How do you know you are under spiritual attack?

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okay our talk tonight how do you know you under spiritual attack many many people have talked to in recent months have you gone through some very strange things in their lives things it's kind of hard to explain and I can't deny that my stuff is sometimes I deal with that myself in fact just this past week getting ready for this talk anytime I have a talk it has to deal with the devil all hell breaks loose all right right there some people here at daily Mass I got basically verbally accosted on Friday you know that I can't say what he said it wasn't good okay Saturday morning another person lost her ever-loving mind okay because she couldn't receive community well you're not Catholic okay so all kinds of stuff it just it was just kind of crazy the air condition is not working in the church is not working here okay all right that happens from time to time all right things happen because the devil wants us to get off track okay because many people are facing spiritual struggles that they truly try to advance in the ways of God they truly are working with the Holy Spirit in developing a good solid spiritual life so one of the primary tricks of the enemy is to get the other person you know when he's attacking us deceived so we don't realize the depth of what's taking place in our lives so the first thing to keep in mind is this to differentiate between God and the devil God is always about taking us deep he's always take us into deep waters deeper relationship with him higher stronger better deeper the devil keeps us on the surface he only keeps us on the services he's the ultimate of superficiality okay you don't go deep with the devil and that's the way you plans it okay and so the thing is is that sometimes people just assume that the struggles are facing are part of a natural battle natural thought abortion and sometimes it is but just beneath the third us so far more complex event taking place spiritual attack so what is spiritual attack the spiritual attack is a series of events caused by the demonic realm demons in order to prevent us from receiving God's promises receiving God's presence his blessings to destroy us if you can't destroy us or at least get our faith so weak it doesn't even matter but sometimes a devil and these spiritual attacks is meant to oppress us to believe that we will never find what we need to in our lives either our vocation our mission happiness blessedness we'll never get to that all that's part of the devil skin so Saint Paul reminds us in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 to keep Satan from gaining the advantage over us for we are not ignorant of his designs so a people are ignorant of Satan's designs see most people today would kind of quite likely laugh at the very notion is even such a thing the spiritual warfare why because most enlightened people today don't even believe in the existence of angels and demons fighting at all for our eternal Souls however spiritual combat between the angels and the demons for our souls is as much of a reality as the Grand Canyon one side was to win the battles they can drag us down to hell for eternity the other side wants to win the battle to take us up to heaven for eternal bliss with God Father Son and Holy Spirit the demons are definitely an enemy to take seriously as we've discussed in other talks the Bible tells us that the devil is various constants games he uses against us humans and many people wrongly assume that Satan is stupid stupid thing okay he's been studying the thoughts actions and behavior of humanity ever since the beginning of time and here's something that's gonna blow your minds how long is the beginning of time because God made the angels on day one okay that first light light of intelligence that was the Angels okay how long ago was that you believe some scientists at the the universe is like thirteen billion years old I don't know if it is but if it is Satan is 13 billion years old so was Michael Niren so little carry a meeting the studying humanity for a long time he's not stupid and so we cannot engage in his intelligence we can't begin to compete with that he knows how to tempt people is he expert when it comes to temptation he knows exactly what buttons to push in our lives even the ones we didn't know we had as we must not be ignorant to the strategies of the enemy we can live our lives without our spiritual eyes being wide open it's at the walk in the light of the Holy Spirit be aware is taking the place all around us and do everything without fear I've mentioned this at mass the other day that's so true if you're Catholic you're a Christian and gentleman special you're Catholic you don't fear a thing we're fearless because what our Lord Jesus has done for us on the cross the resurrection we have him and Eucharist he forgives us and confession with me when we have to fear as we talked about a few minutes from now it's one though kind of the weapon of the enemy wants to use against us is fear let's go and talk about the eight symptoms of a spiritual attack how do you know you're being attacked by the enemy number one we have a lack of spiritual passion a lack of spiritual passion so let's set this up there you are going through a great spiritual of energy and grace for weeks on end man you're going to mass you blessed your field you're happy your prayer life is solid and consistent you're looking forward to those times of prayer prayers aha right now you're looking forward to it insights are coming to you directly from the Holy Spirit people are relying on you for prayers and advice you're cruising spiritually but here comes the enemy