How do you refill a disposable Propane tank

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another common question we get is you know what how exactly do you fill my propane tank many times people are taking them to exchanges and they never really know what the process is of actually filling a propane tank so today we're gonna walk you through an actual fill-up of a 20-pound propane tank cylinder we're gonna bring the propane tank into the enclosure and then we're gonna weigh it and we're showing you the empty weight and you'll notice that the the T W means tare weight and that's the empty weight of the propane cylinder so we're gonna measure that and verified that the tank is empty and ready to be filled and we're going to hook up the filling hose to the propane tank and we're gonna weigh it again and add the weight of the propane hose onto the tank and now we're going to adjust it 20 pounds because we showed that the tank was empty and verified it with a scale when we're filling the propane tank we actually fill it to 80% and the 80% of a propane tank allows 20% for expansion so that way if your tank is full at 80 percent at say 60 degrees you take it home and now it's 90 degrees it's sitting in the Sun it's not gonna cause any issues because you have 20% room for expansion in that propane tank once we connect the hose we're gonna have the electric turned on so that we can start pumping the propane you know when you're filling a propane tank we always wear rubber gloves it's a safety measure just to make sure that if any propane would get on our skin there's there's no issues with that it's just a safety measure then we're going to open the bleeder screw and basically that's a liquid level gauge that lets us know when the tank is full then we also have the weight of the tank to verify it and then all the propane cylinders in a 20 pound size our equipment what's called an overfill protection device commonly referred to as an OPD so we're actually triple checking to verify that we're very safe when we're filling the tank then we're going to continue on until the proper weight is propane is inside the propane cylinder and once that happens we're going to turn the valves off shut the electric off tighten the bleeder screw back up to make sure that you know everything is secure and then disconnect the propane hose will handle the tank and put it out to your car for you so you know you're ready to go and then you can start barbecue [Music]
Channel: Studio1300 Productions
Views: 56,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: propane, tank filled, How do you, Heating, tank, disposable, grill tank, service, heating
Id: tQvgnelHgmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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