How Does The Dustbin Mac Pro Hold Up In 2024?

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for today's video, viewers Bruce and Alfred the  cat, very kindly sent over one of the legendary   dustbin Mac Pros. Which considering that I  was real impressed by one of its inbred Offspring  I am super excited to check out  but first today's video is sponsored by   Deep Cool's new Mystique aiio cooler this  360mm Beast with its pre-installed fans is   perfect for cooling even the most commanding  CPUs and with its new digital display right   on the pump you can always be reminded of  the power of mistakes and if temperatures   aren't your thing you can customize the  display to show whatever your little heart   desires so go and check out the Deep cool  Mystique AI using the link in the video description oh no way it comes with a towel that is actually a  really good way to ship stuff cuz once you're done   using it as packaging you can dry your body with  it oh cool they still had the original packaging I   too am a box hoarder a yes the legendary dpen  Pro not many people remember this but Apple   used to wrap all their products in torn up bits of  T-shirt oh W that's pretty cool looking it's got a   bit of an alien artifact vibe to it I can imagine  a thousand years after the great musk Zuckerberg   war and civilization some archaeologist is going  to dig one of these out of the ruins of mkbhd's   office and they're all going to start praying  to it cuz they think it's a mystical artifact   but then it also somehow looks a bit like a dpin  now the artifact that Alfred the cat very kindly   sent over is a 2013 Mac Pro which interestingly  aside from Apple eventually discontinuing the   entrylevel quad core variant Apple kept selling  the Mac Pro essentially unchanged until it was   replaced in 2019 which means theoretically  you could have spent $7,000 on a Mac Pro   in 2019 based on Hardware from 2013 they didn't  even update the generation of Zeon in it anyway   I'm not sure what spec Alfred specifically sent  over but we'll find that out once we fire it up   it kind of feels like it's metal and looks like  it's metal but it doesn't really sound like metal   in terms of ventilation as far as I understand it  there's a fan in the top that pulls air through   the bottom of the case with help of convection  which according to Apple is very effective but   we'll talk a bit more about that later that is  an absurd amount of Thunderbolt ports it just   shows Apple's happy to give you Io if you're an  oligarch it's a shame that all the io's on the   back so you can't just pop a USB stick into it  but I guess that would ruin the Event Horizon   aesthetic so there's that there's also this little  lock thing which I think is to pull the cover off   maybe other than that physically not a whole  lot to say about it until we open it up but   before I break it it's turn it on in standard  Apple fashion it's essentially impossible to   interact with it without visibly soiling it I  don't know how to power it on do you just kind   of like no oh there's a you need to do all reach  around I see okay oh wasn't expecting it to have   a speaker in it I don't know why it's necessary  for it to shout at me that's very gaming laptop   of it oh an emperor penguin nice choice Bruce  good animal cannot be identified and will not   be usable until it's identified so we know Apple  STS on immigration from that little little pop up   there let's see so you go up here and you click  on about this Mac see I know Apple things so this   is a six core variant with 32 gigs of RAM and a  firepro d500 ooh I'm excited to do some gaming   on on this system now the thing that's nice about  this Hardware configuration is that we can likely   install Windows on here without much effort but I  am going to try and game on Mac OS montere which   is that like a new one it isn't damn Apple yoink  support for their systems fat wa cuz it's Pro we   got to try some cine bench on it which luckily  I didn't have to pay for in the Apple Store very   good and it's off look at the power not only is  it tearing through R20 but unsarcastically it's   remarkably quiet this's just this very quiet like  that it's doing its mild manners may have been   impressive but its result really wasn't o the poor  old Mac Pro gets dumpstered by a 7700k oh no and   that's with it running the multi-threaded test but  don't worry the single threaded test was just as   tragic and I think because of the older operating  system the gaming section of the Apple Store is   somehow even more depressing than I remember it to  be oh that's a fun little problem I forgot about   considering my game drive is formatted in NTFS  and apple like with everything else is a huge   pain in the ass about file systems my game drive  is not going to work on it although never mind   it's still found the games that's interesting  next a process like digging for atine finding   a steam game that'll actually run on Mac OS oh  and don't worry those stop signs aren't nearly   as useful as they look most of the other games  also don't work oh see that's that's the problem   that we're going to run into here is despite  the fact that steam can find the game on the   drive it can't write anything on the