he's coming to steal your firmness your sense of purpose for the things of God and suddenly your prayer life stalls that you try and start the car and the battery's dead what happened here okay it came by so quickly now you didn't drift away from your commitment to God which course be your fault your neglect no you do what you're supposed to be doing and God looks like right here and now where'd he go so your commitment is tested you can't seem to push through because your devotions even go on to mass if there's a here just cause of the motions okay first of all that you discussed in other talks sometimes we didn't do anything you're doing the best we can and all of a sudden the consolations the great feelings are big gifts of grace being so closed forward or suspended we come to find out God did that to us the darkmount of this hope he does that was a phenomena he suspends all those great things to take us to a deeper level wisdom as we discussed God does to strengthen us sharpen our faith help us to go deeper in hope to align him more than ever before it's very often God like I said we'll put us to this darkness we're transitioning to a much deeper relationship with him was nothing to be worried okay how do you know God is the one doing this to you he might be tested I filled with it frustrated but you still have your piece but you still have him as I mentioned before the darkest is come upon you he's hiding you in the shadow of his wing that darkness is him mom so you don't have to fear that darkness okay he's to have a sense of peace and so when your spiritual radar is still picking up on God or even sometimes the absence of gossip he would just hear how he can just over down the road or gonna go follow him the God still very much in your radar all right a spiritual attack you're not picking up on God at all you forget what the other guy you're not at peace you're very much in discomfort the darkness you're sensing is not a gentle kind of you know protector kinda covering its sinister that's what darkness you're actually kind of afraid of now if your blessing others in your work and your ministries and your balance the fruit of your prayer is producing an awful lot of race in people's lives be ready for this sort of attack the devil does not want to be effective in bringing the blessings of Christ Jesus to others so go for your spiritual passion marrow cavity number two the second symptom deviant spiritual attack is extreme as the key word of this one extreme frustration in other than at the time and things frustrate us okay they do okay I don't know back in the day before a lot of this technological of Gaveston stuff were around because people have maybe had more patience I'm not sure we tend to soul frustrated because things don't work right things don't work okay and so there's some natural frustration there and so forth but during the attack of the enemy uses a variety of circumstances to oppress the mind to bring great frustration so person under attack finds themselves the edge and anxious all the time as you're going through that storm okay now yes especially this it can be sometimes a little bit frustrating when God is one takes away some of our consolations and good feelings but there's still that sense of trust that our good Heavenly Father who knows what is best he just molded us shaping us you know that's like we help you sacrifice something you give up something okay you know I didn't want to that but no I can't let go of that you see God's hand in that to make you a better person there is that aspect might be a little frustrating nothing too terribly bad okay but the thing though is is this you'll know that the devil is messing with your mind because you feel you're always being bombarded frustration after frustration after frustration and the things are lining up you find his table is a big flirt what is going on here okay cuz you have a good from time to time just stop and start seeing where things are coming from and you'll see it's just a natural thing okay that was that was that okay yeah just have a bad day at work okay whatever you see like constantly wait a minute that doesn't happen that doesn't have with what's going on around you see trace it back to the devil okay because he wants to pull you into intense frustration because of anger anger the anger person is the one he's not going to follow God but the other guy now true true enough there's natural righteous anger things were supposed to be angry about right okay but then there's anger that comes to us almost out of the blue I mean how do you knows from the devil wait a minute why am i angry about that I'm not like super torqued off a bit wait a minute that's like a little thing okay it's a double classist frustration she took point well they have a bit of a spark boom there goes the anger okay an anger confessor and caused us to become horrible people sometimes okay so this happens to you stop stop what stop your thinking okay get all those emotions invite into your mind and into your heart the Holy Spirit in the BND Trace that I just said trace the thoughts to see how you got to that state of frustration alright don't be surprised we trace her back and you come and say Oh at the end of it there's a devil he's got you in his crosshairs okay don't be don't be surprised with that all right he wants you to be frustrated she can keep you in anger be aware of that okay number three the third symptom is confusion about our purpose confusion about purpose so during the spiritual attack there's often great confusion about literal spiritual direction every day we have to go into the direction of God calls us to go okay but sometimes it don't puts us into such a state of confusion