How Faith Works - Part Two

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[Music] hi friends apostle price here this year 2013 we are celebrating 35 years of ever increasing faith television we are still walking by faith during this year we will air some of our most popular classic series from years gone by remember you have made it happen for the past 35 years I appreciate your loyalty stay with us and enjoy my classy teachings get involved visit faith domed org for more details from Inglewood California ever increasing faith pastor and teacher Frederick Kay price [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to ever-increasing faith remember these words from the book of Romans chapter 10 verse 17 sold in faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God well praise God for another day and for another privilege and opportunity to share with you the Word of the Living God oh he's good he's good he's good I'm so glad that I know that he lives that he's not dead that he's still working and I thank God that he's working in him through me right now praise the Lord turn in your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 11 and we want to continue our study on the subject fundamentals of faith or how faith works how faith works we've been sharing some basic principles with you and I think that they are apropos that we might learn how to operate in the principles of faith that is the secret of it all that is the secret of moving the hand of God that is the secret of living the overcoming and victorious life that is the secret of winning and not losing is to understand how to operate in the principles of faith but if you don't know the basic principles then you'll have a difficult time being successful just like if you don't know some rudimentary English you'll have a difficult time in writing a letter if you don't know some basic mathematics you're going to have a difficult time in operating in the money markets so there are some basics that we need to understand in every area of life and most importantly in this area concerning the things of God now in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen now remember we pointed out the fact that the word now there is a conjunction and actually ties the tenth chapter together with the eleventh chapter and that the word now in the Greek is not describing the time of faith and yet by the same token if we were to drop the word now and just deal with the statement faith is would let us know when faith is because you see you could say faith was which would be yesterday or past tense you could say faith will be which would be tomorrow or future tense so when it says faith is we're still in line in saying that faith is a present tense reality in other words if it's not now it's not faith faith is always now it's always present tense and that's why you have to say it with your mouth that's why you have to confess it and that's why I've always said you see I believe that all my needs are met that's my faith talking I say it that way and that's what causes it to come to pass do you follow what I'm saying many times there may be something I desire or there may be something that I need to deal with finance and let's just use finances for an instant that I need to deal with but right at that moment I may not have the actual money to pay the situation see but I believe that I have it and faith is my evidence so I have to confess it now I can't wait till I get it to confess that I have it because then it would be too late and it wouldn't be faith because once I got it in my hand then I'd know it wouldn't have to believe it follow what I'm saying so faith is always now now we pointed out that faith is the substance or the tangibility the materiality of things thi ng s of things that we hope for which lets us know then that hope has no substance by itself but if I add my faith to hope I give it substance like adding sugar to lemonade will give it sweetness then we found out that faith is the evidence or the proof of things that are not seen we pointed out that this is not talking about visual perception but rather sensory perception as opposed to spiritual perception so we could read the verse that faith is the evidence or proof of things that are not perceived by your senses which means then that you can never appeal to your senses to find out where you are with God now we gave you a synonym for the word faith and we pointed out from Romans the tenth chapter the fact that it says what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth that's Romans 10:8 what say if if the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach and of course it's called the word of faith why because it produces faith and then Romans 10:17 says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so we find out God's divine order and that is that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God therefore it is called the word of faith why because it produces faith in the hearts of the hearers we could then read Hebrews 11:1 like this we could say now the Word of God is the substance the tangibility the materiality of things that I hope for the Word of God is the evidence or the proof of things which are not perceived by my senses therefore in order to walk successfully with God I have to learn how to walk outside the realm of the senses as it relates to the promises of God as it relates to the covenant of God I cannot permit myself the luxury of operating by my senses because when I do I will miss the best that God has to offer because the things of God are in the spirit world and it is my faith that makes the transfer from the spirit world into the physical world Wow now until they arrive in the physical world faith becomes my evidence of them since God's Word is synonymous with faith then God's Word becomes my evidence of those things that my senses cannot yet see until they arrive once they get there then I don't need evidence for that any longer I now have that follow what I'm saying so then faith for a given situation is temporary once that situation is fulfilled and manifested physically to my senses then I don't need any more faith for that any longer everybody understand that all right now we remember we pointed out from 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 the fact that it said we walk by faith and not by sight and so we gave you another paraphrase and we said we could say it like this for we walk by the word and not by the senses we