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hallelujah oh they praise the Lord thank you brother my team choir god bless you from pouring yourself out like all man and God be the glory guys you're taking your seat ever so quickly I mean let me just say this cuz it'll be said so I need to clarify it the fact that I asked some ladies to minister in the altar before we get to the Waffle House today it will be all over the community that I'm ordaining women no we've not ordained women however we do believe that they have a place in the body the bride and the kingdom of God and we don't make any apologies for that so I just need to clarify that I'm fundamentally unapologetically committed to the authority of Scripture but I also know announcer with you in some time in the near future how God confirmed there are things that ladies deal with number one that no man even needs to know about number two the fact that there's nothing but men's standing down here well sometimes prohibit a lady that's dealing with something and what she needs is an anointed an intercessor just standing the gap so I just I need you to know my heart on that okay so hey I want you to take your copy of God's Word when you bring that to me Robert I want you to go I'm preaching a message this morning surprise surprise call waymaker and that song has been in permeating the atmosphere of our home since Pastor Mike first assigned it to Christy and it just has gotten in the spiritual DNA of who we are so I want you to go to a passage that's one of my one of my favorite places personally and pastoral I won't you go to mark chapter 5 mark chapter 5 is gonna be our focus for just a moment and out of Mark chapter 5 as you're making your way there I'm gonna ask you to fix your attention to verse 21 now as you're making your way to the Gospel according to mark chapter 5 you're gonna look at chapter chapter 5 verse 21 I want to set the tenor in the tone before we stand in reverence for so just hold your place for a moment mark chapter 5 is called the home of the incurables it is known among theologians and those who study the depths of God's Word it is the place of hopelessness from the view of humanity there's absolutely nothing that can be done it opens in verse one with a demonically possessed man let me hit the pause button to say for those who have been accustomed to religion you've been exposed to religiosity but not the supernatural capacity of God I am told from time to time when I'm traveling and preaching that there are certain subjects that I am not permitted to touch number one I was recently prohibited from preaching anything to do with the devil Satan Lucifer or demonic activity the pastor of that church simply said I love you Laborde but the fact of the matter is this Church does not believe in a literal Satan they believe that he's a figment of imagination let me assure you of this there are no figments of imagination in this inspired Word of God and part of the problem in the American church is is we dressed up The Lying sleuth foot stealing killing destroying personality and literal being called Satan in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork and I promise you this beloved he is as real as the seat you're sitting on and the air you're breathing he is not a myth allegory or made-up something in the Word of God so we immediately meet a man who demonically is possessed there's no hope the world would say he needs a psychiatrist he needs to lay on a couch at a hundred dollars an hour and get some self-esteem and some inner healing know what he's got are 5,000 plus D because a legion of demons lives inside of him secondly you not only meet a demon-possessed girl but you meet a diseased woman for 12 years she spent all that she's got they wouldn't say she needs a psychiatrist she needs a physician she needs somebody to come along and take care of her at a Women's Clinic well the truth of the matter is there are things in the natural realm that only Jehovah Rapha can fix and cure and I want to just say unapologetically as controversial as it may be I still serve a God who who brings the all of healing there is a balm in Gilead he is the Rose of Sharon he's the same yesterday today in the morrow and he may not choose to always heal in the way we want it done but he's still a way making healing God end of story well you have a demon-possessed man who needs a psychiatrist according to the world you have a diseased woman who needs a physician according to the world then you have a dead girl who needs an undertaker no hope it's past hope chapter 5 is the home of the incurable there is no human hope inside these three Agony's out of these three pictures we are presented three very distinct pictures in fact if you would out of reverence would you rise and let's begin reading in Chapter five and I'm just gonna read enough to set the tenor in the tone and then we'll be seated to hear what the Lord has to say and when Jesus was passed over again by shipping to the other side so he's coming from he's coming from beloved the east side of the Jordan over back over to the western shores of I'm sorry the Galilee not the Jordan he's come back across the Galilee verse 22 and behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue gyrus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and he besought him greatly saying my little daughter life at the point of death I pray thee come and lay hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live Jesus went with him and much people followed him and thronged him and a woman which had a issue of blood twelve years and it suffered many things of many physicians did spend all that she had and was nothing better but grew worse when she heard hmm aren't you grateful for the day you heard and when she heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be whole father for this day for the oil in this house for the faith in the heart