we literally don't know what step to take as what happens is we don't move we're too busy being confused trying to figure out what to do where to go we can take a step in any direction so one achieve goals of an attack is to get a Christian a believer to not move or your ultimate destiny Oh Lord Jesus Christ on a daily basis okay just going to come to you this one will come to in two blows okay the first one is doubt doubt will hit you now I want to tell every single one of you here tonight something okay none of us are going to be ever totally free from temptation we're going to be tempted just how that is okay what's the primary way primary way that the devil tempts us it's doubt so we're all gonna have doubt from time to time all of us in the Dell will be shooting at us what do you do when you have doubt you do this man you'd be good that we can't get this hole his hooks into you okay what do you apply to doubt base that's why you ask God daily Lord increased my faith so now it's come to apply faith so that's that's not the truth now I believe this is what Lord Jesus is telling me I'm gonna buy that stupid lie you look like face to the doubt okay what if you don't okay well if you're like on your own I got this covered man you have to worry about me okay so you by yourself okay or you going through a tough time maybe things are kind of rough it's your automatic God you go care about you down to you there you are walking on some bad near wheeler here comes the devil smash with some doubt and you'll take care of it with faith that that will stun you get you paralyzed you don't move at all and then of course your comes the next blow which is confusion confusion the devil gets you with doubt you'll take care of the doubt here comes confusion and you can feel it about what stuff you should be confused about your direction with our Lord Jesus is so clear don't know which way to go now cause be good news about yourself worth it's not pretty not here so just a couple of days ago now you're beating yourself up pretty bad or you confuse about the mercy of God and I thought he loved me I thought he's going to try and save me now I don't know anymore come on man you should know this stuff but you're confused the devil stunts you paralyze to announce eating you these stupid lies and then you confuse them about everything relationships your job how many of you found this I trying to go to work you go to work the same route every single day for some reason you took a different route got lost that you know rock not hard to get here yeah how did you get there you've lost your focus everything is confusing the devil got material so remember this attack is to paralyze you never stop moving toward our Lord even if you're not quite sure you move forward now it will show you the way with a great line of the Holy Spirit but always move to the Lord as best as you can okay number four the fourth step done this was a big one this lack of peace lack of peace for so many people that devil will hit them hard in this particular area the enemy on Bart's the mines with various thoughts and ongoing temptations that we just discussed the also will slip in the weapon of suggestions to get our emotions out of place that anger or bitterness or resentment can come streaming in all in order to rob us of our peace to remember your mind your thoughts are being attacked that's so - are your emotions don't let that happened to you make it does I know it's going on airing trying to take my piece aren't you what have I told many of you in confession or spiritual Russian a thousand times maybe I get this one down that you're okay except down getting to easier okay guard your peace nobody takes that from you now that's your peace because why is the devil attack us in that particular area because our peace is not just a sense of contentment and direction and being kind of mind up we're supposed to be art piece is Jesus Christ himself he's our peace so double attack us there to separate us from our peace to separate us from our Lord Jesus cause that's what he does that but don't forget your peace is also your strength because your peace is the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and he's your shield he's your fortress and so you hang on to your peace okay so this particular spiritual chakras you wanted to have see from time to time as this give the house your temple of your you know you that storms and hit man okay when we twister out there or shaking pretty good you take shelter in our ward ride the storm out is hang on there okay don't let the devil take your peace from you gonna be all right here's a personal example about as a priestess happens to me every now and then not a lot I can't stand a house to me but I've gotten used to it to a certain degree okay the devil thought was till my peace before a very big event like confession or mouths is what will happen is what happened this past weekend okay because they're all kind of crazy stuff traveling a way that big rain Saturday night here it is Monday and so I'm getting ready to go to bed and Saturday night it's late okay we're gonna talk it was then you're gonna go to bed I take the sheet off my zipper how come how come my pillow was wet I look up leak my bedroom is leaking okay I'm not okay it's another night oh okay and so I got a blow dry the mattress make sure you're all right and so forth okay with better trusty clink nada has some spare beds okay and so forth of course I picked the room has a stuffiest a seasoned dirtiest okay it's awful one it's next to the parking lot with the collegians live their party until 12:30 some get any sleep that night all right I go to the nine o'clock mass and what does the devil do