5lb Propane Tank Refilling!

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hey everyone welcome back for another video uh seems like propane is the thing that i'm focusing on with the cold weather and camping on hold due to the flooding um yeah we're working on everything that we need to get ready for the spring season winter camping hopefully we'll be doing that in january february uh today we're going to be filling up the 5 pounder we have filled the 20 pounders but it's easier to go get 20 pounder filled once come home use the 5 pounder and then refill the five pounder roughly four times with the 20 pounder that way you're not going back and forth every week to fill your five pounder every two weeks three weeks whatever you do um it's just it's easier for us we got a few of these and we refill our one pounders and our five pounders so today we're going to show you how we take our 20 pounder and we fill our five pounder so make sure to stay tuned so we're just going to connect our hose so we have a five pound down below which is already connected we're gonna connect up to our 20 pounder similar to how you do it with your one pounders so we're going to flip it over turn our valve on up here it's gonna fill our hose then we're gonna turn our valve on our five pounder so now our 20 pounder is open then we open up our five pounder now there's a bleeder screw on the side [Applause] on the side of this five pounder you're just gonna open it and that's gonna let all the air out just to show everyone the uh the bleeder screw i'm not sure if you guys can see this right on the side of the valve right here and so when the propane came out we just closed the bleeder valve here and that's it thanks for tuning in guys so a quick rundown on that video we had the hose connected you want to open the hose on the 20-pounder open the hose on the 5-pounder and then you just want to open the bleeder screw and that'll basically bleed the air out until the propane starts coming out and then you want to close the bleeder again this is upside down like you do with your one pounders once you're done basically turn the valves off on both disconnect the hoses make sure your bleeder is tight get a scale this is just a scale from in the house and uh zero pounds this should read close to 13. we're at 12.6 which is good enough for us um yeah there you go five pound full we'll go uh it's 20 pound still has boat uh what does it have you know what five to seven pounds left in it so it could fill this again or do you know five to seven of the one pounders so uh yeah hope you enjoyed this video make sure to like and subscribe and i'll catch you guys next week see you later
Channel: BC_Backwaters
Views: 28,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bcbackwaters, propane, propane refill, refill propane tank, filling a propane tank, propane tank, refill propane bottle, refilling propane tanks, propane tank refill, 5 lb propane tank, how to refill propane tank, 1lb propane refill, refilling 1lb propane tank, propane tank refilling, refill propane, refilling propane bottle, refilling propane bottles, refilling 20 lb propane tank at home, 5lb propane, refill 1lb propane bottle, propane tanks, how to fill your own propane tank
Id: jC5sVhxMmno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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