of your people that have simply said have that way o God let no spirit that's not of the Holy Spirit have any authority or audience in this house you alone father you alone father hide me behind the cross in Jesus name Amen and you may be seated because our Bibles are broken down in a systematic way to study we have chapter and verse which is a blessing but sometimes those chapters and verses hinder our perspective chronologically sometimes we misinterpret because there's a chapter break that there must be a chronological break chapter 4 is is the schoolroom it's the classroom of where the Masters getting ready to give revelation chapter 5s where he's going to bring application in chapter 4 he's dealing with the one of the most familiar parables called the parable of the seeds of the sower it's um it's it's an understanding and not only the power of the seed but of the willingness of the recipient it's about the fact that revelation brings responsibility you cannot come in here beloved and simply receive a word from God I didn't say from the pastor I didn't say from the music I didn't say from us I mean from God you can't come to this place and receive a word from God and then get up and go out and decide whether or not you're gonna obey that word he's God revelation brings responsibility well what he does is in teaching that parable he puts his disciples in two very distinct positions that they cannot barter by they cannot debate or delay their way out of one is he puts them in a boat and sins and goes with them to the other side they encounter a storm if you were to look at the storms in the life of the disciples you discovered that there are two primary storms one is in Matthew chapter 14 it's on the same Sea of Galilee but it's a different storm it's a sovereign set of circumstances that God permits to come into the life of his disciples in fact if you're taking notes I want you to write this down if you're not taking notes I want you to write this down there are three kinds of storms there is a storm first and foremost of disobedience that's a Jonah storm that is God simply stepping down giving a word of revelation and speaking to you in this room who saved by grace and he gave you a grace gift to do what you couldn't do so that when you start doing what you couldn't do in the natural they'll pick up that it's the supernatural and they'll ask you how you're doing what you did and you will explain to them that it's the giver not the gift it's him not you and out of the flow of that living water as you operate in that giftedness you draw them to him but because out of that revelation you decide I don't want to do what he said do because it's inconvenient or it's impossible you end up in a storm of disobedience a storm of disobedience will put you on the wrong boat in fact it'll put you in a place where God will prepare a great fish can a sate in American terms you will meet a whale with your reserve bedroom and you will if you'll pardon the expression you will be throw up on the beach somewhere with seaweed in your hair you do not want to get on a ship of disobedience you don't wanna be in a storm of disobedience the second kind of storm is a storm of what is called discipline but because of the American use of that word I'm gonna I'm gonna use a different word because we tend to think discipline is punitive God never uses discipline punitive ly with his children it's always correctively so it's a development storm there are storms that God can't teach us what he wants us to learn any other way than to put us in a storm so a storm of disobedience is when I openly reject the revelation of God and I get on a ship and I refuse to go I refuse to go to Nineveh and I sail the Tarsus you've got some rough sailing beloved and it's gonna be some long nights on a foam rubber mattress think about it later three of them got it it's a storm of disobedience there's a storm of development or discipline meaning simply this that there are times when God will permit things to come into your life let me live explains very quickly Matthew 14 is a sovereign storm of development Jesus puts his disciples in the boat tells him to meet him on the other side they obey there was no adultery there was no extortion there was no rebellion they simply did what the master said and in obeying the master they end up in a storm that threatens to sink them it was a sovereign storm God was not in the boat he was on the shore praying for them and in when they came to the end of themselves these these mighty fishermen these these nautically minded achieved I mean these these men knew how to take care of a storm they had to get to the end of themselves and cry out and then they saw a ghost no the Holy Ghost no Messiah is on the way and he walks on the waves that seek to destroy them he comes through the lightning that straw that said that sitting upon them and he speaks to the storm and in a sovereign storm of development you get something you didn't have before then there's a last kind of storm that's a demonic storm a demonic storm is what you're looking at in mark and mark chapter four I won't go into the expositional the hermeneutical reasons that I believe that this is a satanic storm but the Prince of the power of the air according to the original language has caused not a meteorological storm but a a convection in this bowl called the Galilee he has caught the Messiah asleep and he has said to his demonic minions we need to stop this movement now he's asleep they're scared let's just think this thing to the bottom and be done with it so you have storms of disobedience discipline or development and demonic now when you get to chapter five they've ended up on the shore staring at a demonically possessed man we don't have time this morning to unpack that truth he deals with the demonically possessed man goes back across the Sea of Galilee and when he gets to the other side there is waiting