he hits me heart thoughts and emotions to take my piece away from me you're gonna pass out during Mass you can have things like that I found people you have enough strength to do this month and of course like I said the air condition isn't working it's all hot so I got four bears hold on okay all right so I go oh man okay and so the thoughts hit me because don't you guys need a priest out employ communion okay how do you need a priest out that there okay what what I have to do I have experience with this as we'd be talking about just a few minutes you call them April Lord Jesus you ask for your motherly help Mary give me that motherly comfort call on st. Michael okay as we've seen just a second you stand firm in Stanford I somehow made it to the Madison the second MathML is fine all right the devil is trying to steal your piece that you won't be able to do what you're supposed to do don't let that happen to you okay number five you upon usually sluggish and tired okay now true enough if you're not sleeping well if you're not eating well if your notion of exercise of this movement right here on the back of chips to your mouth and exercise are getting here okay you thought need to need to ask the Lord and motivation and grace to do better okay all right do better than all these areas are okay in a spiritual attack a lack of energy lack of vitality are often times results of an extended attack your weary your target mean bombarded and oppressed smacked around by the enemy here okay so let's throw up something here if you truly are something or in a situation where it has some health issues may be pre-diabetic okay take care of them right because apart to hear a lot and I probably should be exercising take care of that all right but for the most part if you pretty healthy how do you notice the double you're asking the question of okay I'm not sick so if I'm not sick how come I'm feeling so tired I mean I'm not like throwing opera I think you're not a fever okay everything seems to be normal with me physically why am I so sluggish then you realize oh wait a minute at that big retreat coming out next week Donna or I just got off of that beautiful mass and that wonderful time talking to my brother get away from the church okay either after a big blessed event or before one this can happen you're okay I say look up what does the matter with me and so the thing to keep in mind is this a big wave of sluggishness and fatty making like an avalanche all right that's almost always an attack of the doublet all right because it doesn't want you to get done you're supposed to get about all right all the times you have to ask the Holy Spirit to give you the energy the vitality of the Spirit don't forget you can tap into or learn any time for whatever you need to say having a bad day you're running out of kindness grab the kinds of little Jesus running out of patience use his patience the same time though if you're running out of energy use our Lord's energy okay he'll inspire you did still continue to go and good things done with number six this symptom is a nice tricky set though one here is a strong urge to quit in assignment is to quit an assignment every single one of you is baptized you'll be born with a unique purpose you need purpose of course is fulfilled in your location whatever that might be but God has given to you unique gifts and the grace to fulfill that plan is given to you so you do have a destiny you have a mission all the gifts you will ever need your vocation your assignment from God is for you this is beautiful because without you the full picture that he has won't be complete that's important you are as a specific task for you to do family business school whatever might be okay and you will satisfy fulfilled it in your calling your mission from the Lord but simply put the enemy hates it when we are boldly walking out and living out our purpose carrying out the plan of God he can't stand up so what he will do is to move you away from your assignment given to you from God so during this kind of attack he'll overwhelm you with thoughts and desires to give up abandon the post so to speak this is one of greatest kind of thrust purposes to find the spiritual attack so be wise about such things there's going to be natural roadblocks and difficulties in any vocation that just comes with it with the territory and any endeavor we try to serve our Lord is this going to be natural things that kind of get in the way but a spiritual attack normal obstacles were no big deal or not like this big huge giant wall in front of us things that we've just been blasting through are now tripping us up and so then we start to doubt you're gonna say you got to board the doubt the doubt start coming in like what's the unis man why don't even bother but these are things of a man that's not me I don't think like that unless you pray you're up going up beat here okay they realize haha that's not me it's the enemy putting suggestions within me so the devil is attacking your thoughts and your passions you can't get anything done before the glory of our Lord basically that you have to be able to do is to recognize once again the route trace it up always trace it back okay number seven and this one is a nasty one nasty nasty attack here you're drawn back toward old bondages in other words you're drawn back to old telogen bounded and president wants upon a time now some types of the devil are short of their strawberries the some attacks are meant to wear us out ok the causes to give up the battle because we become too weak or too tired to thirteen together and when that happens there'll be a great temptation to go back to doing things we've given up years ago the long spiritual battle