walk by the word and not by the senses now in our last lesson together we left off with this statement and that is that there is what I refer to as the duality of existence that means that things exist in two forms they exist first of all in a spirit form in a form that is outside the realm of my physical senses they exist out there in the world where God is you see Jesus in John chapter four verse 24 talking to the woman it's I Kerswell in Samaria that God is a spirit therefore God lives in a spirit world a world that is not tangible like this sense world that we see but it is just as real in fact as I pointed out to you before it's more real why is it more real because the Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth so if God who is a spirit created all material things that would mean that God would have to be in existence before he could create the material things therefore he must be more real than the things which he created because the things which he created are dependent upon him and he is not dependent upon the things ok you got that alright so I want to give you a very graphic and vivid biblical example of the duality of existence you see that's why you can say with confidence when you understand what the Covenant is saying and when you understand your rights in Christ that's why you can say with such boldness now sometimes people will misunderstand you and they'll think you're being fanatical they'll think you're being crazy when you say that sometimes they'll even think you're being recognized about it when in fact all you're doing is complying with God's divine order and you are confessing based on God's Word and that's why you can say I believe that all my needs are met I believe that I have this desire or that desire or whatever it might be see you're saying that by faith it may not yet be a physical fact you may not yet have it in your little hot hand but you believe that you do and so faith becomes your evidence of that thing but you have to be convinced that that thing is real and that it exists out there in the spirit world or else you'll never be able to maintain your faith to get that thing now I want to show you a very vivid picture and a very vivid scriptural example of the duality of existence so that you can understand and know that things are actually real out there in that spirit world now for instance I mentioned this in our last lesson but I think it bears repetition and that is that right now while we're while you're listening to me here in this main auditorium and while others are looking on watching and hearing and listening to this program there are radio waves that are actually flowing through this building right now FM radio waves AM radio waves VHF television pictures UHF television pictures they are moving through this building right now they're in operation in here right now but we can't in the natural hear them or see the pictures why because they're on another frequency they're on another wavelength in other words they're in another room and we cannot see into that realm unless we have the proper apparatus a radio which is really a receiver or a television set which is really a receiver now unless we tuned in to the VHF frequency we will not pick up any VHF transmission unless we tune in to the FM frequency we will not pick up any FM transmissions even though they're coursing through the room right now but they're in another realm all right God is in another realm he's in the spirit realm and what you have to do is to tune in and the way that you tune in is with your faith and the way that you know what's being played or transmitted or what's on the station is by looking in the TV guide when you want to find out what's on channel 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 88 or 99 or whatever it is you don't sit there and speculate on and say well now I wonder what's claim well maybe they're playing Dustin so no you immediately go and get a TV Guide which tells you what's being transmitted well dear Christian friend I want you to know that this Bible is God's TV Guide and it's letting you know what's being played every single day on God's twenty four-hour-a-day station it's 1 billion trillion kilowatt whatever megahertz or whatever they use in the industry man it's the most powerful transmitter ever transmitting and it's being transmitted all the time and all you've got to do is get the TV Guide God's Word and find out what's being played what's being transmitted praise God sometimes divine healings on every day they're all I got to do switch to divine healing if I need material things I switch to the material channel if I need spiritual things I switch to the material channel whatever I need it's all in the TV Guide but you can see if you don't know how to read the TV Guide and if you don't know what's being playing what's being played you will never be able to take advantage of what's being transmitted so you need to be convinced that things exist in another realm see I believe that everything I say with my mouth is in existence in that spirit world for me now the reason I believe it is because God told me that in his word follow what I'm saying and that's why I'm bold to say it and I'm not really concerned what anybody thinks about it and people that said while he's strange or watch that Fred price heat that's a strange dude he talks about stuff that he doesn't have but see they're missing the mark they don't realize that I'm speaking by faith that faith is my evidence see and I'm not being crazy I said it about that car I have and I got it I said it about money that I have I've got it I said it about my house I got it I said it about my divine help I got it I said it about wisdom wisdom to be able to pastor a church like this wisdom to be able to deal with all of the varied backgrounds and varied experience patterns and all of your likes in your dis life they have you ever stopped to think that that is a monumental task to be able to deal with so many different people and be able to minister to them and I have asked for the wisdom of God I confess that I have God's wisdom every day I confess that Jesus is my wisdom I confessed it to greater one indwells me and that when any situation arises I'll be able to handle it oh my my my flesh many times cringes at certain situation that I have to do I don't like to do it my flesh does no no let's don't do that we don't want to ever be hurt let's don't do that but you see I have to rise above my flesh I have to