there for him a man by the name of J iris J iris we're told according to the Word of God is a man of great authority and prosperity he's a ruler of the synagogue I'm going to preach here I need you to pay attention sometimes God has to break you before he can give you the breakthrough now will you think with me for just a moment about the waymaker has God ever done anything in your life is he ever answered a prayer in absolutely the opposite way you wanted it answered evidently he has have you ever said to the father this is what I need and it showed up but they didn't come on the wings of a dove it showed up on the back of a lion have you ever said to the father I I need you to make financial provision and you had visions of grandeur of running a local company and you said do you want fries with that God sometimes does not answer our prayer in the fashion and form that we think sometimes in order to do what he's gonna do he's got to break you I'm not I'm not preaching at you I'm talking about us but to make it flow I gotta use that word he's got to break you to give you the breakthrough now think about this for just a moment Jay iris is a ruler of the synagogue his primary function in just a moment you're going to meet a woman who has suffered at hands for 12 years for 12 years she's been suffering an issue that medical science cannot solve that no physician can can even abate that no medication can take away in just a moment this ruler of the synagogue what is a ruler of the synagogue here it is in summary here's the humor of God you got get in the text and put it on like a garment and let it let it let it fit you and and move you you can't just read it devotionally you're theologically you've got to breathe the air around it listen to the humor this man J Tyrus he's a man of authority he's a man of prosperity he's a man of ability here's a man who is the ruler of the synagogue he is the police force of the day he's the very one that would have told the woman with the issue of blood you cannot come here you are unclean according to Levitical principle you have no right to be in this fellowship you can't come in when waymaker is moving and the songs of Zion are flowing and the Spirit is going you cannot come into this house I'm the man and I said you can't come and it's amazing that sometimes God has to break you before he can give you the breakthrough it's interesting to me that I would imagine as J IRAs bowels at the feet that the language and the English does not do it justice when it says he fell down it's it's pro Costin esto it means to lay at his feet who you're talking about a man who's who's wearing John Daniel's we're talking about a man who's wearing the best of pounce and he's down on his feet in the sands of the Galilee and his face is staying with tears and his heart is broken for his daughter and he's filthy with sand and he stinks like the sea and and he's weeping before the fire this is a man who does not ask anybody for anything he's exhausted Children's Hospital he's called every potential specialist in town but I'm gonna tell you something no crises hits home like one in the home sometimes God has to break you before you can get a breakthrough now ji rsj iris humbles himself before the Lord when he comes to the end of himself but God's not done you ever been in personal revival and thought you've confessed everything you could possibly confess you confess some stuff you didn't do and you think you got it all cleaned up and right in the middle of that move of revival right in the middle of that move of the Spirit God will bring something to your mind you didn't you you you you didn't even know it was bad I get tickled at the church I get tickled at us we used to pray the early church you said this way what must I do to be saved you read it's in the text what must I do to be saved you know what the average church member ass today what can I do and still be saved come on think about it don't shout me down while I'm preaching no the early churches say Lord tell me what must I do to be saved brother Jeff what can I do and still be saved I mean if they legalize marijuana oh don't think it hadn't been asked they used to ask me about moonshine it's legal yeah I know I moved here and I've thought about it but that's another story sometimes God has to break you to give you a breakthrough now he's humbled himself and he's put everything that he's got online he has publicly not been ashamed of the only one that he believes it's his last it's his last opportunity you let your babies get sick well there won't be any problem with humility I'm telling you do whatever you got to do when they look at you and say words like cancer and they're talking about one of yours Jay iris jumps up he said we're going to the house and as they began to make their way you know Jay ours he's a Type A personality Heidi he's a mover shaker he's the man he's out front leading the way come on Jesus let's go we gotta go when I left her body was trembling with wood trim with tremors and her she was wrapped with fever and her bed was wet with sweat and her eyes were beginning to roll back in her head and come on we got to go we got to go and he's on his way and as he makes his way through the crowd and he gets out front he looks back in there they're all huddled up back there I don't minute wait a minute we have to go press his back in and to his utter amazement when he gets there he looks wait a minute I know do you know how many times I've run her off do you how many times I've stood outside the pretty stained-glass steeple building and said oh not your guy don't make me preach well Jeff I don't understand why these people raised our hands and they got yes you don't know what their prays cost you you don't have a clue you don't have a clue that how many times how many times how many times how many times they were they were getting high but when they met the most high you you