persons often pull back towards negative cycles of thinking and feeling had been broken free from okay the enemy is not happy that you were once a slave to gambling or the gossiping or the turn ography beating yourself up in many different ways that okay you allow the Lord Jesus to set you free you know what that's like to be set free the enemy really wants to enslave you so what does he do this is nasty business you mean why's about this okay here's the key how do you know you're under attack in this particular way you're living your life this and through in our Lord Jesus Christ you not make it discourage but if you do a little bit discouraged laugh by throat okay but then suddenly you have all these kind of seeds of doubt in your mind in your heart or discouragement and you're buying it you're listening to it you're not it away now they know Jesus be your shield you're actually opening up those crazy thoughts you can doubt yourself without God dr. Church mixing you becoming discouraged his courage is weighing you down over the deliverer depressed and so what are you saying to yourself now I think you're good at this and I live in this way so was the double duty if you suggestions to get rid of your discouragement and what are those suggestions the old sins you had once given up he hit you with discouragement use the way out or the way out is putting you back in prison you had once been free from you went back to the drinking went back to the pornography went back to putting people down and then the Doug will come up to you nasty business and clobber you with shame and condemnation see you're no good in a vote you're condemned man he thought you both would free from that stupid habit no he didn't I got you and all I started because you got discouraged and you bought his suggestions and not to wait out from our Lord any time you're tempted to go back to sinful always new run and twirl or Jesus as quickly as possible don't even open up that look and he's given to you to read even for a second don't engage him in that run to our Lord to keep you safe number eight the last of the symptoms of a spiritual attack his questioning direction and the call was once so clearly this is slightly different than number six in this an enemy attacks the life of a believer Christian he wants you to give up reasons to why God is in college in the first place and otherwise you start to doubt not just your mission or your vocation but eternal life no this is the big one he wants you to fall for is one of his master tools to releases once again confusion chain intimidation all these viable things here okay to give you a cloud one certainty these ultimate destinations that gets you off of your path to destiny back toward Jesus so person under this attack will finally self deep the question the rotors are on getting even be examining their position with God is even care about is this real okay even things you know by faith but for example the real presence oh Jesus you're doubting that Rumble down very very quickly here okay the devil want you to think that God has never done anything for you of course if you quite pay for that what do you know now give you a whole list of stuff that God did for me I can take it dozen times he saved me look at that look at that don't fall you know exactly we're going to you home back home guys haven't you ever take your eyes off that prize okay so that being the case let's not take a quick little look here at the six ways of breaking a spiritual attack okay those are the symptoms you've been under attack and it happens here's the ways you break left number one you break it this authority as you read in the Gospel of Luke chapter 10 verse 19 behold I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you never engage the enemy from a place for attitude of defeat okay let's say that we just talked about a second inning that was hitting you with this discouragement okay don't engage from position of weakness now you think you think that was winning this man okay no you've already won as well what Jesus has done for us is how to be able to apply that okay and so the thing is the devil wants to give you the great impression that your allows you know that for nothing loser no you're not you're redeemed son or daughter of God the Father who loved you more even ever imagine a whole lot of people missed that point they attempt to break the attack the mental vision of despair and defeat the son or daughter now you have authority to come against that attack with strength look at this example an armed robber comes into your house still your most valuable possessions think that very special meaning to you how you deal with them politely oh please mr. Robert I'm sorry to see you here tonight I know you probably have a bad childhood any minded huggy went out and so forth or maybe you have in a job in ten years and you're trying to fulfill your cocaine habit but you know I'm gonna have to ask you to leave okay come on man that's not gonna happen you call somebody you've got something right you do whatever you have to defend your house your precious possessions aren't you the most precious possession you have uh yeah I don't defend yourself you're being under attack he wants to steal you you so that being the case you instinctively come at it with strength the number one way of doing that of course is what the name of Jesus Christ invoke the highest of authorities Jesus Jesus Jesus another personal example here I told some of you this already the last Christmas we have the Oh Christmas mornin Adventist such a powerful time so for us okay Richard the big Christmas masses and everything okay and so the night after the evening mass giving for the Christmas