rise above that which is personal and get into that which is going to edify the body of Christ see what I mean and so I've asked for the wisdom of God lord teach me how to minister to your people teach me how to govern them teach me how to lead them teach me how to teach them so that they can grow up in you and be rich in your things see what I mean and see all of these things that's the total lifestyle but I'm saying it by faith I'm saying it by faith many times when I begin to do things I'm shaking in my boots my natural man is shaken my knees are knocking you just don't see it because I don't really know how am I going to say this how am I going to do this how will I deal with the thing what are the people going to think how are they going to react see but I have to rise above that thing and realize that hey listen if Jesus was here and doing this speaking to the Sheep he wouldn't be concerned about what he felt personally he wouldn't be concerned about how I was gonna look for him he would be concerned about the people he'd be concerned about the body and so by faith you see I confessed and I say certain things I confess and I say certain thing not because I actually have them yet but because God word God's Word says that they're mine and because all I have to do is let the word be my evidence of the thing not seen and then it'll come to pass all right now let's turn in our Bibles to second Kings second Kings the sixth chapter we're talking now about the duality of existence we need to be convinced that things exist in another world in another realm see I'm convinced hallelujah I am convinced that my desires and my needs are both already there in God's world in God's realm and it's my faith that brings them out of that invisible realm into the visible realm follow what I'm saying I'm absolutely convinced on no body could ever talk me out of it because see I've walked in it and I have proved it for myself I know it works that's why I'm so helped up to try to give it to you and share it with you so you can get in on it how do I know you so we can all praise God every one of us or if you want to all of us our drive up in silver Seville is the Lord in fact when the folks in the community Rock my to see how gee I thought that was a church I didn't know that was a new car dealership hey right sure I mean if your Rolls Royce is your thing or Volkswagen rabbits or whatever we have a section for rabbits praise God we have another second section for mongooses or whatever they call them praise Allah lo what I'm saying I want you to get it I want you to experience the joy and the victory that there isn't walking by God's Word because it's real man it's changed my life it took me from poverty to wealth from sickness to hell took me from below and put me above and the devil would like to tear it all down just like he wants to tear it down in your life but I'm personally not gonna let him do it in mine and I trust if you won't let him do it in yours Oh kick him in the head with the Word of God hallelujah all right now here in second King there's a story I'm not going to read all of it because it's quite men thing but I'll give you a synopsis an epitomized version if you would and nutshell capsule view of this story in this particular time at this particular time in the history of the nation of Israel Israel was at war with the nation of Syria things haven't changed too much they were at war with Syria now the Syrian general would send down his troops to ambush the Israel or Israelites now what happened was that there was a prophet in the land in Israel named Elisha and he had the word of knowledge and working of miracles and discerning of spirits in operation in his ministry and the holy spirit would reveal to Elisha the battle plans and the strategy of the king of Syria and Elisha would relay the information through the hotline to the general of the Israeli Army's and then what would happen is that the children of Israel would go out and ambush the ambush now finally that happened so many times that the king of syria said we must have a think in the ranks we must have somebody giving away our military secrets there must be a break in our communication setup and one of the men said oh no general that's not the problem o King no that's not that's not it what it is is that there's a prophet over there in Israel and man he knows everything even what's going on in your bedchamber well he really didn't know everything he only had a word of knowledge as the spirit wheel he only knew some things as the spirit revealed it to him and so the king said well where is he they said oh he's holed up over there in the city of Dutton in Samaria and the King said we'll get the troops together we're going over and lay siege to the city and do away with this break in our communication setup well they came and they laid siege to the city and surrounded it well Elijah had a servant named a hazy haze I went out one morning to draw water at the will and after drawing the water at the will he decided to go up onto the wall of the city and after he arrived at the top of the wall his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets he dropped the water buckets and as he looked out over the valley the whole valley the surrounding hillsides the city every road every gate was blocked by Syrian troops as far as the eye could see and he dropped his water buckets it started back to the house it said my master my master how shall we do how should we do the army of the Syrians the army of the Syrians we're surrounded there's no way out there's no way we can get out we're doomed we're lost every road block every gate is blocked what are we going to do in the profit finally grab his head then sit down here and have another cup of coffee in two more donuts get yourself together well after he had had his third cup of coffee and two scoops two cubes of sugar a little cream and his third donut the Prophet said all right now run it through again take it from the top slowly what is the problem he said my master I went out this morning as usual to draw water at the will after I do the water at the well I decided that I would go up onto the parapet of the city up on the wall and just look over the valley and see how the crops were doing see what was going on well when I arrived at the top of the wall and I looked out over the valley all I could see were Syrian troops they have every roadblock every Hill is covered with them and the gates are block I mean there's