drive so so  we can't play the games wow this has been a real   roller coaster of emotions my word so DOTA should  work once I physically downloaded onto the system   one frame per second it is it is not starting  off strong okay no things things have loaded   in okay so now that things have kind of loaded  in at 1080p low settings the game is borderline   playable although the I I wouldn't want to play  it like this it is very stuttery and it looks   like garbage interestingly it's running pretty  much as well as dodo is running on an M2 based   MacBook which to me is really funny I mean I can  like last hit and stuff but this is not usable   for online game I was able to dumpster the bot  lobby but that's just cuz of my mad gaming skills   and the Bots really suck I then tried the only  compelling game I could find in the Apple Play   Store so even late game civilization runs pretty  well on it I don't have a frame rate counter or   whatever but it's a perfectly playable experience  which isn't surprising considering that the game   is as old as I am basically so with that let's  install a Blasphemous operating system on this   bad boy and see what it can do with that  so apparently installing Windows on this   is pretty straightforward you just go to finder  up here and then you search boot camp assistant   which is installed on here uh continue and then  we can kind of choose this size of our petition   so the iso needs to download and then we can make  the partition and installation happens like it's   it's very straightforward and we maintain our  Mac OS install on here as well if this just   works like this it's wild that I could install  Windows on this without violence happening it's   pretty cool this was the first time I've ever  experienced people saying an apple thing is   easy to do wasn't just a straight up lie once the  boot camp install finished the system restarted   windows installed and we were done oh no way  it's got 2 d500s in crossfire in it cool now   we have a little bit of an issue in terms of  frame rate with our Mac Pro I can't get it to   Output more than 60 frames per second at 1440p  uh and I think it has to do with limitations   on the HDMI port on the back so let's try and  use the Thunderbolt port and see if that helps now we can set it ah there we go okay so the  HDMI is an issue now Everything feels better   and with our Windows install theoretically came  much better game support it's not happy with the   overlay it doesn't want us prying into what it's  doing cuz not only is it flickering but there's   like weird stat breed out happening but after  relaunching the game a couple times the overlay   just fixed itself it's just fine now although we  still have no idea what the gpus are doing look at   that we're getting 120 frames per second at 1080p  low settings but it's running a lot better than   I was expecting it to run I was pretty convinced  this was going to be an unplayable dumpster fire   at 1080p but it isn't what I am curious to see  is how much performance we lose if we turn off   the one GPU now I'm going to be brave and see  if I can do that with the game running which   probably isn't going to go great but let's see  oh it just crashed we're getting about 80 frames   per second with just the single GPU running so  it's about 40 down which gives us what like a   50% performance increase with the second GPU uh  which is not going to happen in newer games at   all uh because there hasn't been new drivers for  this GPU in a very long time and Crossfire is very   driver dependent right so uh yeah I think this is  probably best case scenario we're looking at here   then when I tried to Benchmark the difference  between the configurations the system started   really acting up so on the bright side we do have  proper usage information now but we have descended   into the upside down so there is that this is  with both gpus running and it's running very hot   so despite it being really quiet and with very  little load on it the temperatures are they're   quite High so the only Benchmark information I  could extract from the system was amidst all the   weirdness but it did show a bit of an improvement  between the GPU configurations I don't know if the   benchmarked oh it just crashed okay for some  reason the overlay refused to work with CS2   but subjectively the game felt fine at 1080p low  settings and in every other game I normally Play   Just refused to work on the Mac Pro presumably  because of the 900-year-old drivers luckily DOTA   worked so we could directly compare the gaming  performance between Mac OS and Windows 10 okay so   for some reason with DOTA when it's full screen at  1080p I I I'm not allowed a mouse maybe borderless   window gives me a mouse cursor it does but then  it's not full screen going back to full screen   just deleted the cursor again that's so weird why  but after switching between the two modes enough   times I eventually got both full screen and a  mouse cursor oh now it's worked yo this system   has a weirdly syphilitic way of running Windows  like it it is not like it very much things keep   crashing a bunch of stuff doesn't work like just  just weird things happening the whole time well   it is already running about twice as