Day masses and so forth Satan himself came into my bedroom I've been holding my feet so I couldn't move okay of course we don't insist tons and tons of confessions as powerful powerful time but sales getting ready to and don't fall don't be scared I'll be scared trying to speak the name of Jesus was like he was holding my throat's I couldn't get it out be don't stop you get it out Jesus Jesus Jesus Natha that's Mary Joseph Michael my lord not the father help me he's leave okay he may not have anything that dramatic but even the little details throughout the day is still in front of the same center keeping silent keep you paralyzed all right after they may not be like I said that whoa how scary they still trying to do the same thing to you use the name of Jesus Christ the ultimate authority the ultimate warrior okay he's a reconquered say to conquer them all right so is what you have to keep in mind many people and some Christians are topless don't don't go there to hold her okay and that is this so we want to use this sense of breaking this with authority by themselves denouncing Satan for example depart for me sasa for Satan begone you never talk to him never engage him at birth because he's way way too clever for us as one things he'll do if you try begone from you Satan let's sneak away in the corners a little bit make you thinking you did that by yourself instead of the power of God okay and then we'll come out to the full force and you can make me look a fool so what happens is anytime you have any kind of spiritual attack you let our Lord Jesus answer that door that the king of kings take care of them so what do you say what do you do My Lord Jesus my Lord and my Savior deliver me from the enemy my dearest Jesus my Savior saved me from Satan anyway won't put it that way and he takes care of he is the one who will said through next the second way and break it with faith in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 we read without faith it is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and he rewards those who seek Him so your spiritual attacks okay you break them with faith so part of your daily prayer from now on guys will forget it get it in there Lord increase my faith because our Lord Jesus told us if we only believe all things would become possible all offense all right the faith breaks through the barriers of limitations that devil also put upon you God is limitless the devil wants to squeeze you okay so they three seems the promises of God has already completed or like I just said we've already won the victories of Jesus Christ they helped us to apply that victory specifically in our lives okay so notice that in Hebrews 11:6 that phase unlocks rewards rewards are the result of our faith so they they're not just believing all that Jesus has given to us all he's revealed to us as importance that is the faith unlocks mighty blessings from our God including the blessings of protection safety additional grace okay so spiritual attacks they failed at all thought interface and we pursue those rewards and what reward to talk about primarily the moon the lottery that every word right the number one war is to be in the presence full of our Lord Jesus Christ goes now and for all eternity that's the reward we want now Jesus is fully President to the deadly been above you the trying to trip you up care of that regard Jesus is leading you guarding you protect looking you up there literally good to go okay and faith put you in that position so keep your faith good and strong don't be doubting like I said a spade to be that's what you apply to the doubt you never go any deeper than that number three be great spiritual attachment to prayer the prayer Ephesians chapter six verse 18 that tells us pray at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplications to that end keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all of the Saints to beautiful why because not alone the Saints are there fighting for you the praying for it so forth but even a little bit of prayer a lifestyle of Prayer undos the works of the devil because st. Paul he knows after his life to be attacked constantly you know a constant storms and all about stirrups my times we shipwrecked natural storms look at the storms with the devil got throwing got him okay but Paul kept the faith Paul kept his strength there's a prayer of the mind of the Lord and the wisdom of God unfolds for us and so we see not just how to find how to get out you skip the escape route okay and so the thing is this a strong prayer is a shield against the tactics of the enemy the shield horses Oh Lord Jesus Christ but prayer also releases through the Holy Spirit the things that we need to pull us out and out of that storm all right all that comes to us through prayer as we recognize the spiritual attack begin to seek God when his counsel immediately through prayer immediately okay number four you break it with resistance in the book of st. James chapter 4 verse stubborn submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he flee from you the fierce winds of a spiritual attack the law aggressively against you to knock you down it's very easy just the Palmer to pressure your feelings does that what the enemy wants you to do he believes that he can tap it to the to commune fall you'll keep falling it's one of greatest things that you can do is to resist resist resistance is a highly effective weapon of war that God will give to you to fight against the powers of the Internet you can resist your way of right out of a contention you can even resist your way out of a raging spiritual storm spike standing firm venture resist minions to fight against to remain strong against the force or