no way out we're gonna die we're gonna die there's just no way out and the Prophet said come and show me so they went out to the wall he climbed up on the wall and when he arrived at the top of the wall the servant said see see see see look see and the Prophet said Oh and the servants said Oh so man we're about to lose our lives the city is surrounded every road is blocked every gate is stopped up and you're talking about oh is that all you can say alright watch this verse 16 2nd Kings chapter 6 verse 16 and he answered fear not for they did be with us are more than they that be with them and a servant looked at the prophet with skepticism written across his face took a step back from him looked out over the wall and began to count 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 picked Syrian troops he looked at their prophet and said one Jew [Applause] 100,000 and there's two of us and this lunatic says that there are more with us than there with them he took another step back from the Prophet and said surely he must be sunstroke something is wrong with this man's head Kenny see we're gonna die all right now watch it watch it it may sound amusing but I'm I'm shooting for a point and here it is here's the punchline look at verse 17 and he likes you prayed and said Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see have you ever in your life heard of such a dumb nonsensical useless prayer now the young man his eyes were already opened that's the thing that scared him silly is what he saw with his eyes open and here's the Prophet praying this ridiculous prayer Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see well his eyes were already open wait a minute wait there is more to you than that's sitting in that chair or that bench right now there's more to you than that flesh and blood body remember that you are a spirit you have a soul and you live inside of a physical body you are made like God in that you are a spirit being you have a soul and you live inside of a physical body the physical body has eyes but so does the real you the spirit man on the inside he has eyes what the Prophet was praying was not that the young man's physical eyes be open they already were that was obvious that's what scared him is what he saw with his eyes open the Prophet was talking about the eyes of the inner man the real you the real person on the inside he was saying let the eyes of that real man be Oh so that he can see now watch what happened and Elijah prayed and said Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see in the Lord open the eyes of the young man and I saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots a fire around about Elijah that's why Elijah said fear not hey baby don't worry about a thing everything is well in hand he knew the scriptural injunction he knew the biblical principle that the angels of the Lord encamp around and about them that reverence him he knew the scriptural biblical injunction that says that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High and abideth under the shadow of the Almighty that a thousand can fall at their side and ten thousand if their right hand but it shall not come nigh thee the prophet understood that principle the young man didn't and so the Prophet was speaking with the eye of faith he said no worry about it hey listen don't worry there are more with us dinner with him and sure enough when the young man's eyes were open what did he see what did he see he saw horses and chariots of fire around about Elijah now here is what I want you to see here's the truth this is what I want you to get if you don't get anything else out of this message I want you to get this don't you realize that in order for the young man's eyes to be open the eyes of his spirit to see into the spirit world the angels and the horses and chariots of fire don't you realize that the angels and the horses and chariots of fire had to already be in existence because if they were not all ready there even though his eyes were open he would not have been able to see what wasn't there the opening of his eyes did not create the horses in Chariots of Fire the opening of his eyes merely pre mitad him to see what was already there how many of you understand that the duality of existence you see it was all the angels are already there and the angels are already here I don't know whether you know it or not but their angel standing around this room right now oh I don't know whether you notice the I believe that see I believe that according to the word see the Bible says that angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who are heirs of salvation I'm an heir I am an heir and a joint heir with Christ in fact I have an angel it stands right at my side it travels with me wherever I go I have my own personal ministering spirit now some who have seen these angels recognize how large they are they're about nine feet tall they're real well I don't believe that you ain't never gonna see one thing you just disqualified yourself you said you don't believe it see you've got to believe it by faith I know that God by His angels are encamped around and about me so no man can set upon me or you to hurt or harm us when we know that but you see by faith you have to believe it and by faith you have to confess it that's what makes it work now the thing I want you to understand now all of these things that the young man saw were already there see when his eyes are open that didn't create the Angels that didn't make angels suddenly appear that didn't make horses in charity suddenly come into being they were already there they would have happened have been there or else when his eyes were open he would have saw nothing so that means they were there all the time even though his senses these two things here even though they couldn't see it they were still there he had Elijah was convinced that they were there and praise God God's Word says that they're there they're not only with me they're not only with you but they're with you also dear friend trust God's Word walk according to his word and you'll never have another scared date as long as you some folk talk about man you better not go down there that part of town men who posed to hit you in the head down there oh man I ain't never going down man that's a bad part of town oh man then poke down any mind they might do anything to what are they gonna do now let me ask you this question see if you really believe that now now if you were walking down the