that the controls and movement for both modes are the same with one just being locked to a 2d View and the other being 3D and more similar to all the previous games I'll start out with the 3D mode since there's a bit less to talk about this mode spawns you in an area similar to a lot of the other games in this video there's a short obstacle course with a pillar that you can destroy after which you have to run to a nearby door to End Pizza time there's there's also a cute little replica of Pepino's Pizza as well as a giant Tower which you can teleport on top of there's not much here but it's a nice space to just run around and mess with the controls this game gives you access to nearly all of Pepino's moves but since the 3D mode doesn't include a tutorial I ended up just spamming every button until I figured them all out the 2D mode is much more fleshed out basically being a full Recreation of the first few levels of pizza Tower as of right now it features three levels the tutorial John Gutter and pizza Escape which is still unfinished the tutorial is slightly altered to better fit this game's different controls but overall serves as a good introduction moving on to John gutter this is actually a pretty stellar Recreation while it is missing the secrets enemies in that one unique room that only shows up during Pizza Time the level still has everything else including all the topin destroyable blocks and even the Janitor's Closet it does feel a bit weird to play due the slightly janky physics but this is still impressively accurate if I just squinted really hard I might even be able to trick myself into thinking this was actually Pizza Tower finally we we have pizza Escape which as I mentioned is still currently being worked on despite this pretty much the entire level is fully playable with the main things missing being a lot of the Collectibles and the night transformation however this level did highlight a pretty big problem with the controls when it came to sliding through these gaps see normally to start sliding in Pizza Tower you just press down while running but in this game you have to press q a button that's very hard to hold down while simultaneously holding a or D to move you also have to build up a decent amount of speed to actually start sliding which would result in me SL slamming my face into a wall for several seconds until I finally managed to slide under it eventually I realized that you could press q and F to do a grab slide but that was still a super awkward button combination because I had to take both fingers off of the movement keys this could always be fixed if custom key binds were add but the controls could have also been changed to better locations like for instance remapping Crouch to controller C overall though this game shows a lot of promise with its accurate level Recreations and solid lineup of features so I think I'll give it three and 1 half pizzas out of five all right now that I've played and rated all five games I think I'll go back over them one more time from favorite to least favorite number one manic monolith I'm honestly appalled that more people haven't talked about this game it's genuinely so good whenever I upgrade my PC I'm definitely going to come back to this one so I can enjoy at a decent frame rate number two sunlet Spire this game has a clean aesthetic really good music and movement that feels buttery smooth honestly the only thing that's holding this one back is the fact that it doesn't really have any gameplay other than that one opposite go course at the start number three Pizza Tower ripoff this one's similar to sunlet Spire but a bit more Rough Around the Edges I will admit though I had a lot of fun exploring all the wacky locations around the map number four John's Pizza Tower testing a pretty small game with some genuinely really impressive level Recreations hopefully the dev keeps working on this one I'd love to see more and finally number five the pizza structure this one definitely had the most content out of the bunch and was only held back by some frustrating controls and lack of Polish I'd still recommend mened though if you want something with a bit more substance and maybe some challenge at the end of the day these games all serve their purpose of recreating certain elements of pizza Tower and Roblox are any of them better than pizza Tower no of course not but these are all still plenty enjoyable in their own ride and I'd recommend checking out each game if you have the time most of these games are only made by one or more independent developers who just wanted to recreate their favorite game within their other favorite game and I think that's pretty cool anyways that's the end of the video make sure to like And subscribe and maybe let me know in the comments if I should cover more Roblox Pizza Tower Games there were plenty of games that I didn't end up playing so if this video does well I may consider revisiting the topic for now though I've got to get back to playing Pizza Tower the final noise lap 3es aren't going to beat themselves
Channel: SuperBooglet
Views: 75,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza tower, pizza tower speedrun, peppino, pizzaface challenge, pizza tower mod, pizza tower review, mod review, pizza tower mod showcase, pizza tower lap 3, pizza tower lap 4, pizza tower meme, stream highlights, roblox pizza tower, roblox stream, roblox, roblox roleplay, sunlit spire, manic monolith, roblox game review, pizza tower noise update
Id: 5NCvKadfZPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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