can't imagine what they're thinking about when she's talking about waymaker you can't imagine what it is because this morning they didn't wake up with her paycheck go home and their head in the toilet they didn't wake up this morning with a needle in her arm sleeping with somebody they don't know they didn't wake up under a bridge this morning that you were standing behind no sale jail they were standing there by the grace of God in the Assembly of the saints of God in the spirit they said lord I just want to thank you today I just want to praise you today hallelujah well we're much more dignified than that you know I have an image I've been passing y'all long enough to say this I have an image I've listened to y'all long enough I think some of you think that heaven is gonna look like Nealon Stadium now stay with me cause ain't nothing about heaven about it right now amen I mean we did show up for seven minutes late yesterday which is a little more hope but I think some of you have a picture in your mind because you fussed at me all the time because I talked about being a Baptist I chose to be a Baptist I don't have to be a Baptist I'm Baptist by conviction I moved to Nashville tomorrow start a church they tell me watching online right now we'd run a thousand in 30 days I just decide to stay here in a flick some Baptist can I get a witness in the house let's see here's the problem we think heavens gonna be like kneeling we're gonna walk up you know the kneeling gonna walk up there and you know when they punch you ticket and they're gonna say go around the gate 11b got Baptist over it'd be real quiet when you get to gate 7 the Methodists are there and they're sleeping you get you get the gate 10 don't say anything Church of Christ are in there they're the only one they think they're the only ones here I tell you something by the authority of God's blood you are not going in a gate that's got anybody's name but the name that's above every other name you are not going to heaven based on denominational affiliation you are going to heaven based on the blood of the Lamb and I'm telling you by the authority of God there will not be a denominational convention in glory there will be but one that's worthy of the praise of God you're not going to heaven based on the name over the door you're going to heaven based on the cross of Calvary i watch this watch this watch this he begins to make his way through and and he's just operated in humility and let me tell you if you're suffering from subtle religion this is how you know because if the grace you just got you're not willing to give somebody else I'm on my own tape this morning Jesus I need you to come with me I'll be wearing a mass murder the mass God you got to come do something come on come on come on leave that here for right there she deserves everything said don't mess with him I knew his mama his momma wasn't no good his daddy was loaded come on Jesus I need you to give me some grape listen to me religion wants grace from God but he won't give grace to anybody sometimes God got to break you to give you a breakthrough now there are some folk in this room you're in the second you're in the second class you not second class you're in the second category said that wrong you know be careful how you say stuff around I want you to notice something about her if you're taking notes write this down it was it was not her turn but it was her time CC wasn't she hadn't gone through the trouble to find Jesus he wasn't her turn his j irises to her but you can't break line this is Dollywood since then I've been standing - screaming Eagle for seven and a half hours I got three degree burns on top of my bald head trying to get up in that screamin eagle so so so I could feel like I'm gonna throw up and then say well that's wonderful okay break live see there are times when the power of God the power of God is moving and it may not be your turn but it's your time maybe it's not your turn maybe you walked in here today and you're a believer but the truth of the matter is you forsaking the assembling together of yourselves you've been out there - hoarding after everything the world could give you would give you you climbed out of a Pigpen this morning you got the stench of a hog all over you you've all shaken your father you broke the heart of your mother but can I tell you something beloved the grace of God is able to give you a robe and a ring it's able to put new shoes on your feet it may not be your turn but it may be your time and it may be that in that moment that in that moment that in that moment while he's getting his breakthrough God's asking you to take your to realize that it's your time preacher I don't deserve a second chance can I say it one more time we didn't deserve a first chance so there are times when God's got a knock the you out of you before he can do what he's gonna do there are times when you've got to understand God's timing is not your timing and even though it's not your turn it may be your time it's interesting to me the text bears out the fact that this woman has suffered this woman has suffered she suffered for 12 years now the text says that approximately the very same time she started him regime there was a little baby girl born because there's a 12 year old about to die and there's a woman suffering that's not accidental it's not accidental in fact Jesus is going to use a word he never ever uses in any other setting in his ministry when he looks at this woman who's religiously defiled who is not permitted to come into the assembly who anything and everything that she did touch at that moment listen he looks at her and says daughter boss could I take something there no offense with God you ever hear him whisper your name have you ever heard him peek over the balcony blowing right in the middle of your issue I'm told my two days two months 12 months 12 years you ever heard him just speak through his word