street okay let's say you're walking down the street and on your left hand side was Godzilla on your right was King Kong and flying over your head was Rodin now who would you be afraid of what dark street would you be afraid to go down huh you walk down anybody bother you say you'd say to Sikkim kong get them calm well I want you to know that you have somebody with you that's bigger than King Kong will ever be you got God Almighty on your side he's with you but now you're gonna have to believe that see you're gonna have to believe that you're gonna have to confess that it's true and then act like it's true see I used to be afraid of flying on airplanes and I have flown almost four hundred thousand miles all over this world preaching God's Word never had a scared day after the first day I flew on an airplane when I got a hold of fear and found out what it was I found out the angels are with me I found out it nothing can happen to me while I'm on the plane or I mean the plane might blow up if my all the engines might fall off the pilot copilot and then the radio man and and the stewardess all everybody may drop dead all the passengers fall out in the dead faint nothing can happen to me to hurt or harm me you know why I believe the angels are on board that plane in fact every time I get ready to fly say all right angels today is the day I'm commissioning you now and sending you forth to the airport you check the plane out check the pilot out check the weather conditions up see that everything's working right I'll be there in a little walk glory to God that's right and when I get on board on that word you know what I'm looking with the eye of faith and I know that around that plane are horses and chariots of fire praise God do you get it but it operates by faith and when you operate that way you'll never have another scared day Oh me you won't be afraid of anything scared of nothing away because God is your source of supply in every area all right so you have to realize that things exist in two forms and everything your heart's desire that is good that is consistent with a godly life and that is covered under this covenant contract that we have signed in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ every bit of it is yours and it belongs to you but I tell you what you will never have it you'll never receive the benefits of it until you begin to confess it with your mouth and believe it in your heart and walk by faith and not by sight walk by the word instead of by your senses you follow what I'm saying see many times my body tells me you're sick you're sick you're sick you ought to stay home you ought to call those folks up so that so that they you know they'll get somebody else to take your place I said how can I call them up and tell them I'm not coming when there's nothing wrong with me yeah but how do you feel see if the devil can ever get you into the realm of the senses and keep you operating in the senses he'll demoralize you he'll destroy you and he'll defeat you but if you keep that dude in the arena of faith you put the Word of God on him and you'll stop him you'll turn him every way but loose in the name of Jesus all right now let's move on and let's look now at Mark's Gospel chapter 11 March Gospel chapter 11 we're talking about fundamentals of faith or how faith works now I'm getting ready to show you how to actually put it in to operation I've given you the the basics that are involved with basic ingredients that are involved in it I've given you an illustration from the Bible about the existence of things in another realm besides this realm that we see with our physical eyes now I'm going to give you the actual mechanic of how to put your faith into operation and I'm here to tell you that it works I'm here to tell you that this whole ministry is a result of that I'm here to tell you that this television ministry is a result of that I began to confess that I began to thank God for it a year ago I guess maybe or more I began to say it every day in my prayer time I began to say father I want to thank you I want to thank you for the television ministry I want to thank you for the nationwide television ministry we started we've started and and all by these principles see God wants his word out in whatever works to get the word up brother that's what we'll use if it comes to using st. Bernard dogs man use them whatever we'll get the word to the people so the people can be free Jesus told us and gave us the Great Commission go and set the captives free hallelujah set him free and the only way they can be free is through the word jesus said you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free and you know what the choose not always sweet it's not always nice as far as having to receive it right at that moment but it'll make you free and I believe in being free I'm not gonna be in bondage myself I walked in that bag for years and he hears in a year I'm a free man now and I'm gonna stay free I'm most apt why because Jesus has made me free and he wants others free and this ministry has said many people free that's why you're here that's why you were here oh I know there are always some who were here to scoff there are always some tightwad penny-pinchers that don't want you to get anything some rule that are operating in jealousy but what can they stop nothing my heart goes out to them like Jesus said from the cross Father forgive them they know not what they do they really don't realize they'd be in joy because you see I like to see people prosper I like to see them a success because you know what that does for me it holds out the possibility that I can succeed wouldn't it be terrible to see everybody else succeeding and you wouldn't be able to succeed everybody else winning and you losing every game but boy when you see somebody else winning is it praise god that's hope man I know I if they can win I can win because God's no respecter of persons you see what I mean and so these principles work all right now let's read here mark chapter 11 verse 24 if you ever wanted to know what the prayer of faith was or this this are it this is it okay listen therefore I say unto you what things there are those thi NGS is again therefore I say now I want to pause right there because I want to make it very clear who's talking here you know a lot of times people they miss it they say well you know what pastor price said no no oh dear friend never make that mistake the person you want to quote is God now if pastor