the effect of something and to exert the force in opposition that force and opposition of course is the Holy Spirit so Jesus Christ our and so when we resist the bombardment of the enemy standing our ground combat again we're bracing the fighting spirit don't forget you fight for your loved ones many of you do it's an awesome thing don't forget the fight for yourself don't forget that man you can to do that don't worry buddy lost opinion because of it this double bound pounding you to pieces now okay fight for yourself and how do we do this how do you resist remember always you're never fighting alone we're fighting with a Lord Jesus Christ I've told you this before ok so let's get this straight technically he's doing the fighting where this is instrument okay we're good for that posh arrow he pulls out of this river he's the mighty warrior doing the fighting we're just he uses that's why we get polished and sharp bait does that for us okay remember a powerful instrument can be in the hand of our world number five you break it slightly different by standing firm that's 2024 I do not account my life of any value nor is precious to myself if only I may accomplish my course and the ministry which I received my Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God in other words fulfill your mission don't stop until it's time to stop like I said st. Paul's attack all the time he was never moved he was never moved Satan attacked of all kinds of different ways he stood firm so keep this in mind you can stand firm okay every now and then our Lord will allow it because much would come gluten strong here okay Satan will attack your finances he will it's a big man I have this investment now we happen here okay but we can't take it with you in the calm down okay god bless you you take care of your needs okay the safety will attack the finances for Tonga Tonga right or say it was some summer too it's all mad at you it's a big amount distress I'm gonna stay here at Walmart it's a couple of things here okay and you get two or three of the parking lot okay all right or sometimes something will release an offense against you all right you find out you're texting somebody you're running on the email on the summit come home as you start unit you go to a Facebook post about you and it wasn't true around here okay sometimes those things are going to happen all right you stand firm your captain our Lord Jesus Christ this image of standing strong as a result of spiritual conviction you believe something is absolutely true a Lord Protector view eternal live the teachings of the church and not gonna budge the remains and strong people so easily moved when the storms come don't you know don't move at all because something that's absolutely wonderful sometimes is staying put is a powerful weapon but when you find out something standing still being put right through your abs you're moving and I'm standing still you're moving ever closer to our Lord Jesus Christ so don't forget even in being firm you're moving toward our Lord and the devil can't touch you in that situation number six you break it with fasting now turn fast of course up to powerful powerful cousins they're okay fasting of course in length asylum food primarily for a set period of time in order to focus entirely on Jesus there's many different ways of that and ask them music fascinating all kinds of different things okay but the key is seeking God and seeing which road is leading you to travel because God it doesn't make any sense for you to fast for sixteen hours not even a drop of water okay if you're not getting closer to Jesus okay go get pizza man okay if you're doing it just to do it what's the point behind that why are you fasting it closer to our Lord Jesus Christ okay that's why you do it alright because when you fast and pray you put yourself in a position of spiritual awareness you pick up on word much much more powerfully in deeply and you come to find out it's his presence through that particular devotion so to speak mixed all worthwhile all right but don't really think just to do it punch your ticket you do it to get closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and fasting is powerful when it comes to doing the things of the devil so a few more things to wrap up here okay I wouldn't calm about the evil one something else to keep in mind this this is absolute I'm married but you got to develop this constantly okay and now that was his humility the devil is going to go after you big time if you're a prideful why because he is frightful he sees that man of my whole way about the humility the more humble you are the less he's inclined to even launch in your neighborhood man and who forces the most humble the Blessed Virgin Mary he like me don't touch her he knows already how him should stop on his head ride with God humility is huge for us to have huge remember humility is not walking around saying mama Boozer Rommel us camasta humility humility is merely putting God first in every aspect of your life there also is the ability to see and recognize the truth about yourself just that's important the kids keep this in mind okay our Blessed Virgin Mary our mother she said may be done to me according to your will our Lord Jesus Christ said not as I will but as you will remember heaven is full of people who said thy will be done he'll be full of people who said my will be done keep that clearly in mind okay the next thing to do is do your best to constantly be in the state of grace all right you know how it is he lured the freshmen come pretty good now I'll cancel for the right maybe to the parking lot okay turn on the car get ready to move okay let me cut you off this went back to this and go