it pop up off the page and sit down in your spirit you ever been in one of those moments of praise when you you got your praise back on you took you harp off the willow I'm telling you God just showed up in the middle of your agony and you're hemorrhaging with hurt and brokenness no God mavin what's going on and he whispers her and nobody can say my name my name I can't die she's 87 years old they tell me she's getting early onset dementia did the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my relationship in life with her had to put her nursing home she lived in the house she was born and slept in the bed she was birthed in her dreams to die in that house and the day I picked her up and put her in the car and took her to the local nursing home I I thought she'll never speak to me again I told her I said we're just gonna get a little therapy y'all have not met her so I called her the other day to kind of let her know we're gonna be there a little longer I want you to listen to she said not Jeff and in that moment the world was right nobody say my name like a Holy Spirit you pick that phone up that one you loves on the other end they just whisper your name hello daughter hello son I'm not I'm not talking about the mess you made I'm not talking about the scenes you committed they've all been settled at the place called Calvary you don't have for her Betty I don't want to talk about what she did I want to talk about what I've done I don't want to talk about who you were I won't talk about who have already made you I'm not talking about the blood that was flowing out of you I'm talking about the blood that's gonna flow for you I'm not talking about the fact religion won't touch you I'm talking about come unto me while you were yet a sinner run to me run to me run to me it may not be your turn but it may be your time and you better be careful not letting it pass by had she not reached out in that moment how many in this room have said right at the feet of Jesus you've you've said right by as the tallit is the very hem of His garment eases by and out of it out of it's gonna flow virtue but you've been told by religion or the critic or the crass or the or the or the hypocrite don't you touch him don't you touch it you can't touch him I'm taking you gonna miss your time sometimes he has to break you to bring your breakthrough sometimes he has to tell you it's not your turn but it is your time and then lastly sometimes he has to dismiss before he can display the Bible says he healed the woman and instantly instantly she I meant color King back the understand I'm saying she didn't go to Mary Kay house I'm talking about Rouge popped up super night show so I'm saying her lips turned red her eyes begin to twinkle she listen I Holy Ghost said to me this morning something I never thought of because I always thought we don't see probably maybe she had the hemorrhage after having children but the Holy Ghost said you don't know that maybe she never had a man maybe maybe maybe maybe her heart was broken because not only did she didn't have children she didn't have a man because no man could touch her she wasn't she couldn't be married she gonna get married now Molly got a new pair of shoes best guy Suzy got a new dress on she going to town oh don't y'all act like you don't know what I'm talking about oh my stars if he can do that wait till we get to the house two dismissals and we're done two dismissals and I'll dismiss number one a servant shows up a well-meaning servant and says this listen you probably want to just not bring him to the house I mean it's bad enough I mean it's all over court I mean it's all over Galit it's all over everywhere that you've already bowed down before you break into the house your daughter is dead there are well-meaning people who know everything about religion but nothing about the redeemer they'll tell you they'll tell you that he cannot restore the years of locusts of evening they will tell you that James chapter 5 does not apply today to this dispensation that if there is any among you that are sick just need to suck it up buttercup because he doesn't heal anymore they'll tell you that if we got serious in this house and started fasting and praying that God could not bring the divorce rate down in this community that God could not set the addict free you missed me they would tell you that that's a perfect waste of time we ought to gather we ought to sing we ought to get some information and get out by noon to beat the Methodists to the buffet but I'm telling you we've got a God that's worthy that's able and do exceedingly abundantly above all we can think or hope or imagine don't bother the master that's dismissal number one there's some folk that are very close to you I'm gonna say it the way the Holy Spirit said a couple weeks ago they are always being my heart but they cannot be in my life I love you but I'm through you speaking death over me I'm tired of you telling me God can't do the impossible improbable unexplainable because we that's that's all we know that's all we've ever lived in that's all we ever want to be we just want to be in the middle of what he's doing and we don't care what it looks like politically we just want to be where he's at so I'm gonna dismiss you you you're dismissed I don't need you whispering in my ear to tell me what God is able to do you don't you wouldn't know I'm in a broom closet second dismissal Jesus heads up the road and the King James says he heard a great toll mote now I want you listen write in the margin of your Bible write in the margin your Bible in the Greek that were tumult in the Greek if you parse it out bringing out back to original etymology that greet that word that Greek word translates business meeting so business meeting I can prove it brother moderator we've made commotion that she's dead do I have a second thank you all in favor of acknowledging the fact she's dead say men