price that's what God says and the only way you're gonna know that is to be able to measure what pastor price says with the Word of God then you can say it but don't just quote what a man says me or anybody else because we're fallible we're human we could we could blow it we could miss it but God can't so always first of all quote what God says okay so I want to be sure that you understand that this is not Fred price now I want you to scrutinize that 24th verse very carefully and I want you to notice that Fred prices name does not appear at least not in my Bible you have Fred Press named in your Bible it's not it's not your Bible is it in your Bible you mean Fred price the name Fred file doesn't appear in your Bible sure doesn't even that's oh that's right it doesn't I didn't say this I want you to get it you will either accept this or reject it on the merit that it is the Word of God not the word of the preacher okay notice what he says therefore I say is it Jesus talking this is not the pastor it's not the Evangelist not the Sunday school teacher it's not the elder not to Deacon not the choir director not the choir member not the TV technicians not the radio control man not the Usher not the Evangelist not the bishop not the Monsignor not the Cardinal it's not the Pope not the president not the congressman it's not the senator it is Jesus Christ the head of the church this is the son of God talking you will either accept it or reject it on the merit that it is the word of the Living God I want you to understand that see I want you to be sure to get that down into your spiritual craw as it were so that you will know that you know that you know that you know that this is not the preacher talking this is Jesus Christ speaking all right let's read therefore I say this is Jesus speaking unto you what things soever what things soever ye desire what desire why brother price you're not supposed to have any desires what you're only supposed to desire what God wants for you well you're not supposed to expect to have what you want what did the man say he said what things soever who desires ye means you you means ye because that's the meaning of ye is you and you means ye and he means we okay all right he said what thing soever who desires I said Who what thinks wherever you desire he didn't say what things soever God desires for you he said what things soever who you desire so whose desires are in question here our desires human brother price that God wants me to have my desires well sure provided your desires are consistent with God's Word and consistent with a godly life well I didn't know I could I thought I just always thought to say the will of the Lord be done the will of the Lord what does what did the Lord had to do with that the kind of shoes you have on this morning did the Lord tell you to wear those shoes he sure didn't tell me to wear mine I looked in my closet and I decided that I'd wear blue today and I look too good at least in my thinking the brown shoe wouldn't look too good with a blue suit so instead of picking the brown shoes I picked out the blue shoe and you know what the Lord didn't stop me I mean he's not gonna wear the shoes I'm aware of God didn't care what color shoes you wear God don't care what color dress you have on did the Lord tell you the Lord tell you to wear that color today God tell you to wear that color jacket no he said what thing soever you desire see we've been tricked into believing we just supposed to sit around say well the will of the Lord whatever the Lord wants no cars not gonna drive it you are God really don't care what your done bicycle built for two you know go ride on it you are he's not gonna peddle it Jew her God don't care what you riding he doesn't care what kind of house you live you can live in a teepee you can live in the teeth God doesn't care three bedrooms five bedrooms no bedrooms God didn't care what kind of bed you sleep in soft mattress medium hard or firm twin double queen or king he not sleeping you are he said what thing soever you desire he don't care what you eat hot dogs hamburgers el taco burrito filling minyan it's not gonna be his taste bugs your taste buds go taste it see we we've been led into believing that God didn't want you to make any choices in life he does want you to have your desire well that's what the man says I mean I you know I love maybe it doesn't mean that let's read it again let's see what Jesus said he said therefore I say unto you what things wherever eaters are hmm what things soever you desire well brother price I just can't accept that that just couldn't mean that because after all suppose I were to desire the wrong thing do you mean God is gonna let me have that anyway oh ho hold it wait wait wait wait just a minute just a minute are you Christian oh yes hallelujah glory to God I was born again on the 18th day of May nineteen hundred and thirty nine at seven fifteen and a half a.m. the power of God hid me in the top of my head we're not the bottoms of my feet I looked at my hands and my hands look new I looked at my feet and they did too well then what you're telling me is that you're safe oh I said sanctify and feel with the Holy Ghost you are you you say oh yes definitely in other words you meet you believe your name is written down in the Lamb's Book of Life oh yes in capital letters well within what you're telling me then is that you're a Christian oh yes definitely you've been born again oh yes your child got yes absolutely well well let me ask you something then you say you've been born again oh yes your child got yes you're safe yes well let me ask you this question why would you want something that was unholy unclean not consistent with God's plan and purpose oh I wasn't I wouldn't I wouldn't no no I would never want anything that God wouldn't be pleased with then what you worrying about then all you have to do is pass up all the bad stuff and just keep on with the good stuff so you've been copping out with this stuff about well you know I'm you know it might be bad for me hey let me tell you something if you go down to the pet store and you want to buy a pet for your child let it say a kept you know a nice little soft cuddly kitten for your child and you get down to the pet store and dear friend you walk in and you are gazing over the animals that are available and you can't tell the difference between a plain ol pussycat and a tiger I would suggest you buy yourself a dog because you're gonna be in some trouble you