well as it  was running on Mac OS if not more than twice as   well now with both gpus running which they are  despite the weird readout we're getting a much   less stuttery experience than we did with Mac  OS but let's try just one GPU I've been having   a whole bunch of stability issues I kind of wonder  if boot camp doesn't deliberately install a really   buggy version of Windows so that it like baits  Apple people into thinking Windows is terrible   because that would kind of make sense for them to  do like I don't know it's like oh yeah you want   to use Windows here look at how terrible this  diseased version of it is that we're giving you   and with my second stability rant out of the  way DOTA didn't perform any differently with   one GPU as opposed to two enabled and with that  we get to the most exciting part of the video   tearing down Alfred the cat's Mac Pro so I  think how it works is we flip that oh yeah   this is metal and without its metal forkin the  Dustbin Mac looks a bit like a nuclear weapon to   me straight off the bat it looks pretty pretty  upgradable for an Apple product there are four   Ram slots that you can easily upgrade you just  push that little button and then when the ram   pops out you just pull the stick out and then on  this board there's an m.2 slot for our storage   although it does seem like there's just one  of these slots which is kind of shocking for   a professional device of this price and then  other than that I think to get deeper into the   system we undo these hex screws and then we might  be able to get just right into the guts of the thing we just pull that up  cool then we have a ribbon   cable that we need to deal with very awkward angle oh yeah okay that looks like that that  is a very heavy duty cable to just power a fan   although it is quite a wild looking fan and then  I Al also want to pop up the antenna there we go   wow that is a monster of a blower fan which  was if anything too quiet as we saw from the   temperatures which apparently leads to quite  a lot of GPU failures in these I think Apple   was too conservative with a fan profiles on this  wao that's a cool looking triangular heat sink in   here Illuminati confirmed although it's not very  dense at all there's very little fin structure   in here and the next to that pyramid shape is the  power supply so this is a very similar layout to   that MSI case it's almost like MSI copied this  design but you know that's definitely not what   happened so I think what I'm going to do here is  I'm going to just undo all of the screws and lift   the whole motherboard assembly out in one go is  that a stupid idea I don't know let's give it a try oh it it's moving being too scared to talk  any harder I decided to remove the gpus first   and see what that does oh yeah oh it's cool I  hope that Alfred the cat is not offended by by   what Alfred sees happening here oh that's a  cool connector as well okay so you pull that   out this clean looking PCB is our d500 which  is theoretically upgradeable to a d700 but in   typical Apple fashion they very tightly controlled  the supply so good luck finding a replacement PCB   also as we mentioned before due to the high  temperatures a apparently these have quite a   high failure rate I love how Apple cheaps out  on the thermopad it doesn't make full contact   with the memory modules you can see here it  doesn't cover the whole copper bit and then   down here is the like ribbon connector they use  to connect the graphics Cod to the rest of the system bit number two oh that's  actually a SATA SSD oof it makes   sense considering the age but compared to  Modern drives this thing is a real loser wait but we still haven't really  answered the age-old question of   how do we go deeper but all I had to do  is pull up oh the whole thing lifts out   of the base and then there's a couple  of screws on the base we have to undo here just lift okay there we go so this is the  little daughter board thing that the rest of the   components of the system connect through and then  we have this pcie looking slot where these Central   motherboard kind of slots in and then that is  like a South Bridge esque chip over there now   to get to the main motherboard you have to kind of  bend the power supply up off it and then hold it   at an angle that makes it feel like you're holding  open a chest cavity while you unscrew the mounting   for the CPU oh that oh oh oh wow that sucked and  there is our big ass Zeon which is socketed with   a whole bunch of power delivery for it and then  the ram modules are on the other side of that   interesting and to remove the CPU you just need  to undo the bracket on the back you should just be   able to pop that off and then here is our socketed  Zeon CPU and with that tear down we've learned   that apple had a product that was theoretically  very modular and upgradable but then they just   ignored it for 6 years and then replaced it with  something completely different very nice this was   almost cool Apple if only someone else made it  and until the next video thank you for watching bye-bye oh
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 219,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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