mounts that state of grace not now look at me here okay all right I got pull this off all right venial sins were taking care of we're beginning of mass right all right which means what go to Mass frequently and I got to tell you something I really do this is the part of my notes here tonight right now the Holy Spirit okay the day and age that we're living in right now in the agent scandal corruption perhaps in to the highest levels of our church let me go to Mass every day if we can you better get up strengthen protection here all right because otherwise how are we gonna know which way to go we didn't have what Jesus to show us a powerful navy skirt all right go to Mass with every new town that way you can have everything taken care of for you all right but also you can't go domestically motor operation pop it whatever you can the afternoon whatever that might be all right make use of these incredible incredible gifts that God has for us but remember we do receive the body blood soul and divinity of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist it means what you know everything that you need there's your encouragement there's your folks there's your protection right it's your go to Mass every day like I said nothing to be afraid of because you have everything you need I guess any attack of the devil how about the rosary or Divine Mercy chaplet one takes 15 20 minutes for those things with that but the protection from those are in this enormous all right don't forget about those as well also don't forget as you both the Virgin Mary's your protector okay the demons can not get in through our senses as easily as it could before but Mary is taking care of here okay not because respect football but Mary is the ultimate soccer mom she takes care of her kids baby okay all right Mary take care of her boys and girls here all right the devil won't be messing with her could you of course gave us the birth of our Savior all right keep Mary close to your heart and that being the case this mayor doesn't keep the stuff for herself she always takes us to her son but it takes us to the Father if you're number one devotion in your life is toward the hearts with the Immaculate Heart of Mary the Sacred Heart of Jesus your home if your home you're protected so the next step here put into your own all kinds of religious outfits you better be Kusa fits in every one of your bedrooms picture the Sacred Heart of Mary Magdalene excuse me sing our jesus met a lot of Maron Davis Sanctus okay but those things up all right it's a multi Bartok some blessed all take it home holy water bless your bed or anything else in the house less salt for your property powerful ways of you know holding off the enemy okay st. Joseph or what a powerful protector he is alright don't forget to include him in your daily prayers okay he'll definitely take care of you but they're always wise though to see which direction your life is headed that really is the key okay don't let the devil play me for a fool he'll show you a good time for a while you always later on you'll be there to pull the rug out and though you'll be miserable sinful defeated everything Al Gore doesn't want you mean of course got confession to take care of that but what happens though if you don't make it well what we do he'll make it um and you know how I'm gonna live in this palace he could die tomorrow the devil knows that is no bummer but he's not God is no one to die you know the hall was not going to live forever because one of the sneakiest ways of the devil tried to attack us and many of you have been through this is what dear the fear of what you know sometimes you give make that big conference or Haven but with Bible side-mounted looking pretty good what happens in the morning okay you had that breakfast burrito you had that person feels like eighty seven times in the past year isn't that something for you this morning oh man I'll blow it at all man if it got some bad chili or something there okay here you're all thinking of home [Music] fluttering all kinds all freaking out there okay all right there's a devil a fish behind because he has some experience what are you actually afraid of not being ready the darling that's what you're afraid of those Catholics for not afraid of dying we're going to go through life I have been living my life you are right if you're not afraid to die if you're living your lives right that temptation is never going to work all right so you're young that doesn't happen be wait to become 50 bouncer man hey yeah I guess look reason sometimes that okay they keep in mind if you're not afraid to die because you're ready every single day weapons taken out of the devil's arsenal he can use that at all the finally my brothers and sisters never forget your life here on earth man is short okay we live 100 years that's nothing that's two links of an arm eternity is forever mean that hell is forever the devil is gonna try and trick you every day into send a hundred years from now you're going to be being tormented in the fires of hell forever so what good is temporary pleasure than the penalty for is eternal torment don't be fool like I say you could die tomorrow apart as long as your souls with your body is infinite amount of divine mercy flowing from the Sacred Heart of Jesus always keep that path wide open you always have everything that we'll ever need regardless
Channel: Aquinas Newman Center
Views: 12,324
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic Studies, Fr. Michael DePalma, Aquinas Newman Center
Id: auNBNq9vWe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 31sec (3211 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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