get what I said there you've been talking about and copping out with well suppose I don't know whether it'll be good for me now you mean got no business with it you don't have any business if you can't tell the difference between a cat and a tiger get a goldfish because you may end up losing your life you may get a tiger and think you got a stray cat and when that dude grows up he gonna get tired of frisky buffet he gonna want you huh here we been copping out with that's a way I'm asking you know suppose that you know huh these are my I suppose I don't know whether it's good or bad well that's a sure sign you mean cotton whole business with it case in point let us suppose that I set up here on the table two large glasses fill them up with white liquid to the natural I'd looks like greedy pasteurized homogenized milk and I say to you dear friend I want you to come and drink from my table I have here two glasses I want you to know that one of them is filled up with the highest quality Triple A past your eyes super duper homogenized milk the other glass however carries in it the highest grade arsenic please come and drink from my table and I didn't tell you which is which I'd like to ask this question which one would you drink from neither one which one which one would you drink from neither one you you mean you gonna spurn my hospitality which one would you drink from which one would you drink from neither one why not wha why wouldn't you drink from either one of them you just go ahead and drink huh would you drink from either one of no why not because I didn't tell you which one it was in other words then you're not going to deliberately take poison are you something is going to kill you well have you ever thought that maybe God is giving you credit for having enough sense to know whether that thing you desire is going to kill you or make you a better person if ever occurred to you that maybe God has given you credit for having enough sins credit for loving him enough credit for desiring to walk in his word enough that you would not deliberately desire something unholy unclean hurtful or harmful knowing that the Bible says your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that God dwells in you and that you would not deliberately put something in you that would destroy you maybe God's giving you credit for having that much sense and that's why he can afford to say what things soever you desire hmm see we've been losing out on God's blessing by talking about well it may not be good and then somebody prayed bless their heart they prayed for rolls-royce and got a Volkswagen and then they said well that was the will of God no it wasn't you know it wasn't that wasn't a will of God you just settled for less than the best that's all you settle for what the devil gave you not what God gave you listen if you ever ask God for something and you didn't get what you asked for you did not get you a prayer answered oh yes mother price the Lord just knew that it would be better for me it would keep me more humble if I drove the Volkswagen than a Rolls Royce oh no wait a minute wait a minute let's suppose you go down to the to the meat market maybe one of these places where they're you know they still cut and pack and wrap wrap your meat for you you can pick out what you want you go down there and you tell them hey listen I want I want four porterhouse steaks and oh I guess about six pork chops and leg of lamb and one standing rib roast you put your order in he comes back he gives you a great big package full of salami salami how many of you would accept it you would have a fit he would have a natural Wow I didn't order this salami no you'd stand up for your rights you say I didn't notice salami I ordered porterhouse steaks I ordered a standing rib rolls and that's what I want and that's what I'm gonna pay for well wait a minute wait a minute do you think God has less intelligence than you do I mean he has to be at least as equally smart as you right at least at least equally I mean he has to be at least as intelligent as you are and you have enough sense to know that if you order porterhouse steak lamb chop pork chops and a standing rib roll and the man brings you a package full of salami that you did not get your request you didn't get your order well I'm here to tell you that if you prayed for a Rolls Royce in line with God's Word and you ended up getting the Volkswagen you didn't get your prayer answer the same principle I get everything that I pray for every single thing that I pray for I get it you know why because I operate in line with what he told me now if he didn't want me to have it then why did he say to me what things soever you desire if he didn't want you to have your desires huh did you get that how many of you understood what I just said why would Jesus say what thing soever he desire if he didn't want he to have your desires all right now let's let me show you something from the Bible turn to the 37th Psalm Psalm number 37 I'll show you that that principle not only operated or operates under the New Covenant but it operated under the Old Covenant God has always wanted us to have our desires but now understand that the desires must be consistent with all right now watch 37 psalm and the fourth verse delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of whose heart whose heart he shall give thee the desires of whose heart but now see notice the priority here he says he said the first thing he didn't say the first day the Lord will give you the desires of your heart and then after that after that you delight yourself in the Lord no no the first thing is delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of whose heart well you see if you delight yourself in the Lord and you know what there's only one way you can delight yourself in the Lord the way you delight yourself in the Lord is by delighting yourself in his word because God and his word are one you cannot separate God from his word any more than we can separate you from your word I mean if your word is no good that means you are no good if I can't count on your word that means I can't count on you because you and your word are one God in his word or one if I can't count on his word I can't count on God God is only as good as his word I've never seen God have you oh I don't mean in one of your psychedelic dreams now or you know you know back then over there on the other side when you weren't quite walking with the Lord you know some please I saw