now having a by Roberts rules and orders through the bylaws we've established she's dead she's dead we're going to appoint some committees I need a potato salad committee can I get a potato salad committee could take me mark I wanted you do a salad comedian make sure don't set out in the Sun last time you know when ain't Sookie died to set out the Sun we all got well we don't care about what we got but um I need I need I need a fried chicken committee Bertrand Robbie you take care of fried chicken Commedia i need a flower committee me buddy do the flowers flowers committee thank you very much and so all these committees need to get active we're gonna have a funeral and as is our Jewish custom I need a wailing weeping morning committee that's not hard to find he walks up the house this with her listen to him she's dead she's dead she's dead you know what they're saying about Church today it's dead it's dead you know what they're saying on Fox News and see you man it's dead you know what they're saying in the liberal seminaries he's dead you know what they're saying in most Baptist churches today he's not coming back oh yes who's coming up the dusty road he did the popping right up that road like no PA ha ha and no she ain't either and he stopped writing about this and he dismisses those who doubt and he does not invite in those who operate in faith until he puts the doubt out there are times beloved God's got to dismiss some stuff from your life before he'll display the greatest things in your life there are times when God got to break you to give you a breakthrough there's times you got to realize it may not be your turn but it may be your time there are times when God will step into your weeping and mourning and what the world has said is dead and done and finished and can never ever be resurrected it's an impossibility I'm telling you in that moment Jesus Christ walked into that room he said get out I'm not gonna do my greatest works in the in the audience of doubt without faith it's impossible to please my father I want you to step right out of this room take your weeping wailing potato chicken cut himself right up out this house and you get on down there and do something else I need you three that believe me to step up in this room and when you believe that I can do the impossible I've not seen here it's not her leaders in the heart of man that you don't get on in here come up in this house leave it come on get up little girl and by the way somebody get her a happy meal so he says so lose translation but it's in there get tender a happy meal why because even after you dismiss the skeptic they'll say well it's a ghost that's why he had her eat because the Hebrews did not believe that if you were literally dead even if you were resurrected you were a ghost and they could not take in solid substance and that's why I had him get her they couldn't go to chick-fil-a he was closed on the Sabbath look at me when I'm talking about you listen to me I'm almost done listen to me there's a way maker and I'm telling you listen not happy clappy it's not always gonna come up roses everybody's not gonna get healed every time all the time but see the real beauty of it is this as long as he's in the room it's okay bones he's there if nothing comes to pass like I thought it would or should it's long gone get a hold of him it's going to be okay let's pray together father what a day you have given us what a day Oh your name has been lifted burdens have been rolled away and in a very special and beautiful way beyond the capacity of the natural man to see I believe some healing went down in this house today and for that man or woman that right now is trying to get a breakthrough and they're wrestling with the idea that you've got to break them before you can bring the breakthrough I pray they stay the course and like Jacob of old not let go of you till you bless them I pray for that believer day after day year after year has tried to get to a place where she could find some help but it was the religious that said she can't come here it was the very ones that were guarding the grace of God that were keeping her from the grace of God I pray this morning you'd pass by and whisper to them this is your time for those who are already in an impossible situation in fact the verdict has come the spiritual death certificate has been issued and they've been told by some lawyers some pagan counselors by some godless psychiatrists no your marriage is done your life is over I pray in Jesus name dismiss the doubters wrath heal your grace heads are bowed eyes are closed I'm not gonna ask anybody to unite with Fairview this morning that's not what the spirits doing that doesn't mean we don't want you that just means right now is not this is not this is not that time we want you if you're visiting and since God's a them then he'll keep saying it I believe today's about these very three very distinct breakthroughs I think today all three of these were true in this room so in just a moment they're gonna be some ministers ministers someone will be ladies and someone will be men and if this morning you've been given revelation and you-you-you need somebody to stand with you coming to this altar is not a magical hocus-pocus Harry Potter kind of thing it's just a place of surrender it's to come and unite your heart with another believer that will stand in authority and faith with you and if you need that this morning there gonna be some men and women staying across the front I'm asking you to publicly say to that thing which is keeping you from him this is your last day I'm done with you I'm going home with Jesus would you
Channel: Pastor Jeff LaBorg
Views: 826
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jeff Laborg charismatic, sermons jeff laborg, jeff laborg fired up, pastor jeff laborg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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