the Lord no you are on a trip honey no no no no not that kind of thing but you've never seen God neither here well how do you know that God will do what he said he'll do the only way you'll know that is by taking him atius what word by doing what His Word says and then giving him an opportunity to fulfill his word if he does everything that he said he'll do in his word then you know what you can say about God you can count on God you can count on his word isn't that right so he said delight thyself also in the Lord the only way you can delight yourself in the Lord dear friend is by delighting yourself in his word alright now turn to John's Gospel chapter 15 we're talking about how faith works and we're dealing with some fundamental principles here we're talking now about how to put the mechanics into operation we've we found out about the essential ingredients now we're finding out how to operate in them and jesus said in mark 11:24 what things soever he desire and what i'm doing now is to establish or I'm attempting to establish for you what the Bible says concerning our desires because as I said I used to hear the fact that when you're not supposed to desire anything all you supposed do say the Lord's will be there whatever the Lord wills whatever God want but we never really stop to think about it I mean that's not gonna do us any good what God wants as such I mean I'm the one that has to drive the car I'm the one that has to eat the food I'm the one that has to taste it I'm the one that has to wear the clothes not God so he's interested in my desires see what I mean because he knows that if I do what His Word if I will do what His Word says I would never desire anything that's inconsistent with the godly life all right now John chapter 15 verse 7 it says if if if ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what who wills what you will and it shall be done for who you now the word abide there is a very interesting word in the Greek it carries with it the the overtones or the connotation of this abide means to live in settle down in and take up residence in in other words it means to stay a while this is not an overnight stop the word abide means to live in settle down in and take up residence in now let's read it like that you'll see what an impact it will make if ye live in settle down in and take up residence in me and my words live in settle down in and take up residence in you shall ask what ye will and it shall be done for you of my father which is in heaven now how can Jesus afford to give us such a master charge American Express card Blanche BankAmericard visa how can he afford to give us that kind of a blank check if you would to say ask what she will and it shall be done the key is if ye abide in me and my word abides in you if you do that you're going to know what the will of God is you're gonna know your covenant rights you're going to know what has been bought and paid for by the blood of Christ and what rightfully belongs to you you're going to know what would please the Heavenly Father and you're also going to know what would displease him you'd know what would be harmful and hurtful to you and what Jesus is saying is that if you abide in me and my words abide in you you will never desire to have something that is inconsistent with the godly life you'll never desire to have something that will not that will hurt or harm you you will not desire anything that would be ungodly you would only desire that which would be pleasing to the Father that would be helpful and edifying to you that would not take away from your witness would not compromise your testimony concerning crack you wouldn't want anything like that would you and so Jesus has given you credit for having that kind of commitment to him and so he can afford to say ask what she will he said delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart he said if he abide in me live in settle down in take up residence in me and my word lives in settles down in and takes up residence in you he shall ask what he will and it shall be done for you of my father which is in heaven alright let's go back to mark 11:24 a mark 11:24 now in mark 11:24 jesus said what thing soever ye desire so we can see then that having our desires is consistent with God's Word and it is God's plan and purpose that we have the desires of our heart as long as our desires are in line with his word and I guarantee you dear friend that everything in this word is sufficient to meet every need to meet every desire that would be consistent with a godly life and nothing in it would ever desire or lead you into a desire that would be inconsistent with a godly life well we're not finished yet with this subject of how faith works continue to study with us and remember these words from second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 for we walk by faith not by sight this program is now available to you on compact discs or DVD CD copies are available for your love gift of any amount DVD copies are available for your love gift of $15 or more for the ongoing support of this ministry call the number on your screen or write to dr. Frederick Casey price box 90,000 los angeles california 9z rosie rosie ronan indicate the number you see on your screen and join us again on the ever increasing faith network bringing to you the power of faith to transform your life welcome to ever-increasing faith remember these words these words remember these words how faith works that's the way it ought to be with your faith you ought to be just that way with faith so that when the devil comes up to you tries to bring sickness on you as soon as you see the signature ah you ready for and I tell you what if the hand that God wants to bless you through closes its fist and won't give it up I'll guarantee you God's got another hand well if he wants us to live by faith he must want us to gain the benefits of living by faith far as I was concerned your having done and I'm talking in the future and that's why I'd never happened because that's not faith faith is always now remember you have made it happen for the past 35 years I appreciate your loyalty stay with us and enjoy my classic teaching call the number on your screen or visit [Music] [Music]
Channel: Roberts Liardon
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Id: huRtyFNXtwE
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Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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